HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 26N ' THE• LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW.ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY MAY 31st; 1947 N.G FAIR WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST EXHIBIT OF kIVESTdCK CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK - Y„ JUNE 3r4.. AFTERNOON AND 'EVENING PROGRAMMES •FRIDAY NIGHT JUNE 2 " • fdidway. SATURDAY, JUNE 3 CASH PRIZES Heavyhorses- Light fierses Pallet Market Cattle Beef. Cattle Dairy Cattle Sheep ,4!. Swine . Poultry Pets .7 Rabbits, • 4-11 -Classes •••• • • • • • M.L. 'TORY" GREGG, MASTER OF'. CEREMONIES • Parade 1 p.m — (*fide! 'Opening 2:00 Baby Show 2:30 Livestock Parade 3:30 'Midway °7-- Farm. Machinery Diaplay • Mu,. Rieke. Lunch CoOnter, Band and Judging '7 p.m. Square Dance Competition Pres. j. T. .Vaneginoncli R.R. 1 ClintOn''. ;•E ,t? Ch.�iner.s•w.i.s.. ,WFIITECHURCH NiWS, Chalmers. W. M.S.• -held_ their • May meeting at the home of Mrs. H. D.MacDonald 611 Wednesday afternoon at t p.m. with the Pres - idem Mrs. Victor Ernersonlpresid- ing. She opened the, meeting by extending a warm welcome to all • and to Mrs: Burrows• a newcomer to the village . • •Mrs. Emerson gave the poem "Dear Little'Church of Mine". The •• Glad Tiding. Prayer was given by Mrs. Donald ,Watt. The roll Call was answered by a Bible verse with Word Beloved..by 17:,members. . . The Scripture was read by •Mrs. , ' Mewhinney .A. missionary letter. from Lilian Dickson was.readby' McInnes ;and Mrs. John:- -0• • : stun Conn: Arading Grace Of Gratitude was given by Mrs. • Mewhinney • . The topic, Bless the LOrd,0 my sotd ancrfOrget not all his benefits, was the text chosen by Mri:, AndreW Gaunt. This is a very-fitting,verie for Canadians in the Centennial year We We think of our grandparents 190 years before cominito a new. country of forest, how they first homes for' themselves and then a Church showing they realized their dependence on God; Do . ' people today realize the same de- ' pendence? Are folks today self- sufficient'? "This Is a country of • .opportunity 7 public, high schools` and universities. These privileges all bring resp,Onsibilities. We mast be thankful 'and cry out, "Bless the Lord 0 my.soul":,Practise•giving thanks fi5r our country and say - 0,1'1 • Bless. the Lord 0 My soul. Mrs. johnston(Conn gave the • Reading - National Song from /Miss Dean 'McLeod's book. The collect- ion was received arid dedicated by •Mrs.. al -Jerson. The minutes. were . read by Secretary Mrs. Russel Ross: It was decided t'oaccept the tnvlt- ation from Bluevale- U. C. W. to 'attend their.reeting June lit at „their babies will be,,bornio prison". p.m.. Sileht".prayer for. the sick, ' Termsoffrom one andI a half io - - followed by prayer by.Mrs. EMer- five and a half Monthkhave been spri; was gtvefi. •set for thirty nine 'of those convict7 The _meeting Cloied with prayer ed. Ten were given, suspended • by MrS..Ernerson: sentences. All forty-nine were • LADIES AID . fined from $47. to $170. arid must . . v 'lETY Sec.-Treas. W. G. Riehl, Clinton • ' . • Protest Persecution finesses 'Ralph Brcidie, presiding Minister of the Dungannon Congregation pfle- hovah's Witnesses, has reported that the thirty-two members assembled: for the weekly ministry school . session at the Kingdorn.Hall unani- irnoaslY approVed•A public. protest of . the persecution of Jehovah's • Witnesses in Portugal.. • The expression of the Congregation followed a report on recent develop.. merits in Portugal in an; appeal of: the Witnesses to the Supreine'Conrt of that Mr. Brodie told the local congregation