HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-12, Page 14:4 ?.• • 1. I.PAGE *MAME • ,, • WEDNESDAY, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, • APRIL 12th,' 1967 Grader Operator, Sell Iron Bridge Jo Amberley Man, et Gravel Contract WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP. • COUNCIL MINUTES' • On April 4th, •1967, West Wawa- . nosh Township Connell met in re- . gular session. ,with all mernbers•in attendance.' ' •• • • . The minutes of a special meeting held February 28th, and the regular March meeting, were,read'and, . .adopted on a motion by Councillors •, , • "Chisholth •and Foran • • ' • By-laws Nos. 5 , .6 and 7, 1967, the McQuillin, Foran, and 'Gaunt Drainage Works by-laws, were giV- •• en third reading and finally'passed • ' On" a motion by CoUncillori „ . • Chisholm and Aitchison, and the , Clerk was instructed to advertise in the Daily Commercial News �n, April 14 and 21, with, tenders to be • in hands of the Clerk by 6 'p.m Monday,• May 1st „for tenders for • the construction of the above drains as well as the FOwler. Drainage. . works and to send copies of the . advertisemenyto at least 6 local ',drainage contractors. • • A petition -for drainage work was • •received by Council from three ratepayerson the 12tir Concession, • • and was approved by 'Council on a motion by Councillors Chisholtn and Foran. 'BY 'the same motion the •'• Clerk was ifistructedto forward copy of the.petition.to Gainsby and • iviannerovi of Guelph,-* to .have• them Ripley W.I. Pres. • , The regular meeting of Ripley. • Women's Institute was held Friday • afternoon at the home' Of Mrs. Ross •.Martyn in Ripley. • After the opening exercises_and the roll call, Mrs. Joe Scott • , • reported onthe meeting • of District. . Directors held in.LucknoW•recenily. • The annual meeting followed with. . .. reports given in all departments. ' The report of the nominating comm ittee .followed 'which resulted in . the following taking office for 1967 • Past President M.S. A. Patterson, • President Mrs. Walter Lock, lst Vice:President Mrs. F. MacLeod, • Secretary -treasurer Mrs. 'Walter • Culbert., assistant Mrs. Graham' Cook, District Director Mrs,• Andrew Patterson, alternate Mrs. Joe Scott, Branch Directors Mrs, •• • Joe Scott, Mrs. Lot Culbert, Mrs. N. MacLennan, Mrs. F. Scott, -• Public Relations Mrs. Oliver MC- Charles, Pianist Mrs Ross Martyn, assistant Mrs. Bert Irwin, • • • Agricultural and Canadian Industry , • Mrs. G,, McDonald, ,Historical Research and Curator Mrs, Donnie MacDonald , Citizenship Mrs', Jas. kirkpatrick, Home Economics . Mrs.' Bill.Harris, Current Events, Mrs. Ross Martyn, Resolutions Mrs, Sam Emerson, Cultural activities. and United Nations Mrs. F. • ' • • Gemmell, Bruce Co-op Mrs. Walt- er •Culbert. ' • • Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick installed • the new' officers. • , Miss Ada Gawley and Mrs. John A . • MacDonald were appointed • auditors'.The visiting committee • are Mrs. MalCom MacLeod. and 'Mrs. Graham Cook. ' • Mrs, Neil MacLennan reported on the plans for Centennial •.celebratiops to be held in the village in July, Plans Were ‘finaliz- • ed for the Centennial. tea tp.be held on Friday , April 14th ,at the • • Legion Hall from to 5 th the . • afternoon and 7 to 9 in•the even- ing, All are invited'to attend and if possible. ip Centennial Costume. 'Courtesy remarks were brought • • by Mrs.4Wm. Harris,• • undertake the necessary survey,,jf possible. .. • Subject t� the approval by the., Departinent of Highways, the • tender of Joe Kerr Lhnited , of Wingliam for crushing and hauling' approximately 12,000' cu. yds.:Of gravel at 900 per cu. yd.' was accepted,' on a motion by COnncil- EtringtOn and Foran., • . The tender of Samuel Gibion. to. purchase the old steel bridge at Lot 13, Concessions 12'and 13 , at, the price, of $328.00 was accepted on a motion by Councillors Aitchison and FOran.. , • Applications for the position -of Operator for theTownship Grader were opened and very , carefully considered.' The applic- ation of George Humphrey of St. Helens was accepted on a motion • by Councillors' Chisholm' and Foran • The road accounts were ordered paid on a •motion by Councillors Chisholm•and Errington. ' On a Motion by,Councillors: Aitchison and Errington the follOw- ing general accounts•Yere ordered paid:•LuCknow Sentinel, printing account, $19..61; TOwnship Of ColbOrne, Borland Drain and Ex- tension, $131.82; Joan Arrnstiong, fees re Borland Drain and Extens- • ion, $70;00;' Thompson, Township insuranCe; $356.06. • . • • ' . .