The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-26, Page 171C 4.00 A Year 'In. 'Advance• ra" To U.S.A. L' UCKNOW, , ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL: 46th, 1967 S ng e. Copy. 'lOc • 24 Pages 'he test drilling of a .water well ' the village ,of Lucknow onthe illiam Lyons property south; of .. cknow.District High School has - d veryfavourable results. :eeve,George Joynt told the ntinel this week, that tests of ter sent -to the ,Ontario Water. sources Commission and .the' itatio Department of "Health have en analysed as A-1. The capaci= of the well had earlier been • ;ured•'in test pumping . It is esti- tted that the well will produce proximately;'400:gallons of iter per minute when the .8'" sing is sunk. Reeve: Joynt said; 'his;w:ill,be the best well ever. veloped• in Lucknow for both our girls Get hooinncial Honours our district, girls received provini 1 honors: at the Bruce Count - y Homemakin C�ubsachieve: l nt• day held in Krn'cardine Dist - t .High School, Saturday;' articipating:'were 103 girls from. ie:clubswith Miss Joan' Anderson; ice County home economist- in trge: rovincial' honors' were*.awafded, !nda ,Farrell' and Gloria Aitken;. r sardine; Judy ,MacKay and rinne McDonald ;aunty honors went to Leigh inson,: Pat Arnold , .Joann Fair, nd Holmes, ,and Dorothy Van X ers., all of Kincardine; Jean •' ott,• Judy Hodge Brenda Farrell, in Thompson and Jackie Johnston (Of Ripley, and. Janice Hodgins; dyrood 'resentations were made by Mrs. m McCosh.; Ripley, a women's ;titute provincial• board•' member. 2omments were made by Miss:. an Scott', supervisor,-junio ex• nsion; Toronto, rheme for the day was 'A World Food' in Canada.". Dpens Beauty Shop In Dungannon Marie`irooks•, daughter of Mr. ad Mrs-, Omar Brooks.of Lucknow, ill open a hairdressing business: Dungannon and will commence ork there, next Wednesday , May The new business .will be known • Marie's Beauty Salon and Will 8 located ,nett to the post office.' Marie has been employed in ondon. capaciry.and quality, It,, along. with the present well at the park on Havelock Street., should satisfy the. future water needs" of Lucknow". The ;Davidson. well drilling firm of Wingham are presently pro ceeding•with the sinkingof the, 8" casing down to 140 feet. Future work will a include. the_purchase Of a pump and other necessary equip- ment and the construction of a pump house at the site ..The new. well will run.. its supply of water from its location on the Clyde Street allowance north to,WillO'ugh- by Street where it will connect tip with.the' present `'water system'; Passes In Wingham Mrs Austin.. Solomon, a . Lucknow resident . passed away in Wingham and District Hospital on F .iday , April= 21st. Funeral': service was conducted at the Johnstone and Son Funeral Home, Lucknow on Monday, April 24th, with interment at Greenhill cemetery. Breakin: At Glen Walder Home • A further case of break and entry occurred on Tuesday of`last week; April 18th. at the home of Glen Walden on the southern outskirts of the .village on the. Lucknow g Dun annon road Entry' was gained through. a .base:- ment window and screen which Mere. forced The thief . or .thieves made their e`ntiy, between l0 a'. m and 4 pw'm , during the. day Mr and Mrs. Walden left on a :burin= ess trip to London at 10 a . to .: and, Lynda 'Walden arrived home • from schoolabout p.,m . • :The daring"pieee of day -fight robbery' was of the nuisance type Wit . files and ,records scattered and lost'. Registration papers of `. Glen's- Holstein:cattle mere'strew:n and a couple lost. Other personal, papers, records of the Lucknow Curling Club. and miscellaneous " • small items were dump,: J and - strewn from a filing Cabinet. An .unsuccessful attempt was made at. , forcing 'a safe in the office . . A rifle, "was stolen with a second high . powered rifle left at the rear of :the home outside':; 'Lucknow' Police .Chief William,..,. Nelson was summoned with Ont - aria Provincial' Police called, in because the Walden property is in Ashfield Township and under their jurisdiction: • Centennial.Flowering Crab Tree To Be Planted At point Clark By Two Societies f approval is granted,' a Centenn- 1 Flowering Crab,.Tree will be luted at the Point Clark Li ht - use historical site. The planting. 11liea' lotnt project .of the Ripley. d Lucknow .Horticultural Societ- r'he annual meeting of district••8 . the Onta ' ' - ria i-forticultural. Socet- s was held last week at Chesle free of these trees were donated . district $ by the federal depart- ent of a ric Ql plant a`tree'in ymemory of the late Clifford Epps of Clinton, •a long time worker within the assoc-' ration. Grey will' plant their tree.