HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-12, Page 1117'
WON .ESDAIf.,` APRIL 12th,. 11'7
ut •
Jnit 1 Lucknow UCW
Unit, l of the U. CsW . met at the
home Of Mrs. W.B., Anderson for'
the April meeting . •Mrs . Harold
Treleaven presided foi‘ the opening
and, business periods.: Roll call was
answered by -14 members; with some
in'ter'esting items from the Obsery
err Mrs. Wightm'an"read a letter'of
thanks for used .stamps received ,for
work among lepers 'Arrangements •
were Made for• Unit l's share in. the
thank.Offering .meeting.
Mrs, J.Wraith tookthe
the program : gram , The, Scripture , Psalm
46; was read by Mrs. Downie and:
the.meditation by'Mrs. Wraith.
Chapter 7 of the `'Church in, the a
p - as reviewed b . Mrs'.. • W. B.
Wald"w Y
Anderson. It dealt with the spread
of the Gospel by' the early Christ-
ians and St. Paul'smissionary
journals to ;establish the first -
churches. Mrs. Lewis ,gave a read-
ing ''The Old Church .at the Cross-
roads -
Mrs. Wighrman presented ",The'
Church Grows In Canada" the story
oldie .part played by the ,Anglican,
:Presbyterian and Congregational'
churches which came into the Mar -
Wines from New England and later
the rise of the Baptist church there.
The'rneetingclosed with hymn
and benediction...
° . Mrs.:- Lewis conducted an: amusing
contest and?•lunch; was served by
theprogram committee.,
hitechUrch U(
On Wednesday at 2:•30- White-
church U.C.W. held ;their'sPrin
Thankoffering . While guests from
Wingharn , Bluevale and .Chalmers
Presbyterian .churches gathered,
music was, played:by Mrs. Garnet
,Farrier, :
„.Mrs: Mrs: George Mitchell 'presided
and extendedwords of i elcom'e'to
the'guests•and local.•membe s.
The•theme ,of the meeting,was •
• Centennial 'Year.. The'Centennial
Hym n.was`sung followed b; the
.y •.
hymn "Our. Loved'.Dominion• bless".
Mrs:, .Mitchell: gave a centennial
.prayer followed .by, a Litany of
•Thanksgiving with the audience in
unison. • • ..
Mrs. p
Geor5eThom son -led in
prayer followed,by the Lords Pray.-
er in unison. Mrs : Mitchell 'gave
the Meditation or-Challen a on '
his Otir Centennial Year".She'
• concluded - Give us the mind to
think, the:vision to see , the will
:to.do, the heart togo :forward ' the
• .figm. Gdd and the gift
• and Grade.to'
live our lives as •God
Would, have us and to,sum`it :up
-keep listening and ready to do
God's will,
Mrs; Andrew. Gaunt accompanied
' by Mrs. Johnston•Connsan
"There is
rs room at the:Cress" Mrs.
Mitchell gave a• thought , - "If'ou
stand VeryStill"..' Y
Mrs, 'Willer 'of B u
,,s ; , 1 evale
• Behold „ • , sang "
me. Standing at the 'Door
The offering -'was, received••by: Mrs.
Russel'Chapman and Mrs. Russel ".:
Gaunt and dedicated byRev,
George. Geor ' Mitch
ell' • '
Mrs,. Ezra Scholtz introduced.
. the.
guest:speaker Revs i'4 Roberts of
Auburn who showed slides of his
work and the' y .of
where he resided s •' • f Argentina
for 4 -1/2.years,
Mrs. Millan Moore thanked Rev.
Mr,. Roberts for'showin
.and h: ig his slides
is interesting commentary
and presented him with a gift
There were around 60 in attendance
Lunch was served,
Mrs, Gus Redmond
C.IN.L President
The Annual meeting of the St.
Augustine Catholic •Wei en's Lea-
ea-gue was held 'Tuesday evening.,
April, 4th in.thechurch hall with '
12 members and .l visitor present.
