HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-19, Page 1116DNEY'APRIL 1'0h, 1tk7.
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The April meeting of St.Helen's
was held 'at: the borne of
W. I: Miller .' •Mrs .' T . J. Todd
)resided and opened the meeting
with Hymn and Prayer,• The roll:
Merr.or h,
"Memories ies of. our first Church.
gall Y ,
mttendance" proved, very interesting
tnd. was .answered :• by 15 'members.
Mrs. T.J. Todd read the •
meditation entitled "What is the
Church" , interspersed by Scripture
readings .by lvlrs, Gordon MacPher
son and Mrs: B.F. Green.• •
Mrs, Ross Errington took: the chair
for, the Program. Miss W.D.
Rutherford gave an interesting, talk:
on firstochapter of the Study Book •
"The,Church grows .'in•Canada"
Mrs; John Cameron 'gave' 'a read-
ing in en "friendship" . A reading
'The World` is• mine" was• given by
Mrs', Frank'.McQuillin,. Mrs. Ross
Errington read an article.,on Angola
from the second studyboek. This
part of riie meetingwas closed
withPrayer by Mrs.. B.F. Green
.Mrs. Gordon MacPherson gave ••
the treasurer's report;. $26.. was re-
ceived, at •Easter' ThankOffering
Centennial projects were discussed
ands it was decided to have as one
objective, "The 'Children's Over- -•
seas Relief Fund" a special offer,
ing to be taken •
A cornmittee for a "Centennial
Tea" was named Mrs. Harvey' •
Carrick, Miss, Isobeh Miller., Mrs',
Gordon'MacPherson, Mrs'.. Ross,
Errington, Mrs. . Prank McQuilliri ,
Mrs. Harvey Webb and'Mrs. Allan'
Miller: Some tea towels'' were
handed in, a beginning for the:
"Fall Bazaar" The meeting •closed
with •a hym'n and prayer: by Mrs
T.J..Todd. Lunch:Was served by
Mrs•,E. W.' Rice
.and Miss Isobel
Kinlough.. W;A. 1
Evening ..
9 Workers
Mrs. Arthur Haldenby:•was host-
essfor the meeting of the W.A..
and Evening Workers., Mrs.' Roy
Sehneller presided•:' The scripture
was read by. Mrs, Howard . •
Thompson and prayers fellowedf
The: Meditation •was.'"God is.close
wherever you•call upon Him"
Seventeen' ladies were'presentresent :and'
the roll' call was answered: with
the word "Faith' :Mrs.' Midford
Wall read the :Minutes for' t
he W..A
and Mrs: Ronald Thacker read the
minutes for the Evening Workers;
A.letter was.read from a friend. •
following An illness.. The W.A
Annual for Huron -Diocese will be•
held at St, Pauls Cathedral, Lon
don on'Apri1.25th. and 26th ; .One
of the men of the Congregation
was appointed to look after the
:hurch flower border.
Readings were given 'by Mrs `lloy.,
3chneller, Mrs. Arthur Haldenby
Mrs. Gertrude. Welsh, Mrs. Bert.
Nicholson, Mrs.' •Milford Wall
Mrs, George Haldenby , Mrs. Jim
3mft`h, Miss May Boyle. •
Miss >dnA Boyle, Evening . •
Worker's President conducted a
3ible quiz*•and extended a welcome
to•everyone arid thanked the host-
!ss i also had a prayer for the sick'
in our midst,
The books of the 'New Testament
were sung and •.tile• meeting closed,
with prayer and a lovely lunch was
ierved. Mrs.. Gertrude Walsh will.
ie the May Hostess and this will
)e a quilting:.
Pine River . UCW
Unit 1
Unit 1 of Pine River/�U.C..W. met
on Tueidayafternooif with an..
attendance . of fifteen. Mrs. S
Snobelen presided and Mrs. Ernie
Thompson read the minutes and
correspondence . After'repeating
the U, C. W .. Purpose and Prayer
the Roll call was answered by'con
tributing an articlefor a layette,
The' treasurer's report was given by.
Mrs./Eldon Bradley, a discussion,
was. held on entertaining; at the "
nursing homes
After the usiness meeting a ' .
dialogue 'between Mrs. S. Snobel-.
en and Mrs Duncan Thorburn on
church. work was. given. Bible Study
was 'in charge of Mrs. Mervin
Hooey:: The Theme "The secret of
his presence" was well given;
"How Great Thou Art" was ;sung ;•,
accompanied . by'. Mrs .. W; J.. Court-
The Study Book 'was given. by Mrs.
John Ferguson. She dealt ,with Prot-
estant -Churches in Canada_ which .' •
was interesting
After the closinghymn and bene-
diction, .lunch was served in the
Sunday School room by hostesses
Mrs: John Reid.and Mrs. W.J.::
ine River UCW
Unit 2
.Unit.2 of Pine River United
Church Women met .on Tuesday
evening., April ,11 with =an' attend -
ance of twenty five:, The Leader'
Mrs. •Perrin Lowry:presided and.
opened the meeting with a hymn.
