HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 27•'WEDNESDAY, MAY 310, '190
WNW. m4untlit
•Wr:..i.TINikarAW/P ;74/411
Mrs.'.Bill .Gibson
New Treasurer
The May meeting of the: Lucknow
Presbyterian' Evening Auxiliary 'vas'
:held;onTuesday evening at the .
. horne of Mrs, Don Robertson:; with
twenty-two:'ladies present.. Mrs,,
Bert ,Gammie, who was •in the
Chair, opened the meeting with
..the Call to Worship and prayer:
• Following the opening, hyrnn;. Mrs
:Otto Petersen read the Scripture
and gave the meditation entitled, •
"What'is Life For?" . 'Mrs.. Maud.
Sherwood read several articles from
• the GiadT.idin s including g "A • '
Tribute to the -late Miss Marion.
.Williamson" of Winghams,
who '
spent twenty-seven
years. as a: Miss-
ionary teacher on the 'Bhil•.Field 'in• .
Y •
•ati were taken �f ':the Bale
.Don ons o� .
Mrs,' Bill Gibson was chosen•as
auxiliary treasurer, 'succeeding Mrs
Ross Christian.-
Mrs, : Don Robertson ' ave ;an in-.
teresting report ;on the Hamilton
• ...and London;'S .Y:nodical, held : in St.
Andrew's Church in Stratford in;',
'April. The theme:for the meetings
•was "Faith of:otir Fathers".; Mrs:
'Jack Fisher presented the, Topic -
"The Growth of':t:he church in,West
' • ern Canada". She was assisted by
Mrs; Ross;Gammie, Mrs. ,Leonard
• , MacDonald Mrs.• .Stewart. Mullin
'' and Mrs Jim Aitchison. ,
Ross Gammie mmie expressed:' '
thanks to Mrs. Robertson for her
tY. • '" •" •.
The meeting closed. with a hymn
.and prayer by: Mrs Jim Aitchison,
': 'A social ha f hour f '
1 followed.'
L�caI.: People At
Hanover •Sen•!nar
Members of the local congreg-
ation of Jehovah's•. Witnesses' have
recently attended a three day
;' seminar in Hanover which
saw attendance. figures reach 7?1.
Discourses and de ' `'
enrphasized theimportance of,.
building and maintaining - a Christ-
ian faith that endures.
A'ba ;tismal -
P serVice v e was conduct
ed 'Saturda ' afternoon by..
tague Mais;.: District Supervisor of
Jehovah's W'tnes'se
. t es. Before tile" . �,,
candidates` were to
ken for water.` " -
immersion Mr '
Mats explained
'' this to be a serious
steptaken by.
. each,Of Jehovah's Witnesses to sign-
ify a personal dedication to God.
The feature of the assembly
which aroused the most ennthusiasm
• was the filth showing Sunday'after-
..noon on the. subject', "God''Cannot:
Lie Expressing the feelings of
Witnesses attending, Mr. ,Mais said
"In an :age, when it is becoming
fashionable to say that "God
dead'., it is thrilling for honest. n
• hearted ;persons to :see evidence ,by
the"medium of motion pictures thatt
God indeed is alive and is woriin
out his ,p p ur..ose- r•
s for earth. and• man
upon it" , • • •
Further describing features of the
film; the "Awake" .magazine.one
of Jehovah's Witnesses main dour-'.
nals With a circulation. of
B,950,,000•.magaziries•; : et month
and printed in 26 languages
• comnment•s, "Itprovides
,t. opportuni-
ty to view physical evidences that
corroborate what God, throtrgh,his
' inspired prophets',. said concerning.
At Hobo Teas
The May meeting of Hackett's.
11.C; W. was held at the home: of
Mrs. Ralph Cameron on Thursday,
May 18th. The President Mrs. .
Bert Alton,: Opened the meeting
with .a;poem "Song of 13th Century
Peasant" The hymn "0 Happy
home,, where Thou art loved the
,Dearest", 'wassung, followed by. •
the repeating of, "The Lord's Prayer'
Mrs. Marvin Scott.took the
"Devotions". With "Mother" as her
theme. Mrs ..Ralph Cameron read
the. Scripture, 'followed by a read-
ing and •a prayer. : •
Mrs. 'Frank Alton read a
.htirnorotisr reading called ." Friday's
Bargain Day"', followed. by two,'
.poems, "What does It Matter" and
Life's :Gra'ndest Thing". The hymn
','HaPPY "the.home when •Gothis
there :was sung followed :by the
• roll call' which .was to be answered
with a verse with "Mother" 17:
adults and 6 `children were present.
