HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 31967: War th•e igth ix he• rd fhe ' esS . 24th• 1W • • . .• • 47nr 11.! 44 Muer " ..,!"/".•,‘MrST •u• THE LUCKPOIN. SENTINEL, LUCICNOW .+1 • Aluminum Lawn Chair • WEEK! • REG. $5.75 VALUE Luncheon Meat • SAVE 15e, 12 OZ. 44c •••*••••••••••• $3•49 WITH. 55:11$ ORDER; FEATURE' COMPLETELYFLATFOLD TELEscciPic.• ose Marg.•D�, mestic• • • le Leaf Haunt. CANNED MIDGET, 11/2 LB. . ." • , • . . . • . , • Coffee MAXWELL mos* ROASTED • • Kleenex Tissue SAVE 20c, 4Ws•,;•:.,• • e :Juice SAIC VE 17e; 40 79c Pure Jams E. Q. SMITH, RASP;, OR STRAW, SAVE' 211e, • 01 JARS . • . • • • . Cake ‘WESTOLOROWN- SUGAR, REG. 35e. • 1 • Hair Dressing SCORE, REG. WM, 301 1 ' ••••••••• Chicken 31c . ., .. 7 .. .,-,.. SPECIALLY,SELECTED CHOICE PLUMP CAN- ADA GRADE "A" EVISCERATED," (FOR FRYING OR ROASTING 2%4 LB. AVG. . • . . ranges 3 Doz. 99c Cottage Rolls 65c MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED MILD CURED (CRYOVAC HALVES) •••••••••••••• • Garbage Can • Skinless -Wieners 2 LB. PKG- 2.99 ' • • , • , • . WITH $5.111 ORDER Rindless Bacon 85c • MAPLE LEAF WELL STREAKED MILD CURED, 1 LB. PKG. VAC PACK •••••••4*•••••••••••••••••••• Hall's ed and White Store PHONE 528-3001 - FREE DELIVERY LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS • Visitors.over the holiday week ”. end with Mr. arid Mrs. Frank•Mor- an of LucknoW -Were Mrs. Wilmer • Moran andfainily of London, Mrs. en Ray and'boys andIvirs. Ernie, 'Freemanp-of Chatham and Mr. and Mrs. AIviri Moran and family of Charlie Anderson Of Lucknow was hospitalized in Wingham Hospital ,last Wednesday following 'a heart • tua Cainpbell of Toronto is a visitor this week with her sistei Mrs. R. H, ThoMpson. • Olive and FlOta Webster, Bea and Margot Parker Of Toronto spent last week -end in .Lucknow with relatives, and friends The first meeting of the/teachers and helpers of the Vacation Bible School will be held Thursday: May 25th at 8 o'clock in the Anglican Church.. • •Mr: and Mrs. ,Russell Phillips' and' family Mr. and Mrs,: Norman Mcbonald and Louise. 'George. PhillipS; Albeitand; Lloyd attend ed the ScriiriageoUr ,„Mau -is Wedding last Sattirday'in:•Grand • Bill: Alton, 11. year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ,AltOn of Ashfield, returned home last Thursday from Wingham and District Hospital, where he had been for two weeIs Bill started back to school.On Tues• day of, this week. • • . . ONTARIO , PAGE THREE • • Ralph Nixon.and Susan of Wing ham,' Mr, 'and Mrs. Carman Nix7 Oh; Grant, Lori ard'Andrea,of LOndondwere'recent visitorS With Mr. and Mrs. Isaac; Nixon of 'Bel' ' • - . , Mrs Harold,Greer or town it a patient in Wingham and,District Hospital. • . Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, of town and Mr. anq Mrs. .Fraser Ashton of Ottawa attended. Expo, • Mrs. Fred Thorne of Woodstock, Mrs. Victor Tanner of Paisley, Mrs. Maurice: Giesz of Kincardine and Mr, and Mrs,',J.D. Fryce of. Port Elgin were recent Vipois with Mrs. jack McKendrick and: Madelyne McMortan. , 4 Spring FIoweL5how 11 9th Anniversary Success At Ripley At Ashfield Church ,Ripley Horticultural Society prTel;:ytlelprithon,Acnhniuvrcer:aarysohfeAldshofnielizi dheld its Spring Flower Show on Sunday', May 21st with a good Wednesday, May 17th The finest weather of the season greeted a attendanceat bothmorning and dlraersaesedcrionWed.entgexnencivatiivceortnuenimeb..ers ev• Rerivi,n. gR0, :ervriis cci:iaoLeo'd of Luck". received guests.... •now 'Presbyterian Church was the There was a,'succesdful bake sale ' .guest niinister for both services. .and