HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-03, Page 7yy�pNESDAY: MAY
*41' 1967
At Pinecresti '
Mrs; .John Gardner's groiip
• entertaine•d the .patients at Pine
crest. Manor on Saturday. A
'program: was presented:With read-
ings giVeeby
eadings'giveeby Mrs. Russel Swan
• and Mrs,. Lorne .Cook. Tommy
arget entertained with selections'
• • on his electric guitar. Crafts were,
then participated in with knitting,
crocheting and `rug braiding which
• made•an enjoyable afternoon••for
the•patients, Zion U.C.W. has'.
. completed four afternoons of
visiting Pinecrest during April:'
Mr. and Mrs.Bill Ritchie and
Laura of Burlington and Mr. and•.
. Mrs, Alf Ritchie of Lucknow• visit-
ecLon Sunday with Mr . and Mrs:.
• Frank Ritchie:
Mrs. John Gardner visited Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Wilson, in Wingham
hospital this week';. '
Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and 'Ken
spent Saturday at •Orillia where
they .visited,Mr. ,and Mrs.' Alfred
.� •, �.s rM," ams'-, .c.•, v. nr
Mrs, L. Hawkwood and! her dau-
ghter Mrs, Sam Chalack and Mr. ,
halack of Cochrane, Alberta
arrived in Lucknow on Wednesday
• and. visited, John .Ritchie and Kenn-
eth, Mr, and Mrs. Blake Alton
and family ,Marjorie and Douglas "
Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Chalack
left on Saturday for Toronto where
they will visit relatives and attend
some •cattle sales before flying
home. Mrs, Hawkwood• remained
here for a`'longer visit.with
friends and • relatives.
John Ritchie was'host to'a dinner
party at.the Log. Cabin Restaurant.
on Friday.'evening,'Those present:
were 'Mrs. I. Hawkwood, Mr. and
Mts..Sam Chalack*Mr;..and Mrs..
Wesley Ritchie, Kenneth Ritchie,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ritchie, Bren-
da and Bryce. �l
Mrs.. Earl Swan of Lucknow held
a quilting for the Zion ladies where
they quilted a fancy quilt which
they had 'made recently.
Mrs. Tena, Hunter• is spending a
few days this week with Mr. and
Mrs. John Hunter, while she is!
under the doctor's care.
School Students.
Form Church Choir
• At the service at Pine River
United 'Church on: Sunday, , ,Rev
Harold; Pillen's sermon on "Our
young generation was inspiring
to: all,' Miss Jean Campbell, music
supervisor, attended the service'.
• and directed a choir' of Huron ablest
Public School students who'sang
navy fine 'num'bers. '
.-Friends ; of Mrs:- Glenn Campbell
of Afnberley will be pleased to
know that she is progressing favor-
ably after surgery at St:. Joseph's
hospital at:London. .
Among the many patients from
this area in London:hospitals is
Ilton Smeltzer who. entered St.,
Joseph's Hospital last week
Congratulations are extended to
Mr, ` and Mrs. Robert Scott on the
arrival of a daughter at•Kincardine
and District Hospital..
'Mrs: Rena Kempton of Ripley
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William,Kernpton and fam-
S.S. NO. 1, . KINL- OSS
S.S. NO. 2, x:INLOSS
Grde 1 Registration
All parents with 'children ready to "enter Grade 1 during.
the 1967-68 ,'school term are requested :to register with Mrs.
Betty Anne Elphick at the Kinloss Central Public _School • on
,M , 5 P.M.
1t is required that your child must be six years of age
before. December 31st, 1967 and the child' should • accompany:
parent at time of registration.
Wingham �ligh School Budget Comes
Close To The Million Dollar Mark
The Huron -Bruce District. High
School Board has approved' a budget
for the year which falls' just short
overnment action places
responsIbilities. This advertisemen
tells you what they are.
Important changes in the Securities'
Act, 1966, and in, the .Corporations•
Act became law on May. 1st 1967.
The new legislation will have far-
reaching effects. It 'setsstandards
which everyone in the investment
business must follow: It says"exactly
how certain vital' procedures'should
be carried out. It demands a full range
of"information from companies offer-
ing shares tq.the public, and makes
that information fully available to
every' interested citizen.
Here are five ways in which the
Securities Act will help the
people of Ontario.
Financial'Disc(osure The new Act
requires , companies, to make a, full
report" of their financial situation to
the Ontario Securities Commission
every year.These reports will be made
available to the public:
Insider Trading Insiders, of com-
genies• (senior officials and major
shareholders), must now keep the
Commission informed" of their hold-
ings :in' their .companies, and :must
report . changes as they take . place.
This information will be made avail
able,for public: use.