After the minutes were read.. the
treasurer' reported that '$647, had
been given -to the Parish 'Fund •
during the year, raised from <hinge
'tickets; card parties`etc
The President gave a reading, ..
then thanked all members for their
co-operation during the last two
years of •office •and.•especially. the
Spiritual Convener, Mrs. Hickey
and -Membership Convener, Mrs;
Kinahan for their fine efforts.: Twe-
nty-seven members belong to the,
League, the highest membership •
• yet obtained. '
• The auditors'.' Mrs; -L. Chisholm
and Mrs R. Boyle, having exam-
ined the books, gave their ,report.,
Nominations. for the'i ew
executive,. completed earlier by.
the. nomination committee' 'Mrs. T
Redmond, .Mrs M.•St.' Marie,
Mrs. G.:Devereaux,. were: voted
upon. Elected for office were:
'President •Mrs. : Gus Redmond,' lst:
• Vice -President Mrs J.: Hickey,
,2nd, Vice -President Mrs. ',G.:Van
„Aaken, ,3rd 'Vice -President Mrs-. M,!
St.: Marie, Recording Secretary .
Mrs. "R ., Boyle,. ,Correspondmg, Sec
retary Mrs., L. Chisholm,` Treasur-
er Mrs. J. Franken..
Election Chairman was Miss C. ' I.
Hickey., The. new President took
the chair. A, vote of thanks `vas
extended by�•Mrs. Wm Redmond
to theretiring President Mrs•. C
:Boyle,+for her ,untirin
Catering to the Knights of Colnm-.
bus Communion Breakfast APri1
30th at St. Augustine was discuss•'
ed The next:meeting will be the
first Tuesday in ;.May: to choose
Membership Spiritual'and Social
Action conveners. After closing
prayers,; a .pot luck luncheon was:
fission Band
Enterfains lades
The Afternoon Meeting of the
Lucknow Presbyterian' W. M. M.S. . was
held A ril:5th in the 'Sunday
School Room , of the church , Mrs.
R. Reid was in the chair, and.
opened 'ihe meetingwith a' read
ing and prayer•..A hymn was Sung ;
andv ' iii St 'Matthew 28th
erses ;fro . ,
chapter were read ,in unison,' The`
Roil, 11 which Ca `consisted'of. a
verse froth the book. of: Naham
was answered by all members.
The Bible Study was given by Mrs..
R. McLeod , and was taken from
Genesis, the 25th Chapter. A::
hymn was' sung ..''
Mrs, N. Johnston very'ably .gave
the Easter' Message, which was ••
taken .from gt. Matthew 28th chap
ter, het 'subject being "The Resu- '
rrection of Christ". Mrs. P P. 'Stew -
art ave a reading,."He Keeps'
The Key" after which ,a hymn.
was sung, Miss.D.orothy Douglas
brought the meeting to a close with
As was scheduled, the Mission
`Band and their' Mothers were enter- •
tained afterwards, with the child
ren conducting their own 'program
me which was remarkably carried.
•ont,' and showed the children's •
Capabilities abilities for future usefulness.
Lunch was served by the W.M.S'.
ladies and asocial Half hour
Mrs: Don
Guest Speaker
At Thpnkof�ering
R�birson Unit 5 luditngw UCW-
The regular monthly, meeting of.
South Kinloss W.M. S.,. was coin -
bined with an Easter Thank Offer-
ing with Mrs.; Bert Ceoke being
the hostess at the home of her
daughter Mrs. Toni MacKenzie•;;
-The guest; speaker was _ Mrs.. Dori •
Robertson, of Kinlough who was
introduced,by Mrs. Allister
Hughes. She brought a thoughtful
Easter Message .that was'a plea for;
a deeper' appreciation of Christ's' ..
resurrection and the missionary
efforts that have flowed from that
wonderful event. Our task as
members. of W.M.S. is to be un
ted in prayer and service to
advance Christ's kingdom', athome',
and abroad. Theappreciation of
the Society to Mrs. ,Robertson was
:expressed by the Secretary with a
remembrance_; H
Mrs. Gib Hamiltonpresided for
the meeting. The Secretary Mrs;
Lloyd MacDougall, read minutes
and Mrs. Ross IvlacMrllan, read corr
esponde'nce, regarding the Bale and
Expense Money.,' The Bible Study
was Proverbs 14 with the •roll • call
answeredby a verse with' "Upright"
Mrs. Harold. Ca .pbell.read a:poem
and', Mrs Bruce amiltoni.Play ed.
for•the singing of Easter hymns:
The Study:was'taken by Mrs. Doug.
las Graham continuing the beginn-
ings of Christian work in Canada,
particularly in the Western Provzn=
=ces. She passed''maps to.facilitate
the grasping of the events: describ=
•ed • The Anglican work was, taken'
by:Mrs Rgss.MacMillan:. The
Baptist by Mrs. Lloyd Avery and
the Methodist by .Mrs. Graham
• Mrs; Ted : Collyer .had.charge of
the •Prayer. Circle; The 'Directors
-Mrs;. Leonard Macinnes and -;Mrs•.