Mrs. •Barry'Hackett read the min
Utes from the April :meeting.,
1 i:: Kaiser took the Study 'Book
Mr :parry Hackett read an:interest
inf chapter from the book; "The
Church • Where' The, Action .Ii" •.
Collection was received.
"Hackett's Garden Party" will be
held on.,Tuesday,' June the. 6th, in.•
.the church basement. Th •" rand
m` ther s tin
o meet be
will held
.Hackett s church on June l5th.:•The
exciting."Hobo Teas" areover and.
:collection was $87..00
• The hymn "When mothers -of
Salem"' was sung;:.Mrs Bert Alton
closed the meeting with:`a prayer:
Lunch .was served by the:hostess'
and Mrs.: Alvin Alton, on, followed• y
the Plant.and:Buke Sale.''
Lan side C C
Langside C.O.C. heldtheir first..
meeting oirSunday, May. 21' in the
Community: Hall during the church
service:.: '
Mrs. George Conlan is leader
with Mrs. Jim Young and Janice
Wall as assistants. Carolyn Mac-
Gllivray was pianist.
Nancy de .Boer' presided .for,:the
meeting . '."Jesus' bids .us shine" was
sung and Douglas 'Wall read the
Scripture, followed with /prayer by ;
Nancy de Boer. The roil 'call, was.
answered by 19 members. The
officers for the year were elected.
Nancy de Boer will be secretary
and Douglas Wall treasurer. TheR
offering was received'by Kenny,
Dore., with Robert, Bregman'giving
the offertory prayer. The study
book.'Blazing•Trails in Canada".
was introduced. by Mrs. Jim Young
"Can; a' little child like me" : was
sung and they meeting 'closed by
repeating the. Lord's prayer in
unison. • ' • • °
'There will be no service at' Lang -
side next Sunday because of the
anniversary services at Whitechurch
places and events in the Bible
Lands;"' The effect ,of seeing such
places as •Petra, Megiddo, Tyre.
and others in connection with y
Bible prophecy, caused Mrs: Jack -
Brodie. to exclaim, "Whoever, said
a picture is worth a thousand words
certainly spoke the truth"
t, Helens U.C�1
ir�.lune Tea-
The May Meeting of St.. • Helen's
•U. C. W. was held; at the home of
Mrs. Simon De Boer with an atten-
dance of 19 ;Mrs. T.J. Todd,
President; opened the meeting with
a hymn, and "The Lord's Prayer"in
The roll call was responded. to •
withefts lot a r
g bale.,
Mrs. E. W. 'Rice,. ;as convener of
the .program. opened: the meeting
with Prayer and the Hymn "Faith :-
of bur Fathers" . The scripture was
read by Mrs;' Frank McQuillin;,
Mrs. ; Hartley Webb Lead "part.. of
the, study on the Congo. Mrs:
Harvey 'C'arrick.•gave an interesting
story of Canada: which. was follow-
ed with the hymn "Saviour Like. a
Shepherd lead us" Mrs. John'
Cameron: read a humorous story
of an old time Religious Service
.in the West ; which was typical a
many :Services in. past years. :
• .•Mrs, E: W. Rice gave the topic
•frorn•the study book "The church,
grows in .Canada
Hymn "Q;GodOur Help In Ages.
Past" and; .prayer,by•Mrs;. Willis.•
closed this part ofthe meeting.
Mrs..' Frank McQuillin; .secretary,
rearthe minutes and Mrs. Gordon.
MacPherson gave the trea`surer's
report:, which showed a balance on
hand of, $104.66.:' •
The Committee; in "charge of the
"June Tea'' 'met and. made plans,
the date being Thursday , lune '22
at 2;30 p.m..; with°neighboring -.
U.C.W.• Organizations being
invited, It was decided to dispense
With a bake sale at:this tea.