Take-over bids New regulations
govern•the`procedure to be followed
when One company tries to obtain
control of another by share purchase.
They include a minimum period for •
which the offer `is, to remain open,
;and a 7 -day period during'which the
shareholder approached may change ;
his mind. Any investor; involved in a
take -overbid w'ill,now be kept fully,
Proxies Under the new Act, detailed
information must be given whenever
a company 'asks .for &proxy vote, to
.be used on the shareholders. behalf.
,'The shareholder.must be told exactly
who is to use his vote, and what his,
interest is4The company is limited in
'the way the vote,can be used. Tho.
resultwill be to give the absent share-
holder amore effective voice et corn
pany• meetings,
` The"prospeftus The way in which
a company can describe rrew•invest-
ments is controlled by the Act. One.
important change isthatthe prospec
tut must always be written.in simple,
clear, non-technical language.:
Another requires the 'prospectus to
be published in two stages, with .a ,
pause of'at least ten days between
the two. The preliminary prospectus
is'for information only; trading can-
not beginuntil the final 'prospectus
is, published. The 'effect will be to.
give dealers and investors time ro'
think. `
Further information This :adver
tisement gives only a brief outline of
some of themore important changes
in*the Securities Act 1966, and, the
Corporations.Act Nothing•inthe'Act
relieves the investor of the respon-
sibility of making sound decisions
based ongood .advice. Your•Iawyer,
broker, or other qualified investment
adviser will be able to give you fuller ` .
information; or copies of the Act can
be obtained from the Ontario Secu_.
r.ities Commission,,1 2.3 dward
Street, Toronto' 2, and from the
Queen's Printer, 26 Breadalbane
Street; Toronto 5.
Hon. H. L, Rowntree,
(Minister of Financ'ial an'6 Commercial' Affairs
1111 ...i1145, art 41 isitrIV askik...-wil 411174, Yoms.
of ,$1, 00 0 , 000 , at $943,330.71. /
The budget' covers 'the cost of oper- •
ation and; capital return onboth
the Wingham and Lucknow 'schools.
'The amount to be raised' by local
taxes is $225 ,174.85 on an assess-
ment of $19,163,817. This corn -
pares: to an assessment of approxim
ately $13 000,, 000 in the old'.
Wingham High School District.
,The total cost of operations is.
broken 'down as' $461-, 931.71 for the
non -vocational departments and
"$481,399.0,0 for the vocational.
departrnents of the school.
.General legislative grants will;.be':
$159,2. 25 00 for the Lucknow oper
ration and $523,403.00 fol the •
Wingham school. The remaining
difference of $35.527.00 between
grants and. the local levy is macre.'
up of receipts fromtuition fees;
night :school, a book, fund ; cafet-
•eria, rents:. cadet grant, and misc-
ellaneous items.,-
The breakdown of..expenditures
showed $3S,709.:00 for administ-
ration which includes officers sal-
aries,, telephone and general',
expenses; $ for plant
operation and ,Maintenance, which'
includes salaries, fuel and electri
city and repairs; instruction which
includes teachers'. salaries and sec-,
retaries' salaries, $521,965:00;
teaching supplies , $49,,933.00; •
night school: $5:056 00; services:
(cafeteria, , cadets , auxiliary) '
$16•,100":.00; 'transportation ;•
$133,480; capital.expenditures
$4 , 200.00; miscellaneous $4, 021;
debentures , principal' $61,466.52:
and interest, $32,710.19.
The $225,174 which has to he
raised, by the 14 contributing mun
icipalities is apportioned on the
basis of the provincial equalized
"assessment factor as follor4s
Ashfield 7.70%; Brussels 4:52%;•
Culross 7.51%; East Wawanosh
6,13%; Greenock 99°jo; Grey 2.12%
How ick 10.93%;..Kinloss 7 .'43%;
Lucknow 6:061O; Morris 9;.98 o;
Teeswater 4.69%; Turnberry 9.'11%;
West Wawanosh 4.01%; Wingham
Using the,countyequalized assess -
Merit figure of $19,163,817 it will
require a mill rate across the:
district of 11.75 mills, However,
this rate will•not likely appear on
too many tax, bills as it is broken
down between residential and
commercial rates at the•rnunicipal
level.: The 11:75 :mills is art
increase. .of 2,75 mills .over the
rate used in the.Wingharn district
last year;
A surplus of $43 i0,00 'in" the Wing-
ham area will reduce the actual
amount to 'be' levied while•a 'small,, ,,
deficit,in the Lucknow area at'the'
'end of the year will incre;ase the •
actual sura of tnoney raised ,by
each municipality by a ;small
ah'iount. The budget; does not'
allow for any' capital repayfrlent on
the new wing which will be added"
duringthe next y:ear.