The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-19, Page 16PAGE SIXTEEN SEE OUR SAMPLESON CORLON SHEET • We stock" numerous colours in 8 ARMSTRONG .VINYL ASBESTOS TILE ' 'AS LOW, AS4TILE equipped to install. Your wall'• to wall rugs and sheet goods,. 94 6'x9' GOODS:' PEI grAiwirluiv *.T :.. THE :LUCKNOW titl n .LUCK.NOW . ONTARIO Beaver, Lumber tr ISTOM DESIGNED . __. .monthly ` payments' aslow' as •1 WINGHAM -- PHONE 357-2581. Attend London Trade School, WHITECHURCH NEWS Jim .Morrison and Brian . Greenaway went to London on Sun- day prepared to start at the London • / Trade School: Monday morning Jim will study the, mechanics. cour;;. 'se for 10, weeks and Brian's course: is for Body and Fenders. We 'wish., the boys success at the end of their training period Mr. and Mrs.. Lorne Howe and family 'of Teeswater::were. Sunday. evening':visitors' with Mr, and • Mrs:• Carl:MCClenaghan The •Many friends'of Mr and Mrs Clayton Alton (nee. Lois Crowston) will be pleased to.hear of the arrival of their baby girl in. Wing - ham and District Hospital; on Thur.-, sday, April 13. She will be a . sister for Anne;'• • Barry :Tiffin. of Kitchener spent `' theweek. end with his parents Mr.. and Mrs, :Dan Tiffin of Teeswater. . • and visited Saturday with his grandparents Mr. and; Mrs Orville Tiffin. . Mr • and Mrs. Jim .Coultes were Sunday visitors with• his mother; Mrs, George Coultes at Huronview Clinton •Visitors on Sunday with Mr .. and Mrs: Gershom'Johnston;were Mr. " . and Mrs. Charles Waod , Rickey, Kenneth and Sylvia of Egmond- ville, Mr: and ,Mrs Jack Johnston. of ,London, and on' :Monday lvlr. and. Mrs. Ted Robinson and; James oI'Donnybrook•. Mr 1Donald :Watt, .student prea - :cher has finished his exams but intends to return' thisweek to K nox Collegea and Library Yto corn-; plete writing his 'book'. Sunday School was held in Chal' niers Presbyterian Church on Sun -• day morning with 33:'on the roll and an attendance of 30. In: the absence•of Mr. Donald Watt., . student: ,preacher on holidays, the' services,' were taken care of by Mr. Charles Corigram of.Wingharrm. a: studerit' at. London .Bilble ' College . We. are pleased • to report' Mrs. Gordon Rintoul .was able to be . discharged last week end from: Wingham• and District Hospital,. •'Mr•, arid Mrs, Clayton•Scholtz• and' family of Goderich were Sun-. day visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, , • Mr. and Mrs:' Carl McClenaghan • were weekend visitors With Mr, and Mrs. Maieolmn.:Stewart and •:family of Kitchener. • Karry 4ayes of Birmingham and, Mf` and ,Mrs , Jin t••iC itson- of Detroit were ,Sunday visitors With Charles Tiffin at St. Joseph's: hospital, London fi EUC4HRE:PARTY On Friday evening a progressive: Euchre party was 'held at Currie's: school with 17 tables of,players en=. joying the- game, /Prize :winners. were Mrs: Charles, Shiell,'Mrs.• Roy Dawson; Mrs Hafermehl for the ladies and Robert Scott,- Howard Walker and..rersh'om Johnston:for the men. . The sponsors Mr and Mrs. ` Jim Coultes, Mr. 'and Mrs. Dick Moore. and Mr. and Mrs: Ronald`Coultes'• • served lunch "The next party wili.beheld in:.2, weeks,: April. 28' when players from. the Town of Wingham will be hosts - arid : hostesses Winifred•Farrier of Toronto spent the week end with' Mr-; an(yrs. Mrs 'Garnet Farrier and family,. , : • Whitechurch. W.I. received an ,: invitation on Thursday from Tees- water eeswater W:;l, to,visit; their 'branch ' in. the Teeswater. Town Hall. Wm.. Arnold of Ripley,will be guest: speaker and Mrs.. Donald Blue of Ripley 'will also have `Cent- ennial Dolls 'on .display . Whitechurch W.I.' have been -asked for a musical, number;; .Mrs. "Donald. MacDonald returned home on Sunday after -visiting' with -Mr. and Mrs. Allan ' M.cCharles and farnily -of Arkona tiffs. Russel :Chapman: spent a few w -with Mr. and -.Mrs.. Ross Smith and family of Toronto: Mrs.,Smith ,was laid up With a very .: • Pa. ear. r. e Mr: and Mrs,' Bill Evans :were, Sunday visitors, with Mrd arid Mrs, Chester_ Feaga-n,of Goderich. Mr . and Mrs. Albert Coultes were in ,Port Elgin on Saturday assisting Mr and Mrs.: Wilbert Schwichtenber and ---family. rriove ' g y, to another.! home Callers on Sunday .afternoon at, the horbeof'.Mr. and Mrs. John- ston Conn were. Mr. and Mrs. Bob , Aitchison, .Barbara and Bradley,: , We are sorry,to: report Mr` Herb Laidlaw . on Tuesday last after a fall at his home. had to be 'removed to Wingham and District Hospital,. The community wish :him a. very, speedy recovery Mrs. Cecil F,alconerreceived. word. last week ,that Elgin' Well- • wood is .a patient in Toronto Getter .rt al Hdspital, His many relatives and friends here wish him a .quid;. return to health. • Shov'er•HeId For �ud�►1�11ilsan .AMBRRLEY' NEWS' A community shower washeld at Red's Corners hall on Saturday • April l$ ,,, 'in honor of Judy Wilson,;. whose marriage takes; place April. 