HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 11f 4 411. s •^•!-Iroll'ss ANL .... r.. rn..,.�. WEDNESDAYl MAY 24t1. -i%7. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO �,i■ap�EBB■BBBBEr�■■E■*N■�.NN�■Es■BEBI�■NBa■BE■a�■a� '***** ■■. ■ •■ • ■ i 1 :• ■ • i' ■ N. 1967 Ford, 4 door hardtop and 2 door hardtop,. fully equipped i 1966 Ford +Galaxie, 4' door hardtop, $ cylinder,• fully equipped •i ■ •i 1966 Chevrolet Impala, 4 door hardtop, V.$ fully, 'equipped; • ■ • s' i 4-4966 Chevrolet Bel Air Si dans, V4 eutomat,c,'fully equipped. a 1966 Ford ailaxie 5111 XL, fully equipped, aufomatie i` i 1966' Pontiac Stratochief, aytom'atic a. i .1966 Chevrolet Caprice, Z. door hardtop; full ui ■ op' y p piled ,:. ■ ■ 1:l60 ■ S: Chevrelef*Bel Air. Stat ohwagon,.9 •passangsr', automatic •� ▪ ••••7♦44N4NN•••••' ••N♦•• '4.•:•••••••••• ■' A NUMBER OF ■ • .■••Fords.. an ontkics: • . .CheitrOets,. . • • ■ IN. HARDTOPS AND SEDANS, V4 AUTOMATIC ■ . • •••••••••NN••••••••••••••4••••••••••••4•••4 i . A NUMBER OF CARS, DIFFERENT MAKES AND MODELS,' ■• • ' • FROM • 1959 -'.196 .■ Brussels Cities Service Dealer ■ ■ ▪ ■■ea■■. F■pE■■Elags ■iopiesi ■mulanlnaerwaafBB ie■ • tors■ ■ Phone 173,; , Brussels LETTER TO THE EDITOR L Wendy Reynolds, To •,here's Strength .Teach At Preston : In Unity" Says, Of Ashfield Secretary WHITECHURCH NEWS yewRey-nolds afters lid -Stratford Teacher -in Training- . Banquet w'as.,held, at`.VictOr ian Inn on'Thursday evening,. 'We .•congratulate Wendy, on successfully 'completing her teacher training period . She: will' be teaching at ;Preston when school opensin September Holiday visitors with 'Mrs. Cecil•, :Falconerwere Mr... and. Mrs. Relison Falconer,, Brian and Lynn of Sarnia,.. Mi.' and .Mrs:. Angus Falconer; •Allan and Kevin of • Streetsville. "Holiday, visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs: Albert Coolies were 'Mr • :and Mrs. Jack Coultes,$Debbie, Kevin and Blaine' of Dresden and Mr and Mrs ;Wilbert'Schwichtenbt g. ' Lori . and Kerry .of Port Elgin.. _ A wedding• reception is being, held Friday evening in Whitechurch Hall to celebrate the., ..wedding last week of'Larry�Hend erson and Linda Koyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •Bloss Koyle of Langsid'e •, We are sorry to report`Milas Molinari, a former •resident of ' • .'this community and•, now of Tees - water,, was admitted on' Sunday to Wingharn and District Hospital. Callers on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs; Russel Ritchie were Mrs. ,Barbara Ritchie, Mrs.. Fraser • McKinnon, 2•Ivlrs . Belle McKinnon and Mrs. Kenneth' Cameron of Luck now and Mrs. Andrew .Gaunfof St. Helens. 'Mrs; 'Ritchie is not making the recoveryher many friends ,would wish for her. _♦ Services at theUnited Church • here+ on Sunday May 28th will, be withdrawn so that'xhe members can attend -ariniversary'services at ', Chalmers Presbyterian Church. P. Donald Watt of V/$h"couver' Spent Friday and Saturday with ,54..,ancl = Gcor Itcm iareo n+rr: ` Indy _ltti ndq Mrs ; =, .' + -. Millan Moore, Dr. "Watt is Super- intendent of Mer" al• Missionary Work in the United Church Missy ion Hospitals across Canada.. 14e was on his way to,releave' the doctor for a month at the mission hospital in Newfoundland.; • Due to the Holiday • and lack of space heCurch News: will appear' in tweek's issue. • *** n Business Trip hite'River; ,KINLOSS •NEWS Denver: Dickie was on a business' /' trip for D. R.M. Co, to' White River 'last week. The trip was;..taken iri a0 chartered plane from Goderich 'air' - port toWawa. The. 111th Anniversary of South' Kinloss Presbyterian church will be observed Sunday, May 28th with Services at 31'. a „in. "and 1:30 p.m.. • Misses BettyHamilton'and.Marg- aret * Loney of 'Niagara Falls are spending the holiday weekend with Ivlr'; and Mrs...Gilber't Hamilton. Mr., and Mrs..Jack Needham', Pat and Doug•of.Corunna and Mr..and • Mrs, Emmerson Ruttan of Northville Michigan spent the . week -end' at the Needham cottage ;AMr, and Mrs. Harvey MacDougall. Of Guelph and iyir; and Mrs. Hector. Cook of Kitchener visited on the w eek =end at :the home of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd MacDou a1T ,..Y MacDougall. the home of Mr.' arid Mrs,. Ira Dickie included ` ArchieacDon id : of K`tc ener, , . , Ross MacDonald and, boys of Ham ilton and Ronald and Donald Mac Iv-er�:oLLondo._.. t _ ` Cor gratulat ons as Mr • and- Mrs ; R:'R.3, Goderich,��r May. 18.; '196'1 Dear Don J'. 