HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 5,WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th, 1SS7' K, J. MacKENZIE �D Optometrist'. ' NOW IN. RIPLEy EVERY WEDNESDAY'. Office Hours 10:00• a.m. to- 9;00 • p;m, Phone Roy, MacKenzie, Ripley 395.-5154• for appo ee W. R. H�miltofl •�.:ar . •-�rw .tCl flr,�' w#1 • *.'-' 7r,±..l .'.Ar.: 11"1._{, ;4.1 7a1v. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONtABIO PAGIB FIVE. OPTOMETRIST NEXT :TO ; LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 3571361 JOH'NSTONE'3► FUNERAL. HOME Modern and 'Convenient . Lucknow, . Phone 528-3013 Day or • Night} Serving . All :Faith's :According .to'' Their . Wishes Moderate Prices Established '1894 INSURANCE FIR,E;: WIND, CASUALTY. AUTOMOBILE and LIFE. To Protect ,Your- Jack, Insure With • Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH `.Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R.W. ANDREW:. Barrister and Solicitor' LISTOWEL,. ONTARIO IN . LUCKNOW 'Every Wednesday _. and . Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 GaviIkri&�rpafly :.CHARTERED: ACCOUNTANTS Resident 'Partner, • J. E.. : Kennedy, Phone . 8813471 Walkerton IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS • for prompt service, and quality products. Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect Dungannon 529-7524 "AlwaysLook '' To Imperial For The Best" • A A G A. Williams OD Optometrist. 9 PatrickStreet W. WINGHAM • Phone , 357*1282 'ROT A. HAVENS. PLUMBING HEATING WIRING' V • sso Heating' Equipmieeit:i • and Home . Heat : Service. Dealer Lucknow Phone :528.3012 CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD and MILL J. H. CRAWFORD.'4.C.. ..A.: SHEPHERD, - M.A.; .LLB. .ALAN ,R.- MILL, B.A., LL.B. WINGHAM IN LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY • Located in . Breckles Block IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY. In Ross Martyn ,Building', Phone Wingham ffice 357-3630. Res 357=2330. Wingham l . Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES' Buy . Direct, and ...Save. Bus. Ph 357-1910 Res Ph. 357-1015 Hadden's Studio PORTRAITS Weddings"••and•••Children'' GODER'ICH, ONTARIO • 118 St: Davi Street: •ial 24= 7 5 87 • • MacKenzie ':' ._ ri•a ::. Chia � I. FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted:according, to ,Your wishes at your Home, your . Church, or at our Mem-, orial Chapel , at no additional charge.' : , Lucknow,, Phone'. 5384432 Day or'•Night • CARP OF THANKS Mrs. Wellington Henderson" wish Wto express sincere thanks to all' ho remembered her in so many ways while she was, in hospital and since coming. • home. Bill Alton would like to say thank you . to. all who remembered him; in various ways while in hospital. Special thanks. to Grade V and his teacher. I thank all who sent me flowers, letters and cards while I was in Wingham Hospital. Special..thanks to nursing staff and .Drs Corrin and McKim.. r ' Mrs.' Jas. Hodgins Sr; We wish to express our heartfelt, thanks" to neighbours and friends for the many kindnesses shown at the time of the . death of our , uncle Frank Graham. ' ' ' .Vera and George Marr, Joanne Sherriff Special Pace =NEW HONDAS. Fort $230.00AND UP;: USED HONDAS From $125.00 up HELMETS Low/ as $1000 While .they last at. :unningham Motors; Rambler, Honda ',Sales & Service WALKERTON, ONTARIO R SALE PASIED 69c' , <ari�� PR Ik14PA1�l�� .Single Roll HOME 'AND` 4,.ACRES Here , is, the change' you've been waiting ,for: Right on the outskirts of Wingham.. Attrac- tive solid brick ' home and ''4 acres of land • with •a. real .good small barn The home has a; rooms on main floor ' and 4 rootns . up, part basement with new cementfloor, asphalt roof: Brand new outside septic tank and absorption bed, all govern- ment inspected. Barn' is in ex-. tra goodcondition with a brand:: new addition. Land is :level and clear, Lots of mature maple:; trees make it.. a lovely place in the summer. Full price is only; ,900. .Asking only.