HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-03, Page 5'WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 147 tee.. K J MacKENZIE, 0.110 Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY' EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10.:00 a.m.• to '9;00' p , ,Phone Roy MacKen0e, • Ripley, 96-r-24 for appomtme . At R. 'Hamilton, OPTOMETRIST• NEXT TO A.,yOutA THEATRE WINGHAM; PHONE 357.1361 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Lueknow, Phone, .52e-3013 Day or Night '• Serving Ali,'Faiths ' : ' According 'to.: Their' Wishes' Moderate •Prices. Established 1e94; INSURANCE FIRE., WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and LIFE To Protect .,Your. JaCk, . Insure With . Jack . TOO.' J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone '528-3423 ' R.:`W. ANDREW Barrister and: Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN-,LUCKNOW Every Wednesday, and ". Saturday Afternoon Office . in ; the . Joynt, Block Telephone:', Lucknow.528=3116 Gavilier lit Company CHARTERED 'ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, J. E. Kennedy,. C.A. Phone 8813471... 'Walkerton IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and quality products, Y • . Contact:_ GRANT CHISHOLM. Phone Collect Dungannon 529.7524 , "Always Leek' To Imperial For Thi Best" G. A. Wi'I l iams 0 Optometrist ' . 9;. Patrick Street W. ' WINGHA1 . Phone ' '3514282 .M HARPER CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANT 57 South Street; Goderfch Telepl1Ohe 5244562' THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW.,• ONTARIO:.. HIGHEST PRICES rAlp Fag FRESH DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS Under' 500 lbs. Picked Up Free CALL_,'ME.RVYN YULE COLLECT 4CARGILL 366-2713.. Licence No. 42RP66 ei ANTS Pack Power CRAWFORD SHEPHERD and MILL: J. H.:_ CRAWFORD, Q.C. N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A:, .LL.B. ALAN R. MILL, B.A., • L.L.B , WING,HILAM IN LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY Located in Breckles Block• IN' RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY In Ross Martyrs Building Phone : Wingham ,. Office 357-3630. Res. 3157-2330 !mgham emorials: GUARANTEED' GRANITES ' CEMETERY LETTERING: REASONABLE PRICES Buy, ::Direct ' and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 ' . Res.: Ph. 357.1015 Hadden's Studio! PORTRAITS: '. Weddings and. Children. , GODERICH; ' ONTARIO 118: St. David Street Drat'..524-8787 MacKenzie Memorial Chapel FUNERAL.SERVICE Services conducted .according. to your- wishes at your Home, your. Church, or . at our Mem- orial Chapel at no. additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 Day or Night, D. 'R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square (Phone, JAckson '44661),k, 47661)w, TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In Electric Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs 'and Ail Electrical Appliances Lucknow -- Phone 528-5182 otice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS • .In The Estate, Of JAMES CAMERON ALL PERSQNS, hawing • claims against the estate . of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow in the. County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, - who` died on the 20th day of March, 1967, are re- quired to: .file . proof ofsamewith. the.: undersigned .on ,or before the 13th day. of May, 1967. After that date ° the Executors' will proceed to. distribute -the es- tate having ' regard only • to the; claims of which, they shall, then have had. notice. DATED at Wing - ham this 18th . day of April,t A.D. 1967. • •. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD A MILL Barristers Wingham, Ontario • AUCTION SALE • AUCTION SALE AUCTION . SALE, of Registered Jersey cows ' and young cattle, machinery,, hay .and some :house hold effects will be held . for Arnold Stothers, 'Lot 13, Conces- sion 3, West Wawanosh Township, 1 . mile south of, Dungannon, on Saturday,. May 27 at '1`:30. TERMS CASH AIIan Maclni►yre, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE ' of livestock *and machinery • • will 'be held for the estate of the late.. Arthur Hodgins; Concession 10, Culross Township, on. Tuesday, May 16 at 1.30' .p.m, TERMS CASH AIIan:Macinty,re, :Auctioneer. FOR SALE WHERE ELSE COULD 'YOU FIND?: A Pk ,Story home 'complete with, up-to-date conveniences' for.. the full . price of. only $8,900. Locat- ed • iri Lucknow. This :lovely` home' boasts of very, modern kitchen. cupboards, newly'' ren- ovated . laundry room, all tiled floors,' , oil . ' furnace, ' attached garage and many more costly extras. Terms to-; be ' ' further arranged.. .'300 ACRE LANDVALUE`:• A' land value. :consisting of '3.00 acres = 2 barns 2 silos and; a, completely modern home has just come on the market. Lo- cated. in a 'choice ' area for cash cropor corn growing. It is now; a major beef operation and can be purchased with: ' a downpayJ ment of only' $10,000. cal ion., estate' Ltd Rural Ontario ,Specialists Keith Fitzsimmons ` - Manager Phone Wingham 357-3840 is•'t~*••••a4►P!