HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-26, Page 12THE LUCKNOW3 SENTINEL o YOUR KEY TO INDEPENDENCE Wise INVESTMENT;' ,Assets of. UNITED ACCUMULATIVE FUND LTD. hgve grown to more than $300,000,000 'in less than ter4ryears1 • .OcTOgER' 1957' MARCH, ;30 1907 $1.5%:000.00 .; . , ;:: ,, . ,; .. ,: ;. $310,929,415 Proven - Record .of Perfornonce stoma. (invested Jon. 2/58) $29,169.81 (Value March 30/67 with .. dividends reinvested)', Art .increase 'of 491% io fen titan 10 Years Cnly ane other corporation in. Canada (which _incidentally iso not ,o Mutual Fund). paysdividends to a greater number of. shareholders. For infomation ,about'' our, Income or ' :Accumulation plans .,(without obligation) jt CALL REPRESENTATIVE. James ft':O'Donnell'. LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3538 } la t. FOR -THE DISCRIMINATING' A • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMALS i+ ACCESSORIES mar THE LUCkNQWSENTNI You may select your wedding .f invitations, announcenients and ,accessories .with: corn- 'plete.confidence as io quality • and correctness;of 'form. weddmgannow,cemaus of • TRADITIONAL BEAUTY. a ASSIC, DISTINCTION • 'SOCIAL' CORRECT? S" Per ons1ised'i+edding napkins, matches and cake;boxes'also available.. • 106111111114 LUCKNOWONTARIO Bruce Co. R€e�t.j Welfare Unit WALKERTON - A county welfare' unit, tote set up on a one-year ,trial basis, was recommended last week to Bruce county ,council. The recommendation; came from a special council committee on welfare which had visited' such units;now in operation in Wentworth and • Victoria counties. Clarence Schmalz of Walkerton chairinan of the special: committee said the welfare unit would handle. all county Matters dealing with welfare, and could prove both,eff- icient and economically sound,. Mr.: Schmalz :recomni efided that the trial period begin . next Septem- ber .1. Council •later 'rejected' the proposal. The, Bruce County 'Children's Aid Society which would .be covered by such a unit, `has produced a 1967 . budget which calls for ,an all-time: :high' spending of $148,974. Last .. , year's budget was just short of $100.,.000.: Chief .reason for .the increase this year is'•the'inclusion of the countys two Indian reserves. While the sec iety,previously. met Indian require_ rnents,' the costs were budgeted sep arately Theconty's share of the costs will' be $28,932, corn pared With $52•,740, last' year . It will be :aided this time by'a surplus of •:$5 ,174. Beginning. April 1, .,the province's' share of: the costs will increase frac . 40-to.`'69 'per cent. This wi11 not include costs; concer'ned:. with ; .the children ofunmarriedm others and: Indians. . Last year the. society dealt with`` the cases of 43 unmarried mothers, a. record number°'for the county. There were 31 legal adoptions and at'the end of,the year 89 children. remained in the society's care • Cancer research' depends heavily. for• its :support on voluntary con- tributions collected • during the Annual.: April Campaign of the Canadian Cancer Society. efore Front And Rear Tractor; Power And Rib implement Tires. JsoPassenger,.Lighf.And. Heavy 'Truck Tir.�: :omplete Traclor Tire Service.. :Trac#or lid Implement Dealer Inquiries On.. Farm' Tires Invited. dor our Other Every day Needs Drop; In And See Our Remodelled Store.. ►►:► : .41.1. KINTAIL Telephone .529,7600 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1917 CONSIGNME CJI.ER SALE Lucknow Community ° Sale` 1.;oflda' ACcomodation for '.'4OO head; $2.00 ' per head, MclntoSh;•Robt 164.11, RIPLEY gamin LUCKNOW •• MoveToliflprove Parkin :-Facilities' "Won't Be Buffaloed By Goderich" '1 BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER "If the parking lots go in we'll' paint the things.green" remarked Herbert Such; Reeve of Goderich at last Thursday's sitting of Huron County, Council. He was -referring ,to a' proposal .by:the.property committee to alleviate unsatisfac- tory parking conditioIls`by provid-' ►ing "parking facilities for 'approx. imately fifty cars at the north end and the,south end of, the Court House,., .. The';' Goderich reeve was opposed. to the installation of the' parking' lots in the >Court House Square be- cause e-cause itcould be considered �a "desecretion" and ".an asphalt rriond Neill, has been hired at a' :' salary of .