$1,500 down, balance on easy terms` R W. BELL,, OPTOMETRIST.-=- G-ODER,CCH' ;The Square : (Phone, JAckson 4-7661)•' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 5Z Southtreet, S . 65 - i�odeirich Telephone • 524-7562 • 'TED COLLYER LetillitAIRDNVIVA Specializing In Electric *Heating, Heating,' Electric Wring and. Repairs •' and All Electrical Appliances I Lucknow.'-:, Phone 528-5182, PARADISE' ,.RETREAT , For enjoyable . living the whole year round 60 acres and a new y ' ' �u to=date conven- iences. withp- , iences• and a very neat room ar- rangement. .The large field stone .fireplace adds' •elegance; to the entire .setting... Beautiful landscaped .grounds •. with : a grand array of flowers and rock gardens. There is • 30 rods of river contained' on the. property ` plus a `strong ` spring stream flowing from :the • hardwoods:.: Water' : supply is . also from a sparkling..' clear spring.• 'All- this carr . be yours' for a •price' that is. small jn relation to its true value, ea l Estate " Madame Speaks Tc il�jre The. 1"a Meeting of•:the Lticknow. Y.. g • Wonten's'Institute was held •in• the' Institute' rooms with Mrs Omar Brooks'p.residing, and Mfrs Arm strong. Wilson, Secretary Treasurer;. read the.minutes.. Mrs: Clarence. Bell and Mrs. 'Philip Stewart were chosen:as delegates ,to the District annual'to he held in' l;uckri w -May, 26th: Mrs. '0. Brooks and trs.A.::. Wilson wer.•e:chosen to.r.epresent' the lnstitute•at'the Centennial :meet-ingfor_zh.e_town Repbrt's were given by 1V1rs:Charles Steward: for.. • the' cheerio' committee and Mrs NdJ.:'MacKenzie for. Pinectest'. • vlanor _ • Mrs Phil;ip•,Stewart spoke on'the• progress of the fair display,and Mrs. Alex 'MacNay reported• on the plainters which. hive been"'bo fight for the•Towra Hall. • • . Mrs'. '.Omar Brooks read a -;poem on 'Mother" 'the theme of:the May. meeting:, and the motto :"Twc: books improve the home.; father's pocket book and mother's cook • book", was taken by Mrs C: Singing was, then enjoyed by the :Members with Mrs Wes :Ritchie; at the piano. Mrs. Phili• Stewart gave a talk on the Freezer Forum that was : ,• held' in. Paisley ,, at which a' , number of the Tucknow .Institute members attended. Margaret Rae sang a.delightful solo; aCcompan-r. ied by Mrs 'Ross Cumming..MMrs. • 0. Brooks: g P ave a• ort -of.'the: re :Meeting .for retarded children. that :' was held in Wingham. , . ' • • :vla�i me .Ste • Hilaire of the, Luckii w Dr r t tigh Sc . staff ° gave avery in 'cresting talk on "Broth ho :d• a d friendship means understanding a ong people Mrs. John'Adams presented the speaker With:a gift:, ' Mrs. Wes Ritchie tchie Pla ed a . number of piano solos. .contest • was by Mrs, WesJoyt and' • Mrs. George Saunders. hunc11 Was II served by •the hostesses r••''• -- Rural Ontario Specialists °-• Keith Fitzsimmons .w Manager', Phone Wingham 251-2840 ••••••••••••••••••••'•••• • RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering— Curing and• Smoking, ; Cutting 'and Wrapping - Sausage' Making'- Fast Freezing 'HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY' ON WEDNESDAYS With Ivaco Bi Coolers, We tworeow*AbIL. To Hancg Your Beef... From . �•M� ForDome Freezers, We Se,U Choice Home ;Killed Bede, Perk arid' Lanib In Any uantity At Lowest Marketing Prices AL •L MEATSARE GOVERNMENT! INSPECTED FOR. YOUR . PROTECTION ^ CALL � tIPLEY 100 011'. 106 :=CHAS. HOOISMA -- PROP, • P.