HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 30PAGE FOURTEEN
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` At Wiarton
Last Tuesday L. D; H. S, took
part in the District Field . Meet •
held in, Wiarton,•Those taking
part in the Meet• were Saugeen,
Chesley, 'Warton, Kincardine:
and Lucknow. 'Two busloads, con --
taining •about sixty competitors
made the trip. 'The: students. are
proud. of Gertrude 'VanBeers who
'won:the medal as Runner-up in
the Senior,. Girls.
Final Exams
The final exams begin on Mon-
day. They will be written until.
the next ,Monday, June 12. The
spring prom will be. held June 16.
This year the big, dance of: the
year will complete the school
year 66/6+7.
. The Student's Council wishes that
anyone having bills. please send
thesein to •them, by June 15' or else
payment will not be made until
September. '
'Noel Mason
Mr . Mason and his Wife Carolyn
have two daughters Brenda and
Wendy. He was raised in'
•Tillsonburg: where he received his
early education.,
'He obtained'his B.A. and
(Bachelor of Physical Education)
from McMaster University;: Hamil-
Mr. Mason, worked : in mariufadtu -
ing and selling pharmaceuticals ,for
one year in Toronto. Then.he went
. to Waterford District High School
where he taught English and Physi-
cal •Education . At Annandale `H. S.
in Tillsonburg „he was Head of PhyL
sical Education. Department and al`
so •taught English ; Mr, Mason • •
became Vice-principal and, Head of
the English Department at North
Grenville -D. H..S. , Kemptville ,•
Ontario. Last September he. became
:principal of L D H.S. and' also
teaches' English to 11 and 12of the
Five Year Program. This fall Mr.,
Mason begins hieduties as princip
• al of Arthur' D 1-1.S.:'•
Mr Mason. always took a keen .
interest in the students and helped
start manY; other activities. He
started .a curling club. The Harmon
ettes wereanotherof his creations.
Grade 11 published a school choolnews-
ews-paper, The Telescope, under his . •
direction.. Mr 'Mason also found.
time to coach the Sr. „Boys',Basket-
ball Team. / n ' •
• Mr •Mason, as principal, has to
.arrange time -tables so, there are no
subjects crossing each other. All,
, the correspondence is answered' b
him. He acts as •disciplining head
He,must co-ordinate all activities;
both curricular:and extra -curricul
• ar t`o Make the best advantage of
time. His most 'important task is to
ensure that each student• receives:
the best possible chance 'of • • •
obtaining that 'education which .he•.
is best suited, for. To de this he
must interview parents and students
He, also is the man" whoP uts into
Hi -Tones '
.On•, Sunday, ' May 28, the rHi.
Tones, accompanied by Mr.. .Hall
went to Westfield United Church,
where they took part in a special •
Missionary service in the Sunday:
School. After the service, lunch
was served to allipresent and the
Hi -Tones favoured a very apprec- .
iative audience with several
effect the decisions of theschool
Mr. r Mason points out that the
many excursions, and .activities 'en
joyed by students, and the contin-
ual, improvements of facilities and �-
additon> of new; equipment and
supplies should .be •credited:,to the.' • •
School board. members. They re-
ceive fax too little praise for.
their hours of planning and investi;g
ating they'spend to insure •the best
education possible for each' •
individual student
Mr. Mason says that he has :enjo.•y-•
ed this year .more •than any other:
He was "working with' a very co •
operative staff and with responsible;
unsophisticated, . well-mannered ,.
students". He thoroughly enjoyed.
visiting with students outside of
class...He. found many of their dis •
cussions;interesting and; valuable :for
the students.•Thie most thrilling.
has '
p e of the year, he . feels, was; the
Expo trip, which• gave very many
students the chance to see'things
of great educational signifigance ' ,
for . very little ,expense whichord -n
it they ' may not have
seen. •
Mr. Mason is a great promoter.
He has given' L, D. H. S more
school •spirit than it has known • for
some time. Looking back on the
school year you can see the big.
events -: .carnival, Operetta •
Expo Trip, which have been put ,•
forth by Mr Mason:
• holastieallj,, he is ,a promoter
too. , Always he is read to:
Y ,
advise on study habits or:better
methods of learning. His English
classes make learning fun .. Mr. '
Mason, himself, is• very young at
heart and:. understanding. He'has,.
some' interesting views on life.''
