HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-26, Page 11EDNESDAY, APRIL lith, 1l�
New Hymn Boo . s .
the U. C. W of Dungannon Unit-
! Church
nit!Church was held on April 18 :•
ith the ,president , Mrs, Nelson
arson' presiding , and, Mrs. Ross
znry and Mrs.. T. C,^ • Anderson in
large of devotions from God
grnmands. The .roll call was an-
rered by a verse containing
;ommand" •
Mrs. J.C. Drennan had the miss-,.
study., from "Churcheswhere the
:tion is", telling of the work at
toY• outh centre at Banff, and Rev.
len Wright spoke of the work dur-
'g the past summer. at the coffee
,use'af. Grand Bend . A film,
rhe Long Road" was shown on' •
orway House in Manitoba by Mts.
ecil Blake.
It"was decided tohave new hymn
ioks purchased for the church. A
'successful.•auction sale of don -
..ed baking and 'sewing was held.
the meeting' closed with
id g . prayer
rllowed by' lunch, :
Mrs John MacCreght opened
e meeting of the 'Ashfield
Ad in the Church school with
di to worship and'.prayer AMlsc ssion. on the`early church
Canada was: taken by Mrs Mac-.
reight, Mrs: Bruce MacDonald',
id s c Mackenzie.
Mr , Jack M
.. enzie: The
!votional :was taken by Mrs. Sykes
Sixteen members answered the
)11.call with an historical fact.
It was decided to have'the cent-
01,141W. M. S, •on August •24 with
Liss Dorothy y Douglas as the speak
r. •.. •
The May meeting will be :post'
oned to. May 25 toavoid the Pres
yterial meeting. 'A; service .is to
e given atthe,Lucknbw nursing
ome. .
;aloin -B
cock l�.0
On Wednesday afternoon 15
nembers of ,Calvin. Brick TLC: W
net att h, e'home .of
Mrs. Alex:,
It was decided/to have as guests ,'
it the.special'meeting on May 30
rt'8:15 p, m, the following9:c .W.
;rous; Whitechurch; S . .••
y P• t. Helens,,
Donnybrook; WeSt field , ,Belgrave
ind Belgrave W. M.S. and Belgrave
Anglican ladies;.
Athank you note ,as received .
[ran 'Harold Dawson.
Calvin Brick U. C. W received
tri invitation to attend Donnybrook
li.C.W. meeting on May 10 at
Z P m.. Miss Irene Jefferson will be
the speaker: ' Centennial .dress is...
optional: The' School for U. C.V. •
leaders will be held at Alma Coll-
ege .August 21- 24..
The call to,worship- wgiven iven bY
Mrs, Roy Dawson; '
Mrs. Ronald Coultes led in pray,'
et. Mrs, Roy Dawson gave a read-'
ing"What is, the.Church? Scriptur
al answers were given. byMrs..
Mason Robinson, robs, Gordon Mc,•
Burney and Mrs: Dick Moore.
The offering was received and
dedicated by Mrs. R,oyDawson.
The Study on To -days Church
was given by Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft
Mrs, Alex Robertson closed. the
meeting with prayer,
Kairos..Neat Qf. .
Argentina Mission
A meeting of the Huron Presby-
resbyto y Kairos was held in the Auburn
United Church on April 22. Gary
McAsh, .Varna, •Vice,President
vias in charge, The 'worship `.
service was conducted by Miss.
Gloria Rumball , 'Clinton.
'Miss .Gwen McDowell, Auburn,
introduced the guest speaker,. Rev
'M' Roberts of Auburn United
Church, who. showed slides illus-
trating his
llus-tratinghis work with the Metho-
dist Mission .in Argentina.
