HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-03, Page 12ti THE I KNO1N :7 ENTINELL LUCKNO.W, ;ONTARIO �Lu.ckno*HighStage :'Centennial Bali' Lucknow District 'High School students„sponsored, a • "Centennial Ball'". at .the school on the' eve of the;: Eastervacation. Some• of the young people came , dressed in old time costume and,the Sentinel, camera caught 'three of these. Shown, .left to. rig it , are Beverley, MacDonald , daughter of ,Mr: and ,Mrs. Jack MacDonald; John Ross, ;: son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross; Donna Ritchie.,daughter of Mr. and Mrs Alf Ritchie. All three `. young 'n are Lucknow- g•P People. from SlmprucityFashion:Show Thursday. Band Members Attend. Instrument Clinic Last Thursday afternoon a Simpli- city Fashion Show was held at the• High School Miss Ivlachaughlin• commented on each of the outfits:. Those• who rnodelled;,were Annie • Van Diepenbeek•, Brenda Hewitt , Bev. MacDonald`,.; Marilyn Macln- tyre, Marie Mewhinney; Nancy •Kirkland Pat Anderson, Helen Courtney, Janice Fowler, Donna ' Wyds, •Sharyn Mowbray, Nancy \ Irwin, Brenda Webster; . Marlon Reid', 'Janice Brooks, Wendy.,Mac-•• Kenzie ; Lynda Boyle Nancy, Corr - m'; • Sharon Rintoul and JoAnne Hayes .:All outfits modelled 'had been made from 'Slim; plicity, Pattern's Spring and Sumner Catalogue... • On: Friday the Junior •and Senior • ,' Band members; 'under.,the leader- ship of M. Hall,. attended, an .Instr • urnent Clinic at Waterloo. It was.'. a day, program, beginning, at 9.30,. • Y Here, they listened' to lectures on ,various instruments,,. the, use of ' corrective devices on insti invents and how instrum,enti are made .' • They saw a film' on the ratter 'topic •Many displays ;were 'set up to let students see how the different in- struments work, Music was avail- ,/ able •for sale also The Band found this very interesting and enjoyed the .day Field Day the area Track Meet in Port ,Elgin in May. ' ►rade'•Nrnes. Shy. and unsure they; walk to school;, 'They're trying hard:to play it:cool, They reach the door ,/and long they.,look, Ahead lies. years :of pen and book .• Their courage mounts,: they go itt For an 1v1RS, w`, A, .SOLOMON; On Friday ,' April 21st, Mrs,.. William Austin Solomon of. Luc'' now passed away in Wingham• and District Hospital. 'She; -yeas in, her 81st year.' 't Mrs; Solomon wal the former • Margaret Isobel, MGuire,, laugh-: ter of Samuel McGuire,•and', Janet McDonal,d';• She was.born• in. Huron Township on January•20th,'$87, • On September 20, 1911,. she married Austin Solomon of Huron. Township. T,hey,resided briefly in Goderich before coming to Luck - now .Mr.; 'Solorrion operated. his own tinsmith business for a time; was in thegrocery business and was later employed by Murdie and Son Hardware , . Luc,know until his" retire- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Soloman built a • greenhouse in 1938, which Mrs,. Solomon took charge of. She.:was. assisted by: Mr; Solomon after his retirement. Mr. `Solomon passed away in April 1064, A few years ago their son Murv,in,, tookover the ' Greenhouse business. Mts. Solomon assisted him as long, as'her health Permitted Besides her husband:, she was pre, deceased by :a brother William S. McGuire of •Huron Township in January of.'this year She is survived by two sons;: Elwood of Edmonton, Murvin of Lucknow; four daughte rs , (Muriel) Mrs.Henry Wilcox of Syracuse, ` New York, Marjorie Of Kitchener., (Alma) Mrs. Thomas Haller of R.R. 1, Waterloo, (Beryley Mrs. Alfred Marshall;. ,five 'grandchild ren; ;two sisters, Mrs; Jennie Mills of Lucknow , (Roberta) Mrs: 'George Lockhart of Kinloss.. ' Funeral service was. conducted at ;Johnstone and Son Funeral ,Home Lucknow,, on Monday, April'24th: with Rev:: R Laird ,.Stirling, Linit ed Church minister:, in charge' of the service: '•.Pallbearers were Gordon Fisher, Alf Ritchies Jack McGuire, Albert, Rei it , Harold Greer, Roy Havens; Interment was at Greenhill . Cemetery Mrs: Solomon wasa member of .the Ladies ..Auxiliary to' the' Canad. iaii Legion°'who'Conducted. a mem •orial•.service Sunday, Easter Seal fund .• Quite 5uc*sful April. 