The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-19, Page 15DNESD Y APRIL '11th ' 1%7
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Salting For
final Meeting
The eighth. and final meeting ;•
f the. Colwanash. Learning Lassies
as held April 15t1u, ;at. 5 p. m „in
�e Kingsbridge Parish' Hall:. This•:
ieeting• was in the form' of a
entennial- party and took the
ierne''of "Company: for Dinner in
361". The table was decorated:
la Centennial fashion and many
olourful.:posters 'of several differ
nt countries gave an Internation-
1.setting; Of the thirty-one in '•
ttendance, several wore, Centenn
it costumes.
Preceding/the meal; ' Rev. Fr'. ',C
:aruana .led the Grace ,'Everyone
hen served 'themselvesto the '
iarvellous array of foods;:buffet
Lyle. The menu consisted 'of:•
hubarb Soup (Finland), ,Pork. and
egetabieS' (China),', Sausage and '
'omato Bake (Belgium), !Cohrs '
rourtiere (French Canadian),
abbage rolls (Europe)',, Finnan
laddie with' Egg Sauce (Scotland-
Vova Scotia), Succotash (Iroquois
Indian), Baked Beans (Canadian
Pioneers), Hot Potato Salad.:•
;Germany) Salata, (Mediterranean)
3eet and Cabbage Salad(Austria).
Rolls' (England) Onion Bread
'Europe), 'Soda Bread (Ireland.),
blekageApplecake) (Scandana-
ria) Apple Dumplings (Germany„
Ind Netherlands) English Trifle
England), Raspberry. Buckle (Can-
Idian,Pioneers), German lea
Squares (Gerrnany)', Spice, -Drop
rookies (Netherlands),' Tea
China,), Cafe au LaitC'
( ontinen-
.al), Dutth Chocolate.(Nethet-
,ands), •
All who attended'' e •
n�oyed the
Nide variety of foods: •
The "Company for Dinner in
1867" theme was carried- on as
:he guests seated th'ernselves in
the "front parlour". to be enter- •
rained by the'club Members.
.T hers,
he program "'eirtceed"` by ijel
!n Courtney Was opened with the
Zippy Zionettes'.
The seventh :meeting.of the.,
Zippy Zionettes• was held at'Brenda'
Ritchie's on Tuesday ;April 11
at 7:00•p.m. The meeting, was
opened with' all repeating the 4-H.
,4-H pledge followed by the sing:-;'
ing of "Canada" with the guests
joining'm the last,verse; Anita
Hogan;. then played a selection .on
her Melodica . This was' followed,
by Rosalea Hackett, Shelley Alton•,
Lorraine and Shirley Nicholson •
singing "Something to Sing About"
Ursula. Courtney, Fay and Kathy
Kogan played. piano solos.. A con-
test•,was,.then conducted :by Diane
Zinn and Irene Hasty
411 members.,participated in the
"Colwanash Learning Lassies Band".
The instruments included a. saw •
and spoon, a washboard;.'foil pie-
plates,' flutes , toy horns, and
comb• and tissue paper. The "Col-.
wanash Learning Lassies Song" ..
composed' by Helen and. Ursula
Courtney was sung by. all 'members,
and 'accompanied by the band
Shirley Nicholson on behalf of
the girls presented a, gift of
Centennial Plates to' the leaders.
Mrs. ,Riegling and Mrs. `Zinn,, as.
a token •of appreciation for' their
Untiring assistance and effort. ,:...
Barb Riegling on behalf of the club
presented a gift to Miss B. Winter
for her. assistance with our notes ,
throughout the club,
Mrs, D.. Hackett spoke for all of
the guests• when she thanked the'
girls and leaders for an enjoyable
evening,., Fay Hogan thanked, the
mothers and guests for attending..
The meeting was brought•to a R"
close'with the singing of God Save
the Queen•accornpanied by Barb
Riegling on' the piano,
Mr . "and Mrs . George B.errell .and',
Jennifer of Toronto, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James
Haldenby and girls,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and: Mrs
Tom Stewart were Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald. Stewart, Greig McKinnon,
Susan Goesse'll, all. of Kincardine.
Robin and Roger Campbell of
Kincardine spent the weekend with.
Mr. and Mrs. James Haldenby
and girls.
