HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-26, Page 16i jjjj� e }- 1�,r'. li r kd; N. PAGE; SIXTEEN THE. LUCKNillll' SENTINEL' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 4;r.. r�onrre 441% 10 NEWS.' Congratulations to Mr, Peter Moffat who -'celebrated, his 88th:' • birthday on Saturday.. Present for suPPerwith him and Jim at their borne were alh'the members of his. family which includes, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McPherson of Culross Township, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moffat of Teeswater. Tom, and ,Mr. and• Mrs'.. Dave Moffat of Kin- last Township, Mr,, :and Mrs. Lloyd Moffat: of Lucknow, During the ••evening Thompson, McPherson' • of Culross Township•visited the same home and entertainedwith some violin music *which Mr. Moffat thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. Dick McQuillin visited with her.mother; Mrs. Chas, Thomson ' at' Clinton on' Sunday Mrs. Thom: son who has'been 41., is,:somewhat ,improved. Miss Margaret Moffat of Toronto spent the week end with Miss., Emma Richardson and Graham Moffat. Donald Young Of Toronto and ;' Ken'Young , who' is taking a course in Toronto, spentthe week - •end withtheieparents, Mr. and Mrs• .Clifford' Young, William arid Russell . ' • :.Mr. and Mrs:. Eugene .Conley and On 88thBfrtFday mberley Resident asses Suddenly MRS. JOHN A. CAMPBELL The last surviving member of a amity well known' and highly est- :erred ,' Mrs Anna Louise Camp-. iell, wife of the` late John A ampbell , of Amberley, passed ' , •wayjon Sunday, :April sixteenth, n'her eighty-fourth year.: While visiting her daughter, Mrs. ;tuart'Stiells at Ripley,' Mrs. Camp 'ell'suf fered a heart *attack on ' Fri - ,y , Apiil 14 and that evening Was ernoved to .,Kincardine and District Iospital., A second severe attack occurred Sunday afternoon from ihich she failed to rally.... She was a daughter of\the late Mr: .ndMrs. James Henry Mahood' and • ,►as born` near Nestleton in Durham :ounty', on November 16th, 188.3:.,. 'he family moved. to Huron Town hip -about 75 years ago and took • .p farrning on the" `B". Line. On October 21st, 1903, she'. ias'united in marriage, to John A . ` :amps ell and they farmed at Point • :lark and later purchased a'second • arm. at Amberley and moved to hat village. Mr.. Campbell served is lighthouse keeper at Point Clark 'or several years. He predeceased us wife, threeyears ago. She was 'rmember of Pine River United :hurch. `,Left' to mourn herP�- are two ` mg taughters and two sons: ;Mrs. Stuart Clara) Shiells,.Ripley and Mrs. 'Douglas L. (Iva) Young,'Kincar- dine; Russell, Atwood and• Glenn; Amberley; also eight grandchild- ren and sixteen great grandchild- ren.' Besides her husband she.: mas predeceased:by three brothers and • two sisters. Funeral services for the late Mrs Campbell were conducted from the McLennan Funeral Home, Kincar- dine, by Rev H.D. Pillen, . pastor of Pine River Church, on Tuesday afternoon and interment was made in Kincardine 'Cemetery', Pallbearers 'were Morris Mahood', " a Wilfred Mahood of Kincardine; ' • Harvey Campbell of Burlington; Jack Campbell of Atnberiey; Glenn D. Young ,of Peterborough; .Alan C Young of iagara On - The- Lake: • F1oWer bearers were Ewan Camp- bell of London; Robert Campbell, Duncan Thotbum; William. Fergus- on, Robert McNay,Howard Robb, all of Huron Townshi'p', ' a Mr. and. Mrs. 