HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-17, Page 41 f 6 fr tit PAGE POUR. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th, 1967 SALE FOR SALE - Cletrac bulldozer, blade; Ford Fro -.m baledmoand shaft loose straw. ' prop; d Glenn, phone ;529-7962. FOR : SALE . - . 1957 ° .Plymouth, new rings and valve job, 'no rust, smooth; and 'strong. ' N. W. Winter - stein, Lucknow •• •• ASPHALT SHIN3LES Standard, self seal and lock, 15 ib. felt paper,; roof coatings, caulk- ing, roll sidings. MORRISON EROS. `. R.R. 2 Lucknow Phone 528-2906 SEED CORN See' us . for your ` seed corn re- rqu rements Lucknow District ,Co-operative SPRING CLEANING SPECIALS used upright and tank type vacuum cleaners Greer T.V.and:'Electric, Lucknow Phone .528-3112. FOR SALE - wall type : propane'. gas heating unit, •suitable;•for cot- tage. Peter MacDonald. Lucknow, phone 528-2029. BRIDGE ..PARTY ENSEMBLE Two score pads, thirty-twotally- cards, allycards, two pens, all; matching, $2.` THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR ;SALE ,-= 20';bushell of ":seed. Flax; 3 bags of barley and oats; :.all cleaned . ready for planting. William Ferguson, Amberley, phone 395-2718. FLOOR SANDING, REFINISHING Both :old /floors and : new Free estimate 'Professional Fabulon Floor' Finish PAUL RINTOUL, WINGHAM Phone•,357-3172 A . WEDDING, inthe: family? Let', us supply" the invitations, thank- you cards, special . napkins W and match .,covers: Call . The Lucknow Sentinel, Phone 528-3134.: VACUUM CLEANER SALES'and SERVICE For all •,' makes _. Filter Queen, Sales, Zurich, phone '-1lensall 262-5350 :collect. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs- m Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and •Sick • ness• Home Protection' Call your, Co-op' Agent LLOYD, MONTGOMERY 53 Maple' Street, Wingham Dial 357-5.39 WOOD FOR SALE . , = .Hardwood or softwood , slabs in • 10 cord •. truckload lots;. We 'deliver. Borden Litt Sawmill,.. 'phone T;eeswater 392=6895: SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. • Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic ' ' tanks, Ronald . Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, •manu facture; :"of ce•ment •• septic tanks and well tile. CEMENT, MASONRY,•. . Chimneys, Sidewalks, -Pointing. up and small Masonry Jobs. Phone Gerrie Glenn, Dungannon 529-7962 or , Vernon, Glenn, Goderich 524-7014. EAVESTROUGHING and metal. flashing, material and labour; for free estimate call Morrison Bros, at Murdie's Hardware,- Lucknow phone 528-2906. • MacKINNON ELECTRIC: Specializing in farni wiring R.R. 1 Port Albert Phone 524-6336 FOR SALE . FAMILY HER ALD Subscriptions. taken at The Ltic - now Sentinel, phone 528-3134. ' FOR SALE all -varieties . seed grain, clovers, grasses, inoculants, Pride seed .corn and Evergreen lawn grass mixture. Pasture tre- foil and ; timothy, $5.04 ,per acre, Low land mix $4.60 per acre, High land hay, Pasture. of Alfalfa, Red Clover, Timothy, Brome : and Mea- dow Fescue, (20 lb. per acre), $7.41. Custom. seed : and . grain cleaning. Roy. Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone 'Cargill. 366-2394. CUSTOM BUTCHERING•. Beef and pork sold in., any • quan- ity. Custom butchering 'in Govern Ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday through Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT :MARKET:. ,• , FOR SAL all. types. of ,ased. . iron and piping, Robert E, Irvin,. Garage and Farm Machinery, Dungannon,phone 529-7911. FOR 'SALE ost Hole We are andloaders.3• Queen Cow ' . . Comfort "Stalls, and WOOD FOR SALE '.'hardwood slabwood, • 7 cords $28.00 or 5 cords $20.00. ` Elm, or soft maple, 7 cords $17.50 or • 5 •-cords $12.50.. Above