HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-12, Page 8PAGE El THE LUCKN OW SEN TNEL, LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO_ A. ,ry f�. mens s Series LUCKNOW 'MEN'S BAWLING Pontiacs ate the winners ofthe' Play-off series, High Single for the week goes to Fred Young with 274 flat. High Triple With rolled`by' Len MacDon- ald with 702 flat. ' Len MacDorald's Pontiacs 5, Clarence •Greer's,Buicks 2; .Bill. Hunter's Dodges 7., Roy Finlayson's Fords 0; Jack Fisher's•/Mustangs 5, Freck Button's. Oldsmobiles.2. Games of 250 and ,over Fred '' Young '274., Mel 'Dickson, 257, Len. MacDonald 256, Jack Fisher 268, Stuart Jamieson 271, Howard Agnew . 251, Harold Maii'e 250, Armstrong_ Wilson 261. ' > •Play-off Standings; 'Pontiacs 25,,: bodges 23, Mustangs 17., Buicks.15, Oldsmobiles.14, Fords 11 .. Lu-ckno.* Dunggithon. GROUP A Jack Caesar rolled the high triple with a 754 and Staiart Jamieson captured high single: with 337: ,: • Ruth Jardine's .triple' of. -694 wad . • ' tops with Janet'Ashton taking high- 'single of 271: ' Men over 250;. Jack'.Caesar.290. . and 273., Bill'Stewart 270, •Ken , Jardine. 259;_ Bill Searle 252 Ladies over 225: • Doroth ',Errin g.- y. ton 270' and 232;, Ruth Jardine 263, Marion; MacKinnon 258,'Jessie Joynt 241; pearl 'Jam ieson 239:: Zebras 7, Wolverines 0; Cubs 5, Coons 2; Beavers .5;,`. Tigers 2. Standing:..Tigers•19, Zebras. X19, Beavers 14 , Coons '8*, Wolverines 5. GROUP . B Frank•Hawthorne had :a ,triple: of 706 and Ernest Button was close 'be hind•'with• 704 and he had the high single of 300 flat .Shirley. Haw- thorne rolled the ladies triple of 659 and sing • le of 283. Men' over. 250., Frank .Hawthorne 293., Charlie Anderson'. 280`. . Ladies over 225: Josie :Hamilton, 250. Pole Cats 5 Kangaroos 2; .Chip- munks 7, Lions 0; Gophers 5, Squirrels 2. • Standing; : 'Chi munks 19 , Gophers.P 16, Pole Cats 15 , .Kangaroos 13,' Squirrels 11,• Lions 10 ‘Ladies' -Afternoon Arnetta Thompson was top bowler for this week with a single game bf• 258 flat and High"Triple of 663, Arnetta 'Thompson's, Duchess 5 points,, 'Mildred Cameron's Pippins 2 points; Shirley Hawthorne's • • delicious 5 points, Marion Mackin non's Wealthys 2 points; Ferne. Mac Donald's Russetts 5. points, Isabelle Eedy's Spits 2 .points.'. Games, of 200 a nd..over:+ Arnetta Thompson 258 and. 228',' Catherine Schmid 204 ;, Bernice Henry 202 Marie Button 238, Kay Collyer 232:' Pearl Murdie ;135, Catherine , Andrew 249, Tillie"Hackett 224,, Marion: MacKinnon 211, Jean Phillips '222,'`Mabel Steward 237;;, Kathleep MacDonald 229, Madel- aine.Ha•ldenby 228 and 201, Ferne .. MacDonald 215 and;. 253.` 'Play-off Team` Standing: 'Duchess 24 points, Wealthys 18 points, Del ,ic. ious 12 points, Russetts 12 points, Spys '10;points, •Pippins 8,points., lrs. A.J.:Wilson ieads`19 The Ladies of the: Evening Bowl ing League and their guest, Mrs Gilbert CarnpbeI held their . annual banquet in St. Peter's Parish. Hall,. April 10th . A. most: delicious • turkey dinner was enjoyed. by ,about fifty-two members.: . Mrs. .Elwin Hall thanked the ` Anglican ladies and Mrs:.. Harold • Cooper fittingly l replied. ': p , • The. president, . Mrs Bill Bolt, took the chair fbr the. presentations. and the election Of :officers Miss Maudie Fisher presented each of the Petunias with their,. trophies for winningthe' season's • Schedule. schedule . Mrs . Cliff'' Crawford re plied on behalf of her team. The foliowing trophies .