HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 21"WEDNESPAY, MAY 31.10. 1017'' Ng ,AW 'MAIM :c�"a'Yi&ice....7ailla?C l'rf►x. 91 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL' LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO PAGE FIVE. K,• J MacKENIIE O.D Optometri$t NOW';IN RIPLEY • EVERY' WEDNESDAY.... • Office" Hours. 10:00 a:ni. to e•00 rt Phone Roy MacKenzie,. Ripley 395-5154 for appointment • W. R. Hamilton OPTOMETRIST' ':NEXT : TO. LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE: 3571361• JOHNSTONE'S'-. FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient' Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 Day or Night: Serving All Faiths • According to Their. Wishes Moderate :Prices Established1894 INSURANCE:.I FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY` AUTOMOBILE end LIFE To, •Protect .Your; Jack, Insure , With . jack Today.. J.� A.. McDONAGH. Lucknow, Phone 52$-3423; R, W. ANDREW Barrister -and Solicitor..' LISTOWEL,• ONTARIO; • IN LUCCNOW very' Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt ' Block Telephone Lucknow 528=3116 GavjIIer&C,Tpany w t-�-2+x•.1. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner,. J. E. Kennedy; C.A. Alone 881-3471— Walkerton. -IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and quality products,, * ' Contact: ••GRANT•CHISHOLM .. • Phone Collect .Dungannon' 529-7524, • "Always 'Look, To Ymperiai. • ' For The, Best" A Williams; o. Optoinetrist 9 Patrick Street. W. WINGHANI. Phone 357=1282 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 65 • 57 South Street, :Goderich TTlephone,'`524-7562 �;. ROY A. HAVENS.' PLUMBING HEATING WIRING Esso Heating ,Equipment and.• • Home Heat 'Service : Dealer Luc now —•Phone 523-3012 CRAWFORD; SHEI HERD„.and: 'ILL J. H. CRAWFORD, 4.C. I. A. -SHEPHERD, M,A., L.L.B. ALAN; R. MILL, B.A., L.L.B. WINGHAM IN LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY Located in' Bireckles Block IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY. In' Ross Martyn Building: Phone Wingham Iffice 357-3630 Res. 351.2330 inghani' 1• �morals GUARANTEED .GRANITES.: CEMETERY ' LETTERING. REASONABLE • PRICES` Bur • Direct and . Save Bus. 'Ph. 357-1910: -Res, Ph. 357-1015 I�dder's Studio PORTRAITS Weddings and.. Children GODERICH, ONTARIO 118 St. David Street Dial. 524-8787 ' MacKenzie emorial . ,Chapel FUNERAL SERVICE • Services conducted according to your wishes at, your Home, `" yotir . Church, or; at our Mem- orial .Chapel at- no additional charge. " Lucknow,. Phone 528-3432 Day. or Night/ R. W BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH° The Square . .( Phone • JAckson 4-7661): TED COLLYER egistered Master Electrician Specializing In . Electric ° Heating, Electric. Wiring and Repairs and'. All Electrical`ApplianCes Lucknow' Phone 528-5182 LOST one 15" tire and wheel for ', ton , truck,. never used Duncan Farrish, R R 3 Lucknow,. phone • 395-2728.. FOUND • FOUND — in Amberley . District, a -tire and rim. Owner-: may have same ' by proving; pro and paying • for this ad. John. F gin, Ainberley, :phone 395-2755. CARD OF THANKS Yvonne and; Ross Christian 'leave Lucknow with many fond memor- ies and thank those, who .made' their. 2.% years hereso pleasant. Dynes Campbell . wishes to ex- press sincere <thanks to all who re- membered him in `so many ways whilehe was in Wingham ,Hospital and since coming :home. Mrs. Duncan Simpson wishes' to thank: the doctors. and nurses, neighbours, family and friends= for the kind acts received : during' her stay in. Wingham Hospital: We wish to thank . all those who remembered, us with cards, : visits and gifts while in the hospital. Catherine ;and Jim.' Wilson CRANSTON the family of the late Mrs. : Mary S//Cranston' wish to . thank friends, ; •relatives : •and 'neighbours ': for the .beautiful nor-, al. tributes;: cards and expressions of sympathy shown 'them in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Glen Wright and >:Mac- Kenzie Memorial .Chapel.• The Cranston Family I would like' to express thanks to all for cards, treats' and visits, while I was a patient in hospital. Special thanks to those ,men. who: were responsible forputting in. my crop-and4to-all--others-who; helped- in Various . ways at home: 'these kind deeds were . indeed . appreci- ated. Midford Wall I thank all who sent, me flowers, letters and cards while. I was in: the hospital:. Special ; thanks ,to the ' nursing, staff . and Drs. Corrin and • McKim. Mrs. Mark Johnston I wish to thank all those who sent cards, gifts and letters and., visited me during my stay in 'Vic- toria Vic-toriaHospital, London and. Wing - ham and District. Hospital: Special. thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim IN MEMORIA WINTERSTEIN •-- in loving mem- ory .of a, dear" wife and mother,. Mrs, . Nelson Winterstein, who passed away May 27th, 1966. • Gone fromus, but, leaving mem- .oriel Death can never take