$3 , 000 per annual•.. JAIL. Uniforms fo>< employees at the . county jail have ''been .purchased, at a ost of $435.85 from Earl Rawson Style SShop!.n'Goderich. ` ' ' New turnkey:. at the jail is Leonard. • Rivett who will receive 43,300 + annually.. The. Probation' Officer will,move to another office.in the: Court ... Hou$e'aud the 'jail •residenc'e will becomethe headquarters; for. the new Huron` County Library System following -property committee neg- otiations withothe library commit - jungle" by Goderich.:people who •tee. appreciated the beauty `of•the park Such urged councillors to defer any on the proposal. until' •Goderich Counoil .had hadn opp ortunity to' meet: and perhaps come up with some alternate suggestion Which Would be just as acceptable to members. , Carl Dalton, reeve of Seaforth who3is chairmanof the property committee .retaliated , "We don't intend to be buffaloed, by the town!of,Goderich•. We were Stipp -, used .to be 'guaranteed . parking as longas the court house existed . . . County personnel are' being penal,' ized and •l don't think 'Goderich, has u 'parking problem ." • Reeve. Elgin Thompson, 1: ' T•uckersmith, noted "If they're• (Goderich) going to offer some, .thing better, we're sure `glad to, `.• 'hear Of it."' Dalton explained` the parking lots would ,cost approximately .$7,480 and would be paved and feature bumper blocks with names '. 'on them to discourage shoppers in Goderich from .using' the facilities: The county's proposed 70 -foot wide parking:lot would put an end • to constant worries:over parking,. • tickets pinned by Goderich police to cars.eftin one spot over 'the, two •hour limit. ) .. While councillors and certain ' • .employees •have received special consideration itt the past , Reeve 'Stewart Proctor of Morris co npla- ined to council that he' had re , ceived, a:, parking; •ticke.t , his first in 50 years of driving, in Goderich while on county 'business, , Agreement was reached to defer immediate action on the parking lots but only fora ' period: of two' weeks 'when work could begin if, .Goderich' officials fail to offer • other suitable arrangements:, •, • MUSEUM Council authorized the purchase Of a used vacuum cleaner in the amount' of, $125. and 500.advertising' folders at a' price of $100 for Huron County Museum • A Centennial .plaque erected on the 1966 addition will beunveiled at the June session of council; ` A new museum; employee,J:.'Rayt • i 0 r ••,y �i.rt ,�+i �.r. •Kra'•' LETTER TO , THE EDITOR Seeks' Histo C ayFain 338 London Road.,' . . •Sarnia •t.. April 12, 1967 • The Manager, ' Local Newspaper, Lucknow , ' Ont Dear Sir: Preparing'.• Family History for a Centennial project, I am very in •terested, in.learning history of a family who settled on Lot; 8., Concession` 9•, E. Division, Ash- . field Township' in 1861 by • the names.'of William .and Thomas '• McKay, brothers, :and their sisters or brothers: I am sincerely desiring that someone of the.descendailts will possess sorne history of the.\ irnigration of :these people from • Scotland and 'will• be willing. to share, the•' history with me. W.e' note: that 'Mr. William McKay died July 22, 1872•and am enclosing $1.00 . for a copy of his obituary from your early paper., - I dohope that you will•oblige me with this favour.(buried at Dunga-:,' nnon) .. • • • It has been said that 'following' the death•of William McKay that his two sons and widow moved. to Michigan. Can anyone enligh.. ten me where in Michigan I might go to visit the graves of .these relatives? .'• Please may I Bear from you soon. Most Sincerely •'Mrs. W.F. Strangway, EDITORS NOTE: The $1. will, be • returned to Mrs. Strangway. The, ;Sentinel was founded in 1873, a. year after the deatha. of Mr. Mckay Letters to the editor will be'w1- come on. this subject if readers canbe of help .. .. • W The District postpor. opettn1 .year.; the Apt over by sires. A ed for, t cecemc when it some d ofare elevate change able; •'f be .dete fo'th'e tacted The the: cot renoVa' been second • the'.wii buildir structu novate added and ob rooms, etc. 1I' es the Re-bi • • valor. it what is hospita ori ina cided ro grat the del •work::' • permit landsci danag ` T.he'bc ion of' ambuli end of •