HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 28• PAGE 7`WELVE
Kairshea W.t, is Hostess To District
annual Friday, Donatelo Sports Trophy
The May Fleeting of Kairsl ea
Women's Institute was held Friday
afternoon at the, home of Mrs', •"
Donald J McKinnon Mrs . Lloyd
,'MacDougall, president',, and Mrs.
gvan•Keith; secretary -treasurer, •
were. in charge. ,,The„ Opening Ode
was.sung, the Mary Stewart collect
repeated•and scripture ;from Psalm•
70 vies' read by Mrs. Frank •Mac-
' The roll call waanswered-b
y •.
interesting 'items from .farm ,maga-
zines.. The minutes of the annual.
meeting Were read anti approved.
The treasurer's report showed a
better balance after the Calico
Ball and 'quilt ticket sales. Mrs,
A. MacLeod and Miss D. MacLeod
.were appointed delegates to the' •
District Annual.
Mrs. H. • Houston gave a :final
quilt report and Mrs.. Leonard, Mac
Innes' gave a detailed financial "
report on the Calico Ball A vote
of thanks was, given•to. the ladies'
Who had worked'on the
committees for these successful
Special meetings in the near
future are: District:Annual to' be
;held in Lucknow Town Hall Friday
'May 26th,: with :Kairshea W.I.
as hostess - 'Registration begins at
-9:30 a,m.; Bruce.County.Tartan
promotion meeting in Southamp-
ton Public School; May 24th at
8:30'p, m.; and an Ontario, 1-listor
°ical •Society.Convention in Port
Elgin, June15 16, 17,/18. Mrs.
'Hughes in ,reporting for the Hist
orical Society, mentioned that: a
display of Miss MacLeod's book
would be welcorned' at the June
16th meeting. Mrs. Hughes had
attended the.meeting in Tiverton
on Thursday evening and accepted
`the '$5 . Honourable mention prize
for our doll,exhibit
,• A letter was read from. Mr. Wm.
Black,; principal of Kinloss Central
School, requesting: a donation for:.
a sports trophy, A. motion Was
passed that five dollars be: donated
for this again this year An
invitation to.cater to..the'Grade .
V111 banquet to be held: in'Lucknow
Legion hall, June 'zoth, .was also
Mrs. Robert Gilchrist and Mrs.
Allan M:aclntyre;were appointed, to
the Fair Exhibit committee.
'Mrs. Ted Collyer reported from
the District Annual committee. . ,
" The noon menu,.is all planned` and
each memberwas advised -of her
duties. •
A meeting to plan' next year's
'programmes will -beheld in the.
,Kairshea Hall, June, &h.
Mrs . • Donald Macintyre took the
chair for the programme. Miss.
Dean MacLeod gave a splendid
motto onthe last two lines of the
Mary Stewart Collect . Mrs. Mac
.Intyre conducted an apple •contest
Mrs. Harry Lavin,had beer a.dist-
rict delegate •t0 the Annual Prov-'
incial Officer's. Conference •in
Guelph May 3,and 4 and gave an •
interesting report of the meetings:,.
At Wedding
, Mt. and' Mrs. Wm. T,; Carter,
Patty , Michael and. Donna , from
Sparantsburg P, A, visited over
this past week -end at the dome Of
Mr, and; Mrs. Peter Carter and
family of i2folyrood, and attended•
the. Bailey -Carter wedding and ,
reception in Walkerton .on Satur.
day, ,May 27th•'.
-Other guests from this vicinity
attending besides other relatives.
Were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hous=,'
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMill-
an, ,Mt. and Mrs.. James Btirt and
Mr, and Mrs. 'Delbert Hedley.
including itemsfrom speeches.
given by Dr. MacLachlan and'. Dr..
Ethel Chapman.' Wednesday even-
ing delegates weretaken on a bus
trip to the Adelaide Hoodless
Mrs, Frank MacKenzie conducted
a good Charade contest with mem-
bers acting • out proverbs. ' Mrs.