The students enjoyed". h' year
� t�
under himvery. much. 'They 'feel
Mr'. Mason is a ,wonderful leader
and principal: They thought '
thou ht so ..
. p
much of him that they entered him
in the•"Principal of The Year"
contest st on C. K. L. W. ,. but because
we.were competing against schools
ten times the size of ours,. he did •
not wins. The students 'know he will
be as Well -liked' in his neW
and wish him the best, school'
(Too Late For, Last Week)'
An impressive service was .field on
Sunday for the young comnuni- '
cant class of Pine River United ;
church: M. ernbers joining were:
Peter' Walden; _Dennis Courtney,
,Martha, Humphrey`, ,Reid Liddle,
:till Elliott,.'Bruee Danforth, Donald
Mitchell, Dennis' Irwin,. Donald
Martin,',Grant Ferguson; Lee Leslie
Fry, Judith Ann Thorburn, Glen .•..
Wardell and tarry Cour
a y tney,,
Dennis Courtney, son of Robert
In• West Wawqnpsh
'Mrs, Jeremiah Cranston passed •
away at Pinecrest Manor Nursing.
Home, Lucknow on Friday. May
19th. She was in her 93rd year,
Mrs. Cranston was the former •
Mary Silvinia _Richardson, .laugh°-
ter of John Richardson and; Margar-
et, Philips. She was born in ;
Proton Township` on January.l5th
1875. '
On May .31st,, 1899, she married
Jeremiah Cranston. They farmed'
in West Wawanosh Township.. Mr.
Cranston passed away .in April
1932. Mrs. Cranston continued to
reside on their West Wawanosh
farm until about 1952'when' she .
moved to Lucknniw. : For the past
three ; years she has been at. Rine- •
crest Manor Nursing Home
Mrs. Cranston is survived' by two. .
sons John J. of Coilingwood and
William H. of R., R. 2,Auburn,
also three grandchildren, Jean;.
Ruth" and Cecil, Cranston. She
was .predeceased by two brothers,
Alexander and .John Henry, and, a;
sister Mrs. Jane 'Knox.
Funeral service' was^ held at',Mac-
Kenzie Memorial Chapel.'Luck
ow on Monday May; 22nd ,with •
interment at Dungannon Cemet-
er y.. Rev, Glen Wright of :Dun
gannon • United : Church conducted
the .service
Pallbearers were Robert 1vlcAll
aster, Donald • Thompson, Morley
Johnston, Murray Wilson,: Theo-
dore Redmond, . Gordon Smyth; :
Life Underwriters
Hear About Expo
AThe• Saugeen Association of the .
Life' Underwriters were hoststo
Owen Sound Association attheir
regular meeting at the Hartley
House,in Walkerton on May 19. "c
President Bert; Disch welcomed..
.uests from Owen SoundAssociat-
ion,• as well as one member front'
Siincoe-Muskoka O Association at •
Saugeen members were present
from Durham, 'Hanover, Walker-
ton,:' Lucknow and Wing ham;,
g. ,
Guest; speaker was Gordon Nairn
;o1Toronto, Toronto who is presently- assoc-
iated with the Public Relations
De�artment'.of '67
P Expo
i:1r.' Nairn disclosed much infor-
mation of value'to anyone •plann-
in'g.to attend .Expo. He also stated:
that there is a book now available •
in most book •stores' providing
compreh'eiisive `information about
Expo. 0
Mr.. Nairr/showed
pictu es of the buildings
and •
other areas of the .Expo Island.
The architectural design n of many
of the buildings is almost unbelie
vable'. J -Ie stated that the Canad
ian pavilion ocbvers 11 1/2 acres.
