The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 1517 MAY 24th 1167 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, ._ . Be Mut ip le' Believed To #p ;.,..;MurSuicide Six members of a, Dungannon dis- trict farsoily'were found shot to, • death intheir farm home Friday night by the family's only survivor a 20-year,old daughter. • Dead are Charles l*N.ee,,5O, •: and his wife, Lillian,, age 44, their .three 4sons , Grant, 19 ,' James 17, Wilfred 7 and • a: daughter. Jean. 11.. The 'survivor'is Helen 20, who works in a Stratford bank. All victims were shot the, head. a.•.. 22=calibre rifle' found.' n :the home :is believesLto be the murder, weapon.; The father's body d•in theod shed,;• the w • wasp fours R others Were shot in'their beds ; : Pols .. ice believe,it to be .a 'multiple slayingand suicide.. ,OPP Sit .. Robert: White of Coder . . ich said there are. indications.that the father shot .the others early, , . Friday morning At 7 p.m. Fri da Mr: McNee phoned a:. •Goderich undertaker, Edward Stiles and asked him oto pick u his daughter coming by bus' from • rd where she is employed. . 'Stratford P Y ' The grisly discovery WAS, Made about 9 p, m . ` by Helen, , who had: arrived home from: Stratford to • spend' the .weekend ; .and two of her • friends;, Mrss Melba Sti'ies;••20, of •. Goderich:and • Larry • Park , •21, • of Dungannon who had driven her to • the farm•home; Mr McNee is believed'to have shot himself before his daughter arrived. The,McNee home is:on.the 2nd concession of'West,-Wawanosh Township,' a mile south ,of . Dungann on and just east of the' Lucknow- ' . Nile. road.... Notes believed written, by McNee, were found in the'neat 11/2 storey. brick house. Their contents were' not disclosed:. A,neighbor•said Mr, McNee mow- ed th'e:lawn, Fjriday.afternoon'after:;' the five are thought to, have been:* murdered.:. • Mr, McNee had been a carpenter for'several•years.' His son, Grant operated the farm and the'other Children attended school. • Miss IvIeNee went to the farm Koine .with Miss Stiles and Mr Park after, they' picked her up from the busdepot two; hour's , earlier .; Miss Stiles' father Edward' a • funeral•director.in Goderich•'and' a personal friend of the :McNee ` family'., said he had been contact-- 0 ontact-ed by Mr: McNeeat 6 p.m. 'Fri- • day and'asked to 'pick up.Helen.;r: from the -depot and bring her to the farm "He sounded ver Upset"., YPset, ', Mr.. Stiles recalled, "And 'as1 ed if I.was too•.busy to 'help him out. I .told g hint me would manage and, not to . . . worry; that we would look after • Helen." Stiles said Mr..•McNee told '. "•Ed.; I'rri invery .bad shape," and beganrepeating after he told. him, • that.• he.would '',i a unable to pick up -the girl "That's the best we can -AO."' 'idea a. , "I had.no. 'idea .what had happen, n edor what Would have happened - if :we .had take Helen out. there;,"„ earlier, said .k!ir . Shies. , "l. dont think: he would have• harmed Helen or rny'self =':I think he: just wanted •me to be with her when we found them ." • Provincial police said, the letter •to Helen seemed to bear out this .theory. •. Mr, Stiles said Melba and 'Helen, her best' friendfoi more than six,`, years; had returned :to his home and had spent about two 'hours ' talking, until Melba's boyfriend, , Larry arrived after work, . \He -said Larry offer•ed•to drive Helen. to her home and the three. of them left, shortly before 9. p.m. , He said they went insid'e the dark ened farm home and Helen. went• irito "Grant's bedroom Mr. Stiles. said Helen apparently felt. some- :. thing .was''w rong• and that Grant was dead She returned and took Larry into .. 'the bedroom, and then:left g to g o: in:to.'waken her rnothe''.' .Mr. 