Graharri.. assisted the hostess in.
ser ying'an;attractive•lunch.
Unit 4 L
uclen w-• JCW
.Unit 4 of'Lucknow U.C.W. 'met
at the home of:Mrs: L.C. Thomnp.
son Tuesday , ;April 4 With 20 •
members present. Mrs. , J. C.
McNab, 'Mrs,: Noel Masson and Mrs.
Stuart'Reavie were in charge_ of'the
devotional meeting. ' The meeting.
was opened with•.a hymn and: pray-
er by Mrs; McNab and:scr.ipture -
by Mrs.. -Bob Finlay. Roll. call was
.answered with man interesting
facts: on early, Canadian History . '.
Mrs . Stuart ,Collyer gave a read
ing "A . Pa.ckage of Seed's" and, -
Joanne,Thotrrpson 'favored with -a.
piano solo.. "Church Grows
ada' .the, mission book was prepar-
ed/ by Mrs: S. Reavie and Mrs.
Clarence Bell spoke on her. ideas •
of Chapter '2 of the Study •Book ::
That'portion of the meeting was
closed with a hymn and: prayer by
Mrs,'N. Mason•
Mrs. Montgomery thanked the ••
committee and 'carried on With the
'business. Mrs. B. Finla}t read•a
letter on Stewardship.. Unit 4 Was
asked tci put fldwers in the Church
in May,and November: Mrs.. Monty
gomery and Miss Helen Thompson
to take May .6 Opinions, were.view
ed on ways of all units.to raise
money re Centennial tea, Anniver-
sary 'fow1, supper or, "good will giving
All were again asked' to save used
stamps. The Thankofferng will be
held April 7 at 8 o'clock and ,gen-
l meeting on April 25. An •
invitation was 'extended from Hack
etts Church for April ll at 2:30'
o'.clock. Unit 4 were asked to bring.
some sandwiches' and tarts or:squart
es to the Thankoffering meeting.
An auction sale was held and: Y,
:$13.35 realized. An enjoyable half
' as s gent over lunch ,•
Mrs, James Boyle was: hostess. for
the April meeting of Unit 5,
Lucknow U C;34'. Mrs. Leonard.:.
Ritchie conducted the devotional/
period and program: She read the.
scripture and meditation on, the in.
spiration of a chil'ds' hymn and
offered prayer . ,
Mrs. Clarence Ritchie read a
poem.. "The Cross That Means A
Kiss", Mrs. Elwin Hall. Very capab
ly presented the 'study book chapter°
3.- Protestants in Upper•Canada ,
Mrs: H, Webster sang,a solo. acco�
mpanied. by.Mrs.' Jessie -Allis .=A
poem si'`A Search for God".;was
given y Mrs. Mel Morrison;' Mrs..
C. Ritchie closed this portion of •
the meeting with prayer. •
• Mrs. Robert Campbell•welcorned
all,and read an'Easter Message
"The Saviour: Passed This Way"..
The business. w:as'.tansacted With ..
projects for the year discussed. Mrs.
Jack McKim will be the hostess for
the May neeting :Please, note
• change of home Following the
dedication of the offering' Mrs.
McTavish thanked all who took
part in."the meeting and the'hostess
for her home. Lunch was served by
the committee in, charge.
Lrs. G. Beecroft
s Guest Shaker,
The Easter Thankofferin gmeet-
meet ,
in: of .the, Lucknow United Church-
Women,' was held Friday evening;;
April 7th in the church Fellowship
Mrs. Ken Cameron',Mrs. Orland
.Richards and Mrs. Ross Shiells• con-
ducted the devotions; :using as •
their theme "The Road to Eminaus".
with Mrs. 'Cameron opening with a
poem and prayer Following a .•
hymn , 'Mrs Richards. read ,the• scri-
pture and Mrs .Shiells'gave the
meditation . The hymn "Abide
with Me", was sung arid. Mrs. Cam
Bron led in prayer
The president, Mrs Harvey
Houston, '.Welcomed all, present
and, introduced the' guest speaker,
Mrs,: Gilbert. Beecroft, immediate;
Past President of Huron
- Presbyterial. Mrs Beecroft took a;
her theme, a statement rria,de,by.