29 at Pine. River: United Church, Mrs, Carrick Coiling presided for a, short programLowry , Mrs. Lynne and Linda, Reid ledin,cornrrtunity singing which consisted of many' new songs:. . Lively instrumental'music was given by 'Mrs.. Jim Nesbitt and a humorous reading ori "How to get used to a- husband" by Mrs. Sam Sriobelen was enjoyed Solos by Mrs. Bill Scott were accompanied by Mrs,. Roy McKenzie arid'were followed, with: a group of songs by Shirley Reid,' Corinne' Lowry:, Bren- da Henry and Pam Farrell accom-'` panied by Mary, E . Walden. The bride -elect was escorted to her ,seat of honor by her sisters Mary Ellen and Maithel Lee; •Mrs.. John Ferguson, aunt of. the bride; read an address. ,Many lovely gifts weredisplayedby: friends of the bride. ,Judy thanked everyone for. arranging the shower and 'invited them 'to her home, where her trou- sseau was displayed.. •A large. crowd •was served lunch at the• hall. Mani. friends from -Ripley and Kincardine were present for the' happy occasion.• WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1917 gricultu 11,01 Lay Plans For "Portraits e Past"x Fashion Show In June Ontario's famous historical fash- - ,ion pageant, :Portraits from the Past, will be presented in'Lucknow' District, High School on Monday, June 12th,- The show will be under the sport- sership of Lucknow Agricultural. 'Society and proceeds will go to- ward financing; Centennial 1 celebr- ations ations at.L'ucknow' Fair., `The presentation, in the form. of afashion show, consists of 39. women's costumes -dating from the ' visits, of early: explorersto.the , eariy,1900s . , Replicas._of the.dresse,s worn bi. such famous Women. as Madame Champlain, Mrs. John Graves Simcoe and Laura Secord are in- . cluded: in the show. District Womet will model. the costumes. The. show -is touring the 'province under the auspices'of'the Ontario,'. Centennial Planning Branch, a division of the Ontario Depart merit of Tourism and Information. ' It, has already visited many major cOmznuiiities in the province,. and has helped raise thousands of dollars: for local Centennial'cele-; brations In 'addition to the contribution. `. it hat Made to. Cehtennial-.fund raising ,: it has helped 'stimulate in :serest in preparing for the.l00th 'birthday of Confederation. Costumes in Portraits from the Past were designed- after extensive research in old books, magazines and historical ,documents, but are made of mpdern fabrics using modern dressmaking techniques. Thishas enabled the costumes to • stand up to repeated useand s- . play even though some of the orie ms. fr; were taken such alas QuomeenwhichVictoriathey wedding dress, were intended to. be worn:• only once.' Some:of the garments were de• signed.for weai on formalocca- sions. while others:are modelled after the daily garb worn by pion: `eer•women and Indian maidens The show includes an example of the Paris styles worn by Helene de Champlain',, the :child=bride of the.frnous French explorer; -a Viet, orian riding garment,, costumes illustrating the .dress'. the wives of the provincial premiers. at Con- . federation, time, and many- others: In the commentary, •some interest ing and little -known historical • facts about Canada's early women.• are: contained ,, These facts help bring,authenticity to.the'cglarnor , and color .of the costumes, and make Portraits' from the Past an in- teresting historical docurnent as'. well as an entertaining -:presentat-' ion of fashions. See "CANADA 67"—a • hrNfintWaltDbn film in CIRCLE -VISION 360° . at the Telephone Pavilion. Ine of the most interesting : stories ct Expo 67 isn't 'even on the . site. It: is Canada's . first 'electronic telephone, exchange, located in this new building in downtown Montreal: Its exciting new.:,' features 'a e how serving exhibitors - at . Expo 67. ' - • In 1968, it. will serve- 15,000 subscribers with such conveniences as an ability to reach frequently called numbers . With just the touch of one or two buttons; it' will letyou transfer a call automatically • to another number when you 'are away from home or 'office. ' • And these are just two of the:,.many features which electronic exchanges Will , eventually bring to more and more .of our customers. This, the first such exN change, is tangible evidence of our aim • to make your:telephone ever More useful and helpful. You ate cordially invited to Visit .the Telephone. Pavilion at Expo 67. It's the Progress Show of the Canadian Tele- phone Industry, where you will be able to see and try the "magic?' features ' of an .electronic telephone exchange.' ell Canada, 'Per 01 CHAP ch ..ar8 'far no. - drive careles litteripl Contr.Ql all for vehiclt closely ing: we( 'ACCT Last I Luc'kno guests. and 'we Horne. the gir. noon,' 'The: four .,-h time ti :unity t • ' ers-,' ea occupa were : tyof� Police a r Ontari Bell'I ' Ridge lnsura was it differ From istandii ,thistii guests part it on bet ed the behav thougl the bt comp; izing The at lits Botha them. clot - The inform ` decid( career Murr, has be couvei August with ti sponse ucatd fission; the. be • This and Si .the gt Wille sale 11 'Schtlo help t meet Fund, .sale p.m,,