that the Supreme Court ,of Portugal had , 'on February 22 of this' year, upheld the convict ion of fOrty7ninePortaguese Wit- nessei arrested in int* of 1985 for • attending a Bible meeting They make up the entire adult member- ship..Of the Feijo congregation. PoliceInvided a private horde thet and'brOlce up' religious services. You will be shocked" olhe told . the loFal group, "to hear that these Christians .were Charged by the Plenary, Court of Lisbonwith being guiltyof a: crirrie against the secur- ity of the state". It was ridiculous. he added; for anyone to think of' these harifiless Christians as a secur- ity risk: He, explained, is' most_ interesting that the prosecution pro- duced no witnesses to back up the charges.* no evidence to. show, guilt at any time during the three' day trial. Hence it was unreason- able:for the supreme•Court: to 'up -- hold these convictions. :He claim».. ed that t11.0 Portuguese press, sit-, O nificantly; had not reported the. '• • CoUrt• sedetision to' thepablic. • 7 Evert more:shocking," the con `gregation:Was told ."will be, the : results for the families involVedo Thirty-five of those convicted are women who.will be taken away froni.their families. Two of the women ate expectant mothers. The Ladies Aid meeting followed • Nrs H.p. Ma6Donald, treasnrer.; gave the financial,stateMent. Mrs: • • .Andrew Gaunt was to'contact , . . 4 aareraxer Mrs: Jahn Gaunt as to when.the wished help t0, clean the church prior to Anniversary. The meeting closed with the Benediction. The hostess, Mr. 14,ID. Maclionald served lanCh'. 0• - • pay,couit costs Of $35. each:. ' The hope was expressed that ',. publieawareness of the treatment of a minorit religious group in Portugal Might. yet bring relief to ' the Witnesses there. • Wear rubber :gloves When cut- ting oni go, you don't 'get the • stro- smell on your hands: O Hamiiton Minister At Anniversary .KINLOSS NEWS, , The 111th Anniversary of South • Kinloss.Presbyterian church was cobserved on Sunday. May. 28th. Dr. Hugh Jack iof St. David's Church, Hamilton preached inspir- • ,ing serrnbis. The morning topic was "Running the Straight Race" and in the evening"'Riches and , Poverty" . • • • • • • Glen Lodge of Goderich was guest soloist'. The choir, under leadership of Frank MacKenzie and organist Mrs: Herb Buckten,. , , provided special music. Spring flowers werearrangedby Mrs. -Alex MacLeod who has rend- ered this serVice, for many years . • Chalmeri-c.0c ,..WIIITECHTJRaf NEWS Chalmers C.O.c. held their Meeting in the ,StindaY'Schoot room during church ,service.• The•President Paul Elliott gave the to. Worship The C..0" C. hymn was sung! Paul Laidlaw read. •.the Scripture..Donglas Ross gave the prayer after ..which all joined in the Responsive Prayer. The minutes of theltieeting were read, by Murray: Simpson . , : • The roll' call was answered by 20 members :naming'a spring flower. The offering 'was received•by Don-. ald_Watt and dedicated by Mrs. 'Earl Caslick. Debbie Reynolds gave- a reading - Planting Time; Mrs. Caslick gave the Juniors a: story and Mrs. Simpson' gave the Senior 'story: An interesting Quiz •was held and, the.Meeting close With.the'LotcPs'Prayer, Kala Hear Church Efficiency Report • O The 1-Itir6n Presbytery '<afros. met Wesley- Willis United Church, ' Clinton on'Saturday, May 27:at, • p.tire,The:.wOrship serVice• was conducted by Misses M,ary, and Margaret MacGregor, London... Lawrence •Ribey LOndOn intrOduc- id the guest speaker J. R. Harrison, 'Lambeth who spoke Of a 'survey eon ducted throughout .MiddieseX Pres- bytery. • This.survey resulted,in afl efficiency report on, the churches." FoikWinga discuSsion on - this report Lawrence_ Ribq express ed thanks,to Mr. Harrison and con. ducted a business seision. A IlinCh was served and the rneeto ing eitised With:taps, Next meet- ing will be June 10, at Wesley.