away, . Memories that will . always linger: While • upon . this earth ,we stay. , Sadly missed . by her husband, daughter;. Ruth • and: family.. GRIFFIN. In loving memory of ' a dear' wife and mother,. Mrs, Wm. Griffin, • who • Passed 'away suddenly one :year. : ago •June 2nd, 1966. We do not need a special' day To bring you to our minds; The days we do not think of you,;• Are very hard to find They say time heals all sorrow, And helps one to forget, • But time so far has only. proved How much we miss: you yet ; Lovingly remembered and sad- ly missed by husbandand family.. NOTICE *' * ANYONE • REQUIRING'; .SAND,. GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, CEMENT GRAVEL OR'FILL' Contact,: OE MacIN''YRE • KINTAIL PHONE 529-7675' • . Special : Price. NEW' HONDAS FOR ;$23000' AND UP USED. HONDAS From $125.00. ' up yNr * HELMETS Low as 510.00 While they"last at Cunningham• Motors Rambler, Honda Sales & Service arid' the .nursing staff on 2nd ' floor ' WALKERTON, ::ONTARIO Mrs. George Stuart We would like to thank all who sent cards and gifts to us. while in hospital. Also thanks . to those whohelped in any way at home Special thanks to nurses and doc- tors on second floor ins Kincardine Hospital. i Sincerely, Imelda and Michael Murray The many tokens' of friendship, received by me during ' my hospit- alization, were very sincerely ap- preciated and I wish to thank all those who so 'kindly remembered' me: I' also wish to "acknowledge the kindness, courtesy and ' pat- ience of the nurses. and staff. of Wingham and District Hospital. I particularly wish -'.to' express , my thanks to .Dr. Corrin and: Dr. Mc- Kim for their constant care and kind attention:• . 'Mrs. Russell Robertson 1 Barley Confracts�, Available (CONQUEST VARIETY';ONLY) SEED GRAIN, SEED CORN;, CLOVER.: AND -GRASS' SEEDS Elliott's Seed Mill LUCKNpW PHONE 528-3500 Tobas;Jantzi Dies . Qf'Heart Attack :. WHITECHURCH NEWS • As we go.toPress' we received. word that Mr,, Tobias J•anFzi, hus- band of Annetta Fisher, passed away on Monday afternoon, May 29 at his'home in Milverton..When Annetta' returned,frorn teaching school on Monday she.found him in one of the buildings near the honey house. Death was•d.ue•to a heart attack. He was in his 60th year. -1e leaves to, motlrn'h'is loss., besides his wife the former Annetta Fisher of this' community, son • FOOD HAMILTON S. .MAYFAIR RESTAURANT. • 'Phone 529.3938. Couples \:iSit' MontrealExpo&• KINLOSS .NEWS Mr. and'Mrs. Ted Collyer and Mr. and Mrs. Mike. Verchimak of Flint,. Michigan are=spending this week at 'Expo- ' Mr.:and•Mrs. Donald C. Mac. Intyre, spent a' few days in Montreal where they visited with Mary Mac- Intyre`and attendedExpo. Mr. and Mrs 'Alex Collins and Nora and Mrs. Etta Smith''of --- Ypsilanti, _-Ypsilanti, Michigan visited Satur day., with Mrs. D.L-acKinnon and John. Mrs. Collins'. unfortunat.: ely took' ill'Saturday night and was admitted to: Wingham..Hospital.; Mr, and Mr$;....Orville Elliott:, Donald, and -Karen; Mrs. D.L. Mac Kinnon '.and John were dinner guests Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs: Fraser MacKinnon .and family. A 'special Centennial W M.S. •rneeting' will: be held. Wednesday ,. June 7th at the home of -Mrs; -Leonard . Maelnnes Mrs . Douglas Grahamiscompiling a :history of South: Kinloss W. M. S. •Members are 'coming in Centennial costume and each is; inviting a friend .Mr. and Mrs, Warren Zinn and family were guests Sunday with. Mr. and, Mrs.• Evan 'Keith and family: • and.'Mrs;..Car1 Dickie•of `' Scarborough were week -end guests. at the home of Mr. and. Mrs Ira` Dickie;. • . Gien Lodge ofGoderich.; • who was 'guest soloist at 'South Kinloss Anniversary services', 'visited Sun day afternoon with. Mr. ,and Frank MacKenzie and .,family. Congratulations to Mr: and Mrs. John Murray on the .birth of a baby daughter,_ , Mt.. and .Mrs . Walter MacKenzie and four children. of Detroit and Mrs Janet MacConnell of Walker- ton wereweek-end guest With Mr. and Mrs. Herb •Buckton' a d Bill ' Donald .and twins Larry and Linda. The remains rested at• th - Mo - Marie funeral Parlor, Mil ertbia with service •at, Burn's ,Pres yterian� Church, Milverton on We nesday at 2 pm. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery Milverton, .. This community extends their sympathy. to Mr. ; and Mrs. George Fisher .and other relatives and 'friends in the community • RIPLEY ABATTOIR:. Custom,Butchering — 'Curing and -Smoking, 'HCuttin . and Wrapping g pp g — Sausage • Making _, Fast.Freezing , • HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS. CATTLE ONLYON' WEDNESDAYS With Two 'Big Coolers, We Are Able To,Hang Your Beef From - .14 Xo•3: Weeks Whatever, Your- Requirements, Are For Home Freezers ' We Sell Choice tome Kilted Beef, • Pork and LambIn Any Quantity At Lowest 'Marketing ' Price's • ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION • * CAI.`L B;UPLEY: 100: OR 106 CHAS: I1001SMA :... PItOP v •� •