HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-12, Page 7WEDNESDAY ' APRIL'12th,. 147
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Let Kinloss Gravel Tender To Joe Kerr
Kinloss. Council met in regular
ession on April 3/67 Reeve Wm
;vans and all Council members,
The foiloWing motions were •
That we open in regular meeting
:o deal with any business. that
night, arise
That we adopt the minutes of re
;ular meeting March 6/67 and
;pedal meeting March 20/67.,
That werefund Clifford_ Johnston'
$2.00 .dog tax and Weir .Eckenswill•
er '$4.00 .dog tax
That we•pay, wolf bounty of
$20.00 to Harvey McQuilhn. •
That the clerk•write to the Min
ister of transport about widening
the;crossing at Whitechurch and on
Concession. 2 West,.
That, we appoint Donald McFar-
1an inspector on Tile drain for •
Stewart • .ane'
,That we accept gravel tender of
Joe Kerr at 89 cents per cu. yd
to'be°crushed and delivered on
road by August 1/67, subject to
0,11:.0. approval., .
Tht We, pP
appoint -Eldon Stewart as
Warble Fly Sprayerto spray the
cattle. at 17 cents per head ~Fees
to be collected at the tirne of `
That we accept the tender of Ray
Stanley for loading and hauling
pit run gravel for 196.7. •Work to be
done on order of road •superinten-
dent. Subject 'to D.H. co: approval
That we accept the' tender of
W.I.Shantz for heavy,equipment
with a' D8 Cat and scraper • Subject
to D.H.O;approval
That we .accept the tender of ..•
Hanna and Hamilton of 'Listowel
to construct. the Pollard, Drain
$ May
Work to'be yin 'Ma.. •1/67 and be finished by September 1/67 ,.:.
That the :clerk contact Bruce
Brick and Tile •Co,.,. Martin and
Bauman ter 7" and tile ,for
Pollard Drain and Brantford for all;'
large tile.,
That we acce t
Campbell's. petition for Municipal
Drain`to'be•called the Kaake
Extension Drain and the clerk not-
ifyi..Mr,• 1 .M .Gibson'the engineer
That we 'adjourn to meet On; May
1/67 or at ,the call of the reeve
Lucknow ',fire call k. Morning- •
star $75.00 Lloyd Johnston ; instar
.lock Township Hall $2.00;''Ontaric
Hydro, Whitechurch Hall' $1.2•.97;
Township Hall $82 60; Harvey
McQuillin, waif, bounty $20:•00;
Bruce. County Crop Improvement;
Grant $15.00; London Free Press .
tenders Pollard Drain .$23.40;'
B. P Canada Ltd. Oil Township `
Hall $68.46. relief $5.07:174.03
Ontario Hydro, Whitechurch Street
Lights', $28,13; Fraser. McKinnon
telephone $7.45 Registry Office,
deed. descriptions,$2.90; Wm.
Evans, welfare account, $19.70;:
F. Mansfield 'caretaking etc
$13.19; Carruthers Nursing Horne,
Inst. care $401,25; Cliff Johnston,.
refund .dog: tax $2;00; Weir Ecken-.;
sw,iller , dog tax 'refund, ' $4.00.
•IIGHWAYS: Frank'Schumacker;
'281/.2 hrs'at 1.75 minus deduct-
ons 4,10,.02p Claude Dore , 229 1/2
lours at 1.75 minus deductions
6373.94; Gerald Valad 50.1/2 Hours
it 1.35 minus deductions ,$66, 65
xnployees share C.P.P. $12, Be;
rieome Tax' $41..80; Em"ployees
hare Unemployment Insurance
68 72; ,Ray Stanley ,1snowplowing.
6463..50; .W,I,, Shantz, sngwpl'ow-
ng $345.00, Don,' Gillespie;•• snow-
)lowing $318,00; B P. Canada `Ltd
'uel, $235;74; Frank Schumacher,.
license for Township Truck $2.00;.
Hanover Post, Tender re: Township
prage$3,60; Kincardine News,.
'Tenders $2.70; ' Walter 'Breckles ,
welding $1.50; Albert Porter, re-
placing motor $18,;00; Lucknow
District Co-op $1,60; McArthur
Tire Service Ltd, ,. tires for grader
$910 35, L & W Mfg.' Co, Ltd
Thermostat $12.18; J.E. MacDon:
ald , repairs' truck '$22.18; Ideal
Supply. Heater hose $10.40; Flor
ence Mansfield , gas, anti -freeze
$26.85.; Thos. Hackett welding.;`
repairs $14.26; Dominion Road ;
Machinery Co. , 'sanding unit
$10,58, Dept National Rev.