prices delivered` to, your •'' yard Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, hone. 520-7 phone . ,. • WRINGER WASHER for sale, used Greer .T. V. and Electric, phone 528-3112:: PLAYING CARDS Double and:: single decks, ' euchre decks at the . Sentinel Office: BARN • •EQUIPMENT : Acorn semi-automatic Cable Cleaners, chain : cleaner, bunk . feeders, silo unloaders, hog equipment, .layer equipment, .: fans, bulk ' tanks, Lynn- . Lowry, ' Amberley, • phone Ripley 30 r •6: . . .ATTENTION FARMERS'. ,• FARMWAY' BARN CLEANERS Have your; barn measurednow' for - Spring installation. • HALLMAN ;SILOS, Place or- der early. For. the best in silo unloaders • and bunk • feeders, see Van ;Dale: VERSATILE' SWATHERS AND GRAIN' AUGERS. ' ., • We have a good; supply of grass seed and Pfister corn •• GEORGE WRAITH ' 11/2.,, miles south of • Goderich,. Highway 8 ' Telephone 524.651 CENTENNIAL • • Napkins - Coasters Pens :—s Pencils at THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL' STLJMPS REMOVED HAVE'"YOUR STUMPS REMOVED WITH,GLENN'S STUMP\ CUTTER. PHONE DUNGANNON 529a-7962 FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT on Rose St., oil heating, good : condition. Vacant June .1st. Apply to Dennis or Basil Hogan; telephone Ripley 76 'r 18. . FOR " RENT three bedroom apartment, • electric;heating; avail' able by June'ist. Apply Alvin Ham ilton, Lucknow' phone 528-3932. ING EVENTS NEW CASH • BINGO Legion. Hall, Lucknow, Thurs- day, 8:45. p.m. 15 regular games, $10.00 each. 4 Share The Wealth games with '. jackpot included in each game. Jackpot this week $85 on 57 calls. RECEPTION AND DANCE A Reception will be held for Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Gardner ' (nee Wendy Emberlin) " in Lucknow: :Legion Hall, • Friday,. May "19th. Everybody' welcome. ° • HOLIDAY WEEK -END DANCE Legion 'Hall. Lucknow Saturday, May 20th • 9-12 P.M. . Carruthers' Orchestra, $3.00 . per couple, includes lunch. Admittance restricted to ' persons 21 ' years of age and over:: Come: see and dance in .our :newly : decorated and mod ernly •.lighted. hall: Sponsored by. Lucknow Branch, Royal Canadian Legion. / BAKE .SALE - The A.0 W of St. Peter's Arg lican . Church ' will hold a Bake Sale in -:the Parish Hall, Lucknow, on :Saturday, ; June 3rd, . at. 3 p.m. FOR';RENT new':' dustless floor sanders: Finlay •Decorators, Luck now, phone' 528-3434., APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS FOR DRAINAGE ;INSPECTOR Kinloss .Townshp, ,. Applicant to be availablefor all drainage: work, stating .. salary:'. ex= pected.. Tenders to be in the hands of thea clerk by.May 20th Fraser MacKinnon . Clerk R.R. 6 Lucknow COURTNEY. in memory of Archie C. 'Courtney who ' passed.. away May 16th, • 1966. Hisweary hours and days, of pain, His troubled nights are past; And in our aching hearts we know He' has found sweet rest at last. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his ,wife and family. MILLER in, memory of : Frank Miller, who '• • passed away ' May 23rd, 1966. .. • God saw you getting 'weary,: He did what he: thought best, • He put his arms around you- And whispered 'come:and rest. •. The• Golden Gate stood open One year • ago to -day, With good-byes left 'unspoken You :gently slipped away. Ever remembered by,"wife and family:... • • FO52, SALE Valuable .Residential „Property in. p Y Lucknow, Ontario. This property consists of a brick veneer semi -bungalow type of res- idence in first class .repair situ- ated on one of the better resident- ial streets in Lucknow. 