After a question and'answer• per-
iod Ivtr. Nairn left the meeting .
to, go to •the Walkerton Secondary
School to present the. same pictur-
es and information,
Pine Riv�r(hurC'h
Courtney of the second concession
of Huron, met with a painful•
accident last week. While '
•ridingon the back of his father's •
tractor, ,11e was thrown off when
the tractor struck rough ground,
Dennis suffered a broken leg. He
was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, •
London, by ambulance 'where he
will be hospitalized for some_
Mrs'. Helen Steel of Selkirk,
Ontario was a week=end guest of
r.'. and: Mrs. William Courtney.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st, 197
J&atoiceowe sokt„
Mr. and Mrs: Earl Elliott, Steve,
Joyce and:: Ian. motored to Detroit
on .Friday: morning where they
spent the weekend with Earl's .
mother and ,attended the wedding
. of 'June's :niece Miss ,Carol. Steven;
of Dearborn, Michigan. Miss ;
Nancy. Elliott of. Niagara Falls
.joined her family for the weekend
in Detroit. •
The Purple •.Grove W.I.'. will •
meet on Wednesday,' June 7th at
the •home of 'Mrs,. William
Mclnn'es.in Teeswater.
,Quite a': number' from here attend-
ed the W.I. District Annual. in
Lucknow on Friday-. •
Mr. and Mrs..Francis Boyle , and
family were Sunday guests; of Mr.
and. Mrs .. Aurel Armstrong and '
Mrs. A.Blue.of Paisley visited
for the .weekend with her dau ht-
er's family , Mr., and ,Mrs . Norval
Stanley and Fred, • '
Mrs. Claude Dore and boys of
Teeswater' spent Sunday afternoon
with Mrs. Dom Dore' and family.
Mr. and Mrs Don McCosh
ed on Sunday.with Mr. and :Mrs..
Hector Knight of Picton. The . •
McCoshes returned home on Mon-
Miss Deanna Doupe of Bradford •
spent the .weekend' at her home
:Heather Boyle spent Wednesda"
night with Vicki, Dore. Other visit-
ors with the Doses last week were'
Mrs z, William McInnes and Linda
of •Teeswater, Mrs. Gordon `McDon-
ald and girls, Margie Collins, • Cal-
vin Robertson, Stuart and Cecil
Dore, Roy' Collins ,%Mrs . Howard • '
., Rhody
Thompson and Mrs : 'Gerald
and Marilyn.
Mrs. William'; Might of Goderich
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Fire nn Thursday
The ; r f r of:
. large,, ba n on;the a m
and' Mrs. Charles Anderson
was com • letel ted b fire
P Y gut::.,. Y
Thursda: 'at noon• " Cause of•the'
blaze' is' unknown.
S • community
m ath • of: the omm
Y P ...Y ..y.
extended to .Rev . •'and Mrs .: G•:
Kaiser of the
gin' the sudden death
rand-ne .hew :Bobb' Kaiser, so
of Mr. and Mrs: Ross .Kaiser of •
An 'invitation_ is extended to
Zion ladies from Lucknow U.C.
`a �.costurne
to attend in•:centenni 1 .
"Ye: Olde; Th: rine C
Meeting,' June'6th'at)$: '.m..
g P
at• Lucknow ' United Church . •
Little Sally ,Chisholm•returned
home last', week after •spending,
:, .,
some time:in Wingham hospital
. John and .Kenneth Ritchie .and
Mrs I Hawkwood• visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don,
Hobbs nd familY of .Wiartoh. T
Hobbs farnil were former, resid'
e.,. Y • unit ."Mr.
nts of this comm y
Hobbs is employed with
O. P.P.
of Wiarton .
Mrs., Mary °Gere and: family of
Auburn visited,°on Sunday'eveni
with Ivir, and Mrs. Gordon, -Kirk
Mrs Joe Freeman Sr. and Mr
and 'Mrs . Joe Freeman Jr. , Don
en of Godericb visited
Mr. and 1v1rs. W.G [luhte"r ori
SundaandStevy., •
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods an
Ed: Blackwell of S•t l lelens firer
Sunda` visitors with Mr. and
Mrs.John Gardner.'
Mrs. Francis Boyle and family
Mr. arid,ivlrs. William Haldenby
were Sunday dinner guests•with Mr.
amilyt .
and Mrs. Burton Collins aril f