A nurnber of ladies handed in pot
holders, for the fall bazaar. June '
'donation is'to be aprons.
The meeting .closed 'with a h ;rnn
and prayer. by Rev.. A. E., .Willis .
Lunch' w as served • by
hostesses Mrs
Willis .and Mrs Gordon •MacPher.
:On Sunday,at the'United Chinch
u .
the Messengers held their .Meeting
in the Sunday. School room during
-church service
' •The President Milton Purdon gave
the Call to Worship.,
All repeated" in unison the hymn -
This is myFather's World ..
.The Scri tare wasp read by Janet
Sleightholm . ,
• Prayer was given by,Earl Thomp
son. ;The Offering was received by
Murray Gibb and ,dedicated by
Linda.Purdon Eleven answered
the .roll call,.' The superintendent:
Mrs: `Dave Gibb` handed` out the .
,Mite• Boxes,
In the absence :of Mrs'. E.:Slei ht
• holm, Mrs. Clifford ,Laidlaw told
the. Juniors'a scripture story.. Mrs.
Gibbgave the Senior `story "Trap
Line'North in 1900"'from the'Study
Book "Blazing Trails in Canada".
Mrs, Gibb closed•.the meeting
with, prayer. '•
Calvin-Bri ek'. Messengers. held
their service •on•Sunday forenoon
- in the Church -The leader
Doris Coultes and the pianist
Marian McGee.
The theme was;. The Power of
f Kindness . Marilyn Robertson read
the scripture.,Doris Coultes gave
the comment on the scripture.
Joyce Taylor led•in prayer'.. The
Herald. Report' was given by Lorna'
Mason. Douglas Shiell and Michael
Moore received the offering°which
was dedicated by Doris Coultes.
The Story "Practice the Music of
Kindness" was given by;Mrs..
Taylor. Darlene Coultes gavethe
poen! "Friends of Jesus"
.All then went 'to. their classes
C.GI.T.l.anquet For
MysteryM�thers To
Canada was"the theme for the.
C.•G.. I, T. banquet held: in the
Lacknow :Presbyterian Church
Monday, May 29th." The church
was attractively decorated• with •
flags, red • and white streamers
and red and' white flowers for this ';
Opportunity, for the girls to enter
tain • their.mothers, and mystery..
mothers Rev. -Laird Stirlingsaid
grace. •'
After a turkey dinner, Donna
Mullin, President Of. the.C.
`was chairlady for:the program.
Bonnie Maize proposed: a toast to
the 'mothers' and Mrs.. L' Loyd • Hall
gave. a .Very suitable;rep y. Ruth
Brooks proposed •the toast ,to the
Calvin-Brickheld their anniver
sary:services Sttnday at 11 a.m.;
with .the, messy e. ;in music being
iven bythe.. Children's Choir and,
ianists Jim Robertson and Ronald •
McBurney.' Mrs. Norman Coultes •
and''Mrs Sidney Thompson assist--
edt ` t in of the choir.
' 'in • he rain
Rev. Allan' Johnston of Brussels
gave .the message
proving t.
o his
'that God is `still alive•
today as • He was: in Bible. times
: Anniversar services were
� •conducted a :Chalmers .PresbY
church on Sunday at 11a.m
and 8 •m. byFrank.Whilsmith .
P� •
••of -Toronto chairman of the
General Assembly's`•Presb terian
Record Committee and Vice
Chairman of the National Comm.'
ittee, for Presbyterian men as: well,
as other offices in church work '
• At the morning,"service the mess-•
ages.in'sang were 'choir Anthem,.
Holy, Spirit 'Come and God is still
on the Throne and 'm en's chorus
Blessed Assurance,
in the eveningthe Choir anthem
Jesus .,Is Dearer Than All, 'a duet.
In The• Garden by'Mr • and Mrs'. •
Murray Gaunt and a men's chorus',
Leaning :On The Everlasting Arms
Were heard.
Mr`. Whilsmith proved to be :a
very interesting:speaker and .at
both services gave messages con-
taining., much food for thought and
,roved how': active one can be in
Christian work .
