HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-26, Page 13wiDNEsith ita
Wingham and District Hospital
postpone openrng Until September
•• The directors of the•Wingham
•bistfict Hospital have decided to..
postpone the date of the official
opening Until Spternber.Of this
Thedecision was made at•'
the April board 'meeting presided
over by board, chairman.R. C9p"..
sins. Arrangements ,haq been. siart-
ed for the official opening
ceremonies to be hekl,,in.June, but
lien it was learned that there Was
some doubt'about the Completion
, of a re -building job on One of the
elevators in the .btiilding..the
change of timing appeared advis
alle..Exect date in September will
be determined. later when speakers
forthe ceremony have been,con-
tacted. •
The official opening Willmark
the compl.etiquol'a building and
renovating program which has .
been In progress for two years; A
secOnd,storer has been added to
the' wing.at the north end of the ‘.
The,central area of the
structine has been completely .re-•
novated and .a Section bas been
added to accommodate operating .
and obstetrical rooms, recovery
rooms, administrative quarters,
etc. )''I'he entre program approach.-
• es the one Million d011ar mark.
' .• • _ • ••
• Re -building • of the original ,ele-
vator in the building, located at
•What is now: the south end of the'
hospital (since the removal of the
original White brick.wing) was de-
cided on after the re -building
Ingram was well under.way,. hence
• the delay in completion' of the
•work. The delayed Opening wfli
•' permit completion of the.necessarr
• landscaping and repair of lawn
damaged in the building program..
• The bard also approved the erect-
ion of'a 40 -foot flagpole near the
ambulance entrance at the south
end of the building.
Mrs,- I,E. Murrey ad!-
, .,
strator; reported that March.
a been a busy month. There
were 182 adMissions, 1.8 births,
107 discharges;8 deaths; 105.operr
ations, '217 outpatients, 28,8' x. -rays
3 blood transfusions, 4112 laborat- •
ory tests,' 61 electrocardiographic
'examinations, 55 at cancer clinic,
1 post m'ortern examination, 270
physiotherapy treatrnenti: Total
patient days for •the 'Month amoun-:
ted to, 2766 for a daily occupancy
average of 90. '••• •
. • • • .
The report of the treashrer indi-
cated that the expenditures are
running approximately $11,000,
higher than the OHSC budget...
However, the budget has not yet •.
been .finally approved and it is
expected that adjustments will .,.
have,to be made „ Mr,s. Morrey :
stated that similar budget difficult:
ies are. being experienced by many
of. the.smaller hospitals. •
• •
.Property committee chairman.
E.E. 'Walker presented,a list of -
the Maintenance projects which •
are t� be dealt with by the engin-
eeting staff. fle: also said that con-
crete bumpers will be placed in
theparking lot in an effortto.
/ prevent cars from damaging the
new fenCe.. All' drivers will be '
required to park their cars facing
thefence, 'rather than backing • •
.into the parking area as a .furthei
protection for the fencing
Mr. Walker referred to a prev-
ious decisiOn to install an ex--
haust fan in the laundry at.
a cost of approximately $750. The
-architects have since advised •that
better results.might be achieved
by reversing the present intake '
fans so that they would act as ex-,
• haust fans. This'cltange•,couid be
effected •for about $iso.. , •
• R.R.#2, Eden Grove,
• December 28, 1966,
Dear Don: •
I get my paper any where from
Thursday to Wednesday , wherever
it travels to from the:tirn.e'yOti ,
post it till I get it, I 'clon7t..know•
Hope yon all had a very nice
Christmas and have a Happy New
Year. . • ••• , •.,
• • Yotirs Sinterely;'::
• • • • Mrs."AdaM P., Dick,
"... • R.R.2, Eden Grove, Ont
•••••••• • ..i•••••
• 149 Kent St. ANT,
Lindsay, Ontario.
Lucknow Sentinel,•
Lucknow Ont
Please find enclosed money
• order to renew my subscription to
the Sentinel., I don't seem to know
.rnaIyiflLucknw anY mote, but ••
it -helps tokeep,in touch. With My. • .
1-lorne town activities and‘enjoy it.
Thank you,
• SinCerely.
• _ 2 (Mrs) Lila Shickluna.
The Echo 'Nursing Some,
' • 5918 Jeanne Mance St: ,
• MOntrear -8, Canada.
