HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-12, Page 10--7L.:isow•ammems-vic-irmacik,..-wmfort.4440/04.rek-avr.; 71,•oxis , ,THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: WEDNESDAY APRIL 12th,19 -me • IF Y HAVE (AND WHOSE CHILDREN AREN'T ACTIVE, THEY NEED GOOD HEALTHY, WHOLESALE MEALS. AND MOTHER; WHAT BETTER WAY TO COOK THEM THAN IVIOFFAT RANGE FROM JOIIIISTONE'S SEE THE MOFFAT 24" RANGE • Budget •Priced Model with New "Built -In" .Look * Infinite -heat switches * Appliance outlet—Moffat high speed even -heat' elements with removable drip bowls and chrome rings * So many easy to clean features combined with new, modern styling * Automatic high speed oven Preheat " Lowered cooking surface with raised edges to prevent spillovers * Lift-off, lock -on oven door, easily removeable for cleaning. • foktatavete ewe att. se2e,-3013 HOME FURNISHINGS MoFFAT APPLPINCES 04 1.040ay Observed Monday WHITECEIURCH NEWS •Mrs. Maud Haggitt of Pinecrest Minor Liicknow visited with Mr. and Mrs: Victor Emerson .on Monday. to celebrate her. 82nd birthday. • Clark Johnston spent the week, endat the 'Army Training Camp at Ipperwash. .: and •Mrs GeOrge Young , • Mrs: Clark Johnston and Janette visited on Sunday" with Mrs. Charles Johnston at Wingham Hospital • .Mr. . and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Mrs. Cecil Falconer Were Sunday visitors ith .Mrs . Larry Henderson and firnilY of listowel. Mr. andMrs. Cameron SirnmonS of ,London spent she week end with her father Charles Martin, who • • had returned from Wingham; Hos- pital, Ronnie Simmons spent the • week end with his grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. G. Sithm.onsof Word has been received by Mrs, Gibson Gillespie that her sister Miss Edythe Peddle of Edmonton, 'Alberta is still a patient in 'Glen- • rose Hospital, having fallen on • • ice which caused spinal injury. PRESENT OIFT • / Visitors On Thursday evening • Were Mrs. Hazel Hardy ,.Mrs: Catherine Campbell, -Mrs. Sharon Sangster and Mrs. Cora Mahood • of Wingham with Mrs. Bill Evans. These ladies, employees at • Wingham and District. Hospital , had worked with Mrs. Evans while she was an employee there last year and they presented her with a gift as a moment() of their friendship. • Mr. and Mrs...Murray Neable and Helen Neable and 1\1r. and Mrs. Bob.Henderson, all of London, attended the presentation held in Whitechurch•Hall for Mr.. and Mrs. ;Bill Neable on Friday evening'. This community extends sympathy to Mr, and Mrs'. Bill Rintoul and family in the loss of her father Mr. George Caldwell of 13lyth•whose funeral •was ori Saturday. • :Mr, and Mrs. Victor Emerson and Mrs. Charles Tiffin were in London on Sunday and visited with .Charles Tiffin who they found, irn-• proved in health at St, JOseph's Hospital., , ' • • , Dave King and Pamela'and 13111 tushell of Ripley. were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Dave king at St. Joseph's Hospital; London, The cornmunity,wish her a very speedy recovery. • Mr, and Mrs., Sandy Murray; Kathleen', Phyllis, Alex and Pat- ricia Of Sharon were Sunday visitors, with Charles Tiffin at St. joseph's Hospital London and,also in the evening at the Tiffin farm horne.' • •• 1)001,401)001014•15New•011ider•Operatori, Huron Tax Rate b.•Set.At641;10111s. • HURON COUNCIL MINUTES • Huron Township Couricitheld the •.April meeting:on, the 3rd with all ,.members preient... Minutes of last :and special•meetings were read. • and confirmed.. . Council amended the 'Minding -By-Law to -include all buildings and alterations to buildings costing more than one hundred dollars. The'following resolutions. were passed: . , That no person blowing -snow in Huron ToWnship shall receiVe Merit unlessthey have been author- ized to do SO by the Road Superin- tendent. •.• That we. appoint 'Mrs: Cameron. MacAuley and 'Mrs. Howard Harris' - On to the Ripley Library Board. ".