'It's finally. happened The .Q. F, U;, and O F.A;. have flung :open.their doors to• each other and joined; hands on this :"March'To.Ottawa" . "Misery likes, .company ,' you say? -• Perhaps! But','. prefer the quotation, 'There's •strength. in .unity'' The ,farmer can no longer+ afford the luxury'.of two.farm organizations. making two. separate"marches" on Ottawa .if we wish to itnpress the government of the stability and strength in the union of the. farmers,. Again 1 stressthat this isnot merely a'+milk march, but an .effort to•dis-! cuss:the plight of;the farmers' de- clining net income: , . The buses°are leaving Clinton.at :12 Midnight on, Wednesday; May 24 and returning the same day. Each•farmer•pays his way Fifteen , O. F. J. members are going from.: Ashfield: and .dittrict• They -are: Lorne',Luther; Mrs Murray Rankin; Dave''MacDonald.Mr. and Mrs'. 'Jim Doak, Gordon Robb,' Mrs.' John: Austin,:Finlay MacDonald, Miss Christene McLennan ; Miss. Patty O'Connor, 'EugeneFrayrie, Mrs. Mike. Penich,. Vincent: Austin and Mr; ,and Mrs. Jinn Martin:. Our ob jective is' to,'°have' three bus loads of 'Union and Federation menibers Those not able to. go are still part- cipating by offering to "chore"; for the neighbourthat_is going, and - several havePmade .donations,• Watch for us on T. V. ,;As well, having read the events leading' tip to and the trip itself,; to Expo, one 'cannot help but„admire the enthusiasm of the students, staff•and. Principal,+ Mr Noel' Mason of the Lucknow”and District Higfi?xt -Wha bred f students and a:headache for the` staff at times, 'but it was..certainly. worth while. Bon,Yoyage Ripley! • Sincerely, " Pat•Martin,; ' O's F U. sec. reta,ry'. • PAGE. ELEI/EN • .u• 511; Stiff succession duties can take, a big bite out of the poorly'arranged estate • . draining, away assets built up over many years, as well as :Creating •:needless problemsfor the family 'you. leave behind. ESTATE PLANNING . by competent Sterling Trusts `pro- fessional counsel can quickly put your affairs in good order: Advice without obligation. Investigate, this valuable service today.' •.): . Prompt Confidential Serviceimmomi THE. STERLING'IRUST 372 Bay,St • ' 3.5 Dunlop St., ; 73'Mississaga E.; Toronto ` •Barrie' Orillia • Memlr: Canada Deposit Insurance' Corporation LeoIurraY " on the birth- of.a son Mr, and: Mrs. Douglas Graham. accompanied Mr , and Mrs. W.F. MacDonald and Margaret on a motor trip to the* •Bruce• Peninsula on .Saturday.. Kairshea W 1 are'the: hostess .branch -for. the South Brune District ..r Annual to be held in•Lucknow: on ;Friday_, They will serve-.the,noon. • meal in, the Legion. Hall'. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston attended Anniversary services at Pinkerton ,Knox• United Church .. and. •visited •with relatives, on Sun day essential mineral., for cattier:- ae•r�araiw,` . • • ssw•r t,Jr .SHUR GAIN has•.three rnlneral products designed to custom=fit all • 'cattle. feeding ,progranq.. • • �' SHURGAIN .DAIRY CATTLE MINERAL -.feed free :choice to' cattle on high legume forage rations S:HUIR=GAIN ES:SENT1AL • CATT E •' MINERALS :Meed free . choice,to cattle on high•grain-or.•grain plus silage'atons SHUR-GAIN SP CIAL CATTLE MINERALS feed. free: • choice to cattle,'on-high grain or grain •plus 'silage. rations; where high salt content in water is •pr.esent= • • Place your order to -day for the SHUR.-GAIrii-'rntneral+ ~that fits into your cattle feeding prco.gram. UCt$ LUCKNOW • -� Pl or . s'2 _ 41100' ii • ism ,'riTQrr ;illi •