HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-10, Page 13AY MAY Jth,,1,117 . • • • THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •• lieWhpay* friday,oneri.10;:Go TOPoOf1010;(...Off To L.D:H.S. held its annual field clay,last 'Friday. Mr1 Dennis, with • the co-operation,of staff and stud- .ents, organized the event so that it was run off in one afternoon, in-, stead of the whole day as Usual., • The fiat two winners in each event represent L.A.H.S. in the Track• and Field Meet in Port Elgin;:May • 19. Here they•pornpete against the other schools in the Bruce area. Each student is allowed to enter. ••four events-. Thepoints are; 10 fOr first; 7 for second; 5 fOr third; 3 . for fourth; 2 for, fifth;„1„, for 6th. Thus for the overall champion for each class' -,Midget, Junior and -Senior - the totalinumber.of'points 'are tallied, The winner i were as' '• • ' • • • • GIRLS 60 YD. DASH Midget, tune 02 sec. , Janice ' Kilpatrick. Janice Hodgins, Donna Wylds; Jr. 7:.03,, Lynda Diwson, Eleanor Whitby, Jackie Cooper; .• Sr. 900, Rosemary 'Hogan, Sharen Moffat., ,Linda •• 's DASH mici.1*02, Janice Kilpatrick, Loree CaMpbell, CaroltainPbell; Jr. 13:00 Nancy.Irwin„ Helen Cour- tney.; Lynda parson; Sr. 1406; Rosemary Hogan, Sharen Moffat, : Pat Anderson. .; ' . 220 KIN Mid. 32;1, Linda Walden, Henn*: iBeyeribergen, Nolda Miltenberg;• lt..29:6; •Nancy Irwin, Helen . ,cotirtney Nancy Corrin; Sr -34; 0 Sharyn Mowbray', Lynda Cameron, • • Janet Carruthers. 1• .• • SHOTPUT•:' • • Mid. 23'7"',•Dbrothy VanBeers, . . ,tt• •joanne Laidlaw.,,, Betty Colwell; Jr. dertrude VanBeers, Bev. •-MacDonald , Janice Robb;_Sr, 241" 0Janet,Carruthers,.Sharon Courtney, Roiemary Hogan, • DISCUS,' Mid: 63'5" , Dorothy Van Beers, Betty Colwell, Loree Campbell; J*. 86'7" Gertrude Van.Beer&, Bev. MacDonald Joyce Wall; Sr. 60'5" Sharon Courtney, Susan. Cle•land, • Laurine MorriSon. • • . , .STANDING BROAD 'JUMP .Mid, 'Donna Wylds, Jariiee' • Kilpatrick, Mary, Pannabecker; Jr. 'P5" ', Eleanor Whit by, Marlene Drennan; Sr_ 7'2" Rosemary Hogan ,'Janet Carrutheri, Janice Brooks. LONG JUMP. '• . • Mid . .12'3" aniceKilpatrick; Barbara MacIntyre, Dorothy Van- Beers;Jr. 13'9" , Marlene Drennan, Nancy•Irwin, Nancy Bushell; Sr. Rosemary Hogan, Sharyn Mowbray, • Betty -Anne, Simpson .:• •• •• HlaHJUMP • • • Mid. 4'4', Janice Kilpatrick; Mary Pannabecker, Nancy Kirkland Jr. 4'107 Gertrude Van Beers, , Nancy Irwin, bonnatlaine Ritchie; Sr . 3' 8" Rosalene Phillips:, Pat • Anderson, 'Sharyn Morbray.;, • '. • .Thisrancl champions in each • class were: Mid. Japice Kilpatrick. 37, .Dorothy. Van Beers 28; Jr', '• , Nancy Irwin 34, Gertrude Van Beers 33; Sr Rosemary Hogan 35 Sharyn Mowbray 24.... , BOYS . 100 YD. DASH Mid 12.2see. , David. MacKinnon, Oebrge Moffat, Jitn- • • MacDonald; Jr. 12.0, Bruce • well, Ronnie Nicholson, Jim 13oak; Sr: 11.6, Wayne Todd., Doug Cam- pbell, Donald Alton. 220 RACE Mid.' 26,1, Jim, MacDonald , Dav- id MacKinnon, George MOffat; jr. I 24.4,. Bruce F01we11, Ronnie Nioh-I 'ollson, Bill Boak; Sr. 24.2,.• Doug Alton,. •Doug Campbell: Doug • Eadie.' • 1967 Models SEVERAL TO CHOOSE ROM •: . 1966 CHEVROLET, 4 'floor automatic, .6 cylinder 1966 CHEVROLET, 4 door standard transmission ;.• . .• 1965 PONTIAC, 2 door VI .• • • 1965..0i.DSNiOBILE, 4 door: autoMatic. transmission ' 1965 coevRokai, 4 deer,. 