an unusually large sale•of. • the niOrninithe theme* chose:: plants . • • '. • '',for his sermonwas"iinmeagbrable • Exhibits in the Rower Siow Were Values" and in the'evening "The , of good quality and outstanding Glory of the Church" . r bouquets of daffodils: and narcissi . • . , • • helped tomake up for a smaller The Lucknow Presbyterian QUar"-• ' display of tulips, due to the slow tette, at the rnorning'servfce, fav • Season. There were fine classes of ored with, two numbers and also' .1 African violets and other house • •• assisted in the Choir.Anthem. In plants as well as a large new class •the evening The Wingham Har - of "vines, well displayed."'. speci al, feature this year was 'the addition...of two centennial - lasses. Suitable antique dishes and vases' wereised in these classes.' Guests were invited to have a`cup of tea andtoolciei.. ' • Top exhibitor was Mrs. Ewan McLean. Other exhibitors were: • 'Mrs; Norval Stewart; Mrs.:Oliver McCharles', Mrs, Austin Martin, • Mrs, •Stewart'Shiells Mrs; Walter N • , CHIURCHI mony Men rendered two Ounlbers • - •• and 'Miss Floience MacLennan sang 4ct:sl° Rev•.D: Neil McCorP bie-,,Bi A •• s• minister of the Church was present• ..,• and assisted with the service. ' • saimmoorm. • • • LUCKNOW Farrell, Mrs. Gordon•.Farrell, Mrs. : Rev. .R.. L B.A., ,B.D. 'TED . • Herb Clayton, Mrs., Charles Smith,. . Minister • . , Mrs. Orville Finlayson, Donna Elphick, 6-11. yrs, Mrs.. Din • • • . Gi'llies.• PURPLE GR • MAY 21Ith. 18:00 a.m. Adult Bible Class •and Sunday' Sehdol • V C1 1100,a.M. Morning Worship • Some folks from 'here attended • the. Huron Agricultural Society Concert in Ripley last 'week. ' Mrs. Don •McCosh attended a ban- , ,,quet for, the W.I.- at.Campbells Corners On Tuesday. Mrs. Herb Farrell •and,Mrs Don Dore accompanied Mrs. William Arnold. Mrs. Don McDonald and. • Mrs. Francis Gemmell all Of Rip - •ley to the Bruce County Historical Society Meeting in Tiverton on • Thursday evening, • Don_Thompson'of Montreal spent the long week end with. his farnily here. . • •'• . • LOCALafld.GNERAL • Mr . and Mrs. Gordon. Steward Of LondonviSited Sunday with his mother Mrs. Charles,SteWard �f. • tiicknovit. . • •• • • • • Mrs.. Wellington Henderson has -retuned tO-Jier home at .tucknow. from Wingham and District utospit- alL'. where,she was a Patient for 'over. a month.. *. • Mr; and Mrs. Mac Graham .visited last week -end with. her , Mother Mrs': Wellington Henderson, .. . and Mrs. CbrisRaynarcl.and . • • . . . Kathy of Islington.visited his " .‘• •parents Mr. ,and Mrs. Nelson Ray naid over the' holiday weekend, • Mr ; and Mrs. Gary Ritchie, and Troy, Guelph; spent the week -end, With Mr. and Mrs: Harold Ritchi,e and. Bob: • • 13 M. &CT 8 . CON I f l'HINK ON tins me if tileY go to pieces within "Things will go topieces around, Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev • Roderick MacLeod SUNDAY, MAY 28tli 1000 a.m. Sunday School • South Kinloss Anniversary, •#•••••#;00•••••••*. • • ••• .• ' • • • • • ' • • • • •.• . . • . • .. • • • ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN . Bev. StanleyE. Jay, B.A., B.D. • Rector • "' • TRINITY 1 malt 211th • Church School 1415 San.. Morning Prayer 11:15 am• . Confirmation. class • ,On Friday, at 4 p.m. • • " • • _ , E••••••••••••••~,000•14,4•00,4••••••••••••••• South Kinloss Presbyierian Church 7:t30:p.m." •SUNDAY, MAY 28th1 1967 • • 1,;.,,NANOWS6..0.4.;t4tismoThisiwg gar „ trf-'14t1614-JAC153711;44-- Dayld's• Church. Hamilton, '. SPECIAL•MUSIC.-,-, BY THE CHOIR Guest StOoist Mr. .9146 Lodge, of,Gaiderich irk iiir""W4C• . • •• •