HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 2ti } -PAGE TWO THE. LUCKNOW: SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW'ONTARIO The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCK: NOW. ONTARIO. .The Sepoy Town" • On the Huron Bruce Boundary Authorized s nclass mail, Post Office Department, .Ottawa. 1873—Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A and O.W.N.A.. Subscription Rate, $4.00 a year in advance — to the U.S.A., $5.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th '1967' 'Ian Derr riga fldRe�VatiOi. or Center nial FAIR NOTES. ' CONTRIBUTED. Portr is •fr'' the Past. to be, presented: in Lucknow on June 12th was the main topic of 'the Lucknow Agricultural Society when they. met on Saturday .• evening. Models•.have been chosen butif you ,would :like to model •a gown at the presentation, please con • tact Mrs. Harry Lavis'and. there. is a chance you will be needed as, sizes vary and until the costumes are tried on, no one • knows the exact size of them. Be sure toget. your tickets early for the present- ation. June 12 in the Lucknow .Dist- rict High School;' The concert; is very highly rated and has. gone. over big everywhere it hays been ` •Theprize list is• ready for\. tete printers and the fair pians are .pro- gressing Well. . The money: taken in at the con- cert on June 12th, will; go toward renovating the -building the Society bought. two: years ago. It is`plann- ed. to put a 'new floor,in it and decorate the interior and exterior of the 'buildinganderect .a perman- ent sign board on the •Fair;.grounds,' ,advertising the Local Fair. Your help in this Centennial ,project will be appreciated and.; used to the best 'advantage... DRIVE-IN :THEATRE Highway .8 -- Goderich At Concession Road 4 f;argest ;.Screen in ':Huron • County' WEEKENDS ONLY • Double Feature ; FRIDAY' and -SATURDAY May ,26-27 . ' The Story of i Wild : One I. Emus rem' ''' ANRU MIDIETII • A (Adult Entertainment)' '• • and, SECOND FEATURE Admission $1.00 per . minor" Children Under 12 in Cars Free ra Main Feature Starts' at 'Dusk €end Graduation r. 'and Mrs. Harvey Houston, Holyrood attended the graduation of Miss Diane Gibson, from the . College, of Optometry. • last' Wednes- day, May 17th. The graduation. was held in Knox College Chapel, with a. reception following at Hart House Dr. Gibson entertained her guests at •Town and Country later at a, dinner. • Also present were her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson and. Miss 'Sharyn Cocks,. Riverhurst Saskatchewan. Nephew Kalea at Lambeth On. Sunday afternoon, Rev. G, W Wand • Mrs . Kaiser attended the funeral of Robert.Kaiser` in Lamb- eth. He, was killed on Friday when a following car shit the mot fir-cycle on whicb he was a rear seat passenger. , Bobby is the 16' year old son of Mr. Kaiser's nephew Ross. Ross lives- on the Kaiser homestead south-west of Lambeth, �Vitb 'the TOPS In Erste' tainment THURS., FRI., SAT., May 25s : 26, 27 Cit BaIl,00' Jane Fonda,. Le. Marvin .` i Technicolor The Funniest Western Ever. Called flmtStone Ca> icon' Special It's the Laughingest Show CARTOON e 4s4a•* MON. TUES., WED., ' May 29, 30 31, Orth. By Nort Graf*, Eva Maria Saint Technicolor Thrills • and Suspense' CARTOON .:let4490.44-$: ' WEDNESDAY, •MAY 24th 1961 PkflS vane For `i^A^^^^"v� ��o,..� y Centennial Year � • In Riley &Huron Ripley and Huron; Township Cent ennial committee met Monday, May 22 and decided prizes• Would be awarded for the best decorated' places: a••,first and second prize for the business. places in Ripley' and Huron Township; iThree• prizes to each, 1st village •;residences•and • 2nd Rurah;residences. These prizes will be.worth"trying for arid each participant is urged to Yet Bill. McCreath or George •MacLean know their intentions. by June 25th. Also anyone Wanting to purchase flags: or decorating material may ' order same: through the committee by:: Jude, fit. • Prizes also will be awarded at the Old tirne Dance 'to be July /1st for Original,'or authentic' cost - , "tines and. copied costumes is well" as comic, Plan to be there:in cos- tume; .. Ball games planned to date are.' .Ladi,es and Mens old timers games; 'Junior girls games; Midget and Ban• tam games for ,boys; • Volley ball' for both Public and High School, students. The Paradecommittee is receiv- ing names of organizations np�w who 'want to,enter a float., decor- ated :car,, antique cars,: decorated bicycles and tricycles. Good' prizes are 'bein �'g offered in each, class. • The Beauty . Queen contest:is coming along with several girls planning to enter;. Preparation for booths and food is being 'taken. care of by the Institutes,. Church services and choir plans ire well underway. All Scouts, .Girl Guides, .C.G.I.T.