• at Owen Sound', r, : At the suggestion of Miss Ada • Webster of Lucknow:, it was agreed that Bruce would make the planting at Point Clark and, apprgval:sis presently being sought from the Department of Northern Develop - Mont and Indian Affairs in Ottawa, Nheh Approval, is received ley and Lucknow will proceed With the planting tem& I'es,' �. RIPLEY EX.cHANGE. GOES • 'DIAL D -Day for the Ripley Exchange of• ' the Huron arid the, telephone • System will be. Sunday morning, May '7th •• at 3:01 a,. m . daylight saving time at which time all phon- es in the Huron and Kinloss Tele- phone.System will be dial. Conversion of the,Riple y exchange to dial has been a $36.,009 project with •the decision to :go;ahead on the project made, about eighteen months ago The Huron and Kinloss:Municipal Telephone.,Systeni was first' organized in 1910 with they first. calls made in 1911•. A -number of,; years ago they purchased •the Dun- gannon phone system and .now cover a wide area Of primarily rural users.,The Bervie exchange was the first'to go dial in•1959 with the Dungannon exchange 'receiving dial seryice �n December of 1963. :With ' the conversion next,week; of Ripley' 'exchan e, • alrphones in the: H :and K system Will: be dial operated_ Bervie will now •become part of the Ripley. . exchange, which 'will have • . g about 96:0 custorners. The. Dungan- non' exchange will serve about 540 customers. The Bervie building will now ,be.' used, jointly by Huron and.•Kinloss .and Belie Telephone who`have ren- ted 'spece fore ling distance, equip= .. m ent . Manual work on the skvitch over was •started last May with most of the 'outside .work being doneby employees' of the Huron.and Kinloss S stem. Contract:for'the new dial building in Ripley was awarded' to. • N CO1JUED9. • • T IN ON PAGE ew 7Rip.ley Dial Building Smoke Damage in Main Street dire A flash fire in the Luckno w.,: Barber Shop operated by. Harold:. Ritchie and Gordon Fisher was quickly; extinguished' but not be-•. fore considerable smoke damage had been don a .: The outbreak :occurred; Wednesday morning of last week. Hearing a 'cracklingnoise at the rear •of the • barber shop; the owners • investigated to find a fire burning briskly'in some boxes op the floor Of the storage area at the back ' with flameslicking up the walls A door separates the barber shop frorri the location of the fire and. . no smell of smoke had'previously' been noticed. . Lucknow Fire Department was summoned. The boxes ,.were .re- moved andthe area wet down :with. the'hose to catch ;the fire in time. .: Considerable smoke damage :.' resulted to clothing belonging,to. Ashton's Lucknow .Ltd•: whichwas' • stored to the rear of the fire'areav' Smoke also filtered through into • the Ashton building which is ad- { jacent to the barber shop to the. east he- east . "Lloyd'' Ashton is the .proprie• for of the buildingin which the ,barber shop is located: Smoke also filtered through to• the. Sepoy store w:hich is immediately' to the ,west. Daylight Saving This Weekend. This; -Sunday, April 30th, will see the commencement. of Daylight Saving: time Locally. Official change over time: is 2 a .:m ' Sun- day � mornin ' and. you are advised tc' move. 7. your clocks ahead:oneaour before retiring Saturday night. • " Number Plea'se'' G'a.Is W ll D sappear: Come Sunday , May, 7th ,the ' phone operators at the Ripley ex, - change of x=chan.ge'of the Huron and 'Kinloss ' Telephone ,System stem will become.a. T tip thing of the' past. With the cones version to dial operated phones on that date'„ seven Ripley ladies will become a victim ofthechanging ` times as their jobs will disappear. The•,p rice ofp8ro cess sometimes runs high, Ripley and.district•will miss the "number please", .gals and onl yy when theyone will it be. are g' realized the many little personal • services' they perform in•'their daily work,. Ina time of emergency they have 'invaluable ser- vice, and :in times of sorrow in the community their personal know- ledge of the people they .serve makes their position more than just "another'Job" -„ Showwrt standing., ,_ left to right.,"are Mrs; Bill. Scott, z Spare operator; Mrs .. Bert MacTa,v ish , 10 years `service; Miss Lettie Gawley, chief operator with 21 years 'service; Mrs. Iiette::l\•tacLeod ,. seven, years serVice; standing, on:. the right,.errs.`Doris'MacDonald 12 years service; seated at the rear, Mrs.. Russell Brooks,. 4 years' service; .seated, in the foreground, Mrs. Steve Irwin, years servicer •, 1' '1 1