'Elmer :Scott attend' edthe funeral of their uncle:• Mr•.. Dave McAllister in TeesWater on Sunday., , • Mrs. Gordon Wall and Brian visit- ed on Sunday withthe formers: mother, : Mrs. John • Arthur at ClIn- toll. , Mr. and Mrs Bob•Bregman visit- ed on Friday evening with: Mr,. and Mrs. Jim 'Young• and family,. Communion :service will be held at Langside, Presbyterian Church ' next Sunday. Joint •Preparatory ser vice .will, be held on Friday at_ 8. p.m. at Whitechurch. , Meet With Bruce Re Whitechurch, tucknowtibrary BY•'R. S ATKEY GODERICH The. new•Huron County. Public Library Board made its first official report to County Council Monday when Duff Thomp son,• chairman. Clinton. addressed,. Councillors, and Students who were in, attendance' at the, afternoon session:: The Board has been in operation.: only since the JanuarySession of County Council and monthly meet- ings are :being held Mr. Thompson said: 'There are many problems to be faced'in connect- ion with the transition from a :co operative to 'a public library syst- em. ''The,'Board asks• the indulgen ce,°of all concerned until the chan- geover has been completed and the operation of the .system begins to function in .a normal, manner,'", he` Urged. • • The Townships of Hay ,� . Morris ; • East Wawanosh and fiuliett, are: now included' in the,County Library System, asrecommended.by he Board,'with' bylaw amended accord- ingly. • 'Mr.'' Thompson' pointed out that with the .addition of these four , ;municipalities, the, System :now has 100 per cent/Membership•of municipalities. To date the Board has (3) initiat- ed an insurance'survey; appointed George McCuutcheon .' a member .' of the Board' to Midwestern Reg lanai Library Board; (3) sent:letters ,to three accredited 'universities en- deavouring• to secure the services of a qualified county librarian; (4) •written to,University of Westerrt. Ontario urging any interested .stud. ent/to take; advantage of the bur sary., offered 'by Midwestern Region' al 'Library Board; (5) 'authorized' Duff;.Thompson., chairman; .Frank McFadden, Bayfield and -,Mrs. C Huffman, county librarian., to attend Ontario Library Convention in Fort William May 15 - 18; (6) made,, arrangements to meet with' Bruce County Library Board regard-' ing problems . concerning Lucknow and Whitechurch. Huron County Library 1967 budget is•as follows; • Revenue Proving of .Ontario;' basic grant, "$25,000; incentive grant, $10..000; operational grant $30, 000; County of Huron $34.000; total , $99,000 Expenditures; salaries' $44, 700; books $20.000; periodicals $600; rebinding $500; supplies $3,500;. utilities,,hydro,' water, rent. care- taking: fuel, insurance $7,000; , telephone $400; .repairs t, and,main enance $5.500; postage.'and'ex` Tress 1000; Board remuneration and mileage $2,000; employee ben efits $500; truck maintenance • $1.200; capital '$9.000; , advertising. $600; 'refunds to'schoois $1,300; 't$1otal200 $97 , 800; estimated surplus ' , . •.WiipNESDAIG :APRIL: , ufh lfkt NNOltMC%M9 OOD Good taste needn't be expensive. Our beautiful Bouquet Invitation Line proves this with'. the most exquisitepapers' type faces. and workmanship you* could wish for! .It' features Thermo-Engraving—rich raised lettering=elegant as the -finest' craftsmanship yet. costing so little! Come; see our unusual selection: e to two weeho' delivery CHOOSE YOUR WEDDING INVITATIONS RECEIVE A YEAR'S. SUBSCRIPTION LUCKNOW SENTINEL FREE YOU ARE WELCOME TO TAKE OUR SAMPLE; BOOKS TO YOUR HOME OVERNIGHT E OUR SELECTION: OF ACCESSORIES SERVIETTES MATCHES' - COASTERS PLACE CARDS CONFETTI„CARDS —CAKE BOXES AND BAGS Cent On Apr Happy H' their mo Supper h ' • The fool pared at to, the hi Cabbage pie), Iri' and Tort Salad Salad : The be This is' the begi The de Blueberr Squares, At the ',supper, ed a .pro; contribu' • , contests On beh would.li'. • ers for ti during ti thanks tt Gordon' i Aitch'iso • Z Zippy Chas; A April 2S This: r a Cente • mothers :invited ,' leaders; • also wa, 4 I -i lea 1