'Stiles said' Helen• apparently did not;want to disturb her. `mother, whom .she.thought•was sleeping alone there, •and ..returned 'again to Larry and: Melba "Larry apparently,thought some thin was drasticall wrongWand.' th:ey;det:ded to,call me Mr. Stiles said °Mrs,. McNee and the four: children 'were all found` in their.' beds, and all appeared to be sleeping. He said there was no noticeable ,sign of violence. The bodies of Mr. IvicN'ee and his'. daughter., :Jeanwere taken. to Stratford General Hospital;, where an autopsywas performed.`: Mr . ' McNee isvsurvived; besides his daughter Helen • by two broth- ers, Graham., of ti. R, 3 ,' Auburn, whose' farm is two houses away from, the murder'scene; and. Earl of Belmore; and•.his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNee, of Nile: Mrs. McNee, the former Lillian Sproul, who Was born in alarm horne ,directly across from her. . married home, is survived., besides her daughter.,' py two sisters, Mrs. Mary Garness.of ,Willowdale, and :Mrs: Ben. Mugford ,`of Lucan, six brothers, Clifford, of Listowel; Elmer, Auburn; William, •Cook's- ;Ville; David of West Wawanosh .Township, Harvey' and Joseph, Dungannon.. ; The bodies were at, 'the `Sti'!es Funeral :Home, Goderich. Service was held at 2'p.m-; Tuesdayat the. P Bethel Pentecostal.Tabernacle, Goderich Burial was in Colborne Cemetery. • L"ARRY... PARK, ,• found bodies ot' farmhouse MELBA STILES 'churn of. surviving .McNee ,girl EDWARD' 'STILES. - probably last to talk with slain ;father. PAGE FIFTEEN HELEN 'McN.EE sole' survivor Bride'sMoiher'Ai 5Oth AnniveiSary Mr .` : and'« Mrs. •Jini .Lowry, ,..Mrs. Wilfred Hackett • Mrs.. ` Burton • Griffith ' Mrs. Lawrence Harrison Mrs .0 John'. MacDonald, Miss. Florence -MacDonald, 'Mrs. Kenn •eth;MacKa.Y ' and Miss MMachan attended' the 50.th weddin anniver g. sar. of their 'aunt and. uncle ' • Mr. . and 'Mrs ..Harman Carne Bay, City, 'Michigan on Sunday. The, highlight of• the eveningwas the presence', of their Grandmother 'the bride's, mother of 90,• Mrs.' John'McKinnon. he.one thin more. verse' ile' han •propane.,:; �n l • r.n.G:: ■rra..:�rr�.. yrnr::z. • ::•::::•:.:•.::::.::.. x Propane is a wonderful fuel. It will , and always available wherever cook your food, heat your home,• you are.. ` . supply hot water, dry yotar clothes, bum your garbage, Tight your , CO-OP Propane' is delivered to et ei„hi at�.yo btoiler4ious€t ana outrin,..Gor wenset2t srzecLL containers rt oir pr erne �.our�faod;. or=isrr�bull tc ldolth r'egpiremeiata, grain pp y power of your home, farm buildings, and . •- •• dry. your rain and supply for your. "tractor,. combrrte�an* w :i : Machinery,:. Delivery is fast;; baler Propane►,.is non=poiso'n'ous ' dependable and geared toy your LU.CKN.OV:'DIS11Rl LUCKNOW; fltario individual needs: Order CO-OP' Propane from your Co-operative; PICK'THE COOP BRAND . FOR THE-ES,T:'1 R.- PROPANE ...n • DIESEL FUEL' a GREASE • MOTOR ERA:TIVE Phone 528-2125 • ROPERTI R 30•--acr-es,--good • small •on Highway 86 • ASKING PRICE $3,750 use, *, .*, •* 2�'b.ig nicely . landscaped lots, " new houses around, high land, water available. A housebuilt on these lots " must-, be valued $16,000 at least.' ' ASKING PRICE PER LOT $750 *` *' Country home 2 miles from Luck- now. on .main road, bathroom,:: fur-, nate, one acre, of land. ASKING PRICE $3,500 Good home ' in Holy. rood; modern facilities. • • ASKING jPRICE,;$3,375 .-, 7�° 1 !� ,* Two apartment house .n Holy ood, ASKING PRICE $7;S00'. * ** 50 acre grass farm west of Ripley, 44 acres under cultivation. , ASKING PRICE $3,600 Purchaser has to pay for putting in crop when required for 1967 season. New 7 room home in small village, on highway 81 miles from Luck - now. Has to be seen' to appreciate ,the 'value you can get for your money. Some" p lovely (lake -front lots for • sale. ASKING PRICE $700 to k1,400 Depends on location; _'."art ate► awawee CONTACT van: EYL 1 •BOX 193, LUCKNOW PHONE 528.3618 .AGENT .FOR JOHN BOSVELD, REALTOR,, LONDON.