Empldyer•'s share C.P. P. $12.96;
Rec. General , Employers 'share. Un;
Insurance $8.72; Workmen's: Com
pensation Board $50.64;: Raynard „
Ackert, snow blowing $423.00.
At annual Meting
'' The annual meeting of the St.
.HeelensWomen's'Institute was held..
in the St. Helens Hall in the ,form.
of a.pot' luck dinner. After the
dinner Mrs.' Gordon Struthers : con-
ducted a contest . ' : •
he .press ideent.presided and the
meeting was opened by repeating.
the ;opening . ode and the', Mary
Stewart collect. The roll call was
answered by the • paying of fees.
Invitations: were extended to they',
members to.::attend ,:a hobbycraft
show at Carlow on April 19th.': It
was also announced that West Hur
on executive: is to be held at'
Clinton April 20th. 4-H achieve
ment day is to be held in Wing -
ham May 13; with'parents and
W I. members invited to attend..
•The,short course : Baking With.
Yeast: and Dressmaking .was discuss.
ed , 'also;a :one day short course:
reportfromthe fall fair
!committee was; given by Mrs: E.
It was decided' to start a travell-
•in� basket, for means'of making.,
money. Arrangements, were made' •.
for; a sunshine sister banquet: this.
month. Entertainment committee,
for this •.month are Mrs'. Wm Ruth,
`erford , Mrs'. H. Carrick..: Mrs . E.
Jamieson,' . Mrs. R: Phillips. '
Reports of standing committee
conveners' were given.
Mrs, A . 'Cranston read the report
. of the nominating 'Committee ..•
which was: ;President 'Mrs Harold
Gaunt, lst vice president Mrs..
Jas.. Aitchison, 2nd vice-president
Mrs. ,Allan Miller; Secretary Tre-!;:
asurer Mrs •Frank'McQuillin; Ass-'
. istant Secretary Mrs'. Ross Erring-
ton; Pianist Mrs. Wm. Rutherford:.
Assistant 'Pianist Mrs. Andrew
Gaunt,' District Director Mrs. Ross
Gammie., Alternate Mrs. Chas.:
McDonald , Auditors Mrs. Fred
McQuillin and Mrs. Harold Coop::
Standing; Comrn:ittees: Citizen
shfp and Education Mrs.' Gordon
•Lyons; Agriculture and Canadian
Industries Mrs. Chas; McDonald ,
• Home Economics and Health
Miss Isobel ;Miller, Historical
Research and Current Events Mrs.
Ernest Gaunt, Resolutions Mrs.
Russel Phillips , Public Relations
Mts. Allan Cranston.. The; elect-
ion of officers.was conducted by
Mts. Andrew Gaunt.
Mrs. Jas. Aitchison moved a
yote of appreciation to the pres-
ident Mrs. Harold Gaunt and the
SecretaryTxeasurer Mrs', Frank
• McQuillin,
Comr`riittee in charge of pot luck
dinner were Mrs, Lorne•Woods .c
Mrs, • Ross Errington, Mrs, Gordon
Struthers and Miss Isabel Miller,:.
These Will::
nmunity Cres
nd Meeting To Organize- A
inion For The Village Of Lucknc
V4a11 th its
ofis t‘‘ a 90
Linda and Larry Evans of 'D,own-.
view are spending a while with
their grandparent's Mr, and Mrs.
Bert Nicholson, Allan' and Lois.,
Ladies 'from here attended the
bridal shower for Miss Helen Need
ham at the'Millarton United
We extend.y,;.P s m pathy to the rel
atives of the late ,Mrs. William
Bushell -the former • Annetta. Moore..
• ,Congratulations to Mr'. and Mrs.`
Edgar Guest •(nee Lois Haldenby).
'on the birth of a .son.Kevyn Gray
Edgar on :March ,30th at. Uranium.
City, Saskatchewan.•
The W.A. and.Evening Workers :•
will: meet. on Thursday afternoon
atthe home of Mrs.' Arthur Hald.-
enb.: This willbe•a devotional.
Mr. and 'Mrs'. Perry Hod ins visi-
ted on Sunday with' Mrs. Ethel
James and Gordon at. Wroxeter and
'with.Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob Brooks at
W'ingharn ...
Mr. and Mrs.. Bert Nicholson
and Lois :and 'Linda and Larry
E:'vans visited Saturday evening .
With Mr and Mrs...William, Evans;
at' Whitechurch: ••
Miss Sharon ':Stanley. returned '•
home afterholida. ing. , atDaytona
Mr..' and 'Mrs. Dan Tollefson and
•`Bradle wererecent visitors with
•.Mr and Mrs. Ezra Stanley.