- .. Willis United Church; Clinton. , • p.sbyteriaI Held Erskine W.M.S. !nghom Church. O AFTERNOON,SESSION The May Meeting of Maitland . :Presbyterial of the Women's Miss- ionary Society was. held in St. Andrew's churcii, Wingham, on ' Thursday May 1967,.. The exe- cutive met in. the church parlour jot 1:30 P.1n • and theaftermion " session began 2i 90 R.m. In the church with the Presbyterial,Pres-, ident,. Mrs. George Sutherland; .Ripley, presiding. Mrs. A. Mundell, Beltnore, presided•atthe organ. After tlie)nVocation and " prayer by Mrs. Sutherland on.the -Theme "Faithfniness" , and, the • singigg of Psalm i4, three rhern-• hers of the Langside grouP, 'Mrs. Weiley:Young, Mrs, Donald Watt and Mrs. Gordon Wall, led in Devotions. Mrs. Watt's theme on "HOW Great is Thy Faithfulness" Was greatly aPpreciated. Mrs. T. .Crirrie Wingham, welcomed all in attendance to St . Andrew's . ), ' • ' • • An honotirary life mernbership ' was to be presented 'to Mrs:. JOhn GOod, TeesWater, Good was Unable to receive this•perionally so Mrs Hugh Armstrong, Tee - water read the letter 'of:preiern ation and expressed Mts. Goo&S appreciation. . 0 Mrs. A. Mundell introduced the Guest Speaker. Mrs A H MC Kague TOronto,'Secretary of Afternoon groups, for the General Council of the W;M:-s. Mrs. Mcf<igue's address was quite interesting and formative.. After a short prayer she began by'destriii-. ing life in a northern city the Spring:. One of the first signs spring was to see the small ice Cutt- er:making a path across' the bay, no matter how bleak everything looked.Next.came.word that- the lighthouse' keepers had gone to, their post along the shores. She likened the ice -boat cutters • and • lighthouse keepers to the, Missionar- ies. and 'church workers,who lead the wayin presenting GOd's Word first,' Those Of us at home mast • Work to Prdvidethe lighthouse. - keepers.And missionaries w.ith .the oil for their tasks in God's .Sea of Life, This is one'way'in Which the. members of the w.m.S. can ever show their Faithfulness. Mrs.; McKague spoke at length on the work in •providing the literature of the .church fOr.its members through the W.M.S; The'.stirri $14,006 is allocated for this.task of providing the translation of the •Bible and other Christian;literature in foreign languages The audience was ,pleased to hear a selectionof Music from fr�rna dOuble trio of ladies -from St.'Andrew'S' 0 choir and. greetings from Presby . tery.B.y.Rev. Gordon fish; Moder- atori of Wingharn. 0 •After the, Roll Call, i'detailed • report of the Synodical.rneetings; held in Stratford April 18, 19 and 20 Was received. These repOrts " were read by Mrs., Henry Moken-", zie. AShfieldi Miss*McLaughlin, Wingham; .Mrs. Don Robertson, kinlough:, Mrs. Mel Richie,:.kinc-. ardine; and Mrs. Alvin Mundell, • Belrnore. ' • • • O The: offering, was received and dedicated in prayer by- Mis;--41---1--,-- Dongias'Graharn, South' KinloSs , Mrs: J. W. English, Wingharn; read an inspiring In Memorianyfof those who' have passed away dining the year preVions. ' After Singing Faith Of Our Fath-; erg, the afternoon session Was clos- ed by prayer led by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, of $/hiteahurch. Many of thefladies`enjoyed a delicious dinner served by the inernbers of St. kndrelAt's groups and a helpful soCial hour at the same time,' EVENING SESSION • The Theme for the