*ere don.. ated by and . a Mrs . Gilbert Campbell and 'were presented by Mrs. Camp bell:. High.Avera a 217. .Pg to Mrs.. Bill Stewart; High Triple 749 to Mrs: Bud Hamilton; and High Single 304 to`Mrs. Harold , Errington.. Mrs'': Tom Pritchard re- • ceived •a bowling brooch as the, most. improved bowler of the seas on. The•SilverwoodtroPhY ;:was presented by. Mrs. 'Gilbert . Campbell .to Mrs. Harold Ritchie, :captain of the Poppies; for winning the. play-offs. Each member of the team received a bowling brooch. • Play-off'trophies were presented•. PLEASURE FOR ALL THE FAMILY, GRANDPA AND GRANDMA, TOO • FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS ONLY . Comnioncing April 28th OR:GROUPS BY APPOINTMENT ANY NIGHT. 4 LUCKNOW .BOWL Phone 328.2904 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th, 1Y67 Squirts Are ..Grand Champions Pictured following the winning of the W. O.A.A. Squirt Grand, Championship •against:Durha'm.:are'' the •Lucknow Squirt team proudly 'displaying their trophy. . Front Row , left to right Donnie Rae Farrish Larry.Hackett, Steve Baker, Randy 'Ackert, Wayne Parrish ;Eddie Courtney, Tommy Barger. n�. Second' Row; Allan Hackett, man ager, Stuart Mann, Kenn Reid g Y , , Ian Montgomery, David Parrish, John Hamilton Kevin M. JackFarrish; coach. .Murray.', o��ourMernber,:H At Social. Eve.nina Mr: ,and .Mrs. Barry Hackett of Belfast 'were host and.hostess;last, Saturday night to Mrs.;' Hagkett's bowling team and: their:husbands. far a' social' evening. A gift waspresented to Mrs. Noel' Mason, one of the'teatres members, who will beleavin ; g Lucknorl this summer • Themembers of the team are Captain Mrs. Bi11 Gibson., 'Mrs.., Ron Forster, Mrs. Noel Mason':. and "Mrs 'Don Thompson of Luck now ,;Mrs. Barry .Hackett of Bel-• . fast, Mrs: John Maize and Mrs:, John Park of Dungannon with spare. members Mrs.. Stewart Jamieson, Mrs 'Wm . Hunter and; Mrs Stuart 'Collyer of Lucknow . '. to Mrs.', Bud Hamilton. for the.High Single - 375 ,..and High Triple` - 720 to Mrs'.: Harold Maize., by;: • their team' •captain=Mrs.. Armstrong: Wilson.. Miss Maudie; Fisher the • treasurer then give. her report. •.They officers for ;flex, t season were elected: as'follows:• President, Mrs' Armstrong Wilson; vice, president,,` Mrs;_ Bill Stewart :Treasurer Mrs. Bill Nelson, Secretary Mrs., Elwin ,Hall, A discussion of the next seas; ons bowling followed Aprize don oned by Mrs. Gerald Priestap was won.by Mrs.' Stuart • Collyer and a prize donated by Mrs Bill Nelson: was presented to . . Mrs.. ;Barry.; Hackett as. the "Happiest Bowler of the League" .' The' rest of the evening. was spent playing shoot. Winners were Mrs,: ' ,Ford Chnninghani and Mrs. 'Nor- man Taylor • Gifts were presented to Mrs, Bill Bolt and Miss Maudie Fisher on • behalf of the:league for their ,work during the year . ,, •:•:•;•77..•.i•. ;,, .fes Vallace�Polloc 1 y Scoti.Head eft �. • 967.68, Curling RIPLEY °CURLING NEWS BY DON McLAir Wallace Pollock wat-elected' Pres. 'd n C •. i e t of the Ripley: Curling lub at its annual meeting`on`Wed'nesday evening. J%m Elliott' became Vice - President with Kenneth H.. Mac- Kenzie, second vice-president: Donald. MacTavtsh•,' the retiring President, became Secretary-treas• urer, to replace Lloyd Wylds, who had .held:this officefor 'many years Walter Lock remains as.