6 cylinder itanderd, . • 196 CHEVROLET, 6. cylinder, automatic 1965 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, 2 door. .1965 BUICK, Wildcat, '2door hardtop.• • •• , • • , • 1964 STUDEBAKER, ViaUtinnatiC' , 1963 CHEVROLET, 4 door 1962 CHEVROLET B.l AIr, .2 door 1962 METEOR, standard, 4 door 1961 CHEVROLET, 4 'deer• : 1960 RAMBLER, 4 Door, 6 Cylinder. 1959 FORD, 4 doot 1959 METEOR, iideer:hardtoP:' ,1958 PONTIAC; hardhip' • • • , • . , , .• s. • ' • TRUCK 1967 FORD;, 11,006 mile, , ' • SEVERAL OLDER MODELS SEE THESE AND OTHERS.: • • • . • . • • I/ r amin's Garage BLYTH PHONE 523-4342 1111111111111ImmiTh...--_ , • • • ' 440 RACE Mid. 1 min. 10.2 sec., Sandy SimpsOn ; Gary Blake, Allan, Rhody; Jr. 1 min 5 set: Jon Jamie 'Rosi, bong .Carneron; 59.2see . , Doug Alton ,. Bernard Campbell, Doug Eadie. •' • 1/2 MILE. ' ••• ,Mid . 2::2', Allan Rhody,' Francis Hogan, Roy Taylor; J'r. • 2; 24; 3 Ray. Hogan , Ken„Roulston , Donnie Johnstone; Sr. None, 1 MILE •• Mid., 5:37,.Jack. Cameron, john' • Emberlin, Francis Hogan; Jr. 598, Ray Hogan, Donnie Johnstone, n Ke ii Sr. None. ••. • ' ' HIGH. JUMP . Mid 414".; Sandy !Simpson, Geor ge Moffat; John Emberlin; Jr.. 5'1" , Ricky pritehard Jirri BOA, Jamie Ross;. Sr. 5'2", Wayne Todd,' Bernard Campbell. LONG JUMP . • Mid .14'10" , David MacKinnon; 4. • George -Moffat, Jack Cameron; Jr.. 16'5", Bruce Colwell, 13ill Boak., •Jainie. Ross; Srt. 16'9", Doug Alton ; Doug arnpbeli, 'Don.Alton: . .•• TRIPLE JUMP Mid., 29'1" Sandy Simpson, Allan Rhody,. Jim MacDonald; Jr,. 33'5" , 'Don Bannerman, Stephen Andrew Roulston; Sr. 35". . , 1 1/2" , Doug .Altbry, •DISCUS' Mid: Francis Hogan, Fred Phillips,Sandy Simpson, Jr. 89'9"., Bruce Colwell. Calvin Ritchie, Eric Thacker, Sr..50'3" , Wayne Todd., Bernard CamPbell,- Doug Alton. • : • •••SHOTPUT Mid. 32'10" , Jai* Montgomery , Francis.Hogan,, David MacKinnon; Jr. 30.'19",••Calvin• Ritchie i. Ronnie Nicholson; Bill Boak;. Sr. 3.2'3", Bernard Campbell, Doug Campbell Donald Alton . • • , • POLE, VAULT. . •• 'Mid.' Neil Taylpr „Pong • MeWhinney; .:Jon Lizmore, • Murray 'Morriton; Sr. Wayne'Todd. • , CHAMPIONS • Mid; Sandy SiinpSon 35, David •,:Mackinnon 32; Jr. Bruce Colwell: jp....„ Ray Hogan and Jon Lizmore : 23;t. ,Sr . Wayne Todd and Doug • • Alton 40. • • •••. • . . • French F. Day . • . Last Wednesday a French Day was heldin preparation fbr Expo; In the Morning after "0 Canada', Mash gave his morning remarks in french. Then, the President and Co,President, Murray Morrison and Karla Riegling, gave a brief,. talk in French, using some of the 'common words'which could.be • used at Expb. Madame St. ,-1-1ilaire then gave ler comment aboutthe T day.in French. Mr,.Iviason then read the, announcements half in French 'and half 'in English. • Each teacher was.to greet his class in French.' • • • . At noon French songs were play- ed ovetthe P.A. At 3;80 the,, teacher,and pupils were called to the auditoriuni by these word,s to the tune of Frere Jacques Profess- eurs . :,les eleves.;', Venez-jour, ' Venez-tous ; A l'auditorinin, A' 1' auditorium . A 'sm all French skit • followed , entitled "There's Love , in the _Air under Expo Skies" The • audience then sang Alloutte to end French Day. . • . • Expo Tips.. John Strong visited the SPhool. last Thursday to give a brief on Expo, He told the students softie of the. highlights:and Sortie.. • -PAGE THIRTEEN • •can make your crop investment pay off m higher yields, higher profits • lf.yOu want better