evening sesS- i DUNGANNON HEWS, May Meeting'it;f, the Wornen's Missionary Society of 'Erskine Pres- byterian, Church,gDutigannOn was held in the Church Friday, May 19th at 2 p.m. .with Mrs'. Arthur Stewart:. presiding and Mrs, Will Reid at the organ. Psalm 19 was sung and. pur- pose repeated. Miss IVa Carr had the Devotional reading,fTrn the 12th chapter of Matthew, her tope being On the Family Altar And the need' for fam- ilies to, .turn once again to the fam7'• ily'alter. and daily Bible reading in the home. Mrs. Mason McAllister read the Glad tidings,,Pray7r. Offering was reeeived.and 'Was answered by your -favorite hymn Mrs,lames Wilson, Secretary thanked the ladies for cards arid letters sent to She and her'husband, while in hOSpital. She was greatly • missed by the Wi-M.S, whileabsent and was a welcOinemember back • again: Mrs. James Wilson read:the ; minutes and Mrs., Wallace Wilson gave the treasuier's report. Mrs. • Arthur Stewart gave the report of, the Presbyterial held in St: rews. Presbyterian Church .Winghatit, the previous.day, in which she. and Other.ladies from :Dungannon M' S aitended. • *. Mrs.' James Wilson read an inter- esting letter' fromone of our young Missionaries, Miss Erleanor Knott.. - Mrs. Frank 'Jones save the Glad. . Tidings,reView .• Several :piecesOf print waS,sold..to the ladies Mrs:. Robert : McAllister.gave 2 - chapters Of the study book. A hymn Wos.stmg.'folloWed,by clos: • . IN prayer.. •., • . • • •.', ...on was Growth, taken from 2 peter 3:18., ,Mrs. A:Mundell Pre..., sided at the ',Organ and psairii-s1 was sung-. •,' • The 'devotions.werein charge Of. the Wingham Evening Group with ' the scripture, isitah 40 281 r .by. Mrs Redmond .lviacbo ld her.meclitation, Mrs. Ri5bert.A. , 0 0 Campbell used a modern parableto show :that as We work cOnscientious ly to houseclean dui.earthly homes, SO we should strive at hardto pre- pare our spiritual homes. Mrs. B. Malda led in Prayer; Mrs .,.J: R. Lloyd of the.,Wingharn Evening Gioup welcomed all present for the eVen],tng session. ,.,The.LuCknow Evening•Group pres7 ented a•skit:depietirig the format- ion of.the first:Presbyterial Sotiety in this area Fourtroups, „S,t. Hel- ens, Brussels, -Kincardine and Luck - 'now were Organized in -1.876 by Mrs: J. Harveyof Toronto into the Pres- byterial.Of Huron 'Agfa:and, tC wOrk in .ConjtinetiOn With'th,e Wo- men's Foreign MitSionary Society (W; D. ) Mrs. Oscar 'Casernore sang ,a, medleycif. Canadian songs. • Mrs., Mckagae, in her lvening 'address, coinpared.ouflife to the • Growth, Of a Garden. We ,can not sit: back:and watch it .grow', we have,' to work in jt:.The world for,Christ is a tall.cirder - who would. believe that 12 rrieh 'could' go into alI the wOrld,-,but .we Must be practicing' Christians.-: "•be ye doers 'of the Word". .' • Mrs. John Pay, Win -sham', gave • her report as the delegate to the • Biennial. Conferenae_in The Theme'was '!Our Joy is in,,the Lord , whorn welove, trust and• • • praise?", , . MO. Noble Johnston, `Lticknow gave her :report as delegate from' the evening Groupto the HamiltOn •London Synodical in Stratford. The next Synodical will be held"in* . Chatharn„Oresbytery. Mri. George MeLean„.Aipley, led in the offertory.prayeri. coUrt. eieS were extended by Mrs. Alex Sarbie of Kincardine. . After tlie singing Of Hymn 586, Mrs. Tack Adoir _of IvIoleswortli ; cloSed the meeting. With thc prayer, a P1 • ' .h( ' „Iv c :0 • • as • th • Ti .00•0W. O fin O•O ,•g au Ro O to ...an 2: At 7".A1 O Jai • 0. ••al • al re se sa O . • .) ed Je ea tin . • ify ; 1 • .Wli : wa Li 'WI fa '7,11 'he , the G tit Of • tia at , dt ty C(