• • That we consent to request from • Last Of Winter's Card Parties 'Eight tables of euchre were en joyed at St. Augustine's- last card party. Thursday evening. High . -winners were Mrs. J. Chisholin and Terry Foran. Low winners • were 'Mrs. J. Finleon and .Frank Austin. The lucky,door prize went to Mrs. J. Foran. The prizes were• , donated by Mrs. WM.. Redmond.. Thanks to everyone who 'made the winter parties a sudcess. • • Dinner And Social Evening To Mark 5QtfrAnoist.scoy,. WH1TECHURCH NEWS . On Saturdayevening at 6 o'clock :Whitechurch Women's Institut• catered fOr the family dinner of Mr. and Mrs', Jack PurdOn Of Luck - now: Mr. arid Mrs. Purdon were. celebiating,their 50th Wedding Anniversary... The family presented their 'parents with a 'Kreiehler rock- ing. chair and telephone table as well assmaller gifts. . • Immediately after the dinner, progressive euchre was enjoyed • when many more friends and rel- atives arrived to offer. congratul- ations. • . - . Those winning prizes were high lady, Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, loW lady, Mrs. Albert McQuillin, high gent Oscar'Schefter ,low gent Irwin Zinn. There were three who had the same niimber.Of lone hands and on the draw Mrs. Bott was the winner:: ,•,' After the euchre party dancing was enjoyed till midnight, when , • • lUnch was' served • , . • Helen Currie of London spent the week end with her'parentS Mr. and Mrs .Jim Currie and fainily. Mr.' and Mrs. jarries Mcllrath are visiting 'in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs'. 'Bill Underwood: • Visitors on SundaYwith Mr. and Mrs. SproenwaalrW "i Doatten.waer1Mfarriial;d •M : of Desboro, Mr.- and Mrs. Bob Srob0 of Teeswater.', • Barbara and jean Campbell of.. Lindon spent the week end with Mrs. Robert Ross. • We are sorry,to report Mrs. Gor- don Rintoul was admitted to Wing- ham and District Hospital last Tuesday. The community wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs.' Charles. Johnston's friends Will be happy t� know that she has. been able to leave Victoria Hosp- ital and return to Wingham and '. pisttict tiospital, the School Board of -the Township • of Ashfield asking permission to debentures, for tbelmo*Oase • Of school busses:. •. That we.accept the resignation of. Bill Scott as„grader operator and ai:acdeepr. tthe application.'of Da,n Mac Donald, ,Con, ,.to operate the g -That •.s we acCept the tender of R. .NitholSOnloropen work on Niunic, ipal' Pra ins and that of John:Inglis for the closed parts. • The -196'7 budget was adopted "showing a mill rate for most of the Township, at 64 mills Made up by County 18, Township 21, Ripley High Schoci115 and Ripley Area at 10 mills This is up one mill dn. the County levy -and one mill up . on the Township levy. The Road. expenditure By-law was passed calling for an expendi, ture of smo,opo. arid sent to the - Department of Highways for appro-. Val. ROad accounts of $7 ;658.61. and Township accounts Of 1,68l. 41 were ordered paid.: ,, • • Council 'adjourned until reg - dal' meeting i?ri May 1st: CLERK •EARL TOUT: . . .Lochalsk Pioneer Great Sportsman JAMES CAMERON Death claimed one of Liicknow's best known citizens in the person • of James Cameron on Monday, • March 20th. Mi.' Carneronpassed'; away foliowing a heart attack in Wingham and District Hospital, where he had been hOspitaliied a week. •• . • • He, was in his, 85th year. A son .of • Roderick Cameron and Annie Doug- las, he was born atLochalsh.on• . December 23rd 1882. • His father came to Canada from ROsshire, Scotland as a. young, man with two'other brothers John and Duncan whoall took up land in the Lochalsh neighbourhood about 1852, . • • • • Roderick took up the.farin now • Owned by DouglasMartyn arid. • there 4 inz log home ; Mr. and Mri Cameron's family of fourteen • children, 8: boys and 6 girls, were • born and raised ..The, log horrie Was replaced by a tWo,-story home in 1913. . • •, • • • Of that family of foutteen,.only One now Survives ,,'Mrs. (Mary) Finlayson of Lucknow. .