HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 29677
n.x.oLuchno. —. Phone sn-rus
Newfoundland is Tapir For!
The May meeting:of Reid's Cor-'
• ners: W.1. washeld on Thursday
• evening May. 25-wi h an attendance
of :fourteen . After. the opening
exercises, Mrs „Cecil Holland
presided and the secretaryMrs.
Cecil Holland read minutes, and cor
reso ndence.. The roll call WhatI
did for Centenual" • was well res
The topic 'relating to Newfound-
land,.,the last province to enter
Confederation, Was well gi'ven'by
•Irs.Donald Courtney. The ch
mate, industries (of which fishing
is the most important) also copper
mining:. manufactures of cotton
and knitted goods were also men-, ,
tioned . The GrenfellMission
where Sir Wilfrid Grenfell served '
as missionary was an interesting
Mrs. Perrin Lowry gave a, current
event relating to Newfoundland
The largest and most valuable
collection of Wesleyanna •in Canada
was presented.. by Premier Joseph
,Sriallwood to the United Church •
'Coughlan College,. After: the clos-
ing ode and :grace, the hostesses
Mrs.. Leonard Reid and Mrs. ' George
Messenger served a dainty lunch
and a'social•time 'was: enjoyed,
1966 GALAXIE 5N, 2 door hardtop,
1966 CHEVROLET, 4 door automatic, 6 'cylinder
1965 FORD custom •4. door, VI automatic'
1965 PONTIAC 4 'door • standard transmission
1965 CHEVROLET, 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatsc
1965 PONTIAC,,2: door Vi
1965 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, automatic transmission
1965 CHEVROLET,. '
..6 cylinder, auMnnatic •
1965 CHEVROLET, 6,cylinder, 2 door
1965 BUICK" Wildcat, 2 door :hardtop
1963 CHEVROLET,4 door
1902 METEOR, standard, 4 door
1961 CHEVROLET • 4 door
1960 RAMBLER, 4 Door, f Cylinder'
1959 FORD,.4 door,
1959 METEOR, 4 door hardtop
1958 PONTIAC. hardtopi
NONE 523-4342
Farmers:. Join In
March` At Ottawa:
Farmers who: joined in the march.
to the Parliament Buildings from
here were Bill Purdon, Elroy Laid-
law, Walter Elliott, Harold Gaunt,
and Miles St. ,Marie. They. left
Clinton in buses around midnight:
Tuesday and 'arri\ ed back' Thurs-
day after Midnight.•
'Mrs . "James Richardson; of San
Salvador visited ori Wednesday' .• ,•.
•with Mr, 'and Mrs. Charie's Tiffin.
She is spending.a few weeks with,
her sister' Mrs. Savage and
Mr. Savage of Moleswortli.:On 0
Saturday , June. 17th,.at• • 8:30 in.
Langside "church Mrs. Richardson
Will tell, of her work in San Salva-
Mr. and Mrs., Walter Sharp of •
•• Teeswater were'Sundayovisitors
, with . Mr . and •MrI. •Edwin Smyth:
and family . '
Mr. and Mrs; Jini Gaunt 'and • '
Janet of Exeter attended' anniver-' ,
•sary services•at Chalmers church '
on. Sunday' and visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Don Ross,
Those attending BruceSouth
•District 'Annual at•Lucknow on
'Friday were Mrs. Bill ,Evans,, Mrs;
Russel Gaunt, Mrs. Russel McGuire
and MO.: Frank Ross. ,
Callers on Sunday, at the 'home • of.
Mr and Mrs.:; Russel Ritchier'were, :'.
Mr, and Mrs: John McInnes of'.Kin •'.
loss, Mr.. and Mrs / Lester Falconer
"of Culross and Mrs':: Gordon -Ritchie
of Lucknow : • •
Mr .: and .Mrs.;.: •Gershon Johnston
of Wingham returned home on •
Tuesday after spending a few days
with Mr; and Mrs.'' -Rego- Peacock
and family and -Mrs.. :miry Pressick
and,Nancy Johnston of Barrie:
Mrs . Leroy Rintoul attended a
shower at Londesborough on Satur.-
day evening,;fer her. friend :.Miss
Lorna' Hallahan.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and: •
Mrs. Gordon McBurney were 'Rev.
Allan -Johnston, ,Brussels, 'Mt. and
Mrs ...Charles Shieli and Mrs . R..M.'
Shiell of Wingham
We are sorry to report Dave Mac-
Donald' was confined to Wingham
and District: Hospital last- week
The, community .wish him a .speedy
Quite 'a few from here visited `the;
funeral;pa'lor at Teeswater on Sun-
un day where the late Milas, MacMill-
'an rested and.'attended the; funeral:
'on Monday to Teeswater Cemetery,:
This community extends their
sympathy to the relatives.
Charlie` Moore of Burwash', was. on
holidays last week. ands visited with
his father. Arthur Moore and his •
sifter- Mrs: Dickson Mr. Dickson
and family. of . Belmore . On
Wednesday .Mr., Arthur Moore and
Charlie visited 'relatives at Orange,
'vine ..On the week' end Charlie 0 .
visited with 'Ivlr.. and Mrs, Stanley
•Moore arid family and Mr. and
Mrs:. Walter •James and family of
Woodstock •
Mark and Susie;Stewart,' children
of;Mr. and Mrs Nortnai Stewart •
of Lambeth,. spent last week with
Mr,. and Mrs... Walter Elliott while
their parents• accompanied grade.8
pupils of Lambeth to Expo. Mrs.'
Gordon Elliott of •'Wingham was also
a 'visitor over the week-end;.at the
'same home..
