HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-10, Page 14PAGE FcwirrEsti THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOWeONTARIO WHITECHURCH • Mr. and Mrs. CamerPII SiminOnS ;of LOnditin were Sunday visitorS, with• her father Charles Martin -and" other relatives. , • Mrs. George "Young and baby Heather returned home on Satur- day from' Wingham and District Hospital. . 0.0 • • • • . ' AGENT$. HO..6. . AUTO CLAVE CURED CONCRETE AND LIGHT•WEIGHT BUILDING BLOCKS • • • TruckIlateri cks IR PLYWOOD in INE LUMBER . AS}I STAKES . . . Bolts, Harchiar*, etc., • A BURGH FOR THAT PAINT JOB INTERIOR AND' EXTERIOR 'FOR THAT • "JUST PAINTED LOOK" . USE - PITTSBURGH PAINTS ,Iti sioc PORTLAND and MASONRY. CE n. • • .PHONE 521.3111 Lucactiow ckno.*Petiple. Mentally Retarded, ssoc,' .Meeting Ross .HamiltOn, president , acted . as chairman foranorganizational . meeting of the Wingham and Dist ' act Association for themetitally . ..retarcled. held in.the public school •in Wingharn on •May 2nd at 8,p.m. •_There ‘ra.i an excellent attendance of.Ma.ny parents, teadiers and re-' . presentative's from distriet,Organi- zationsand interested Citizens. • Speakers from the 'Ontario Assoc- iation and reports from the recent Convention in Ottawa pteceeded ' • ' the nomination of the new slate of officers. A meeting will beheld' • shortly comprising diese, new off- icers and the V,ariouS organizations'. represented ;will. then be advited as to the help required by them for die 'school. •Severaj: parents from tucknow. • attended .the meeting who have Children presently attending the Goiden Circle School idNingharr, Delegates from .orgarlizations from Lucknow.viere Lucknow , • Mrs Omar, Brooks . Mrs Alex MacNay, , Mts. Armstrong Wilson; Lucknow Auxiliary to the Legion. ' Mrs. Susan McNaughton; Wingham O. F. # 89, 'Mrs. Harvey Webster Lucknow 'and Districtlions Club, Harvey Webster, Opresently chair- , manc,f t ansportationidd a rmem,- •CAMPED OUT • Hugh MacInnes,Alrner Ackert, Lyle Moulton and David Banner- man of 1st Kinloss Scouts camped out Friday arid Saturday nights. There wasan excited group', boarding the buses far Expo on Sunday afternoon. "Slxne from this community were Mrs.. Lloyd Mac Dougall Allan and Grace, Air, MacKinnon, Beity.Coliieii and Walter Dickie.. 0 Mrs. John Dickie. and Mrs : Ira • Dickie .attended the fuhetal of the late Mr. Earl Richardson at Wiar-. ton on Wednesday. • • Arend:May.Day.. Dr . and' Mrs H: , Nancy. Deborah Anne and Doug7 las. ,Mr. and Mrs. George Joynt •and Kathy of Lucknow Sharon' Stanley of Kinlough ,, Dr and , • rs. Berri Corrin Ruth Anne and • Mary. Joan of Wingham. attended 0 May Day which was held at Alma, College.• St. Thorna.s on Saturday,. M ay 6th , Donna Corrin, 18 year old•daUgh- ter otbt . and Mrs. M. H. Corrin had been voted,May Queenl)y fellow studentsand reigned over ,the May Day' festivities ' ber of the board of the. Witigham and District Mentally Retarded School. •. . • MONUMENTS:0 . For sound counsel auda fair price ons monument correctii.desigeedfroln clual4Y aterial, relY ?-• •SKELTON MEIAORIALS Pat. •&Hagan, Prop • Estabtishid Over Sixty Years • ' : WALKERTON PHONE 11114234 ,ONTARIO Ot • • ASIIFIELD • Mrs. Duncan Simpson is a patient in Wingham Hosptal. • •••• Mr..axis! Mrs. George Leadbetter • and Barbara Of Toronto visited with,. MacGregor last week- end. " . Mr. aniMrs. Jas. Oliver arid fanny of Seaforth have Moved to Kintail. Mr. Oliver is employed by. Alex Farrsh. • • •; •• PRESENT SERVICE • • •„. Members of the WOrnen's Mission ary Society .presented service tci. the residents of .Pinecrest Manor O last Thursday. • O Anniversary services WH1 be held in Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Miss Mabel MacDonald otWindsOr was'home for the week -end • .,BRONIE NE WS 2ND LUCKNOW BROWNIE PACK (by Susan Hall) The Ineetm g opened On Tuesday •with a game conducted by Gail Pritchard. Fairy Ring was held with Susan Hall as fairy Queen. Everyone- practised wrapping par cels and played an animal game. Elaine Whitby passed her Nature The Pot Luck Supper which is to • • WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th, * 1967' ,01000,8,1FINaina/femp H FLOW DAY WITH Cut FloWers Lovely Plant $01LOPAONIS GREE. HOUSE. LUCKNOW PHONE 521.31117 • CULROSS CORNERS Sunday visitors' With Mr.. and' irs. James ' Haldenby and girlsWere Mr.. and Mit ..Art CaniPbell and family., Donnie Campbell, all of Kincar- dine ArtTCampbell and Denni • • • . be held•May. 15 for the Guides and , . O Brownies and' their mothers was • discussed. • The meeting closed with chim- es and the Squeeze. • Burrows of Oakville. • / Mr. and Mrs. Rc•nald Stanley, of Kinloss visited on Sunday evening with Mt: and Mrs. Tom Stewart and boys. Mts. EVa-MacPhersoriand family visited on Thursday afternoon with •Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart and boys. " • • Elda and'Dorit Wall of London spent the weekend at their home here. Beverly Wifl also of London. visited on Sunday afternoon at the same home.. • • SYOUrresEIZTEDDISHES WIINGCLE;erk ANE N GHOUSE SANITIZER SYSTEM DISHWASHER AND ALL THIS BESIDES No INSTALLATION 00 • NEEDED , 0• . ust •snail hosn to fauCet1 • ELEVATOR RACK Lifts up 'and out of the way for easy loading. No special loading pattern . needed. ' TU.RB,04ET. • WATER' ACTIO0 5 CYCLE • SELECTORS For every dithWashing j011, from pots . and pans tO'fne•china. Could You Think Of A Nicer om! I . • For 44444.44.44**44.4$444444*4**44444.4. O, r • riarav LUCKNOV/ — PHONE 521145ii• • 'ipp 4.1 • 0-0' • O The held b on Sur • Thos • :Alton, Claytc • Elizab Beach• ' Elwoo •Elwob Dawn • 14 2,