HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-03, Page 15WEDNESDAY', .MAY 3rd, 1.9.67 Reports • BY JOHN LONEY, M.P. M we'complet%the longest sess- ion in our Parliamentary history,, it is my privilege as the Federal Member for Bruce to review the highlights of the past few weeks on Parliament Hill. 0 The spring and summer influx of visitors has begun on Parliament • dill. Galleries in the House are • full for the daily 2:30 question 1?eriod ,'and crowds of young people enjoy,the debates. Among the vis- itors were isitorswere a group.of.college;' students from Canton, New York . Their choir, •The Laurentian' Sing- • its, impressed. Mernbers. and'. pass- ers by with a performance in the „ . Centre 'Block at Lunchtime on . Monday . After watching our. Parl- iament in action they departed for n. wr��P�s• !Wi,4'11101kOl:!.-..y7 ."Wo low.Amp 77-zeC77 .Rater.'.' Tam • TH,E LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, ctivities 0 Parliament Montreal and the Opening of Expo 67. . After the initial gentle response to the, Carter Taxation Report there has, been this week.a loud adverse reaction. Chartered Accountants- at a Toronto 'Seminiar predicted. that levies proposed by the. Corrlm- ission on capital gains and ' inheritances would endanger the existence of family-owned firms. The Presidents. of .Imperial and British American Oil Companies blasted the report in -recent speech- es. peech-es. Imperial's W.,O. Twaits accused the Carter Commission of 'going overboard' in attempting to slice up what he called 'the income pie".If the Report's. proposals are accepted , he said, "the eliminati'on•of depletion and the mining tax holiday" would al Lost wipe out. the ,economics of the Athabaska Tar Sands Production Scheme,. It now seems PAGE FIFTEEN tion and cruelty, There is speculation in Ottawa that the Bill to 'change Canada's antique divorce law'swill be first introduced in the Senate.; With the Government's. pre -occupation for.rapidly,passed; legislation, such procedure may become. Commonplace during the next session, although none of the early reports have been confirmed. The Government has yeV'to give concrete assurances that the New- Brunswick - ,P, E.. I, Causeway, will actually,be•.built. Public Works, Minister Mc1Traith'said in the . Commons on' Friday; that tenders forextensive study of the project have been called.' But •there are fears that if study shows the project tobe more. expensive than first • thought, the Government may post• pone construction. Outright canm cehation is considered extremely unlikely, The Canada -U. S. Auto Pact for unlikely that the'.GoVernment , will attempt.to implement many . of the costly Report's recommend- atior}s . A Bill•making the possession of LSD illegal was introduced in the Senate. Amid reports from the United States 'of serious•detrimen- results:for u sersothe drug the - nato s debated,the, issue. There . Was . considerable argument among them about penalties forGpossess'- -ion and trafficking.' • 0 The' joint Commons -Senate • Committee on Divorce is expect- ed to make its report within a week: That report' will no doubt suggest more allowable causes for divorce , certainly: including deser- DOW. 'Your Dow nitrogen Products distributor can reborn - . mend . th'le best fertilizer program •for your crop right now,. He ha's the specialized: knowledge, the. right equip- . menta°and.the'best nitrogen products - Anhydrous. Ammonia, Aqua Ammonia, Arinmoniurrt Nitrate, Nitrogen solutions and Urea: 'Be sure ,your. crop's total plant nutrient :requirements:.are y Nitrogen See our Dow Nitro en Products`distributor— soon'...,. LOOK FOR THIS. SIGN HEMICAL ,OF' CANADA, LIMITED, SARNIA, ONTARIO Li,ckn�w PERA T IV E ntaro ced three Ontario Companies. out of business in.19'66, Sixty-six 'firms '• reported adverse .effects from the Agreement , while some 60/o of - Compa}iies. involved in making parts -for cars said their 'business went up as a •result of the pact. Public Agitationfor repeal of Canada's birth -control legislation is growing.. Newpapers intim' past ;week have 'carried report that I acceptance of the -'pill'' is. ever rnore widespread'..Telephone 'hot programs in most major centres reflect public feeling that: the Criminal Code should' be amen •ded to allow legal, family planning :Manpower`Minister Jean.' • Marchand is investigating; reports -that there are instances 'ofdis- crimination in certain Canada Manpower• Centres. A five -city survey conducted by,the Jewish Labour Committee .indicates that the offices may be, accepting job orders from employer's who stippl . ate that certain ininority groups - are .unacceptable to -them. • Mr. ` Marchand; .,whores- . ponsible• for Immigration .reveal- ed reforms.in Canada's Immigrat- ion •Policy in a Committee session :this. week... Under the new policy; more unskilled, workers who have relatives in Canada: will ;be ad • rn itted . to this eotintry. Coming .as it did in a hearing of the Con1m &tree charged . with .investigating immigration rules., the Minister's revelation'angered some M .P.'s who charged that Marchand was undermining Committee system. North` Vietnam rejected External Affairs Minister Paul Martin's :Asian peace proposal, but the :United States appeared interested. Mr. ;Martin conferred with American' officials and with U.N. Secretary ;General U Thant about theme plan. Also on: the subject of 'Vietnam Prime Minister Pearson declined "without complete studies which must be made" to comment ' upon recent U.S: intensified born Mpg' of industrial complexes in the, Port of Haiphong. The Prime Minister.celebrated his 70th birthday on Sunday and received hearty, .congratulations ,,in F iday';s'Comtnoris Session. Notab- le among the tributes was that of "• John'Diefenbaker who warmly .. described his political foe' as a .. ,good. friend and a Man who has made great.;, contributions'to his. .country..... The Conservative' .Leader had an exciting;week in •the. House; his Thursday seech : in the /, 'Guillotine" debate being pa.rticula. ly. impressive '•Finally, the announcement this • week that *the Queen will make .her Centennial 'Address' on' July .1st on the lawn'of.Parliament. Hill. Un less it rains, thousands of Ottawans: and visitors will be able to hear Her Majesty on 'the 100th Birthday •of the Canadian Nation. Toll Charges May Be Dropped" Pell Telephone rates at Wingham may be increased this summer:: A company "report to the board :of transport commissioners reveals the number" of subscribers now exceeds the present' .rate group by more than five per, cent. There are 2,119 telephones listed on the- Wing ham exchange. • • .• " If the board directs, the company to reclassify, the Wingham exchan- ge , the monthly rate for two-party phories..would be ..increased from $2,.$5 ,to,$2.95, and for' private lines from $3;50, to ,$3 70, .Burin- ess phone rates would increase. from $6,30 to $7.05, It is expected the toll charge . • between Lucknow wind: Wittighartn • will be dropped if the rates are fn creased: 01