MacKenzie also gavelhe courtesy
remarks, After'the singing. of the
Queen and. the Institute grace; 'a
delicious ;lunch .was served by the
hostess and directors Mrs. F. Mac-
Kenzie and ,Mrs. 1).C. Maclntyre. .
Fall Convention To Be In Lucknow
District 10 Agricultural Societies
met. Wednesday.at Ayton'Cormm.
unity. Centre for their, Convention.
After a banquet dinner the 150,
delegates froth. 24 Societies heard
the guest speaker., Farquhar Oliver-
M. P.P.
F. A, Lashley from the Depart-
ment of Agriculture and' Food in
Toronto brought the .meeting up
to date `on grants that are available,
to Agricultural Societies.
Mr. Lashley stated that the.
Department would likeevery Ag-
riculturai Society to promote a •
Farm Beautification competition.
in place' of a field crop competit
ion•and that dollar for dollar prize
money would be available in
grants; Mr, Gear also, stated' an ,
additional $1 for $1 grant from the
county was obtainable: for the
same purpose.
Mr. Grant Seweiger:.of Grey
County also drew attention to the
same competition for"Grey,
. Mrs . 1,B. Sharpe reported on
•the ladies, work in Fairs .and call.
ed on*Mrs G. Ironside, Secretary
of the.Ontario AgriculturalSoci-
eties, ladies division; who
brought: greetings.' ' •
,pardon -Patterson of Ripley con
ducted a'questiorl and answer
period., •
• The Invitation to hold the 'Fall
Convention in Lucknow was; accep
ted and Mrs, Oliver
McCharles, associate ladies
director, brought the courtesies,,.
In the report on the trip to
Expo. Ches Merriam:•of Tara Stat-
ed that anyone: wishing to go. to.
Expo by train from. October 17 to
20 could make application to him
With a' cheque for $55 which pays
for train fare, tickets to Exp9 and,
accomodation; The train will leave`
from various points In Bruce and
Grey Counties on Tuesday, •
October 17th, returning Friday,,
October 20th.• More information
can be had by writing Mr . Merriam
at Tara.
Those important events in your,Eamily interest OMSIP too! The OntarioMedical.:
Services Insurance Plan needs your'help inkeeping your file•up-t•o-date:.. so that,:,
for instance, you 'get instant coverage of your -new' baby•;.or your own cover-
age when you turn twenty, one...peThaps even .reduced rales if: you should lose
your incom.et ,
We suggest you, tear out this check -list and:•keep it handy and do letaus know .
about these.changes in your family.
A Change of Address: Moving 's 9 busy time, butplease take a. minute: to drop us
a' line.'
Marital StatusWhenyou. get married,you'II want to.pu:f .your wife op.your own
OIv1SIP contract:
'Birth. Please advise'.OMSCP"'within' '30 days after the baby is born or adopted,
so you'llget effective'coverage immediately. Otherwise; there's.a 3,month.wait:
ing period after. noti{rection. '
Turning twenty-one When a dependant comes of age, he ,is no longer covered ''�
• by his parent's contract and must takeout'his own. coverage: Again; let us
within 30 days for con.tinuo.us coverage;.'or you must :expect.a •3 month waiting'....'
,'period after notification.
Loss in Income: If your income is reduced or stopped because of,unemployment,
illness„, disability or retirement, you may be 'eligible .for. premium assistance,
Please' make special application' to OMSIP.
Old Age Pension. If you arereceivin;g,Federal OId Age Security, you do not re-
ceive OMSIP coverage autornoticaIIy: So ifyou wish to join OMSIP, please apply:
Death, Upon the death of a .contract holder, the new head Of household should;
notify OMSIP. Please.Iet ,us knowas well if q: dependant dies.
"This information, kept up-to=date in your file, helps make; sure your OMSIP claims.
'are settled fast: But whenever you write. OMSIP; be; sure to.'include your name,
address and'contract number: Address all OMSIP correspondence to: MIP;
135 Si.'Clair Ave, W.,, -Toronto 7, Ontario. •
OMSIP hep pay your doctor bills,...OMSIP goys 90%of O.M.A.schedule4ees,