• F • w' • *' • i
Fifty years, ago a .young farmer
from Huron Township came to
• Whitechurch Methodist.circuit •
which at that time consisted of
Whitechurch, Tiffins and Bethel. ,
He came as a candidate for. the
Methodist Ministryand stayed for
two years. He :completed- his.
education at Victoria' College,
Toronto .
in the years that have' followed
Rev, ,Duncan MacTavish has
r`at etrope
London,edSt Ex
Catherter,inPortes and Bel
ville .
He, returns on. Sunday:, June 4th'
to. Whitechurch,` after fifty
'years, for anniversary services at •.
11 a.rn. and 8 p;n7. In the morn-
ing he will bring a centennial
message on "Holy Ground" . In
the, evening he will .preach on.
"Does Life, Begin. at Forty?
Whitechurch congregations"look
forward to haying this servant
the church for this occasion..The
public•are cordially invited to
attend the services'. The Rev.
George Mitchell, local,minister,.
will preside at these services. '
Also in the evening the Harnony
Men will give the n1essage
music., n "
r: ?�R - � �� a �Y �"O �-.Mt 11111411MM '4.7
Mothers. And`
Bring dear To Gose
mystery mothers and Mrs, Morgan
Henderson replied, encouraging
the girls to remain faithful to their.
training, , wherever they should go.,
Donna Mullin played a piano sole.
and the„ girls„ all sang ,Canada,,:
Four of the girls; Donna Mullin',;
Bonnie Maize; Brenda Jardine and; ,
Donna' Forster told of their trip to
Expo and Mrs. Gordon 'Montgomery
showed Expo slides. Rev. R. Mac-
Leod gave the closing remarks: and
Benediction This: brings to: a close;:
a very successful year of the
Kinlough• WMS
Mrs,'Donald Robertson was hostess'.
• for theMay meeting of the
:lough Presbyterian W.M.S. The
hymn ."Softly and: Tenderly". • was
used • to open the meeting. •Mrs.
Robertson'presided and used: a short:
'meditation based on Eph; 6:24 as,a•
,prelude to the study. The Lord's
Prayer followed..
The roll call:was•answ'ered by, a
verse containing the word "redeem';
Business followed and centred
mainly around a 'Centennial pro-
ject further details of which wil
,,be worked. out later.
edA for ChurchJune cle16thg•anin bee is sch• edul- .,../77\
:An `invitation Was- 'aceeP ted to
join •with Teeswate'r •W. M. S; for
their.Home:'Heiers Meetin •on
p Meeting
.June lst'at '.2r30.,
• Icon Mrs ; Don' ;Robertson ,..Mrs . .om .
McDonald and Mrs. Frank"'Maulden:.
signified their intention of attend
frig the 'meetin . of • Maitland. Pres
byterial being held in:Winghani on :
•,Miss Winnifred.; Percy, and ,Mrs.
-Donald, McEwan.:were program;
conveners,: with. Misi Percy pre")
The; Scripture. was taken from: Acts
and read.. by Mrs.';•FranklMaulden. `
' With-: this were •questions upon
vfhich there•was discussion, and
P.onWith the'early. ch
•com ar' h ' arch
i � .
and early settlers of our Lana.,
artPr'MayeDona;wler asd'.offered byavirs ' Stew-
The Study was on' the North_
.`AmericanIndians and Miss
Winnifred'Perc read some .ver
interesting anformation''aboutthem
'arid also listed a number of Indians.
who had made a ver si$ nificant
.:contribution -to: the life. of our:'
Followin `this,groups'were'•form•;
S. . gP
ed and were given informationon
various' phases of Indian Life and':
each group :was asked• to answer
questions. on saine., ThisP 'rov'ed
both' interesting and informative.
Mrs:.' Gordon McDonald read a :
Poem "We've'done our part" .
Couxrtesy remarks were given by,.
Mrs. 'Sutton.
The Miz ah Beneiction. and
.d •
Grace closed 'the meeting, after
which a delicious lunch was served,'
by the hostess and helpers
Beef calf
The first meeting of the Lu_at
4-H: Beef ,Calf Club was held
the_farrn of Andrew 'Gaunt .o
With all members:presentthe
Meeting was'opened with the 4-,H
pledge. Two classes' of Shor
cattle were judged. After the
Meeting a good lunch was served
by. Mrs. Gaunt..,