The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-17, Page 2ft PAGE TWO . THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, {ONTARIO' The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The • Sspoy. Town" On. the Huron -Bruce Boundary. Authorized: as• second, class mail, Poste Office- Department;, Ottawa Established 1873—Published Each Wednesday. Afternoon. Member of the C.W.N.A..and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $400 a year in advance to the. U.S.A., $5.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher • WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th, 1967' �pnquet arks Official Change-Ov�r '0 Ripley DiaI By H. and K. Telephone A.banquet 'to. mark the. official openingof the new Ripley dial ex-. change, of the Huron: and Kinloss, Telephone System .was held in: the Ripley Legion Hall on Wednesdai evening of last week. Employees, municipalrepresent atives, contract ing firms and others associated in the dial. conversion were. gUests,at • the banquet,.: ' Stewiart Needham of Ripley,. • chair ,man ;of the •three -m an .board. of DRIVE-IN :THEATRE Highway 8 , -=.. Goderich. 'At Concession Road 4 '- Largest Screen in Huron County • WEEKENDS ONLY Double Features FRIDAY and SATURDAY' M` MAY 19-20 . . A DAZZLING MUSICAL BONANZA1:. An Embs;fy Release • -- and — SECOND FEATURE • N1HT O I THE GFIIZZLY TrcMMIIOIOA A PARAMOUNT PICTURE SUNDAY MIDNIGHT. 'May :21 ..' TRIPLE FEATURE (Adult' Entertairirnent) (Adult Entertainment)'. and . 'MASTER OF TERROR'. Adfnission $1.00 per person Children under 12 In Cars Free Main Future Starts' at Dusk commissioners of.the phone system, acted as m aster of ceremonies for an impromptu program of speeches following the 'dinner. Mr . Need. ham has completed• thirty years as, a corom issioner with. the Huron. and Kinloss Phone System. He said that`; the railway's were established in this area in 1873'and•.in 1874 the .telegraph appears to have been the firstmethod of communication.. 4bout the. fl rn •of the century the Bell Telephone first came into this .area. In 1910, twe-eight phone subscribers were serviced along, the •lake:shore . In 1911, the Huron and, Kinloss System wase formed. It subsequently, bought out the Lake- shore .M.1104,:the Lucknow, rural which'came as far as Holyrood and in recent years, . the :Dungannon phone system. SThose' called on for a .few words included George MacLean, Reeve ; of Ripley Vic Hanford of :the Ontar: `io• Telephone Services who compli- nfented'thelocally'owned and cots- trolled phone. system and; the mann- er in which the conversion was handled , iso complimenting the valuable service of. Francis Gemmell',; a native son,: also with .the Ontario. Telephone services, Rev-. George: Ball of Ripley, United : Church; Montieth and •. McGrath; general contractor for the $17:,500 building; Wlf Osler.of the Belle ' .Telephone; W illiarn; R. Lowry ; Reeve • of Huron Township; Andy McTavish of the South -Bruce Rural:; Telephone System. at Teeswater and. Mildmay, Len Jones of the �Autohiatic Electric Company;: 'Williatn Evans; Reeve of :Kinloss;: Ross.•Taylor bringing greetings from'. the Ontario Telephone System;; Ernie Greer`, Reeve of Kincardine Township,: G.E. Naldrete, manag- er of the Eruce Municipal Telephone System; Francis .Gemmell of•,tlie. Ontario Telephone:. Services; Deputy -Reeve ' Gordon, Boyd of Ashfield 'Township; Ross Martyr! :whose father was the first • secretary -treasurer of the company, Robert Lyons, Reeve of West Wawa:. nosh; W.. Hi, McArthur, manage of.' Ontario Hydro'at Winghain; Doug • Small of 'Autern atic Electric;' • I M urr.ay Campbell,; commissioner of thephone: system for fourteen years; Harold Zehr, manager of the Hay Municipal Telephone System;- Goldie Buckingham, of The Kincardine News; Dan MacDonald, .a -commissioner :of the H. and K : I System' for,six years who, with hi4 .. . Wife Sheila, were observing their.