28th , 19+37 The old•er' ones' seem 'quick .to'chide' They They, that first week •Dear Editor.— But .soon branchout; new° friends • they meet:. The .year progresses, tune moves, The fearsthey.had are now 2.11 • • / gone, They voice bpinions ; .give thew' aid. They're •stridents now they've • •made the grade Peggy MacDonald - •12A CROP REPORT A small acreage of cereal• grains: • :was sown during the latter part of April; however,, showers continue to.hold Alp general seeding. d .The L. D. H, S, Field. Day, will be held Friday. afternoon, The trials fopthe events have been,tried and the top six will compete on • Field Day. The top two in each event' will represent l .D.liS, at Borne grain corn has been plante in the southern part of Huron County. Winter wheat, hays and pastures: require More warthth to boost growth, There is, ari abundance • of soil.. moisture foie all .crops May I. take this opportunity, on • - behalf of the, Ontario Society for ' Crippled' Children, to express our most heartfelt gratitude for the splendid, publicity received from: your 'newspaper 'for the196'I Easter Seal' Campaign: • We have every reason'to believe that drip campaign will be our most pris oductive ,everwith the rewards to be enjoyed by over 16;Nig ..eripp1ed children in Ontar- id.. . May I also say that without the Magnificent efforts by our 230 . Easter Seal service clubs and count less thousands of other volunteers • who are continually: Helping cripp- led children, that the finest care and, treatment program this Society can :provide would not be possible: 'Dur appreciation is also extended • to the many Easter Seal contribut-. „ ors in your area who supported the , ecampaign.so well this year. • Yours sincerely , W Denis Whitaker' Chairman ,' '• Provineial'Easter Seal • Cornm•ittee, Now s rh:e . Tirnie Ian Your Q:NE$DAY, MAY 3rd,, 1967 h Spring seeding Program: DROP IN,. TO YOUR CO=OP `. NOW WHERE Quality . and service : are the most: important ` commodities.;: That is why it pays to see your Co -op -first. •*Resltlefed:Tara Mark, istrict 'Donate Books 1 Public labra nn� r Conte alP o ect • Tracking signs were reviewed and a game;.of "Tracking Dominoes” was playedIn patrol corners at ithe 'April 28th. meeting .of -theist Luck- now. 'Guide. Corri.pany. After roll. calk. the company went intohorseshoe formation for announ cements The Spring fl'ower.contest P g was concluded,; with the Swallow4' • patrol declared the winner. A Centennial project of a 'shelf. of Guide books. for the ,Public Lib- rary was vbted on and approved., • The senior guides wrote their test Mr: and Mrs. Ivan McQuillin of Waterloo visited Mr. and Mrs • Fred .McQuillirii,during the week end'. • Mrs Fred McQuilllin spent' a few days in London with, Mr. ;and Mrs. • Barry McQuillanand family', Jill • returned home to.London with her: on the /Fire Brigade badge ::Captain Mrs: LC. McKim worked: with the, tenderfoot guides on knots., while Ranger Beverley:MacDonald taught• the recruits Linda . Bo.y le. tested when ;necessary. A' Kim's game •was ..' played : followed by Campfire 'Ask :liaw such .your loan will •cost and: IFC will tell you — before you borrow • ANOINT i0A MONTHLY i0 au* i ... • 101.01 126.26 41 MI Ms $ . 13.35 88.02 117.37 146.71 PAY, 21 A MMS $..... ,, .: 57.72 90.18. 108;22 144,30 180.37 IENTJPLANS • JO Milk $. • .... 23.73 " 41•.45 .. , ,. .. , .... 20 MOOS $6.12 18.35 32.86 58.11 , , . . , .. . 72 RHOS $9.46 28.37 •51.24 91.56 1Y „• , , . ,,,:, 0188 1118 1888 2611 3111 4M! WM Above pa ts'Mclido principal and interest and aro basad' on pr..it rep.yntn.nt;iwtdonot Include tho•cost of Illsinsuranco HOLDFI When you corine to: HFC.for a loan, the Manager will, answer tl any etjt>ton :you have. —fully and clearly-- •. before you borrow. That's one reason you can ;borrow with confidence' from HFC Household• Finance, Ask about credit lite insurance on loans at low group rates GODERICH 35A Street --Telephone 524-7383 west (above the signal.Star), Ask about our:eveqing hours IWC_ Two 'breedi the• joi their h • :eventu Onta Ii •ing As togeth ' projec, years `t • largest -The' three r 'agricu The•. acre .f andb• the ex Road: locati! Unive inform the se 'deep f Largf cattle eered • practi around