corn and more . of it,frorn every acre Yoti, •:supplemental liquid nitrogen can , make money f�r y�, .And the Most effective and economical ...way tosupply the nitrogen. needs •t...Of. a bigger yield crop is with : CO-OPAqua ArnMoriia. this lbw : cost liquid nitrogen fertilizer is injected 3", t� 4" below. the surface of the soil' and. gets into action *fist With this. method of application the cOrn .gets• -maxi- • Mbm, benefitfrom the nitroger.ii • r. • because thevsoii retains . •- • .nitrogen' applied and there is 'no • Ioss dOringapPlication. • . . From expert.recommendatiOn to ' • • trained -Operator application, the,' • . Cb-operatiVe Nitr•ogen Service gives.you 'the :best, of, supplemental nitrogen fertuli- zation without yOtiecOstly inveit- inent' in thrie, labour and -equip.- . • rnent yoUrlocal Co-operative " now and j•Alari. to irnprove your • profits"this season. from 1.11=C:11. research: Fertilizer Programmes and' Services for the Ontario farmer: • Regigeresi trade Mali • • :‘ to . • . • • • • hone 528-2125 • • . • ' • , . . tips on getting' around easier, Each student was giveir'a list of.the signs: •and their meaning which would, be found on Expo •gtounds..:The happy 'travellefs left.Stiday at1;30 They will•be baCk tomorrow. •'; morning.. .• , . 10. Attend' Seminar • ' Betty -Anne Simpson, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson hai'beett.chosen to attend Wa.terloci University in June for' a Week. This is •a U.N. Seininar. The delegates will listen tospeakers fibril' the U.N. and other peace.. organizations. The students wish Betty -Anne the best mer trip. Now Have 7 Offices Don HoistReal Estate Ltd'. of • Owen Sound opened a•ner Sales Officeat 722' Queen Street,. Kin- cardine on 'Monday , May' 1st , with Vern Norman of Kincardine as Manager and Sales Represent,. , ative. •' ' • This now brings the, Corn.pany up 'to 7 Sales OfficeS in Grey and , Bruce, Counties'. Others are located in Flesherton,.Durhani ,. Hanover, , Itvingharn , Sauble Beach and Head Office in Owen Sound.' • Mr. Hoist also reports that plans have now, been completed to open, another office this yeain a large 'Southern Ontario city. Girls Obtain Teaching. Positions LOCHALSH NEWS Friday waS hiring day at Stratford Teachers college and Phyllis Brad-.: ley will be teaching at SearborIO., corne September. Joyce Thorburn will be going to London. • ,.! • TAKES TORONTO COURS • • . • -• John McCharles is presently att-. • ending classes in Toronto in his, course On Embalming .and Funeral •• • , . • directing.. . ,• • Seeding operations are very tnuch „ the order of the day and tractors Can be heard going at all hotirs.. Mr.' and Mrs. Oliver McCharles were guests at a dinner in ,Owen . Sound on Wednesday evening for ' the Executive of District 10, Agri- cultural o,eieties, • The new dial telePhone's were being tried. out by many in the • community onSunday'. VISIT PINECREST The W.M.S; of Ashfield 'Presby- terian Church visited at Pinecrest NUrsing'hoine ifl Lucknow on Thins - day, A piOgram of singing,' music, and meditation wasenjoyed by both/patients and. Members of the ' JUdgelan MadRae was was1aidtbest in LochaIsh ealete.Fy On Wednesday' SyinPathy of the community is / tended to the relatives at this titne. • Mr. MacRae passed away suddenly at his home in London on Sunday evening having suffered aqieart attack, ' • 4 .• ' " •••;o1 „ tit* ach.-‘ a is *Jot •