•44••as. • 'Cucrumber Growers WANTED RICKS. OF CANADA WOULD - LIKE MORE ACREAGE' FREEPICK ;UP AT. GATE .. If . Interested Write or Phone' Blcks Of Canada PHONE, 30-r-3 DUBLIN1 AOR John VaflRocy Rooy: DUNGANNON 529-7438 NOTICE NOTICE THANK YOU Having sold my trucking bus- iness to Carman. Brindley, I wish to thank all my patrons for their business through, theyears and wish the same for my successor. Richard E. Park CARD OF -THANKS Roy MacKay, expresses :sincere, thanks to all.who remembered hiin, vgith;.cards, treats and visits while • in. Wingham` Hospital,. and Victoria Hospital; London. We want. to thank :all those who visited us; sent cards' and gifts and those who helped. out at home while we were in • the hospital. Thanks to Drs. Corrin and • McKim. and ,Mrs. Ackert. Thanks to nurses, °in, the hospital. Wilma and Bruce Elliott, I wish to thank all .who: remem- bered me with cards. and letters while I was in hospital:' Thanks al- so . to Zion U: C; W. for the box of fruit sand to' all the. •neighbours who helped . out at home in various. ways. A special , thanks `. to Drs:;: Corrin and': McKim and nurses. Mayme Wilkins We wish to thank . all those who remenibered . us with' ° cards, visits and gifts while in the hospital. Special thanks ,to: •Doctors McKim, Corrin and, the 'nursing staff:: Nancy Gibson The family of the late Mrs.' Aus- Ain. Solomon would like to thank everyone ,who remembered their; mother while; she wasin hospital.. and :.those'who ent' caids and flowers and helin any way since ter passing, ...Our . thanks to . all the people of Lucknow, who : were so friendly: and: rrnade' us so welcome '.during, our six months . stayin town. A special thank you to Town. ' and Country Club.' To meet : ' such friendly, people' really makes life. pleasant. Mary and . Gilbert . Frayne `. To.; my relatives, 'friends and neighbours, I: would' like. to .extend my • appreciation • and ' sincere thanks . for their . kindness and sympathy during my sad bereave- ment ereave- meat; to. Reverend Downing for his warm`,. message and words :.of great :comfort,- also,. to ,Mr.'. 'Mac- Pherson MacPherson and Dr. Leahy. A special thanks to ,Group 2 of the. United, ' Church' who, provided refreshments followingthe ser- vice. Rose IIodgins- IN MEMORIA DRENNAN = In loving •'memory of •a dear husband,-` father and: grandfather, Elwood Drennan, who passed away 5 'years 'ago, April 28, 1962. • Many a lonely heart ache, / '` Often aw,silent` tear, . • 'But ' always • a beautiful, memory Of :a Dad whom we. loved so dear.' Sadly' missedand lovingly re - :membered .by . his' wife `Isabel, family and grandchildre•n. , 'GRAHAM - in. loving memory of a Near `Sister, and aunt, Madonna. Kathleen Graham,, who passed away suddenly,' one year ago May 3, 1966. ': • We do not need a special' "day. To •'bring you to our minds; The days we do not think of you, , Are very. ;hard to .find They: say 'time. heals all sorrow, And' helps one to forget, But :time so. far has, only' proved How much we niiss'you yeti. Lovingly rernembered' and sadly missed by, aRonnie, ' .Sandia, and children.. mar um amvsosomr Aim PAGE FIVE. HONDAS SERVICE New Hondas as Low as $250.00 We Stock;,From 4? H.P, 43 H.P., '1 NEWOSE F 5 TO 3S TO CH_..0 ROM;. GOOD STOCK OF .'USED • HONDAS Insurance. $35.00 Up To12,4: cc ORDER EARLY AND DO.N'T B_Ew • DISAPPOINTED CNN!NGII MOTORS 881=0740 WALKERTON • MOTHER'S DAY N. CARDS: By Rustcraft .At FINLAY DECORATORS All networksp . now . .ossess° what • is , called a .!'comparative network schedule" .•'This•'schedule' shows what .programs are opposing each other` next season., and'. whileriet works state they do not: anticipate •. changes,. meetings .are, held and shifts will likely;be made•. It's° like a game of chess. Let's take a look at the night time schedules'• of the 3 American: and 2 Canadian•,networks fora typical Sunday: At 7:00 p in . CTV •w i11 run The •IvIonkees" against a• new 'show on 'the CBC entitled "Gentle: Ben". At 7:30 it's "Voyage to the Eottom' of the Sea" on ABC; "Gent- le Ben”.on CBS; "Walt Disney":. -on: NBC; "The' FBI" ,on CTV and,' "Flashback" on CBC. • At 8:00 it's the` second half'.of . "Voyage" on .ABC; "Ed- Sullivan" on CBS, and CBC .. NBC and. CTV .'' Ore:.finishing the 60 -minute shows . they started at 7i30 At 8:8 0NBC will tun "Mother= m -Law and CTV will go with ,1 Dream of Jeannie ..At '9' o' clock ABC mill ran 'a • Movie; CBS and CTV will run "The ;Smothers. Brothers"; ; 'NBC and CBC wi11 run Bonanza" At 10:00 the movie w.i11 still be ' , running on ABC, while CBS will ,• run "Mission Impossible";. NBC will;play "High Chaparral' .CTV. will return with "W5", and CBC will go with a public affairs pro- gram: In future columns we'll look at the other silt days of TV programs, , , ..•..•«.ss Latest,Nielsen ratings. in 'the U.S are out and the Easter special "The Robe"' -. topped 'tile' ri5t Red Skelton was number '2'. =with >Aiid.y Griffith and The Lucy Show: rune ing third and fourth. In the 5th spot' was •confer Ryle with bean Martin 6th and Green' Acres num- ber .um-ber 7. Daktari was in eighth posit ion,followed by Bonanza , and tied for 10th spotwas the ,SBS Friday' Night Movie and.•Family Affair, •