HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-10, Page 5.*: • .• wipta$DAY, MAY 18110g 1)67 0.01,0400-:~04mm444www0.0:«04, -1(1 MacKENZIE, Optomotriet NOW IN RIPLEY • EVERY WEDNESDAY. Office Hours 10:00 AMI. to 9:00 p.m. Phoae Roy MaelCenzieg Ripley, 96,04 fOr appointnint, • 1.**."4".'!. W. R. Hamilton ,gFf,11.141m.411.11! n-.41,FITIki.XMIF!TrIFOORXIIMP,F0.0"PWri4.11:741q1.0..,4e71q14.1,77. POI "tAKENEW SENTINEL." LUCKNOW, .•TARI0*. • .5 •FIVE OPTOMETRIST' NEXI TO tyFgqt4 .witiosAfA • PHONE: 357,1361: • 4.4004.«4.00...«.04.01,10O00.0olliv JOHNSTONE'S_. FUNERAL HOME odrn e nd Convenient LUcknow; 'Phone 524-3013 •- .Day or Night • . : Serving. ,Ab Faiths According ..to....Thieir 'Wishes • Moderate Prices. • Established. 11186 • . 4..#;..•••;••!!.,•••••'"! FIRE', WIND,. CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE. and LIFE r. • To Protect Your jack, Insure W.ith Jack Today. • J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN. LUCKNOW Every. Wednesday.. Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 Gaviller &Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, • • J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Phone 881-3471 — -Walker* • . -- IMPERIAL OIL: PRODUCTS for prompt service, • , and quality/products. • • 'Contact: " GRANT, CHISHOLM,. Pito*, Coiled+ . . Dungannon 5294524 i'Always Look T.oLlinperial • For The Best" G. AVilliams, O.D. Optometrist 9 Patrick Street W. WIPIGHIAM Phone 357-1282 A. M. HARPER. . CHARTERED- ACCOUNTANT' 66 V/ South Street, Goderich Telephone ' 524-7562 CARD• OF THANKS Elmer Woods wishes. to express. his thanks to au' who remembered him with cards, end visits and to those who 'helped with work at home, while .he was in hospital. A sincere thanks to Dr. Tindall, the nurses and all the staff of the Kincardine and District Hospital and to all my friends, who remem- bered roe with treats, flowers, gifts. and visite, while I ' was a, patient in the hospital • and since have returned home. • Mrs. Walter Roulston I would like to sincerely thank, all my friends and relatives for the lovely cards, gifts and visits while I was,: in hospital. Special thanks to Doctors Corrin and 148 - Kim, Dr. Tew, Mrs. Heffernan and those who helped at home. )4rs. Allan PlacDonidd • • Amoinssio CRAWFORI) SHEPHERD and MII.L J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. N.. A. SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.B. ALAN R. MILL, B.A., L.L.B., WINGIIAM IN LUcKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY Located 'in Brecides Block IN RIPLEY EVEHY.FRIDAY, : In Ross 1VIartyn Building , 7. Phone Winghem Offico 357-3630 — Res. 3574,33o• Ingham Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY 'LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Buy' Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 • Hadden's Studio PORTRAITS Weddings and Children GODERICH, ONTARIO 118 St. David Street Dial 524-8787 . :44,44•44.144,e1Postsvkais.•!. acKenzie Memorial..Chapel • FUNERAL ,SERVICE' , • Services conducted according ' to your wishes' -at your Home, ' yOur Church,- Oritrour Mem- orial Chanel at no.. additional charge. Lucknov4, Phone :5204432 Day or Night OPTOMETRIST — GODERICH _ The Square • • (Phone. JAckson '4-7661) ,NNWAiNAMW00,,M049:4400.4N.:0000.0404.44.41.14 TED . . COLLYER Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTOR Speciallziflg , Electric Heating, Electria Wiring •. and All Electrlial APplianFOs LticittiOW Phone 528-5182, CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to, neighbours, friends and relatives for their visits, treats, gifts, phone calls, cards, letters and to those who helped in any way while I was a shut-in at home, *- Annie MacLeod