` wedding anniversary the ,night of the banquet; Don Thornpson of The Luckn'ow Serftinel. Murray. Campbell,thanked the'. ;Legion Ladies' Auxiliary for cater' ,ing to the banquet, and this`was res.-.• ponded to by Mrs. Russell, Stanley. Clayton Nicholson, manager of the H. and I( system for. the past twelve years, • and an employee for thepast nineteen ye'ars,said conversion of the $325.000 dial project was,done in about 1 1/Z' years Atid the job is one that nokni w ally take's much longer. ' He paid tribute to the employees of'the system , Burton MacLeod; -Bob Johnston , Ivan Cook and Dug Martyn for their untiring efforts to- wards the' completion of:the project He said the phone operators, Let.tie` G awley," Doris MacDonald •," Mrs • GODERICH ON THE SQUARE FIRST' RUN FILMS IN, AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertoinmetnt Is Our Business THURS.. FRI.. SAT.. MAY From: The Man Who Made,"Charade GREGORY , SOPHIA PECK TOREN A STANtEY'OONEN PROOuciION ARABESQUE TECHNICOLOR".PANAVISION -20 Shows "at 7:30 and• :9 15: Sat. Matinee' at„2;30 Regular; Matinee Prices M,ON .I TU S.;; WED. ;MAY 2243-2.4. �t'rritli.1/A. TECHNICOLOR' Spows at 7:39 and 9:25 Owning 'Next - "Funeral In Berlin Bert MacTavish, Bette MacLeod, •„ Mrs Steve Irwin, Mrs Dorothy • •'Brooks and ...Mrt.:Bertha'Scott :were very'helpfujl in the: change -over and worked, extra:hard in they past 'few weeks: He also praised.the work• done'by Secretary• Miss Marie, MacKay 'and commissioners' Need-- ham",, Campbell mid MacDonald as well as all” tnen involved in the .conversion:.operation: . Highpraise was given Mr Lich Olson by a number of.the speakers for his work in the conversion...The Ripley system has had only 'four .:• secretaries in its history:,,:.Angus' • 0' iMartyn,' Ross. Martyn; Mary :Cul- bert and . Marie MacKay, Spoons,' cu'lis and .thermal jugs, etiscribed •w ith the;old time tele- phones and poles, were presented to alloperators arid the` secretary• Lettie Gawley replied. on behalf of the ladies. expressing their • :thanks' and ,stating that the• long .'.. periods'of service,'reniereed by sev eral employees, 'would' indicate .: that Huron ard.K•inloss Telephone • was a';good company to work for She said, "we'll give the dial a try, . but if you ever want to change over again,, the operators will be standing by" Kincardine filiit. 9 : ZO:.' ' ' DOUBLE FEATURE 0.00rmweuseu R`nDUIi ENTERTAINMENT • // i . LAUREN BACAll•1UUENARRIS•ARIHURHIIHANETIf16H PAHHA TIFRI ROBERT WAGNER' SHEI I FY WINTERS f` DOlUSDAT • IIOD.TAYI1JR DONUT NUT DISTU1ill 1L Ain. AeweMq.eu i Ndciu Ini.itiin +; *IMO WIEM• WO (NTIAI } T AD T ENTER INME THE FEAR OF THE YEAR E?r"Terreirs House Horrors Tec hn•color Mr .TRIPLE FEATURE, z ORS 010LEedPlilG$ilkwR7rA0198Ea1r1lRoi • 1 hie& war, 22 23 ' 24 . DOUBLE FEATURE • f` . theZanes te,K'1't I ATURING THE LARGEST SCREEN IN THIS AREAL • . a�����gw':a�e,NM+i•,IA/a1ilWIT. Yt.w:=+:++.,++'[Ar Ar • WEDNESDAY:,, . MAY 17th, 1967 With the TOPS In' Entertainment •.** * * *.:* * *^* * *.*.: WED.," THURS., ,PRI., May 17-18.-19 • Fire BaUSOO F. Avalon, A. Funciella.' Technicolor Cinemascope Mile a Minute Thrills to Hot • Rod Racing. HOT 'ROD CARS Admitted . F,ree Tarzan and the Valley Of cola .All; .New High Adventure M. Henry.. CARTOON *.******* SATURDAY ONLY.' '77; MAY •'20 a:n ou d Killed '� • J'emes. 'Garner M. Macouri Technicolor Spies and 'Beauties dd:WId Winter. The Astronauts Technicolor Rock.: t Roll .Fun. CARTOON. ****♦r**.**'*. SUNDAY :MIDNITE-- MAY 21 Frankenstein Conquers the World zilla Thing n the Sun • Big Triple' Horror Show: Season Pass TO First 5 Drivers:; *:*' * *Jr fir'* * MON., TUES.,,WED., . May' 22, 23, 24 ild. Angels Pete( Fonda; N Sinatra:' Technicolor. Ao MITTANCt _. RESTRICTED TO'MOM flAU Or A01 . QM OvtR The Wildest Movie 'Ever. Made. b'Naked4dTDep•. Tec icolor OON