Tom S$ewart returned home •'
Wednesday from the Kincardine
Hospital. •
Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Haldenby
and Georgie .of Kinlough spent.
Saturday evening with Mr:. and
Mrs. `Jaynes Wilson.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and,
Mrs. James Wilson•: were Mr . nd
Mrs'. Georges Hetherington and
son. of. Bluevale, Mrs. Ethel Kidd
and Bill .Mitchel .of Wingham .
Ranger Group
Attend Mennonite
Church 'Service.
, •
• The Lucknow Rangers held their
;regular meeting' on April 12.' Janet
Carruthers took charge. • The . meet-
ing was opened with the 'Guide:..
Promise ; After the treasurer's re-
port, the minutes of the last '
meeting were read.' A 'trip to.
Toronto on April 21' was` discussed
The trip will include sight-seeing
and • the viewing of 'a play
After/the business was adjourned•,
Mr. George Whitby gave a taik on
Fire Precautions All the' Rangers .`
wish to express their •thanks to
him'. The meeting was closed '
On April 16the Lucknow Rang-
ers attended
ang-ers.attended the. Sunday - Service at
the.Mennonite Church in White-
church. The Rangers wish to ex-
press their thanks for the warm •
hospitality received,: '
Fledge: The roll call "A place. .
I'd like to visit and why" was an-
swered by all members. Charlene
Anderson read . the minutesof the
last. meeting.
The next meeting :will be. at ,Mrs.
Charles Anderson's on Thursday,.
April 20. This will be the last'
meeting and will be in the form .of
a•supper after which all will go
bowling_ . The `mothers are invited.
Mrs. Harvery Ritchie demonstrat-
ed Steak and
emonstrat-edSteak.'and Spinach, Chinese;
Style. In group. work Almond; , • -
Cookies were made: 'Discussion
was finished' about the party 'The
notes were "With an Oriental Flay-
The meeting closed With 0 Can-
ada and Nancy Kirkland thanked
Mrs. Allan Ritchie for having the
Participate At
Achievement Day
.• Members of the two Kairshea
sonsored 4=H Homemaki+ng
P . 'Clubs
participated, in•the Achievement
Day held in Luc.know District High •
School' on Saturday. Club # 1 ,
set up in Exhibit displaying arti-
cles; of Early Canada with Betty
Colwell giving the, c.omnientaryr.,'
Club #i. 2 had a Skit.- "A, Stew's a
SteW M any Language" with Janice
Wall,' Heather MacKenzie and
•Wail , in, costume:, . demon:
strating .the making of stews...
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To Joan Petot ,
IrL4-H Club Work
A number from here attended "the
4-H homemaking clubs achieve-
ment day on Saturday, at lucknow.`
Joan. Percy receiyed Provincial '
honours and, those receiving '
County honours from her were
, Heather Hewitt, Margaret. Bushell
Mary Anne . McEwan arid .Mary Lou •
'Thompson, ..'
Mi. and Mr's Ezra Stanley,
Douglas, Arthur, Sharon and Elaine
Hodgins visited on Sunday with Mr
and Mrs•. 'Earle ' Elliott and family
concession 10 ` .
Miss Mary .McGrath. of'Toronto
spent the week -end: with Mr, and
Mrs. 'Frank. Ivlaulden•and Keith.,
Mr.. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley, and
'Douglas visited with Mr, and Mrs: •
Dan Tollefson and Bradley at Port
Mr. and. Mrs. Clare ,Spar ing • and
family of Walkerton spent Sunday.
evening With Mr, and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs'. William Lloyd and
Mr and Mrs. Karl Boyle of Lon-
don.visited ton Saturday with tel
atives' here .
Mrs. 'Gertrude Walsh is -Visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh and
family and other relatives at Mel-
lon, Saskatchewan. •
Tom McFarlan who'•has spent p the
winter in.Texas returned home
during the weeks:
Mrs:, William Cox spent the
week -end with her cousins'
Mar aretn Black and lice Harring-
•� -
ton at Ripley. On Tuesday Mrs,,..
Cox will go to London '• for further
eye treatment and visit with her
daughter Mrs: John Scott Who
underwent surgery at Victoria He
pital' on Thursday...,