•Club: Trea- surer.. Named to the four -man . Board; of Directors were Harry Scott. Don McLay , Ernest Thompson,and Nei'l•McLennan. • Gordon "Roulston 'will: be convener' of, the new draw committee and will be 'assisted by'Bert Elliott ,' .. John D. MacKay . ,:Aaian'Farrell, J.S. Robb and Murray.Thompson The• men's bonspiel' committee will consist: of Ken. Ii. MacKen- zie, convener ;Bob Johnston and ' Murray Culbert. Personnel of the Building, Ice and High School Curling, committees remain the. sarrie ,-under the corivenership of • Sandy MacCharles , Clarence Poll :ock and bon McLay, respectivel P, Y '•A feature of this meetl g°was the unveiling of a;parchment honour- ing our 'Members. . who were born .prior t� 1900. This centennial .gesture also saw 'the presentation of • Clubcrests to the five active , members in this `category. Past • • President Don MacTavisti made the.'' presentation' and Neil .McLennan and Orah, Crawford accepted OD • behalf:of the veterans: 'A 'present- ation was made to the retiring president by Jim Elliott and Don, McLay . A Word' of thanklis most certain' ly: due Lloyd Wylds, Carl. Funston; Clayton Nicholson and Elmer .• •• 'Courtney, who stepped down 'from'. , holding•offices.at this meeting. These men have all,made a'great g contribution to thesuccess of the club .arid we are all indebted, to them.. *04•*a*• Mrs. Jack (Betty) Seat became the new President of• the, Ladies' • Curling. Club at'their annual :ing Y 'Vice -President is : recently;.` Dear; Coiling ," with L"ois.Pollock, Secretary and .Ruthe Patterson, Treasurer. 'The .Social Committee. will consist of Marie •MacDonald and: Nlar j . Hodge . On the Draw Committee will be Mari, Elliott,. Evelyn Elliott and Marlene Coiling Bonspiei Committee, - Mildred Thompson ;and 'Midge :Funston., Sick• Committee Joyce Courtney and E t : P o ock Nominating 1 ie , ;oil � g committee Nary. Walden. and Helen McCreath. Namedto repre sent the ladies on the• High School. committee was Elaine 'Pollock." A presentation was made by Jean Wyl ds to ou• ' tt gog. r in . P esident Anna, MacTavish , of a small if as a 'token of.appreciation for ler fine work. and interest in the club • This again writes •"30'•" to anoth- er curling season: Thanks to all. who have made my task'so pleas-' • ant. We shall look forward to seeing 'ng jou in the same• spot next fall. • k • • Larry Courtney 'R�turnedFriday From Hospital' AMBERLEY NEWS' Larry Courtney, son of Ivlr. . Le a on rd Courtney wlio'.w talized for some time in Hospital London returned,' on Friday of last week. friends and relatives ar J and ' .Mrs. as hospi toric d,' home. His. ,rnany e 'ic- happy to know of his continued' improvernent:. , Mr. and Mrs. Bob McNay of Amberley who enjoyed a vacation ,in Puerto Rico returned home, on Monday•of last week. •The'":Old Time Concert" present•. ed by the Mount Forest' Choir of the Presbyterian 'church was well attended at Ripley District High School on Monday evening , April 3rd. • . A Minber''from this area attend- ed the play "The Sound of Music'. gat Godertch. Theatre on Thursday evening',.April 6. .WEDNESC; WN Th9Se at • offering; se o • tnCcaFrehrnorurwdinna: can.: ' wnhaeCCnsM: rhrohe.de.u urs home of chie. 0•n Frida and ML.,,V Charles Ti pital: Lond; `miffed as we s Fisher is a Hospital' w comrnunit covery., Weare" Martin*a , ftorr Win tal, and re' Quite.a unity Atte • ation mee Friday.ev; ' Mt..and Wingham, Mrs:" Jim: 'they Otte