Gary McAsh, 'Varna, expressed
thanks., to Rev. Roberts and con-
ducted a short business session
.Future meetings. will be held in
Chalrr .ers • WM.S
Chalmers Presbyterian• W.M.S.
held their April meeting ;;.on W ed-
nesday April' 19th; at the manse,
the home of Mrs. D onald'Watt:.
with.16 ladies and 2 little boys in
The theme of the : meeting
was. s
Spring and the President Mrs: Vi
c -
tor Emerson n �aveth Call to
Worship a Spring poem Mrs
Emerson. led in prayer', and Mrs
Wesley Tiffin gave the Meditat-
ion Youth Looks'at'Christ..Mrs..
'Earl Ea .: i ,..
rl shckgaveTheGladTid'sings Prayer.The Roll Ca11 was
•' answered with:.a. poem On,
Spring which ,each . member mad.
p g.:
and handed in to be made ,into a
bookfor patients, in hospital.
The offering was received by'
Donald Watt and: dedicated by. Ms,
Emerson Correspondence was
read by Mrs. R:ussel,Ross, secretary
The• treasurer Mrs. Johnston Conn
gave her report. •
The topic "Miracles" was Oven
by Mrs:' Donald Watt who •introduc
ed; her' topic with a poem: Miracles,
She spole of the miracle of spring.
.We plant a seed. in spring and:we.'
expect it to grow, but we know,
only 'God can' make the seed grow
by providjng,warmth, sunshine .and
rain: Miracles happen in peoples,
lives as illustrated by this story
A :young girl' hungry for love,
marries at the:age of 16 and they
had 4 of a family. the young
father tired of responsibilities and
drank heavily .. Theyoung wife,
too became. a nagging,
companion.: One daya friend ask-.
ed her for cup.of, coffee and
Bible study . At first; the young wife
refused the invitation saying it
would take' a miracle, •to,help me
• Next time her husband •came home
drunk she didn't nag nor 'scold , . she
was kind, s m:athetfc: He said.
Y P ..
aren't you going to scold and nag?
• She replied , I' have ;learned to love
• God and' He is helping me., God
,performed the miracle of changing'
.the unbelievers;
Mrs. Johnston Conn led "in prayer
for the sick and shut-ins. The read,.
ing "Spring, sooner oriater" was •
given :by. Mrs. H.D. MacDonald.
Mrs.. Russel Ross.conducted two
contests. Following a hymn Mrs.
Emerson pronounced the
benediction after which the Ladies :
'Aid was held,
;'The financial report was given by
Mrs : H. D. 'MacDonald Arrange
rnents were':maide to purchase new
plastic flowers for the church and
for putting fresh flowers in church
when available., The collection '
Was received by Donald Watt.
Lunch was served by.Mrs, Watt and
Courtesy remarks were given by .
Mrs ..1-1 D. MacDonald,
in -Brick
Calvin -Brick Messengers held
their meeting in the church with
Linda Coultes pianist and; Vice'
President Margaret Robertson giving
the Call to Worship,. relating to
the theme of the meeting "Spring"
Marian McGee read the Scripture.
Prayer was given by. Doris Coultes.
Marilyn Robertson. ,gave the Herald
Report. The collection was.receiv-
ed b'y. Jean Pattison and Darlene.
Coultes and dedicated by Margaret
Robertson. "
Alice Beecroft read a poem ,
"Nature's Secrets" .Mrs ,.Norman
Coultes gave a "Spring" story,'
after which all went to :their class-
es for Mission study.
Hacke is U. C. W.
The April: meeting of -the 'Hack..-..
ett's U. C. W was held at the home
of Mrs. Wilfred Hackett:on Thurs=
day , ` April 20th The President
Mrs. Bert. 'Alton opened the meet-
;ing with, a verse'; "Thought To
Ponder" , The hymn "Q:Jesus Ihave
Promised" ,: was. sung , followed' by
the repeating, of "The Lord's Prayer'
:in unison. '
;Mrs. Frank Alton had the devot .�
ions She.read the Scripture, folloW
ed by a.' sto , "Youth Looks at '
'Christ" . and closed 'with a .prayer.
Mrs.' Reg`Broome took chapter•2
in the book "The Church Where
theAction' ' Is" . Mrs.': Alvin Alton ,
hadthe.a' _•
Study.; .Book:: Mrs .; Donld
Hackett conducted two qujzzes, .