'The' grounds are beautifully landscaped and the • dwelling', contains 6 rooms in addition to what may be termed , a Den or Study. • Ample. storage space, All modern con- veniences and a particularly fine basement. .It must really be seen inside' to be appreciated. Posses- sion can be arranged to suit 'pur- chaser. For further particulars ap- .ply, to Ross . A. Martyrs, Box 100, Ripley, Ontario, ., Executor :of the Estate of .the ; late •Mary. Annetta Bushell, phone 58 or 85. CUcunber. Growers iNtf KICKS OF CANADA WOULD' LIKE MORE ACREAGE. FREE,'FICK UP AT GATE If Interested . Write.' or 'Phone Bicks Of Canada PHONE . ,30-r-3 DUBLIN' •-•- OR. John Van n RoOy. DUNGANNON 529-7438 . r+1 Fier . eta'4r`.',+ikit*VA*4,16trig is NOTICES NOTICE OF -'MEETING TO CONSIDER ,BY-LAW • Take ,° notice :, that a by-law for raising $20.0,000.00 under . the pro- visions of , The Tile Drainage Act, 'will be taken into consideration'; by the Council of : the Township' of Ashfield at .the. Township- Hall, on the 12th day of June, 1967, at the hour of• 8 o'clock in the ev A ng. Donald. M. Simpson,' CI NOTICE SHOW POSTPONED Lucknow.::Horticultural Spring Flower Show has; been postponed to :Saturday; ,May 27th. Doors open ,at 8 p.m. Exhibits •.to be placed from 4.p.m. to 6:30 p.m.. • NOTICE RE HOG SHIPPING • Because of 'the. Monday holiday. May. 22nd, hogs will be shipped in Lucknow on ,Tuesday',` May' 23rd, . in place of 'Monday. • AUCTION SALF AUCTION, SALE • AUCTION SALE .:of Registered Jersey cows ' and young cattle, machinery, hay and some house- hold effects will be held for Arnold Stothers, Lot 13, Cones= sion 3, West Wawanosh Township, 1 "'mile south ,of Dungannon, ' on Saturday, May/27 at 1:00 p.m. 'TERMS•. CASH Allan Maclntyre,, Auctioneer Barley Contracts. Available� • (CONQUEST VARIETY ONLY) SEED GRAINY SEED CORN, C LOVE R AND GRASS SEEDS (Mixed If Desired). Elliott's SeedNiII. LUCKNOW PHONE; 528.300 AUCTION. SALE' AUCTION SALE -- of farm• mach- inery will ' be held . for Henry Farrell,' lot 33, concession '3, Kin- cardine Township, 4 milesnorth. and 1 mule west of Ripley, Satur- day, June 3 at •1:30 p.m. See bills for list., terms cash,. farm. sold. • Henry Farrell, proprietor' '. Allan Maclntyre, auctioneer HIGHEST PRICES. PAID FOR FRESH DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS Under 500 lbs. • Picked .' Up Free CALL MERIYN YULE COLLECT CARGILL 3664713 Licence No. •42RP66. LIGENSEri HOTEL. situated in busy. lakeshore • town.: Dining room . seats .43 with . $27,000 • ii`ncome., , Gallonage . 20,500 with 'seating capacity, 293. All new: furnishings and new stainless Steel kitchen. Gross : soles $92,988. Good' terms.' SERVICE STATION with Shell pumps, gallonage 60,000 Separ- ate building with •..3 bedroom liv- ing quarters, restaurant and' some groceries;- Situated ;on. outskirts of Bayfield this 2 acre; lot has valuable frontage on 21 highway. Ideal Motel site. Ser- ious illness is . forcing sale. Try $7,000 down. 8 LANE, airconditioned bowling alley in ' 'Clinton with : modern, living quarters: •; Owned by a company who are buying;, land and . will 'exchange on any. size' farm over 100 acres ,or sell with 25% ' down:. $2,000 DOWN ' buys 7 room frame house near. Lucknow, on 16 acres withsmall barn, •gar age, other buildings -Full price $6,500: A 6ROOM . HOUSE ' on Victoria. , Si.,tfurnace, laundry tubs,', at tached garage. Smart, and • clean • inside and out.. .Only $7,000.. GENERAL STORE — This is a,money• maker on Highway in Village: Good cash down pay- ment required: Give us a call. for .inspection, For '`above • and other properties: Contact: STAN KAY PHONE 528.3531.. OR. IVAN 'STRUTHERS PHONE •KINCARDINE.,37$• Wilfred Mclntee & Co., Limited WALKERTON Member •of, the Grey and Bruce; Multiple Listings Service ' List 1VI;L S w..... Over 60 salesmen, Working 'For You •'