HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 17 - _iv li'Ar W+olt. t 7... �.T ra' 17lRA'11�n`� 'MbM 17._,.
.... $4.00 A Year: In Advanaw :..;1.00.ExfraTa..U,.. .S.A..�..
•. _ �,..
''WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th .1967
Single Copy 1Oc it Paps •
s Sixteen residents: of the village •
were concerned enough about Cent.
ennial'year observance in the
.'village to spend their 24th of May
holiday Monday evening in the:.
Lucknow Town Hall planning for
a suitable major Centennial pro-
ject th be carried out in Lucknow .
the Centennial committee,
which h'ad been appointed the
week previousat a well attended
public m'eetin'g, is being chaired ,
by Bob Finlay with Donna Ritchie
'the•secretary :and Rev. 12.14. Stir-
ling,. treasurer,
After discussion of a variety. Of
suggestions it was agreed by the, '
group that the: development of a
new parkin ;Lucknow , with picnic
facilities and .children's
playground,. would, be the major
centennial project promoted by.
the .Lucknow.Centennial CommiL.
''ttee. Several'p`ark sites were sugg-
ested with the area. just .east of
Jack MacDonald's,garage. on Wil]
oughby Street and ''running. south to.
the river, being generally favoured.
as a suitable location. This proper-
ty is owned. ;by Bob MacKenzie of
Lucknow who; had indicated prior
to thea meeting that he was not part-
icularly interested in sellingathe:
propertybut would.do sp if it was
the• wish of the committee to 'loc
ate a 'park on this site.. .. '
A committee'of Bob Finlay, Mrs.
Morgan. Henderson; and Charles. Web.
ster was appointed to meet with
village council and Mr. MacKenzie
to determine if this project met
with their favour and to determine
if centennial grants would be app
roved for this park project'.
Earlier discussion in the meeting .'
ce tred'around, the improvement.of
the Caledonian Park site but the
meeting generally favoured the
establishment of a hew park site.
Considerable'discussion centred'
•around the adopting of a swimming
pool as the centennial project.
Main support for this project .came,
from the youth of the community.
Most adults' feel the need of a •
swimming pool -but' -rely on the.'ex-
periences.of othervillage.organiz
ations who, 'on several occasions, '.
have investigated this project and
turned it down. It was the. general
'agreement of most 'of the :centenn-
ial committee that a swimming .
pool project was more,than they
.wished to attempt. •
it was felt by the meeting that
roller_. skating should have been.
introduced as a summer sport in'
the •Lucknow arena following the
install.atton•..of the new. floor by
the Lions Club several years .ago .•
It was feltthat this was a respon--
sibility of the arena board ;and
recreation committee.' A comm-
ittee was appointed to meet with
village council to determine if
this could not be commenced at
It was;, reported that new • signs
were "on the drawing board" for.
entrances to the village This in -
Teachers' Federation. Now Acting In
Salary Negotiaiions Belween Teachers
&Board Of KinIossLucknow School Area
Two months Of salarynegotiations category:'3, $4500-$6900;
numerous meetings, one•of which.. gory 4,.:.$5100-$7500; ':an;annual
'•ended: at nearly three a; m .. prop- increment of $200 for three. years
osals and counter proposals' by both • and '$300' to, the maximum- in
reachers and board of the Township..category1; ••$300•annual- increment
School Area of Kinloss and -Luck-: in categories 2, 3, 4; principals'
now, all' have :proved fruitless in an allowance of $150 per classroom;
°attempt to arrive at a salary sche one-half allowance cumulative'
dole satisfactory to both sides. •sick leave with •100da s maxim:-
• The Salary -discussions had reach -um;• full, ex` erience allowance
, P
'ed a stalemate . between loardand ,for all new teachers on the staff.
teachers, and last week represent There were.other: proposals and
atives'of the Ontario Teachers' counter proposals by both sides
Federation: were called in'bY : the during the • next few weeks in' an
teachersinvolved•.to act in.presentA effort to arrive.' at same'.satisfact= •
ation of their requests. 'A Meeting ory. arrangement. Adjustments
betewere made to the board's original:
�; wen the Federation represent-..
.atives'and,the;-Lucknow-Kinloss • offer and some fringe benefits alt
board was held on -Friday night. eyed o• .
`Also'present was a•inember of the:: Final word was received ,from the •
Ontario School Trustees' Connell, teachers that the -schedule was not
acting 'on•behalf of .the, board., Na acceptable and' that. the Teacher's ,.
,;agreement was reached and the : Federation had been requested .to
matter is now at "revel 3% as
is known in school 'circles, with
`further discussions being carried . .'.
out by.the federation and. the'
.School Trustees' Council..