-, Rebeccas;: and 'organizations are asked to parade in groups:to the^ services. All in all the big; celebration;.is l . well underway as' far as plans' are ; concerned. • Anyone ,wanting.information: may contact:Gearge .MacLean,., Reeve' of Ripley °and•'President'Of the committee or Mrs.:Oliver ;Mc- Charles,. secretary of the corrin- ittee . FBIRTHS4 STANLEY. - in Wingham and District Hospital, on Tuesday, May 16, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs., . Wayne Stanley,, Lucknow, a daught ter. • • MURRAY -.'in Kincirdine GClneral Hospital on May 22, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. 'John R. Murray,,,Holyrood a daughter,, Helen 'Cecelia . Pommy Thompson DiesAt Tweed J.A. Thompson of Tweed,• a re-, tired bank•rrianager, passed away on Friday, May 19th after a lengthy illness' which followed a stroke.he 'suffered, about four years ago. Tommy Thompson, as he was familiarlyknown, •was at one time, trianager of:the Bank'of • ,Montrealin Lucknow and.left here tante twenty years ago`. He, is survived byhis' wzfe and_• a son Jim of. Yingiton. lnrer.ment aenrice.w•a.* omit Miteaford, on. Sunday May 21st with • burial at Meaford Cemetery on 'Monday • Attending. the service on Sunday ,from Lucknow'were, Mr. and Mrs W..:B. Andersons Nit, and Mrs. W.A. Porteous, Mrs. Clark Fin- layson ,and in-layson,and Mrs. Noble.iohnston.. ..,. ... .11,•`y,! h+t; . �k���+•� i�isia►�•L#ii� � �f.w.,I�i�,.+nrti4 �+ Kincard in e • 2 . 26 27 ` 'DOUBL'E FEATURE till' Art saves TW. N rrree!: 'r' P MILY. giumtPoonago molt IfniCI Dula Buruitii iEVA:: _. irr rissons .riasmug. BWNET3.I>NES _ • 0.119MosetEe•60114k6imv „„ o•eioeoil •••oa.aidd ddiP 'dee •eeeeo••e•• •eoio;e MM. two. NSW. 9.30 ,..The most terrifying film of our time. .:,--t,,,•.: iT. t t �' A� �4 w' •_ j �tl.lIIaIP J 31 ' ', DOUBLE: FEATURE inrl l 'ADULTENTEETAINMENT EmS 11NE G'111.1'. H iil�✓I DlE wta+ ooMioRs.oaonnrsarr iv�iiaw FEATU RING `I GEST ScREEII s R Pro ertlee p F.C. Van Ey]: local ,a ent:for. John Bosveld Real Estate., has ;made several fare} sales.. recently'. • Jackson Reive of the 4th, of West Wawanosh sold. his 227 :acre farm to Louis. Neves'of that area With immediate possession for Mr. Neves ^ The de:al'involved Mr. Reive acquiring;the Louis Neves 100 .acre;` farm, also on • the: 4th . ". ' Mr . Reive :in turn sold. the' 100 acreproPertyt to Beartle. Brasman of :Brampton who will Obtain •posses.' ession'Jilne,15: Mr. Grasman•has been working as a transport driver `. at ' Bra'mlea. and plans on doing ' •mixed farmirg..'He is: married - :with one .Child and is member of :- tire -the. Christian ^Reformed Church. Mr. Reive has pruchased a.place at: Thamesford ;and , moved•• there on Tuesday:of last week. ; A11'sales were handled by;Mr. Van: Eyl . t $393,000 ingham contract The Hon.: George E'..Gonime, Minister Of Highways, announces the award, of a contract on Highway 4 and 86- Wingham Diversion east and west of Highway 4, in the Stratford District .;• • A distance of1.:83 miles in length .the contract involves grading, drainage, granular -base, 'hot• mix paving and two• structures over the•• Maitland ;River. It,also .includes work on the: Wingham•,Patrol Yard deveIopment;r • The• estimated overall cest:''of: the project is .$893,000:00 Mowbray Constr i}dtion Company Limited .of Windham is the success- ful 'contractor It is expected', that work .wi begin on June 12th, .1967, ,w.t:' i a ' probable completion date o. ay 3Oth, 1968. . GODERICH.• ON. THE SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS IN .AIR CONDITIONED. COMFORT Entertainment.I Our Business ThuirS., Fri.. . Sat.: - May • 25=26=27 ~ A HARRY SAUZMAN Pndrdisr' , • - ICIIAILCNL:. neralin emit tECHNicoioiIo.riAra,visioN®AtMAilklirNCI( Shows at 7:30 and 9:25 t. Matinee ' at 2:30 -- Regular 'Matinee . Prices • Mon., Tues., Wed. May, 29-30-31 comes* o.w*s =Mamma ADULT..:----- o.uani4.tr1 Shows at 7:30 and 9:20 Coming Next: ' THE NIGHT OF THE GENERALS] (Adult Emeii ainment)