The .secretary Mrs:. Elden Lowry
read the minutes•.and correspond-
ence, Items of business were dis • •
cussed and an interesting letter
from :Korea was read •concerning.
the adopted child..
Mrs:'•'Allan Irwin was convener
for the worship service and 'after a
hymn Mrs Carrick. Lolling read
passages of scripture'.'' The • Bible
Study was in • charge. of Mrs. Carl
Hooey on "God's voice within". •
The Study Book was taken, by•Mrs•
Ronnie Irwin and interesting , facts' ••
onchurches and Government in
other countries was given. Mrs.
Allan Irwin closed the • worship.
service With ,prayer'. ..
'Articles for. a'la: este were contri-
buted by, members. After the
closinghymn and prayer,.lunch
Was and.a social time over
the teacups was enjoyed., ,
5t Luke's Guild
St. Lukes Anglican Ladies Guild
met in•the parish hall on Thursday
',April 18 . Mrs. `.Reg Godfrey '
presided and the' meeting opened
With a hymn :followed by•the Lords
:Prayer in unison. ' •
After the roll call lwhich. was ,res-
ponded to by the payment of fees,
°Mrs. Gordon Emmerton acted as
secretary. Mrs. William Wilkin •
gave the treasurer's report. Mrs.
Florence Courtney read the
scripture lesson from Genesis;
chapter 7. , , ' ; •,
Mrs. J. Emmerton gave a reading
on the history of the Dogwood Tree -
Mrs. Reg Godfrey also gave coinm�
ents on the Dogwood Tree.
Lunch was served by Mrs Gordon
Emmertori,•and the remainder .of
the afternoon Was spent in quilting..
Experieiic:es': Ti. Id 0
. •
The Easter Thankoffering of the
afternoon and evening groups ofr'
the Lucknow Presbyterian .W M. Se
was'held inthe:Churich on Tuesday
evening, Mrs. Noble Johnston,
President of the Evening Auxiliary,.
welcomed all �presegt and opened
the meeting with*a poem-"He'took
My Place" , followed by. prayer.:
Following the opening hymn, Mrs.:
Jirn Aitcheson read 'th''e'Scripture
•and gave themeditation on the'
Easter Story from the 'Crucifixion
to -,the ' Resurrection. ,Mrs . Petersen
read a letter from the Auxiliary's
adopted son in. India „which told
,how he spent Christmas and,expre-
ssing thanks. for the gift of money,
sent to him ..:
A 'solo - "The Beautiful Garden
of Prayer" •by •Mrs.'. , Gordon Barger
Was . much. enjoyed Mrs. Bill Ross
gave' an Easter reading -
Simon of Cyrene" ..Mrs.. Ross
.'Christian received the offering
and Mrs. Rod MaeLeod gave 'the
offertory prayer..
• Mrs. Alvin Mundell introduced
the Guest: Speaker Mrs : .E . R,
Hawkes of Bluevale, giving 'inforl•
mation of her background 'Mrs.
Hawkes chose as her text-''' Where
your''heart is, there will your :
heart be 'also." `Matt 6:21. Mrs.
Hawkes gave a very interesting
talk•on the experiences Which she
•and her husband' Rev .. Hawkes had: •
in• the "Huston Mission" in the '
:Ke tucky Mountains• Members •
were urged to keep their treasure'
in Heaven so their hearts:will lie •.
there .also.
Mrs'. Frank •Hawthorne thanked
Mrs:. Hawkes: for her inspiring' •
message• and :presented a . gift:. on
• •behalftof'the.Auxiliary .
The m.eeting'.closed: with a hymn
and prayer. by Miss Dorothy poug-,
••las..A social"half hour.:followed.
Chalmers` C.O.C.
Chalmers :Presbyterian children
of the: Church held their first spring
meeting on Sunday during church
service in the Sunday School room,
The Call to Worship was given
by'their superintendent Mrs . Hugh
Simpson. The C. O.C. • Hymn •was
sung . '.Cecil De Boer read the '
Scripture lesson. Prayer was given
by Debbie Reynolds, The election.,
of officers were .President Paul
Elliott , Secretary Murray :Simpson,
Treasurer, Cathy Purdon,
The roll'call.was answered by' 20
members. The, offering was re- •
ceived and: the dedicatory"prayer.
was given by Doris Fisher. Mrs.
Earl Caslick', assistant gave the
Junior Story and •Mrs . Simpson'
ave the Story. -.At the'Beautiful ,
Gate . A closing hymn was sung
•and the repeating°of the Lords
Prayer closed the meeting. •
��struct��n In
ini,ieri..,I Plan ;dor Religious.
ch001aid•Bibli school •
A 'meeting of the Lucknow' Min
isterial was held:. Monday, April
17 ;• at the home of the Rev. G.W.