• The 1966-67 'salary schedule of
•the•school area, whch•covers all
elementary school teachers.in'
.Lucknow 'arid Kinloss ,Township is:
• category 1, minimum $3500,
maximum $5000; category 2,
`minimum $3900, maximum $5700
The annual increment is $200 for `.
• the first three' years and $300 after
that to the maximum .Five years
previous experience is Allowed.
The -principals' allowance is $125
per classroom:.
The following proposed schedule
was originally presented by the
• teachers which would he for the
next term commencing in the -Fall
1 ,$4400-$O.O;category
2,,$4900-.$700d; category 8, •
$5400-$7800; category 4, $6000-
F rpags "" Iowance-of'
$225 per classroom; full ..
cumulative. sick•leave; fullexper-
kende on schedule; $200 to each.
teacher upon completion of an'
approved course.
The bbard's offer to the teachers
.leas as follows: category 1, $3900
$5800; category 2, $4200-$6600;
DidYOU'' :Know
Youn Cecil Bkike?
Could you identify the .picture, of '
the youngster On back page of last
week's .Sentinel. Many thought it
'Was the publisher despite, the fact
that we said, ' the picture was one of
half a century ago. .We know we
look old after each week's paper
hits the; street but surely not 'quite,
that 'old,.
The'•young boy with the fancy hat
and dress and high buttoned
shoes 'is Cecil Slake, of Dungannon
for those who may not by now have
guessed. • 1 • . •
• The 'identity• of those in the old'
school picture of R. R, No. 16 Ash-
field ;
sh-field; about 1914, .which appeared,
in last week's Sentinel, are: Back•
Rowe:, Lily. McQuoid,,.•Violet Kil{{ry-yr
ary, Ida Rivett. Middle Row; Ruby
McQuoid, Ruby Curran, Etta
McQubid, Alma Blake, Mildred
McWhinney, Ruby -Kilpatrick,
Front Row: Charlie, Rivett, Cecil
Blake, Berr McWhinney, John Kilt
pa.trick, Bruce Shackleton. •
The teacher ,is' Miss Jennie Stoth-
Died At92.
Mrs Jeremiah Cranston: passed
away at Pinecrest Manor Nursing'
Home Friday, May 19, where she
has been residing .She was 92..
'Funeral service was: held Monday
from. MacKenzie. Memorial Chapel'.
Lucknow',..with burial in�Dungann
•on Cemetery,
Dennis ourtneI
Has Leg Frac
The Courtney families of Amber-
ley have had rnore`than• their share
of hard, knocks
Dennis Courtney;.14-year-old son
of Mr: and 'Mrs. Bob Courtney , is •
'in St .• Joseph's Hospital in' London'
with a fractured leg after a .mishap
on the family farm.on Tuesday
night of last ,week:,
Dennis,' a ;:grade 9 student •at
Winghain vocational school,; had
Walked back 'on the -farm -to -meet
his dad who Was :cleaning up some •
fence bottoms with the tractor;
Upon ;.meeting .Bob, Dennis climbed
on the':tractor at the rear. only to
be caught in some manger in the
wheel as.it turned,: '
He was first:taken'by ambulance
to Kincardine Hospital and thenon
to St , Joseph's ' Hospital the follow
• ing day where the leg was set. The
break occurred' above the knee'and
Dennis' :will •be in traction for about
six weeks.
Bill Black rakes'
New SuperVising
Principal's Post
'William black, principal'at
Kinloss Central Puthic School for
the pasrtwo years and as well
grade 8 teacher at Kinloss:Central,
has accepted a position as super
vising.principal for the East Wawa -
.4t rt4
awa-Arhi r.
ain Stre
:'..A: main street improvement pro-
ject with an estimated total cost . .
of $91,750. is well' underwa . in
Lucknow. •Lavis 'Contractin . Com=
pany" •of•Clinton are 'doing the con-
struction work at -a contract price
ef. $85,488.
Theywere.the lowest
of four tenders for 'the : work*. • The
Other tenders were for
$86,756, ,$99,713 and ;$146,473.
The reconstruction work includes.
storm, sewers, grading and paving
of. Campbell: Street (Highway 86)
from the east limits of Lucknow to
the west limits, a distance; of .76 .
tuna ated
total cost of' ' •`:'.
$91,750, :$80, 00.0 will be paid'
the Department ,of y
Highways under
-• ,.
the terms of a connecting' link ag-
reement with the village. `
Consulting engineer for the work..
is. B.M. .:Ross .of Goderich..
The school area has .three new
9 room schools constructed at
Blyth,,. Brussels and 13elgtave, Bill
Will supervise 'the 27 classrooms.,.
He has .been at Kinloss `'Central:
as principal,for two years having'
tau t for+six years 'previously at
st `_'-"; ie.. r"l ," `