HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 31WEDNESDA'. MAY41110,, 1147 .+/Ir ' t arF Rte. a71Tri +'. Y lr It 'rfi l:; THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO Members At Bruce South' District Annual;:Resolve That Sale Of airplane due Be Restricted T� Adults ".Canada':s Centennial What • • does: it mean you?" y ou? was the . theme,, when one' hundred and thirty Women's,'Institute.;m'embers from' Bruce: South district, .Many • •• • in Centennial` costume; gathered:. • fate Lucknow Town Hall. on may 26. Mrs. George. Whitby, ;district, president presided The address of welcome was 'giv- en by -Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall of the Kairshea Institute, hostess. branch and Mrs.. Kelvin Hender- • son,.Reed`s Corners replied Mrs Donald MacKinnon, secretary: treasurer read several letters . from., the Korean Child, who is sponsored by the•district Mrs'. Harry Lavis convener of.Historical•Research, reported: on, the' Officer's. Confer-:• ence held :in Guelph• this spririig.'. .A-humorous.monologue by Mrs. BillMcInnes` was much enjoyed. In her:pretident's address,,•Mrs. George Whitby enlarged on the:: theme; •stressing that. unity canonly be achieved if we'.Work hard enough at it.. Mrs,." Donald McCosh; in her final. report as F.'W, I.O,. board member, urged all'members to-pu. -forth an extra'effort in Centennial . year:.to further'the work .of• the, • •.Women's Institute. She~ reported that there are 1363 branches in Ontario with a- total ineinbers`ni . p •o f32;121 .. Lively,sing-songs were conducted • morning. and afternoon �y.b . Miss . •MpaHiargaret Rae, accom d ed by Mrs. Ross,Cumming. At the noon our •a bounteous •luncheon was ser- ' ved in the Legion Rooms by the Kairshea institute.. ; . ,,, .. .;An In Memoriam' ceremony rn was conducted. by Mrs; Win; Evans of• Whitechurch. Mrs. Ida Holder, area convener bf Public Relations•, wasuest 'speaker„ choosing the subject "Looking forward•with the Women's Institutes" ., She likened' the WWomnen's Institute program to four sided rectange: social, '.adini'nistratve financial and eddy cational; and these must be .ke .t in the proper perspective. •Mrs ' Donald Blue, RiPy. le .... Museum representative, reported several .additions and improve= rents at the Pioneer Home and • announced . that a: log school was • to be placed next to •the pioneer, hone: A' resolution, presented by • cardine• Branch, tat the sale of .'airplaneor sniffing glue berestri- cted toadults and a record of sales kept, was.-ilpheid .by the group; and' passed to 'area, level, • ' •'Prizes for Centennial'costumes. were donated. by Wm; Schmid and presented to Mrs. Cliff Hewitt of. Bervie for the best authentic cos- tumand to Mrs. Oscar Norman , Tivertono for' the best home sewn . costume. ' Miss Joan, Anderson, Bruce County Home Economist reported that 560 girls had'completed their' 4-H• Homemaking projects, with 25receivins provincial honours, ;last year. . . Readings.'on Centennial thoughts 'were, given by Mrs. Cliff Hewitt and Mrs. John. Bushell of..'Berv.ie . ' Mrs. ,Ronald S1ade, Armow presented the slate of officers for the coming year and the following were electedPast President - Mrs. . Francis Gerrimell; Ripley; President Mrs.'