• ' . • Duncanstd Jirn moved to •Lucknow on New Years Day 1`952'to make • • the*horne with, their, sister Mrs• . Finlayson. Duncan passed away in. November 1959. •, Mr; Cameron/Was a member of Ashfield Presbyterian Church He, • was fond of all types of,sport".and played ball in his early years for the. Lochalsh team. "' ' Jim was an early riser and was anion" "the firsi to be seen on g Lucknow's main street 'each'rnorn- ing and always ready to do an errand for his. neighbours. • Funeral service was held on Wed- nesday, March 22nd 'at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel Lucknow With Rev. Neil McCombie and Rev. Rod • MacLeod in .charge of the serVice. Mrs. William Ross was soloist and Mrs, Gordon Montgomery organist. Pallbearers were RofFinlaysOn, Cameron MacDonald, Earl Howesi, Duncan- Farrish, Frank MacLennan, • William' Ross. • • TerripOrary entombment was at South Kinloss Mausi;letun,with final resting'place to be Lochalsh cemet- ery. A'4,$Arm419,41irk`4.11411.: WA. Ar*t Av"10',..osis as as. • CHURCH NEWS • Pot Luck Supper 'Ends Year For St. Joseph:lAtiie Sunday, April 9th the Council 7 • of St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge enjoy ed:a Pot Luck supper followed by their Annual meeting. Each,execu dye gave her annual report with, the President , Mrs'..Reigling, closing with"the highlights of the League, in the past year. The,election of officers for the coming year, was opened' witlithe nomination of Mr Bob Howard as election chairman and Mrs. Frank Reigling her helpei The new slate of officers are: 'Pres ident Mrs. Fran Reigling, 1st Vice President Mrs. Reta Howard, 2nd •Vice President Mrs, Marie Milten- burg, 3rd Vice President Mrs. Yve tte Heffernan, Recording Secretary Mrs. Delores Van Osch, Correspon ding secretary Mrs. Betty Rayne, Treasurer Mrs. Betty Doherty. • Father Carruana thankecrthe exe- cutive for their work in the past year and welcomed the new execut • The meeting W S closed with . league prayer. • Place New Cross Atop Church As Centennia roiect .„ Mrs. Art Gilmore 'of Lucknow opened her home for the April rneeting.of St .. Mary's Catholic ,Wornen' s League , viith nine . members present. After Prayers.; • the Centennial Project was dis-- cussed. •• A new dross is to be Placed atop the, roof of the Church; as well as a suitable sign regarding times of Mass, set against the front wall of the Church. , It was decided to hold the . • Annual Parish supper April 19th at 7 p.m. when the financial ttate- ment will be given by Rev: Fr. Caruana and parish activities dis-• cussed in general., • Prayer closed the meeting and a social period enjoyed while the hostess served lunch:- South Kinloss KINL,OSS NEWS Seventeen young people met Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Maclnnes. Directors Janice Wall and Anne' Graham had planned a good . programme on the"Bible". Jim MacKinnon, president gave the call to Worship ,sCripture from.' • Psalin 119 was read by Joyce Wall • with meditation by David Mac- • Xinnon..Readings on "Why I Should Read the, Bible" were given,by- • Erian Keith, William Dickie .and Douglas Wall, • The Roll Call' wasj, to bring an. old.. Bible Or one of a different version or language': This made a most interesting display- there were Bibles old and new, large and small and in Dutch and Gaelic; The oldest Bible had been printed ' in 1845. '" •• ' •• • A reading on how • to find help from Bible reading was given by • Betty Colwell and one "My Bible and I" by Linda MacIntyre. The offertory prayer was given by Ard- onna MacIntyre, • Another Don' Loney record was, played which dealt with "Respect"v.,' Ms,, Keith ,conducted an interest- ing "Sword Drill", Hymn 794 was sung and the meeting closed' with prayer by Mrs. •gvan Keith. The hostess and directors 'served a tasty lunch ,• 1\4 a a