Dr; Eric Fromm.'Man is.dead, he
has'been transformed into a thing
She `gave four .reasons 'why' she
thought man is dead.
He doesn't respond'to•any stirri f
'2. He doesn't respond to'other
human beings. When compassion
diminishes, we diminish.
3 No growth -takes place: As • long;
•as We are living, there is sorrt-e -
change, taking place. When.we
hear such statements as "God is
dead" we cling to our faith which,
has, been handed' down to us. We
lose faith, because -it isn't A liv- ,..
ing, grdwing'thing. We have to
venture : change and grow .
4 Organism - isn't going
anywhere •: and- has nothing to con -
'tribute. `Mrs Beecroft referred to
the song:. Mr Nowhere Man
written by John. Lennon and Paul
McCartney: of "the ''Beatles" ,, sayin€
that a good'• rna.ny''people are like"
that rnan going nowhere . We have
been'thru'st ahead so;'fast in,.our
modern day.; that. our souls have
been left. behind. • " 1
••Are we alive today? In summing,
up• Mrs: Beecroft said that men
and women are creative beings,, if
they trust in God ,What they bel-'
leve, makes there dead or alive.
We are instruments in the hands of.,.
God, but our beliefs can kill our
usefulness. We live as we believe
and when we believe in a living
God , we are•alive. She said that
we are living in an impersonal
world and to overcome this, we'
cangive ourselves to some.
Gods s purposes; When we are alive
ofersa complete selection of
wedding announcements
styled for she di criin.
ask for
Olivet United Church U.C.W.
met at the home of Mrs: Herb •
Clayton on Thursday. evening. Mrs.:
Clayton opened'the meeting with a
verse on "Spring"-. ' The roll call
also' was, answered with a thought
on Springtime. Mrs. Clayton led a
study of minority groups in Canada,
and, it seems we are all.' minority
groups if we stand separate:fron . •.
every other group. Mrs.: John Mac -
Charles sang the Centennial .Hyinn:
accompanied by Mrs,' Sandy; Mac;
Charles atthe piano; Mrs. Garnet
McNall read a story on the life •and
work of Pauling Johnston,. and . Mrs.
read •McCharles re d one of her , •.. •
poems',' "The Song My Paddle
Sings". Mrs. Walter Dexter:read;
the scripture. and •comments,, :and
Mrs'. Robert Osborne spoke on ..
Caravanning as a good way for .'
young people to spend. the 'summer
vacation. Mrs... Jack McGuire ex- •
pressed appreciation to the hostess
and her group.
--The April meeting of Slakes •
U •C: W. was held !Tuesday After-.
noon April 4th.; at the home of Mrs.
Hugh Menary •••
:The pr am was prepared by Mrs
Keith Cranston;and the President
opened the Meeting with the med-'
itation "The'Chureh:Christians .
Assembled",, with passages of
scripture>.read .bit Mrs:. Chris
Cooke, '.Mrs . Isaac '.Cranston,' Ms.
Mark Berger and. MTs`.. Kaiser '
Hymn 374 was read in; unison • Mr;
Kaiser gave. the Bible Study "The•
Chinch and The. World" All sang
a .hymn' and Mrs. Cliff Kilpatrick
gave, the study book., .
The secretary's report. was read
and the roil' Call - was answered with
14: members and .1 visitor present.
The treasurer's report. was'- g iven•
and some •business discussed:
. The :'
May meeting .is to be held in the
evening at MrsRussel Irvin`s
• Mrs; Livingston;Menary closed
the meeting with and lunch
g prayer .
was served by Mrs. Hugh Menary `
and 'Mrs. Jerry. Cranston..
to God we are alive to His' de
mands on.us„
Mrs. Gordon Montgomery thanker.
,Mrs Beecroft for her inspiring
a after
P $
message fter which Mrs., Morgan•'
Johnston and. Mr's; . Ra ynardAckert
favoured 'th a 'duet. The offering •
was receive by 'Mrs. Vernon Hun'
ter• and Mrs. len Walden and ded-
icated by Mrs Eldon Henderson.
Following two fano instrumentals
byCarol Carnp ell, .Mrs. Houston
announced an i itation,. extended
by Hackett's 'U. :W..* to their
Centennial meeting*, llth;
Ah executive meeting , April 18th
and a general Meeting at the
church, April 25th.. a
The meeting: cloed' with a hymn •
and the Mispah Benediction.
'Lunch Was served.and a social
time was enjoyed..