HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-03, Page 1$010 A Year In Advance --- $1.00 Extra lin U.S.A. • INC.KNOW, .• ONTARIO. Business People To Meet With Council To Discuss Civic and Centennial Projects A variety of topics came up at the meeting of the Lucknow Business AtsoCiation'on Monday night at a meeting at the,town hall attended by .fourteen..; 'Concern was felt for the little , enthusiasm which has been shown in Luckhow to mark the observance of centennial year: It was the gen- eral opinion of those at the meet- ing that Lucknow is lagging badly,. in civic projects to observe the 100th birthday of Canada. The Association agreed to decor- ate stores and dress in centennial costumes during the week leading up to July 1st.. Concern was expressed at the con- dition of the 'river. banks along the [sallow river both north and south of.the'busineSs area. It was felt that this detracted frOmthe general inhiression that the village offers and'it Was felt that the matter,.• alfing. with other matters of village improvement. should be presented to town council. In this regard, the village Reeve and Councillors ]ave. been invited to a further meeting.in the Lticknovi Town Hall next Monday night, May 8th, at. 3;30 when: matters of civic. UnProvernent will, be discussed. Survival Kit Foufld• 'On. Ashfield Beach An unopened survival kit, with no identification, was fOutid .on the shore of Lake Huron at the .foot of. the poi of, Ashfield recently . lan:. Montgomery, son .of '/yIr. and • Mrs, Gordon Montgornery.of Luck - now, foundthe.kit neirthe Mont- gomery cottage located at the 12th south of the,gitl-guide camp. The kit was aboiit 1 foot by 4 . inches by 4 inches and was 'sealed and water proof: The •conteins wereblocks of food with instruct ions for their use in seven or eight different languages. Instructions Called for the eating of a block every. four or five hours with no water for the first twenty-four hours. It is thought there was enough for about a week's supply for one ,persan:. ' • • '. • The kit was in good condition nth the blocks being sampled, by 3oidon Montgomery, Trash cans on the Lucknow Main street were suggeSted as another means of improving the general impression. left with visitors and residents., r ' The Association agreed to pro- ceed with the advertising proin- ". otion which has been carried on for a couple of years.- Pipe Band music is to be again provided dur ing the summer Friday nights and this matter was to be investigated. Further discussion centred around the establishment of a laundrornat in Lucknow with the drainage feature of the scheme appearing to be thetnain draw back. ‘. A letter was read from the liquor control board stating that a recent Survey of population and buying habits across Ontario did,not in- "dicate that a Lucknow•store'was warranted in view of the proximity to the outlet it Winghani. • , Car rec' hi • Goderich CraSh A 1963 Corvet belonging t6 Bob Hunter of Albert a, who .is visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ver- non, Hunter of Lucknow, was a total wreck as a result of a Sunday night accident at Goderich. Proceeding into Goderich,•the car struck the CNR bridge at the north.- , ern outskirts of the town. Bob re- ceived an eight -stitch laceration to the head and a passenger, Rick • Jardine.of'Lucicnow escaped un- hurt: Sgt. Crawford of the:Goderich, Town Police investigated the„acc ident and estimated damage at a approximately $3000, Art . Hodgins Passes • Arthur Hodgins„ a resident of the 10th concession of Culross Town- ship and well. known in I,ucknow and district, died suddenly at his, home on Monday, April 24th': He • Was 69 years of age, He was for many years a 'member of the' Luck - now District High School' Board.. The funeral service was"held in Teeswater on Wednesday of.last , week with burial in Teeswater 'cemetery, Display Fuzz There'was.tathei:.i light entry in the-.110trit':grOWri!" beard contest it the. Kairshea Centennial Bali These four ;gents made up the entire ciasS add arc leftton-i tight 13arger, ,Lucknow 4 Sam Snobelen, Huron: 14aion Robinsoh, gaseWawanoth.., winner; Barry Hackett, Ashfield.. A .1.14,rig°4111r14:41117.7 4."'"t7.4.' • WEDNESDAY, MAY 'IN, 1,91 Single Copy 10c 24 POOH Mrs. Ted Collyer Is Queen Of The. Oa • , • ,,,„„44.. • • " .„. P.• A.S '? . • 4, ., * r**"' *a ^• Y4.4* ''4`7' 4 ' 4 4 *.f' Ar .4 • • , ,•' • ..ft "150, . „" #11% * o: ..C.* 1. * ".t' • V' 4 • 4 A . . 