• • ROAD. ACCOUNTS: Harvey Cul- belt , salary $131.31; 'Cyril,Boyle, • operator ,* $127.52; N., McDonald, .operator$91.00; A. Redmond, wing Man , $82, 85; R. Phillips,. wing.inan, $65.0.0; N.• McDonald, plowing snow,. $499.00; G. Cook, plowing snow $391.00; C. Rivett, Snow removal, $5:00; Lucknow Sentinel, notice re car parking, • $1.00; Signal Star, tenders and applications $9.10; Imperial Oil Ltd, ,• fuel 'and tax ,• $300.72; • 'Grant ChishOlm ,' Motor oil, $9.13; Dominion Road Machinery Co, 'PlOw bolts, $9.19; Daily Commer- cial 'News, gravel tender, ,:$17.85; 'LE. McDonald, starting fluid $1.14; Greer T..V.,flasher batter- ies, $7.80; Receiver General., • U.I. stamps; M. 04;•• Bank of Cciminerce, C.P.P. $7.22; F.F. Thompson i• Insurance pretniuni, • $451.74; Cyril BOyle;Hydro all- owance, '$21.75.• Council adjourned to meet May 2nd, at 8 p.m CLERK . • • MRS. JC04N,ARMS1'110No Wolves Running In Lochalsh Area LOCHALSH NEWS , Once again waives have been _ 'seen in the area. • .• Mrs. DavidElphick was in , Guelph on Monday attending the workshop for officers of Horticultur 'al Societies. Recent visitor in Collingwood Was Mrs. Donald Martyn With Mi. and - Mrs, Allan MacLean. , • • .• Mr. and Mrs. Oliver.Mccharles spent Sunday in London 'where they visited !qrs. Tillie Smith, who is still a patient in St. Joseph's •Hos- pital. • • FISHING TIME • ' Fishing is the Order, of the day: andall hours of day and night there are thOse who enjoy.the • sport coming and.going. Misses Joyce Thorburn 'and Bradley of Stratford spent the week end with their parents. • Five Brownies FIy Up To Guides • GUIDE NEWS Five Brownies flew up to Guides at the regular Guide meeting on April 'MI,' After roll call and • inspection, the Guide cemPanY • formed a horseshoe: • The •lst'BroWnie Pack under the • leadership'of Mrs'..Harold•Greer then formed a fairy ring and three 'brownies were presented with wings to flY,up to Guiding land. They were Barbara Stanley, Stacy • Purney and Debra. Gauley. ..The 2nd Pack under•Brown Owl Mrs. John Pritchard,then formed their fairy ring and Cathy Jamieson .and,Nancy Ritchie left the Pack to join the Guide Company. Captain Mrs. Jack McKim wel- corned the nets/ Guides and introd- uced them -to their patrol leaders. • "0 Canada" was then sung, and the brownie packs left. The., mothers Of the'new recruits:stayed on to watch the meeting., • • • Ranger SeVerley MacDonald three - ted a compass relay game, The 16 ;compass points, were then reviewed 'and the game Was played again, • • this time with better results. A patroractivity was then carried out, which, involved tender foot. work to help the new reeruiiS., • Campfire was led by Gail Jamieson. •. • 'Patty Hamilton was presented With her Second Class badge. • • Vespers viere 'Said and taps closed the meeting. • • It was announced that Elizabeth Ritchie sold the most cookies,. followed by Barbara Wilkins. Prizes Will be 'awarded next month, WeicorneiBrownie From Kincardifle. • 2ND• LUCKNOW PACK (BY NANCY RITCHIE) • • The 2ndlucknow Pack met on, Tuesday. April 4 in the Town Hall Sherry Lea Nelson, a new Brownie •from Kincardine w116 moved here' to our pack was welcomed. then' Fairy Ring ,was held and Nancy • Ritchie was Fairy Queen'. • • All of the B rownies did sema- phore but Joanne Ritchie. She shone shoes and passed her test. Then all practised a flying up • ceremony for Cathy Jamieson and Nancy Ritchie.: • Then pow -wow. the squeeze and chimes were held. r • True Saving8 CC01.11 nt starting May 1. '4% from date of deposit. i 4% on minimum monthly balance-. • • 4% with cash withdrawals and free transfers for chequng. Ask about a 4% Aye Sivings Account at you, nearest branch. • • : 1 t Bank of Montreal Canada's First Bank T LUCKNOW BRANCH: W. D. ROSS, MANAGER • 1.:C411104,24.2-1gat'itiotill* Ott 41 mai 41a., . • • 44,