. George Whitby. Lucknow; 1st Vice>President - Mrs: David Eadie, R. R:2, Wingham; 2nd Vice President Mrs. Cecil Holland,. R. R.1, Kincardine; 3rd Vice pre's- 'ident Mrs. Jobn'Goessell,. Kincar- dine; Se cretaryTreasurer' - Mrs. Donald MacKinnon, Lucknow;' Asst Secretary-Treasurer='Mrs. Angus McLeod , • R. It; 2,' Kincardine; Auditors - 'Mrs. Donald Courtney, R. 12.1, Ripley and Mrs. Kelvin Henderson , 'R. R.1; . Ripley; Federat- ed Representative - Mrs. •Armstrong Wilson, Lucknow Alternate Feder- ated Representative - Mrs, Francis Gemmell,,, Ripley; District Voting Delegate - Mrs. roe. Scott., Ripley; r Iec't District ,1''O Officers rs ' The district annual .of the Bruce South: district Women's Institute, was: held at the .Lucknow.Town Hall on Friday'of.last week. Pict- ured are some' of the officers; left to right are Mrs Donald MacKinn on of Eticknow., secretary -treasurer; Mrs r�Cecil Holland :of Kincardine,' second vice-president; Mrs. David Sadie .of Wingham, first, vice-pres-. idents Mrs.. George Whitby of. Lucknow, president re-elected fpr`' a second term; Many. of the. ladies attending chose centennial cos. tume:.. Photo By: Cantelon . Alternate. Voting Delegate Mrs. Ronald Thacker, R. R., 4, Kincar dine' Federation of Agriculture ;Representative-: Mrs. Donald dill- ies, R. R.,2, 'Ripley; Alt. Fed . of, Agriculture Representative - Mrs. Russell MacConneli'., R. R. 5 ; Kin- crdinei. Representative to Museum Board Mrs. Donald Blue, Ripley;. Representative to Scholarship .: Comruittee Mrs. Francis Gemma-. ell; Ripley,;' Alternate:to. Scholar ship Committee -. Mrs.. George Whitby, Lucknow; Representative •, y' Committee.- vari4 __. to Safet mmittee .-• Ivlrs E Keith, R. R. 5, Lucknow, Curator Mrs . Wm . Arnold',, Ripley, Public Relations Officer- Mrs, Russell MacConnell,. R. R.5., Kincardine;. Conveners Agriculture and Indust-. ries Mrs. 'Anus M`acLeod," R. R. ;2 Kincardine Citizenship and Bd . ucation -' Mrs. David Ireland, R. R, 2, Tee'swater:; Historical Research and Current :Events Mrs. Frank ,. 1vlaulden R. R, 2 Holyr', o`od; Home. Economics and Health - Mrs. Kelvin Henderson, R. Ral , Ripley; Resolutions Mrs, George Stewart k. R. 2, Ripley,,,, Junior. Activities - Miss Matson Ruttal, Teeswater. 'PAGE FIFTEEN USTCNI WEED 2f4D and M:C,.P '.. ATRAZINE` FOR. "CORN,; CALL MIKE SNOBLEN • Phone. Ripley 395-27.71. ardmilipadar. mew :COMPETITIVE' PRICES AND ACCURATE APPLICATIONS COURTESY hover Friday for Bride -Elect A: miscellaneous shower was held in honour of Miss Marlene Carter. in the Kairshea.`Hall Friday night May 19th, 1961'Mrs•:.James Burt, chairman for the evening.read the following address: • • We are "gathered here tonight to honour another bride select. Mar lene grew up in this community, first living on the 10th concession of Kinloss Township, thence, to the 6th of : Kinloss, and attended ;this little red school house.; We all'wish her. 'success'and"happiness in• the' coming' years. We have,a little program planned for this • evening. '.. Mrs . Gilbert ,Hamilton -gave: a reading••a singsong was led by' . g,.. ;Mrs. Hdrvey Houston at the piano. Marion Wair played several se) . ectionson the piano. Marlene was then assisted by Donna" Burt in op-, ening her .gifts,: and Joanne Hayes read the .cards of congratulations; • Nancy. Bun 'and Aileen Carter : •' arranged the gifts for display._Bev. erly :Hedley , Robert .Burt •'and :Kar- •;. en.D(oelman carried in the gifts. The bride -'to -be then graciously. thanked _,the, ladies present and all those who: gave ,but were unable to attend',. for their 'many lovely 'and useful. gifts, .and invited them..:. to come and visit with'her at her, home in • Walkerton. All joined in singing "For she's a jolly good; ftellow" . A delicious lunch.was then. served by, Mrs :'4James Burt- and Mrs. Delbert .Hedley, hostesses .for :the •. eventby , assisted somethe oth- er ladies,present. th-er:ladies,present. Don'twaitfor:at big Ions'.: . _Rave your . insurance _ re_=_ viewednow -by an Xrt.de- pendent\agent ! • An .inde endent insur dnee.'agent represents ,sev-' eral companies.' .,He's free' to select companies which he knows will pay claims quickly, and fairly. When :you have a 'loss,, he'll help', ou..With` the details, see to,-- it o it that you're payl promptly, ,: . 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