44" k '41(4 " $ , • . . . • • 0",." # • r ovh "?t44.4 4 • Y. ,,4 • 1N0*:$00.1t$c4,' The Board of-TrusteeS, Huron .County, School Area. No. 2 met in regular session on Monday,'April 24th. at 8:30 p.m. : , • A,delegation of teachers met with the board to discuss salary schedule. and as a result the following was, agreed upon. Category' I , $4.,'000. 00 ; Maximum $5,400. 00; Category 11, minimum $4,600..Q0 Maximum. $6,00q.06;... Category ill , minimum. ' • • $5,200,00 maximum' 36,600,00; Category 1V, minimum, -r• $5:800 00 , rnaXiriim, $7 , 200 :00 Allowance for previous experience five years at .$200'. 00' per year ' Annual ,increment -3206, 00. 35..00 allowed for each day of un- used sick leave Principal's aliow- ance = $100.00 per mem; The retirement age. was amended, 'to'eoinpiy, with the Age .Discrirnin'-• ation.Act , 1966 whereby no employ er shall refuse to employ or con— thine to employ any person because of ,their.age; age" ••rne a ning forty years or more and less 'than siXty.- five years, The board greatfully.accePted the offer, of the Dungannon L. 0; L. 324 to present the area with a shield. for public speaking,I'vith a cup being given to the 'winner s,their personal- Memento. •, The following .expense account was approved for payment; Teachers $6,209.23; .geceiver • derieraf $753 , 23;• Secretary. " $252,57; Custodians $553.75'; Bus Operator $1,658133; Driv,ers $846 .•83 Ontario Hydro .$227.11:' Instructional Supplies $2,172•,.85; . Maintenance, supplies $25,44; Garnet Farrier - repair and tuning pianos. $56,85; Fuel ,Oil Bus Licence and maintenance ' $45.18; Gas,- buses ' $331:10; • Dental $12:00; School furniture $8,791. '10, Projector $241.40. Shown crowning the Kairshea Women'..s Institute Centennial Sall' Queen last Friday night is Mit. Lloyd MacDougall, .left., president of the Institute, Mrs:, Ted Collyer, Centre, Queen for the night, Mrs Bob Gilchrist, tight, a ,Member of the dance committee who presented the winner,with,:a cor . • • ' • It's oil t6 EXPO this Sunday,' , May 7th, at,1!15 p m. .for a party of 167 from the Lucknow District High School. 1. Plans for the student trip to EXPO in Montreal.have'been underway for 'several Months'with,over $2000 having been.raiSed•by var- ious, student activities to help keep the cost for each'traveller to a minimum'. , • • The group of 167 is broken 'down to 91 giri students‘, 52•boy students 14 ladies and 10 men, They will .. travel in four Guelph Golden Tri- angle Trailways buses, .each with a capacity 'of 41, and one bus from, •Montgorriery Motors in Lucknow with a 45 Capacity: Students and adult supervisors will leave Sunday. at 1i15 p.,rn, and return Thursday of next, week, May lith, 1ik1y in the early hours Of the morning, Students on the•EXPO trip .will noibe reoulfeel to attend 'sch,Ool do• Thursday, May 11, 'All students • ,, • will be required to attend -classes On Friday, May 12. Students not makingthe trip to EXPO wilihaVe • • regular, classes with Cy Needham and .Mrs Peter 'Connon. • ' Students, are advised t� carry: a lunch for,the Sunday evening meal, StOp have been arranged for Oshawa' and Kingston where food and beverages will be avail— able.0. • The,.Champlain residence is Where the students will be billeted in Montreal.'Tweive to fourteen student, along with two Super visors, will occupy each suite. ,The residence is four miles frorri. • EXPO with buses running every. fifteen rninutes fOr:400'.one way., .Soap-, towels and bedding are prov- ided. Breakfast is available at the residence Cafeteria. Each student will be issued with a•map of the EXPO site and have been exposed to printed informat- ion at school. John Strong of Wrng- hatn will address the group on Thuat EXPO PciMa.):, cg to what can be seen Should any emergency arise at °home while students are away , parents should phone the school in order that the message 'can be rel- ayed to the student in Mehtiial. .Dr, *Jack McKim and registered nurses Mrs:Carroll McKim and Mrs, Laural Hewitt will accomp- any the group. . • • • Students have been paired,op the buddy system and are to remain With their delegated •partners at all tittles. Curfew will be at mid- night. , ' , , Most chaperones.have arranged , for 'parents Or friendt to move into their.houSes in order to look atter young children. • PrincipalN.B.'Mason is in charge of the entire trip ' • Aarak,041iiiiV."iiidittrft•Z•lieri6E1L..41110rvireerilirrAnt.0.400"4- • 1 r,. 4.1