"Bible Children" :.and."Women,
'Names of the Bible"
The hymn "Jesus Shall'Reign•
•Where'er the. Sun," Was 'followed.
by the roll' call Which was answer-
ed with a verse with "Giving".
Fifteen adults, One visitor and five
children were present
Mrs': Barry Hackett read: the .
March .minutes...The "Hobo Tea..'
was •extended till May 18th .'.C611-
ection was received The:: hymn,
"Lord it Belongs "not to' my Care"
WAS sung '•
Mrs Kaiser closed. the meeting
with a. prayer: Lunch was,served:'by
the hostess and Mrs.. Alex . Hackett
ary's Parish
HoId Annual
The annualparish banquet took
place 'Wednesday , April 19th,,at. '
the Mayfair Banquet Hall..' It was
.very well attended', Special :guests
were. Miss B,' .Winter; Principal ;Of
Sf Joseph's School;, Kingsbridge;
her mother, Mrs.. W . Winter;
Mme '.Saint -Hilaire and Mark
:Dalton; .Parish Representative.
Following the dinner, Mrs. Peter
MacDonald President of St, •
Mary's C. W'.. L, " aye a. short' out-
, g..
line," of the' activitiesand financial',
statu's of the Council during 1966.
Fr•. Chas. Caruana,, after giving" .;
the yearly financial report, made
'mention of the'projects •that are,
being considered for "the coming
year. Before the discussions got
underway', Wm . Schmid
chairman of the , Cemetery Board
,gave 'ave a' detailed report .concerning
the purchasing of plots which in-
clude perpetual upkeep:
• Following a lively''discussion two
committee$ were nominated; •
';rank Ol Leiser, Wm . Schmid and
Grant Chisholm to look after nec-
essary renovation of the. Sanctuary
and Donald . MacKinnon, Jim
Keane and Jim O'Donnell to be
'responsible for the exterior work as
a Centennial Project '
Fr. Caruana. expressed sincere
thanks for parish co-operation
during the year and a social period
brought a pleasant evening to a
- The Bible's National Message
The Attack on the Throne
Having succeeded in taking ..from .us the symbols,
and much of the reality, of our.. British heritage, the
subversive forces which brought '-this about ;are
now Working' to end the Monarchy , and make
'Canada a republic.
To Yoia + '
Who Do -Not. Want . This .to Happen,:
May wesuggest that the first step in. -any .effecti:ve
:;opposition to it' . rs ;to. KNOW, and to ' help mike'
known, the true 'identity of our ancient 'Throne, ,and
why the.•continuance of •our, ,relationship 'to:.it is a •
.matter.•of supreme importance'Canadians,
regardless of their, racial origi:n:'
F[ir Your FREE Cnpy of Our New Booklet ,
Write to the Secretary
Canadian. British -Israel Association in Ontario`• ..'
• P.O.. Box 744, Station. Bp Ottawa, 'Ontiaro
C.G.IT. Girls Present:Rageunt, Portray
Past Of church In Eanad'wn Histay
• During Canada's Centennialyear.
there will. be.all sorts, of .
celebrations of the nation's past,
and,expressions of. hope :for its., ..
future;' Yet there is a danger that
people will retrain unaware .of the
major role played: by the Church.!
in the development of the Canad
ian nation.
` a
This was the opening of .the. page.-
ant .presented; by members of the. '
Luck C, G.I T, and some: of.
the. Lucknow Girl• Guides at the.. .,
conclusion of their'Mission Study
There was a large crowd present in
the Presbyterian Church Monday,:
•April:24th to witnessthis., present.-
ation ofthe churches part in ;,Can-
ada's history:
• Donna Mullinread the comment-:
ary as:.the :girls, 'in appropriate; cos
turves.,. -.came forth, There were
fur traders, . Indians and••Eskimo.•
representatives, Pioneers, Jesuits,
Father Provencher, the first :Roman
Catholic. bishop :of the Northwest
:and the saddlebag preacher. Some
of: the earlier missionaries that
received recognition were Dr.;'.