Mr...and Mrs . 'Donald Hayes of
Livonia Visited Wednesday with Mr,
and Mrs. Russel' Ritchie and Mr
and Mrs., Charles. Tiffin. • :. '
On Tuesday afternoon; -Mrs.
Mussel. 1v1cGuire., Mrs. Frank Ross, '•
Mrs, .Ezra Scholtz, Mrs. George... -
Walker and Mrs. Russel taunt met
at the home•of the President Mrs.
Bill Evans to arrange the yearly
prograrnme for' Whitechurch
Women's Institute..' '
On Thursday,Mr.'and Mrs'_ Fred
Tiffin and_ Mr. and Mrs ; Charles
Newlyweds To
eside In Guelph
' Hunibervale United Church,'
Weston, was the .scene for the.
wedding.of Mary Sandra Rogers of
Clarkson, Ontario •and' ames ohn .
k . J. J
Houston of Guelph on Saturday
April 22 at 6.30 pain. Thebride.
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs .
Lloyd': Rogers of: Clarkson ' The
room:sparents •are Mr., and Mrs..
Harvey'Houston of Holyrood •
A l
candle it chancel decorated
withellow snapdragons,:lar
yellow mums, blue iris, and floor.
candelabras complimented with • '
apple green candles decorated"the.
church. The aisle was decorated
with yellow carnations and,eucalyp=
Rev . H . •.Jones of Weston 'officiat
ed at the double 'ring ceremony..
Miss 'Gaynor. Jones :of Toronto'sang ,
The Lord's Prayer. and The Wedding
Hymn. "Miss Beth Barron .of Weston
was organist.; °
• The bride, .given in marriage by
her ;father, ' wore an empire style,
floor length sheath: gownof• white,
taffeta -finished peau'; de sole edged
with Swiss imported: traiingrose...
lace around..the neckline,elbow-,
lengthed sleeves and the slurt of •,
the gownA:- floor -length train
extended from the 'shoulders and
was .edged with lace .also'. A
gathered cathedral train :extended
from the waist.. A three=tiered ' .
elbow length -.veil of bridal illusion
was held by.four butterfly orchids • ,
and Was edged` with the same lace •
used on the gown'. She wore elbow
length gloves of peau de soie:and
carried' a tra'il'ing cascade of white
butterfly and'cattleya orchids' and.
green cymbidium orchids
The 'maid of honour, Miss' Carol ;
Burley of Weston,•wore; an Apple • °
Green peau de'soie floor -.length , <•
sheath gown with elbow length `
Tiffin were in London at St•
Joseph's Hospital. where Charlie
received treatment.. '
Mr'. and Mrs. Eric Evans and Mr,
and' Mrs. Harry Phillips of• High
Park were Sunday callers on his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans
and at the home of her aunt ,Miss .
Emma Richardson and Graham
Moffat of tangside
Mr, and Mrs. Albert' Coultes , •
and,Mr•.. and Mrs,' Norman Coultes
visited Sunday with their •Mother
Mrs. George Coultes'at HuronvieW.
Clinton .
Ink b' +. iliay -valor m M .•x. '.i•YIir •
`sleeves.; einpire style, cox plimen ..
ted with a floors en• t
1, , g, h train falling "
front the shoulders. "•'She wore a
headpiece of;Apple Green,tulle,
oulder len th • tr' •
g ., immed with app-
. `g p eau de
g and ;a green
Y :•
c mbidiurri:�orchisoie d inter hair.
Elbow PP length 'applele green gloves,
com leted the'ensenible. She
•carried a ion • •cascadeof. ellow
cymbidium :orchids and yellow
roses '
Miss' Joe Yg'.Ro ens. ' of Clarkson."'
sister of the bride, `Miss Linda, ,
Quinn of Weston, Miss Sharon Les
lie` of Weston, Miss Lois, Wilson' of
Meadowvale„and' Miss A. nne, Boyd
of Islington were' bridesmaids. The
They were dressed identical to the
;maid of honour., and carried long
cascades of green cymbidium
.orchidsand yellow roses„;.
•.' Kenneth Houston of Holyrood;
brother df,,the .groom, was best
man ;Ushers,: were Wallace Houst
on'of London,' brother of the groom .
Derwyn Taylor of Walkerton, cou ,
sin Of the. groom,.:, Tom Clancy of
Newport; New York, Larry:Chapin
of Rexdale and'Bill Spencer of
Colborne,•, cousin of the 'bride.'
The reception dinner wase held.
:in the Constellation Room of. Con=
stellatiori Hotel, Rexdale'••The .
head table was decorated with
yellow carnations and the guest
tables decorated with yellow mums.
Dinner .was followei. by, a dance. ,
The Bride's' mother wore a floor
length sheath gown'of champagne
'peau de sole with floor -length .lace'
coat, champagne accessories to•, •
;match and a corsage of. pink cym-.
bidium orchids. The groom's
mother'•wore a floor -length sheath
,gown of gold lace over gold peau
de some,, gold 'acces'sories Co'match
`and' a corsage .of.yellow cymbidium
orchids. • •
-Guests• attended from. Edmonton;,•
Riverhurst, Saskatchewanr Niagara
Falls; London;` New York Statex"
Barrie; Ottawa; Owen Sound; 'Sault . •
Ste Marie; Guelph;. Newmarket::<
Bowmanville; Luc know: and district;,
Belleville and district
For travelling the bride chose a, ;
three-pl navy Arid White woven
wool suit itli,navy accessories and
a corsage of white butterfly orchids
The.newiyw•eds chose the Eastern
U.S; A and Florida. for their '
Wedding; trip, '. • , "
'Mr, and• Mrs. Houston will reside '•
in Guelph. where the groorn is eri1 g