•m•rnodatjon 15, 1966.. . •
• . ,
Lucknow Sentinel,
Lucknow Ont • • ;
Dear Sir: ,
As I expet.,__tO retire Yery„so.Oti,
.and shall liie7with my sister for.
: awhile, would you kindly1 change
rny:addresi.t lo Mrs .:.R. Putc194, ...',
Belgrave, On ario. • • -.• • , . ,''. -.: 1:
.•• Enclosed Yo . will find my sub
scriPtion for altotlier•year: I
alwaysenjoy, teading•the.neWs: .. ,
Best.. Of luck in the New Year
, , •
Sincerely, . . '.. .‘• ',.. '. :.'
Elizabeth Anderson...
men a ou
•' •'Expo 67 W bund to put heavy pressure
on accommodations in Montreal. Never-
theless, LOGEXPO, the official •Expo 67
• accommodation ,bureau, assures • every
• Visitor Pleae to' stay.
• At peak periods you.may not -be able to,
. get . certain kinds of accommodatiOn—
• downtown hotel rooms, for exaniple: But
even at these times, there will be .suffi-
cient alternative accommodation for
• everyone. ` • •
Over79,000 roOmi are available in all.
• Private Homes. Over 30,000 hospitable
• Montrealers are welcoming' visitors into.their
homes. RATES: from $8 t� $14 a day for tWo peo-
ple, $1016 $18 for three, or $12 tO $22 for four. •
• Efficiency 'Apartments, with kitchen .faci-
lities and maid service, RATES: $18 to $25
•a clay.for two persons, plus $3a day for each •
additional person. •
Hotels. There are still some vacancies in down-
, town hotels during some periodsb, also in resort
hotels Within easy reach of Expo 67., RATES:
• from Si 2 to $30 a day. '••
Tourist Homes. The position is similar to that
• of hotels and motels, with some vacancies in
all periods. RATES: $10 'to $18 (double
occupancy). '
Every. room has been inspected and ap-
proved by an agency of the Goverrinient
of Que,bec,,-and a controlledrate. estab-
• lished. •
All you have to do to, make a reservation .
is Mail the coupon below to LopExpo..
yqu will receive a reply in 7-10 days,
follo.weil by confirmation direct from the
management of the hotel)/ etc.; or the
• homeow,ner. • " •. •
• Or phone (514) 397-8397 for immediate
information and reservations. . • •
• Motels. Available in many periods, particularly
early in the•teaso6 and after September 4th.,
RATES: $12 to • $30 (do9ble occupancy),
Motels (Trailer type) With kitchen facilities
and maid service. RATES: from $25 a day for
two persons, $30 a day for four, or $49 a day.
for eight. Children under 12, free, •
,Treifer•Sites, Within easy, driving distance Of
Expo 67, with. 3 -way hook-up. RATES: $3.50
t$5 a,day. .•• •
Camp Sites. 20,000 sites, in 120 separate
locations, ,in the area around Montreal...RATES:
$2.50 to $3,50 a day.
All these • accommodations are government -
inspected, apprOyed, and price;.controlled.
. . . .
. . .. .
• rillt. Pease fill Out the CotipOntoMp/eioiyend Mail it today. • •
1 ,To•LOdEkrti, Expo 64, Mentretit„ 0314 Canada . •• Phone•-• (I 0.91.8397 • , :1
, . • I Please reserve accOrdmodatiene as follows: . '' I
. 1, Name . ' . ' . . •. .
. . . I
. • I : AO d ress .•• " ' ....-,,-,..•--..-,--Apt . :, 1
. •i City . .. , „. . . ,i I
. 1 Arrival Date - ., •,. ' Departure bate., ' , - Number ofriisjhtsrice range
• . 1 Number of 'adults (over 12S ' Number of children (uniler 1z),...—Meanstif,tnintii6rtation•
i• roty oidedornthodations tecluirech"6refethno# bnd, two• dr thret9' .. ' . . •
1 PRIVATE IfOMEIn ' APARTMENT efficiency) E:f. . ,- .
.. .1 HOTEL n TOLIRIST HOME ri motELD Mote.; 'ex
• •. (tilliler tYge)#.0 TRAILER SITE 13 CAMP Sirqn
‘,. .1 ;1:erkietta. • MONTREAL, CANADA . . .•
' '• 1 . 7.- ' . ' .the'llhiVertat Mid toternaticinal Exhibitienef 1967,',,
,,. ..-,...
