The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-12, Page 2PAGE. TWO • ".7'121T47 01171:11F",., . " ..+,...'u,.[%( Frau ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO The [.UCKNOW ;SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ,ONTARIO "The Sway Town" — On the Huron -Bruce Boundary Au; Established Authorized as secon ,d; class mail, Post Office Department,; Ottawa 1873 --.Published . Each. Wednesday Afternoon .. Member of the C.W . N.A. and O W -N A Subscription Rate, $4,00 a year in • advance -- to; the Donald C : Thompson, .publisher• . WEDNESDAY, APRIL,12th, A 1967 HuronT� 'itk the Fairest )aiflsel In Area .Ripley and Huron Township. "Centennial Committee met Mon- day _night;April 10 and are sponsor- ing' on July '1st a Centennial Queen, Contest fors girls from Ripley' and. Huron Township.. All those interest- ed in nterest-edin the contest' would be wise: to contact. Mrs. Jack, Scott in Ripley . • as soon as possible; . . Other :events will include a; beard • growing contest 'for men, with 'old timers to do the judging; Vollex ball softball tournaments; track .and. field events for. all ages', which will all be part of Saturday, July 1st pram ' . A Mariinoth parade and 'dances Friday evening and Saturday even - in ',and finally an open. air church service on Sunday July 2 will end .the celebration. NNOUNC[MEN' HOUSTON - ROGERS Mr , and Mrs. Frederick: Lloyd _, Rogers; Clarkson, Ontario,' ann. ounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Mary Sandra, to janies John' Houston;•. son' of Mr . and:Mrsm `. James Harvey Houston,• • Holyrood,, Ontario. The marriage will take; place. on'Saturday, .April 22ndi. 1967 , .at 6,30 p.m. ,. in thea Humbery le United Church, Weston CLARK - WHITBY Mr . and..Mrs. Russell" Whitby wish to announce the coming marriage,of,their daughter• Sharon Anne to Clifford Clark of London: The Wedding will take place/in . London.on.Apirj1 25th. ..n • . HANO.V 11E4 IIIEAZ Withrthe TOPS. In . Entertainment' FRIDAY, SATURDAY," April 14.15. Dead Heat On ` A Merry Go Round • James, Cohourn Technicolor Adult Entertainment Our man Flintin a• new adventure Winter Go Technicolor A skiing fun 'thriller. Rocking, .Rolling'. on skis. . CARTOON fir► 4; i, •ei i► . ;PHONE 357-1830 STARTING TIMES Monday to Thursday -8 ::: p.m. Come as .: late as 8:30 to see complete show Friday and Saturday , • 2."'Shows--..7:15' and" 9:15 Saturday 'Matinee 2 .. p.m., unless otherwise noted ' •;•, 'STARTING WEDNESDAY FOR 12. •DAYS: APRIL.:Sth .TO 18th SPECIAL. SPECIAL. • Colour CinemaScope Starring: Julie Andrews, Christopher ' Plummer . This is;the one we have. been waiting: ;for. It's probably • the greatest motion: picture since Gone' With the Wind. Due to length` .of this feature there will be only one show' each night starting' at8:00.. p.m. The 'ad-; mission prices that wemust, charge ..for'this. feature _.are: as follows: • ADULTS: Monday' to- Thursday. $1.75 Friday - Saturday • $2.00, Saturday Matinees .$1.50 CHILDREN: All Performances •M 90 STUDENTS: Same as Adults' Matinees on. Saturday; .April '8 and 15, at 2:00: pm.,, ENGAGEMENTS • DAHMER. SMELTZER Mr ,. and Mrs. Arthur B. Smeltzer R,,R.# 1, Ripley, wish to announce:. the engagement of their youngest. daughter, Arla Elaine Susanne, ,to Mr, ;John Alfred Dahmer, son.of` •Mr. and .Mrs. Jack S. 'Dahmer of.; 11, R,,## 4, Kincardine. The marriage will take place May 6;1967 at • 3:00 p.m. in.the Church of the Messiah ., Kincardine, Ontario GARDNER .SEIDEL Mr. and Mrs.:Frank Seidel 'Of Calgary, Alberta announce the engagement of their, daughter Christine Eve' to Mr. W,illiarn' . Frances .Gardner of Calgary; son. Of Mrs.. Sid Gardner of Lucknow and the late Mr. Gardner, ,the marriage will lake place: in. St.. Joseph's Church:; Calgary on May 6th at two O'clock, ' BAILEY -'CARTER Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carter, R.R. ##3 Elolyrood , wish to announce the engagement of their second ;daugh ter, Dorothy Marlene; to Mr; Ger- ald William Bailey eldest sopa of Mr.' and Mrs, George Bailey; Dobbinton.:: The marriage will take place in Trinity ,Lutheran Chur'ch, Walkerton;. on Saturday May 27t1i, 7196.7 at 2;30 p.m • CKNOW COUPLE 50 YEARS WE Mr. and Mrs'. William John Purdon of Lucknow observed.their 50th wedding'anniversary last weekend and to markt the occasion: , a family dinner was held on Satur- day -followed by a social gathering at the Whitechurch Hall, On Sun- day, open house' was observed at their Lucknow' home afternoon and evening at which tune many friends and relatives called to extend best wishes. Mr:. Purdon •is the son of the late. CommuflityPap�r Is Kingsbridge Centennial Project FatherCharles Caruana and. Mrs.