Mr and Mrs ..Bert Nicholson
. Allan and Lois. and Linda ane
Father Passes::
At Blyth.
•Sympathy of this'community goes
to Mrs.. Wm . Rintoul.in the loss 'of
her father, George Caldwell of
Mrs;. Harvey Webb spent Sunday
in Guelph with.Mr.' and. Mrs. Dan
Rose and,family.', . .
-ElmojPritchard and Gordon' Lyons.
spent Wednesday in Lindsay 'attend-
ing a Horse'Show ••
Meet your friends at the .W W.I.
'Bake Sale' on Saturday at the form-
orm-er Noble .'Johnston 'Restaurant.
Six tables, enjoyed the Shoot. 'Party
on 'Friday night in the St. Helens
Hall. High prises went. to Mrs.
George Humphrey and Ross Erring-
ton with' the• consolation prizes
going to Mrs. E.W.. Rice and.Don'-
.ald Murray. The travelling shoot
prize was won by 'Mrs. Allan Cran-
ston. v ' .
We ate sorry to report that Tom
Stewart is a patient in the Kincar- .
dine Hospital. `W'e'wish :him a
speedy recovery:
Mr. and .Mrs -Ebner 'Benedict,and
family visited on Sunday 'with Mrs:
Tommy Martin who is a patient. in
the Victoria Hospital, London.
Brenda Haldenby and Mrs. and
Mrs.; Pied Frietidorf, all' df Kitch
ener'. spent the week end with -Mr.,
and.M,Fs . N E'.a Haldenby
Holyro�d W.l. EIectOfficers,
Present Mrs. Sot Farmer With. Gift
The H. W .I `met in. 'the hall with
Mrs. Harold Haldenby presiding
• The a ,ode and the Mary Stewart
collect opened the ;meeting and .;
' visitors were' welcomed .. An invit—
ation was received to attend a "tea;
at Ripley on April 14th and also a'
Kairshea Centennial 'Ballon April ',
28th : The'.4-H A chievement Day'
will be held in :Lucknow On April
15th.••RePorts were ivenbY
Johnston on Resolutions ,
Home Economics Mrs P.A.
'Murray; Cultural activities PrePar=:
ed by Mrs. 'Lorne Eadie ' and read by
Mrs; Sam 'Farmer,; Public. Relations
Edna Boyle., Citizenship and,Educa-
tion.p p re_red.bY
a `M.Raynard Ack-
P rs..
ert and read by Mrs. Lyinan,Sutton.
•Mrs. Frank Maulden.reported on
the Boy Scouts, Mrs.; Harold Halde-
nby gave nb . ''an account of the District
Director's' meeting with the District
Annual 'to be held on' May :26th 'at
Lucknow with.the Kairshea the
hostess branch. •
Mrs Frank Maulden, presented the
new• slate of officers as. follows:.
_ t• Larry Evans visited on.Sunda
Y with,..
and Mrs Mac Nicholson and'..
family at Millarton.
Mr. and; .Mrs Ezra Stanley visited
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs;: Wil-
fred Shantz, Concession 8, Huron:
President, .Mrs'..:H'arold Haldenby,•
•:1st Vice -President Mrs•. PA; Murr
ay, 2nd Vice-president Mrs:: Jack'
,Ackert, Secretary treasurer Mrs. '
Frank Maulden,. Asst Secretary,..
treasurer Mrs. Raynard Ackert,.••.
District, Director Mrs Alex Percy., .
Alternate Director
Sutton:, .Public Relations Officer
Miss Edna Boyle, • Curator. Mrs
Perry Hodgins, Federated News
Y. .g
Ed Thompson, Auditors Ml's:
Orville Elliott, Mrs. Lyman Sutton.•
Branch Directors Mrs..Morgan
Johnston., Mrs.: Jack Ackert, Ms.
Ellwood • Elliott; Pianist Miss, Edna: .•
Boyle .
Roll call' was: "What "I would do
I. fell •heir, to.a fortune' ::Ivirs Jirn:,
Smith gave the motto" the fad
ed•,"Gra' y".•MrsPMurray
gave a demonstration. nan Easter
..,,. ..
table centre . Mrs Howard Harris
introduced -a .centennial` song which...
she composed and 'all joined in .
singing it:
Mrs. .P,A. Murray read an •
address and Mrs. Jim Smith pres-
ented. Mrs:. Sam Farmer with. a
remembrance from the Institute
Mrs: farmer who will be moving
to Kincardine'made a fitting reply.•
:The meeting 'closed ':withiGod Save:;
the Queen and 'Grace and Mrs..
Lyman Sutton served a lovely
lunch•. '.•
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