Discussions and decisions centered
around two Main items; : The
matter of religious instruction in '
public' schools: A,:program of ten
weeks instruction was arranged
with five'.cler umen'p artici;atin
.gY tP R g
in the Holyrood'public school . The
Theme, is Leaders of. God's People
basedon the ,familiar `fig•gures that
gave leadership to the' people of
Israel in the Old Testament.
•A similar program, will be 'started
Pinecrest Members
Mrs , John Htflnter• held: the April,
13th meeting of the Zion U C W
'at her flexile with.21 ladies, 1 vis-
itor and 11' children present.. Roll
call was answered with .an. April •
Fool Joke. •
The President Mrs:. Frank hitch •
ie opened the meeting by repeat •
ing the 727th. Psalm' in, unison.
Devotional Was taken by Mrs. •
'Robert Helm on "Channel of Pow
.er" with the .scripture on Luke also
by ,.Mrs c: Helm. Bible Study . was
conducted by Mrs. Charles: Ander.
son. The 'first chapter from the
new Study book "Church 'Grows in
Canada" was given by Mrs Doug
•las`Raynard A' reading: "It's Spring"
was, given by 'Mrs., Allan Ritchie
. and• also' a reading ".City of
Dreams" by Mrs Jun' ;Haunter
• Presbyterial report: of the •Spring
• U.C.W. in'Wingham which was
left overwas given by Mrs .; :Robert
Helm and Mrs. Allan Ritchie•. It
•was'decided that the :society'put
.special items in the Neighbourly
News paper to Mrs. Lorne Porter is
Exeter. The society, is.to•send all '
past Secretary books. to°.Mr ': ,Bell• at
Brucefield ,
• An allocation'. of fifty dollars is ,tet
• be sentto headquarters. There is to
be :a' plant sale for'the' May meet-
ing: • The appointed 'Literature Sec-
retary is•Mrs, 'Robert Helm:. Visit-
ors for
isit-ors'for• May are Mrs. D.A, Hackett,
and ,Mrs. Wesley. Ritchie, .
:. Mrs . Wm . G ..Hunter reported on.
.her group that visited Pineciest • '.
Manor Horne.' Thirteen shut- ns
in• the Lucknow Public school ,
pending approval, This will begin
September 1967.
1 Sample:•packages of materials: ..
available for Vacatiorr Bible
School were discussed, and a
I decision, was reached to use the
materials: 'of the National Council
of Churches. Tentative dates set
forthe Vacation' Bible School are:
August .7 , 18, pending the app-
roval of :the school board ,for ,use of
the local high school.. Soon a •call
will go out for teachers and Help= •
er.s to start preparations for this
event. We hope that this will' be..
as successful an adventure as 'we ,
enjoyed last year in our commun-
ommunity. ;
Another 'meeting• will be held
this, corning Monday , April •24.
%Eby Catherine. Dunsmuir) •,
The 2nd ;Lucknow Brownie pack •`
met on April ril;11.' There
were ten Brownies and at fairy rin
the collection was .750:: ,Janet'
Marriott and`•Heather:Stevenson •
were made: seconders and Cather-
ine Dunumuir and Nancy •Chishplm.
made, sixers At 'pow=wow; these
girls•got stripes;' The, meeting
closed-, with the. squeeze and chilli -
es. , •�
offers a complete.selection. of '
wedding announcements_
styled for the discrim'
ask for . '.
attended the program and the Pres-.• who has good used clothing for a
ident Mrs, ••Frank Ritchie took. a
carload fora tour of Lucknow
which•was enjoyed.. Mrs. Jim..'..;.
Hunter's group is to entertain.'at •
Pinecrest Manor on Apri417th•and':
Mrs:. Gordon Kirkland's' group 'on
the same week -end. Plans for
sending a girl to Alma College in
St. Thomas was undecided on, •
Thank you notes' were read from.
Mrs. Charles. Wilkins. aand Mfs.•...
Lorne Cook, Ms, •D.A., Hackett,
asked if anyone wanted general
assortment 'of cards, ;.an order''
woulebe sent next. week.. Anyone •
relief bale can leave it with Mrs
Gordon Kirkland A'Thank-you
note: is to be sent to•I•lackett's, •
s iety of the Centennial.Tea
aa _a
Pns are beingEMade • tocater ter to.
a 'Summer wedding,
Mrs,..Wm. G. Hunter took :up the
collection with Mrs.' Kaiser mak-
ing the.dedication. The' May meet
ing•'is, to be held• at the home of. ,
Mrs. Howard, Barger... Mrs.. Kaiser. •
closed with prayer.
Lunch was served by the hostess
'and :Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and 'Mrs
Russel Swan. •
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