•' Jim Martin of the, Ashfield' area are" working toward a Centennial pro- jec't•; a monthly, news letter' called "The :Link of Unity" 'One issue has' already been print- ed and.may bepickedup at St. Joseph's Rectory, Kingsbridge', at .' no ;charge. 'Copies will be mailed upon re- quest:. :. This is a non denomination.- al news letter, 'fts purpose is to bring the area closer together by uniting the current events, the .readers• personal cbnlments,, poems and any happenings "of the-areain this paper,; In the .opening issue, the Link of Unity' welcomes any ..,or all Of the people of Ashfield and West. Wawa• nosh to express their /opinions or comments on any topic 'of interest ' to the community,. OOL. Realize 'the highest returns for your wool by 'patronizing your .own Organization: SHIP COLLECT TO • Our.Registered Warehouse No. 1, ' WESTON ONTARIO.' Obtain sacks and twine Without charge froth N�rman SHEARER AUBURN or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS 'LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East'. Toronto .7i Ontario. Mr, and Mrs .William Purdon of EastsWawanosh. Mrs:: P ii 1on,P the. forme Annie Mae •Bolt• , is' the daughter' of the' late Ivir.: ;and Mrs Nathaniel Bolt' of East Wawanosh Township; The couplewere marr., ied: at Whitechurch on. April •11, 1917, ,by,Rev.' JamesR. Graharn. They farmed •east..of Whitechurch 'until 1963: when. they .retired : and; moved to. Teeswater where they' resided for two years About'a year 'and ahalf ago, Mr.` and Mrs. Purdon purchased the former "Thomas Smith :home" , • • Havelock Street,Sout , in Luck now where'' they presently reside,, Mr . and Mrs Purdori• were well remembered with gifts.,on.their anniversary The family presented them .With an :occasional •chair.; ,the grandchildren ;with; a telephone • • . "� '.iii; isr" w* rsff r ••w: iwi a>t ait. • WEDNESDAY,: APRIL 12th, 1! ....f..... IfTySietri 7,y Thurs,.. Frio" Sat., • APRIL 13, 14,•15 • Adult Entertainment; UNDER ALLEY Color - Panavision Annette Funicello, Fabian Their God' is speed Their pleasure an "anytime" EGRET AND FIREBALL Richard 'Harrison , Color ..' MideScope • Gorgeous' gals - 'nerve an ' lethal weapons CARTOON table and former Whitechurch are neighbours •remembered :thein with a coffee table'. 'Other :;gifts. were '•: received and as well,. Mr. 'and. Mr, •Purdon were p the. reci ients of a` basket of: flowers from the village. of Lucknow Mr.. arid 'Mrs . ' Purdon hav e` a tam ily'of six', Mrs,. Ken (Olive) Zinn of Wingham,•:Mrs Ed (Verna). McClenag han. of . Lueknow Mrs .. Mel ` Reta Morrison of R R.1 .. Lueknow; .Clifford. of Belgrave ;: Russell of R. R; 3 ,W ingham ; ; Kenn- eth of •Thorndale,also, nineteen grandchildren,. THEATRE GODERICH , ON' THE, SQUARE PLAYING THURSDAY, APRIL 6 TO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 INCLUSIVE. -SPECIAL SELECTIVE ENGAGEMENT One Show Nightly, :8;00 pm Matinees every • Wednesday and Saturday, 2:00 p.m.' No Seats Reserved Every- Ticketholder Guaranteed'a Seat' SPECIAL ADMISSION PRICES: Mon -Thur. evenings $I.75 Fri. $ Sat. evenings • $2.00 Wed. Matinees $1.25 Sat. Matinees $1.50 All Performances — • Children ,.•a..:. . 9Oc 410 PASSES '• ' RODGERS.rAMMERSTEIN'S RanA ,.,. e.. 5. ()VJ1►D �r.wey AN• REQS , PLU• MMER.�( :MrR1C4ARD. NAYDN�~.I»wo�a OR PAKER • A*b ROBEXT WISE 'RICHARD ROOGERSI HAMMERS1EIN1ERNESt:LEH MAN. . rrr strx.,,yeofd Rao!, riasat yw�Gua•n.s Ae+sidt�P04•FLN ;For Ticket Reservations 7Pho nr 524.7811 after 7:66., p.m • WED=S BicI .POLIS CaI MONA a • PR101 CI SAVE i Ada GIAN 1r COUP 1 CAN/ .21 Mr. and family an • for the sue ing finish( ' Detroit .R4 'Carol A visited la Boyle. The Luc will hold pot luck s 14th•at 2:: Room; Ea their own Mr. and ICatiry of end With. Nelson Ra Mrs, Jar to her hor Thursday . ham and' she had u; omy. Nat Tie in Winght ,for the pa