,.,i, .0.004.,,,,A., Itiie.niew. toiedoeffii ii. Iso woe t,.r6.1,.. - , , • . Montreal', Canada/APRIL 287,0CTORER ?7, 19,7 ,I • . '
•I --.•0111011111m6 ii016 iiiiiiiirsi oriiig ii0la v.. ...mama row 4...1 oiriii _I 0.4 idr.i emio;!* ....ie el lidik Ileilid.i. — eirot oisii.04.110.01•70.114.•4 , • ,
' •
Looking 4Ieadto,
[ - • ••••
Is The Time
To PIan Your
Quality and service are the most
important commodities That is why
it pays to see your Co-op first.
• , .. • , , • ' •
*Registered TrateMar*.
. . , .
Neighbours, of Mr. •and Mrs. •
• Everett Parker met last Thursday• ;
night at the home;of Mr. and • ',.
Mrs., Morley Wall for a farewell "
get-to-gether; prior to the Parker's
departure to In1e1iart Mr . and
Mrs., Parker were presented with.a
cbair. .
Ar. and Nits,. Gerald Stewart •of
• Kincardine were. Sunday. dinner
guests. with Mr and Mrs. Torn •
Stewart and boys.
John •Benedict 'of Manitoulin •
Island sped a few ' d ays last week •,
with Mr. and, Mrs. glmer•Benedict
and family
• s•
Suffers Fracture..
In Farm Accident' .
Wm: Rintoul suffered a fractured
thumb fiitfrm accident on Fri7:
•Little Jill MCOhillin ofLondon is
visiting with her grandparents, Mr.
and,Misy Fred McQuiluin., •
BORN'..- In Victoria Hospital, Lon
don on April 20th, to Mr. and Mrs,
Barry McQuillin of London. a
A brother for Jilt,- • •
Patients in Wingham and District
Hospital from, the•St . Helens, comm
unity are Mrs., loseph Gaunt, Elmer
WOods, Mrs: Wm . Rintoul and
Mrs. George Phillips. ••.•
Mrs. Harold Gaunt, Mrs. Ross ,
,Gammie and 1\4!.S. Frank McQuillin
attended the Execut,ive meeting of.
the W.I. in Clinton on Thnrsday
• The May meeting .of the W.I..
will beone weeklater on May llth,
Mrs., Calclough of Clinton,: the
District'President:, will b'o,kuest
spea.ker And She will be at Expo On
Our regular date, Nizte change of
The Everett Parkers
...• ' .
. , ••• •
, .
• Congratulations to; Mr.. and Mrs.
Reg Brown on the•birth of a son „
in. the Wtngham General Hospital
Doris'Wall.of London spent the ,
weekend at her home here.,
' Mr. and Mrs: Morley Wall
acconipanied Mr . • and Mrs .Elnier
Wall and.Mrs.:Ahne Wall to •
Iers.eyville•on Saturday where theyattended the RibeY.-Wall wedding •
Harry Mauer and Beverly Wall
visited on Sunday afternoon With • • •
Mr.. and Mrs. Morley Wall andfarnily
• '
any Area People
Attend Shower
• Quite a nurnber'.from this •lOcal-,•,
ity attended A.shOwer for Miss 'Beth
• Caslick of Culross bride-to-be,
.the OddfellOwsHailkin Winghain:, •
on .Saturday evening', "7. •
Over 6.0•giiesiTisserithled,arounci
the bride-to-be, seated in a decor-
ated chair , with her rnothet
13illie Ca.Slick and Donna oh one
Side and Miss Tat Shackelton and,: .•
Mrs. Doris Willis On. the 'other.
Contests were conducted by
NelsonTickell, afteriwliich Iittle
Karen Christianson •and S Moore t, •
pulled in a decorated Wagon; •
laden with gifts:, Miss Donna..
Caslick and..,MisS Pat Shackdlton
assisted the• bride -to-be 'in open'.
ing tile gifts and reading the ••
verses. AnlOng the larger,gifis
• werea bedspread , thermal blanket
pillow cases. towels And Many
kitchen •utensils„ Lunch was‘serv.ed:::
by the'hosteises,. , • •,
• On Saturday, afternoon May.20 in ,
the afternoon and evening, a .'
trousseau tea Will by held at the
• 'h6itie of Miss:Caslick th Culrosi.;
. „
.• .