EXPRESSION OF l'HANKS.. The familY : Of the late Dan (Flamer) MacDonald, wish to ex, press sincere thanks for all the kindness shown 'during their father's illness in Kincardine Hos- pital, and at the tithe of his -death. Cards, letters and flowers received' during this period cheered him very much while hospitalized. A special. thanks is extendoid kr/ Dr. Tindall, Miss Bell and nursing staff of Kincardbie Hospital. I would like to thank everyone who sent cards and treats and vis- ited' me 'while I was inVictoria Hospital, London. ,Special thanks to the London folks and the child- ren on my bus route.. . "Birdie Nicholson Mrs. George Phillips vi.ishis- to thank all who visited -her and sent. cards while she was in. Wingham Hospital; also to Dr. McKibbon and all nurses' and staff. on first and second floor. , • • ' Sam and -Grace Farmer wish to extend their thanks„ to -Kinloss, friends for the evening staged in their honour at Holyrood .Hall. This, thoughtfuhiess was very muc.h appreciated. Lorne Farrish wishes toexpress thanks for cardsand visits while in hospital. Thankt also to Doctors McKim , and Corrin and nursing staff. , Mrs. Ehno Pritchard expresses: sincere thanks to all who renew bered her with cards, treats and visits ,while in St. ,Joseph's Hos- pital, London. Sincere thanksAo'all who rem- embered me with Cards, gifts and visits while I Was a' patient in Wingham and 2District Hospital. Thanks also to the -doctors. and Norma Rintoul FOUND SITIAYED — to the farm of -Bruce Raynard; 12th of 'West Wawanosh; black border collie with white markings; also have two pups, Collie x German Shepherd, free for the asking, phone.. 528-6345. • .44•••••44•1144140,•••••••• FOR SALE URGENT 'Weare in greet 'need:of retreat properties. If you -have unused farm land preferably with some bush and pinning water er con- taining an, old house then we ca'!l bring you ' a Cash buyer Very quickly. Please ,c/d1 us, to-. day for 'a free. appraisal. LUCKNOW., NOME 11/2 story completely modern, throtighoutand very neatly de. coratedlocated on ,a lovely ,landscaped lot surrounded by mature shade trees: .Full price onIy$8,700. 'CENTURY FARM. Highway location 130.acres .' of great land. One -of the. • best trout streams hi Bruce -County. Valuable hard. inaple.bush. Very attractive set' of buildings, this could very well be the great- est opportunity of the Year. For further information or an ap- Ointment to inspect please con- tact, us today, , . Don Holst Real Estate Ltd. -- Rural Ontario Specialists Keith' Fitzsimmons , Manager ,Phone Wingliaoi 30.3840 ••••••••••••••••••• ••• NTED WORK WANTED — new homes and farm buildings; built-in cup- boards, remodelling and repairing, tile floors and ceilings, reasonable rates, Roy C. Schneller„ KirdoUgh, phone Ripley 395-2221. TEACHER WANTED RIPLEY-HURON. TOWNSHIP . SCHOOL AREA -BOARD requires a teacher for Ripley Huron Central School, SepteMber UCTION SALE .4ucwoN$41$ EAUsCTION SALE LERogistered_ Jersey cows and young cattle, machinery, hay and some house- hold effects will be held for Arnold, Stothers, Lot 13, Conces- sion 3, West Wawanosh Township, 1 mile south of Dungannon, on•• Saturday, May 27 at 1:00 p.m: TERMS CASH Allan Machityre, Auctioneer • • • 1967 to teach Grade, 4 in the morn- AUCTION SALE ing and Remedial Grades 102 and AUCTION SALE- of livestock and maclunery will be heidi for the , estate of the late , ARTHUR HODGINS , 3 in the afternoon. Salary schedule. Apply by May 12 stating qualifi- cations and name of last inspector. Mrs. John C. NiacDonold, 'Sec-Treas. , WANTED — mature woman for part time night duty. Pinecrest. Manor, phone 528-2136 or 528-2186. CAFETERIA COOK. WANTED RIPLEY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD requires Cafeteria COok to, com- mence duties September 1967. Please apply by May 11 stating salary expected. Mrs. John C. MacDonald _ , R.R. 4, Ripley; Ontario PRINCIPAL. AND TEACHERS' WANTED FOR CROSS ASHFIELD AND ,WAWANOSIrl WEST AT KINGSBRIDGE On, Highway• 21,13 miles north of. Goderich Well equipped new 5 -room school with gym. SALARY SCHEDULE Lot 35, Con. 11, Cuirass Township, f21/2 miles north and 5 miles west 1 of Teeswater on: g TUESDAY, MAY 16 AT 130 Livestock:' .2 Holstein cows, fresh; 1 Hal- stein cow, due soon; 2 Holstein cows,' springing; 4 yearling steers arid heifers; 2 calves. Machinery: Massey Harris Mustang tractor; International 2 furrow. plough; • International 24 plate. disc; John.. Deere 2 wheel spreader; Inter- national 11 run seed drill; Massey Mania binder; 4 section drag harrow; Massey. Harris mower; hayloader; scales; side rake; Massey Harris cream separator; 100 gal. gas tank; rubber tired wagon and rack; numerous small Car: , 1962 Ford sedan; in good working , order. • TERMS — CASH ED GREEN, Executor ALLAN MacINTYRE, Auctioneer Category 1 - $4,400, $7,96, Category 2 .$5,000 $8,000 Category 3 $5,600 $8,600 Category 4 , $6,200 s9,600 Allowance for previous exper- ience, 10 years,at $200 per annum. Annual increment $300. Principal's allowance $200 per room. State , qualifications and exper- ience, name of last inspector and grades preferred by May. 24th, • • . . . John Austin, . R.Ik: 7 Lutimeni, Chairman or .... Donald Frayne,' • • Goderich, ,Secretary Next to accidents, cancer is the greatest cause of death among school children. The research work made possible by contributions to, the April Campaip of the Canadian Cancer Society is uncovering the facts about cancer. Every donation is vital: Cocain WAITED.Growers „ . BICKS OF. CANADA WOULD LIKE MORE ACREAGE ,FREE PICK ,UP AT GATE If 'Interested Write or. Phone Bicks. Of Canada PHONE 30-r-3 DUBLIN —OR John Van Reoy DUNGANNON 529-7438 HIGHES T PRICES.: . PAID ,FOR FRESH DEAD ' AND DISABLED ANIMALS • Under SOO lbs. •• Picked Up Free • CALL 'MERVYN YULE COLLECT cAiteiLL 366-2713 Licenee No. •42RP66 ' '" ,V11111111, .ill'azift.",1111er; ad. • • AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE •- - machinery and hay will. be held for JACKSON REIVE- •.' • Lot 25, Con. 5, West Wawanosti Township •• . 3 .miles east of Dtingannon on • • 'SATURDAY, MAY 13, •,` At 10:00 o'clock in the morning Implements • Case 430 Diesel tractor, in like neV,I condition,, equipped with • live P.T.O.., and hydraulic heavy duty loader; 3 point hitch cultivator; Massey Harris -powerlift fertilizer . drill on rubber; harrows; plough; Case roll bar rake, 5 tar like nevi; ' Cockshutt. baler; . bale elevator and motor, tube , type; Case 410 'power , moWer ..on rubber; Case PIT.O. manure spreader; . ' Cockshutt -corn planter; torn picker; packer; 2 Cockshutt' rub tiredwagons like; new; weed . sprayer; hydro . fencer; snow fence; wheelbarrow; . cattle feed rack; gates; electric brooder; thicken feeders and , numerous smallLarticles, • . Wayf . • ' . 2300 bales _of bay; -k50 bides Straw. , • • NOTE •TiME OF SALE' TERMS CASH FARM SOLD • Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer, The U.S. Public`.ilealth Ser- vice monitors the nation's air,: ' water, still and Aiocii throughout the year for traces of pesticide poisoning. • Retain the 'highest retUrns for your wool by patronizing •YOtir own,Organization; . • , SHIP cokinT to . . Our Registered Warehouse WESTON, ONTARIO Obtain. sacks Indiwine witheut charge from • . ' . . „ . 4 Norman McDowell • ,SHEARER ' • :„ AUBURN or by Wn'ting to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 4O,StCIaJrAvenue East Toront0 7, Ontario. ca.