The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-26, Page 15wEONESDAY, APRIL 201r. '190
Huron County Tax Ride. Ong
Discuss Ald To Tornado Vctjins
County taxes will be/slightly
higher this year with: the general
rate increased by one full mill and
the highway account remaining un•
changed. In his report to County
Council, Clerk -treasurer John.
Berry noted that the new. County . .
Public Library System , the Huron
view debenture issue and, the, in
crease in cost of operations there ,.
an addition to the county=museurn
to the tune of $10;000.; increased
costs in other departments and the'
establishment cffa disaster'fund:
were to blame for the tight budget,
The only bright: spot in Clerk ,
Berry's report was, a reduction of
$35,000 made, this year•:in monies
payable to the Hospital Reserve
Fund•in an: effort to offset the
additional debenture issue
The .19.67 •budget calls:for.
$612,391.52 to be raised for'genet
al purposes.on ;a rate of 9 mills
'and:,$632,804.57'to',be. raised for
highway purposes on'a rate of-9.,3
-inills;. or a total of 18. mills for
county purposes '
Considerable discussion was
heard on the establishment of a
'disaster fund to. assist ,Huron Coup=
ty farmers 'who. were victims' of th
tornado which ripped through -'r
sections oi' the ' county on April 17'
Clerk Beny recalled that in June
1953:; $68:,14$, was raised through'
federal and, provincial source's, by
”public subscript ion and . through
.Huron County Council for the
relief of storm victims in.the..
Blyth area..
Blyth`Reeve Bordon. Cook said `
that Huron County work crews
mloved.bulldozers,, chainsaws and
trucks into•the disaster district at
thattime to help clean up the
debris. '
Tucketsiuith Reeve•Elgin Thoinp-
son assured councillors that suffic-
ient workmen had been 'promised
. but relrted; that a Huron -Perth
Dicast% Fund' had been set tip. He. '
suggested that ,any rn ney Hurn .'
County Council would offer,'would.
be Matched dollar for,dollar' by the
provincial government.
TIiei Warden's and Personnel
Committee with. Chairman Ken
Stewart, -McKillop, has been
delegated 'to administer any :Huron
County funds to stricken Huron .
fanners. Most councillors felt that
farmers with wind insurance; should
receive the same.;consideration as
those, farmers.not protected .by in'-
stirance,and concurred hat' a- buil-
ding. clause suggested by Warden
Don McKenzie should 'be included
that farmers, planning 'to rebuild
any destroyed buildings should be
given'special attention,'
Other.committee members • ,'
..appointed• to aadminister 'county
disaster funds,are county assessor
.A.'A. Alexader: and.N'Deugg Miles,. `
Huron ;County Agricultural represL
enta. tive':
+Grant Stirling, Goderich Town
ship'reeve complained that increa
sed" should be'put on•..
Provincial. and Federal govern-.
merits to raise their ante to tornado
victims, and at least ,one member
of: council, Clifford R ." Dunbar
indicated',that •some farmers •
covered by :ample insurance might
be:quite happy to'"Standon their
own 'feet"..
Producing eggs in .this: day and age costs real,.
rnaney. Everything' is expensive." land,
buildings, machinery, chicks;: labour,and,
feed. " In return for these. large out of pocket
expenses you.:expect and deserve a mighty
good yield = .. -' cold cost savings • That is
where.SHUR-GAIN .canes in• ' SHLIR-GAIN
,Rou1try feeds are farm, researched and tested
to give you the the best fo niance'.and the
greatest.profits possible.
Come in and we abotit your flock in
• terms of egg ;production: and profit dollars.
The W.I. Meeting will be held..
on May 3, at the home of Mrs,
Victoria :Smith on the. tenth. ,
Best wishes are extended to,
Dianne Dore of Teeswater who
was, taken' to WinghamHospital on
Saturday„with Rhuematic.Fever, It
is hoped her stay in hospital .will
not be too lengthy and she'll soon
be back toschool . '
Many of the folks from •here : att-
ended the Central'School Cent-
ennial Concert 'in Ripley which
was held on Thursday and Friday
evenings' with pupils from grade
five and lip taking part
Mr, and Mrs William 'McInnes
attended the Wedding Reception
dance held in Walkerton on Satur-
day in honor, of Mr. and. Mrs. Wal-
ter Misch. ''
Vicki Dore attended the birthday .
party of Ina Farrell on Saturday
and spent Saturday night with her
school churn Terri Fair':
Mrs. :bon ' McCosh left on Monday
for ,Guelph where she will be until
Friday attending the FON'. I, O,
Spring Board Meeting which will
take place at the.,University of
. Mrs: Don: Robertson.spent•some
time°.last week in Stratford Attend-
ing the Synodical of Hamilton and.
London”: Presbyter=ian 'Church. Mrs .
Robertson was a• Kinlough delegate.
The 4 H girls held their achieve
ment';day in Kincardine where our;"
girls are reported to,have .done very-.
:well,; Leaders 'wereMrs', Morford '.
MacKay and Mrs . Don Gillies
Mrs, Burton Collins spent 'Thurs=;
day'and Monday in Waterloo where
she :was writing exams..;
s , �-'�Do a -and Frankie.spent
Mrs, rp , .