'Charles Inglis.,,the first .Anglican
bishop;; James .Evans a. Methodist
missionary,. Father Albert Lacombe`
and'John Stuart,. chaplain,
to•the:Six: Nations Indians; •Iranig -:.
rants to Canada were portrayed by
girls in. French English, Scottish;
Irish ;'Dutch, ,Hungarian and Jap-
anese costumes: The work ofthe
`to -day was .re resented b
. Y �.y,.
the college graduate for Pducation,
a Girl Guide, for politi'c's and/the
comnion Iife'to-gether , . younger
irls for the. inter -racial. work:
camps. and camps for ,underprivil=
.eged children,. and Mrs,. Jessie
Allen for the :older lonely; people.
This pageant was a..part; of the
annual affiliation service of the .'
C. GI. T. ' Donna Mullin , Brenda
Jardine, Bonnie Maize, Marie;'
Parrish, Donna Forster and Carol :`.
',Brown all took part in this service
and all the C, G*:I;;T, girls dedic-
ated themselves to the' ause of
Missions . '
Mrs. James Reid', . eest ater, the,
Presbyterial: Representative
presented Membership cards and,.
World Friendship Badges to Ruth
Brooks, Joan Chester, Debbie
Corin, Susan Hall, Mary Jardine,
Brenda' Maize Elizabeth Ritchie
"Jaitet,Ritchie, Dorothy Wagner,
Dolores Whitby and Edith Whitby
Gail Jamieson favoured with a.
solo "An. Old Fashioned 'Meeting" .. .
Rev Laird Stirling gave the bene-:.
As„well as`the girls already Men-
en-tioned, those tabking;part in the
pageant a were Maa
gent wrg ret
Montgomery, Loraine' Boyle,' Janet',.
Thompson, Elizabeth Newbold
Nancy Walden, Barbara 'Wilkins,
Patti Hamilton 'Joanne Greer,
Charlene' Anderson , Susan Kreutz.
weiser. Elaine Whitby,. Sandra
Cameron; Barbara Loree, Beverley
Mrs'. Austin Loree Mts. Laird.
Stirling and. •Mrs . Ross Shiells are
leaders: .
At the conclusion of the meeting
the girls served lunch to all"those
present. x .•
Erskine Presbyterian Church , Dun.
Bannon held their Easter 'Thank-
-offering on .Friday , ..April 21st with
Mrs: Art Stewart presiding,and, Mrs
:Frank Jones as organist
The meeting was opened with the
Theme and. the Call to, Worship by°`
.Mrs,. Stewart A hymnwas 'follow-
ed by the purpose and prayer . Mrs .
Wallace Wilson read the scripture,:
Mrs',. ,Mason McAllister gave the
Medtauon "and Mrs WReid
the Glad Tiding's 'prayer'.
Mrs. Art Stewart welcomed then
visitors present 'and asked Rev.. Rod.
MacLeod to come forward as the
Guest, Speaker':• He 'spoke on the
.History ofthe Missions and their
work through the..years, also his .,
work with the young people of the
".Girl Guides and Scouts,'who` want
'religious training. This.is a Wond-
erful request by young people and
'Rev. MacLeod is to be COM rrmend-
ed for this work. '
The: offering was taken•and:
business part of the meeting was
dealt with Cards, were signed by
th.e_tn.embers for Mr: and Mrs. Jas,
Wilson, who are both in hospital:
at this time. Mrs., ' Jas. Wilson is.
the Secretary and was missed by'
all very much. The W.M,S.
members wish' she and her husband
a speedy recovery.. •: ,
Mrs.Robert Mc.Allister.gave the
report from :The Synodical at
Stratford , with Many highlights;
which was enjoyed by, all present.
After the closing hymn, Rev.
MacLeod closed:the meeting with.
• the Benediction. A 'social hour
followed with lunch,,being served
Several boxes of cards were sold