Friday afternoon in Bervie . with Mr. .
and Mrs Claude`Dore Sr
Mr. and Mrs 'Francis. Boyle' visit
edon'Saturday evening with the
Earl: Elliotts;.
Mrs.. Don. Chadbourne ofKincar-'
dine visited recently with her
mother Mrs .Vic`Gawley
Mrs'. 'Victoria Smith and Murray,,
Campbell visited on Friday with.
Mr:: George'Derrnan of Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. Don, McCosh spent
Sunday ;in Ripley' with Mr, and Mrs
William Arnold.,
Recent visitors'" with Mr. and 'Mrs
..Gordon Patterson were Mr;::and
Mrs.. Frank Colwell and Huston of :.
Kincardine,. Mr.- : and. Mrs. Earl
Ziegler and family of . Port Elgin,,
and Mr:' andM'rs.`! Walter ;Forster
and family. ..
Gladys 'Gawley Of Toronto'spent :
the weekend with 'Mr': and Mrs.
Victor Gawley.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wiper Forster and family ''
were Mr: and Mrs. Bob -Forster of
Toronto and Joe,Knapsick of Kit
cheer. S
Miss. Margaret Robertson of Duck '
pow .spent a few' days last week
with Don Robertson while Mrs.
Robertson'was iii. Stratford
.Some of the folks from this area'
attended the ,folks
held On Friday evening for Mr
and Mrs, David Iohnston
Visitors on Friday. evening with;'
Mr and Mrs. Art. Collins' Mr.•
and Mrs. Don Reid.and' Mr. and
Mrs Don Dore; .
• Recent :visitors with Mr.,and Mrs:.
Robertson were Mr. and Mrs
Clarence.TV acDOnald of. Brantford.
and Mrs. Richard.,Madge and
family of Goderich
Mrs . Eatl Elliott /visited her
father Mr. W illiatf Stephen on
Monday•; who ;was taken recently
from Wingham: hospital to'•Carruth.
ers Nursing home.. .
Mr, .'and . Mrs. Gordon MclJotiald• .:
and girls`spent the week end in
Toronto where they attended .a
wedding and visited Shirley's:
brother's family; Mr. and Mrs'.Bob.
' McClure and family.
Mrs. Don Dore, Jim , Cathie and
Stiff'succession duties carflake:a big
bite .out of the poorly arranged• :esta`te ..
• draining away assets built up
overmany years, as` creating ..
needless problems for the family'
leave behind.
▪ . by -competent Sterling: Trusts pro-
fessional counsel ,can quickly put your
affairs. i ::good •order-. Advice without
obligation: Investigate, thisvaluable
service today.
Prompt Confidential Service
372• Bay St,, 35 Dunlop.St:, 73 Mssissaga.E..,.
Toronto Barrie. Orillia .
Hur�n-BrU,ceDistruct HghSchoo
Board Hold April Meeting
The .Huron -Bruce District High
School Board.meetin'. for its A'ril
session at' the Wingham school
.'heard principal F.E..Madill re -
:Commend that examination results
should: not be published; ' He stat-
ed that one parent had demanded,
that :his.child's name be:omitted: .
if results were'published •for the
Easter examination,:; As a result
the complete list, was'not released
Until' the board 'had, anopportunity
to review.`the. matter.:'
•: After ::considerable discussion on.
the subject the board decided, to :
.authorize publishing theenames of
/the students• who had received
passing grades, but not to publish
those of students who had failed
• The principal also reported that,
' five 'teachers had been hired on a
tentative basis pending the .settle-.
meet of salary negotiations which..
are still in'progress.'
A letter ,sent to the, par-
ents'of students, who ate going to
Expo :during the school terrn stat-
ing that the school insurance will`.
not provide protection."'
Mr. Madill said that in the past,
two. students had been attending
Frankie spent 'Saturday afternoon
with Mrs. William McInnes and
a -United Nations Seminar' in Lon-
don each year .at the end ;of June,'
sponsored by the, board. The
board also said that two places have
.been alloted. the Wingham::school
on 'the Youth Travel Program this
year They will spend. one .week 'in,
North Vancouver:"
The principal also recommended
the hiring of a bus for school trips
which`'cannot be arranged ,by a
'double 'bus: run. The board. agreed. •
to,pay 'for the extra 'bus when need-
Financial assistance will be given
to two teachers who 'are taking:
special`. courses this summer, which
will not improve their. category.
•Mr. Mason; principal of the
'Lucknow. school., reported• that a
centennial ball had raised $180 ,
for the Expo fund :and: that "Career
Day" ; held on April 13 had -been •
`most successful:
Mr:: Mason went on to explain, the
''details of the Expo trip 'slated'.for
May 7 to 11, A high percentage of
students from the Lucknow school..
are going. A. number of teachers
will act as chaperones: In'.the same
connection arurnmage and bake
sale was held at the school ori
April 21 and 22With proceeds •for
the Expo fund: Mr. Mason said
attendance for„ March.:had averaged
96'.4 -per cent'..
u lied and installed for town. or farm'; house,:
barn's,..sheds,: Cottages and all' buildings. We also
replace, where,necesaary, crafter ends,, facia board
and.soffitt.' ,t,.
•.R.R.2 Lucknow