HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-05, Page 23THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO
EDNESDAY, APRIL. 5th, 1li1
Roger west
Georgi Joynt
'Go West in 67" was the slogan •
osen by a 30 -year-old Wingham
4n, in successfully contesting the
trnination for Progressive Con-
rvative candidate for.'the provin-,
al riding of.Huron-Bruce
Inger West of Wingham was elec-
d by acelamation to theposition
die nomination meeting held'.
st Friday night in the Wingham'
pwnHull: Roger will contest the.
rxtprovincial election which,.
:cording to speculation; could •
fine within a matter of weeks;.
r. West's nomination,was moved
' William Cottrill. of Tiverton.
id seconded. by Ben . Mole of ' Dun
.nnen •
[n speaking for the CKNX radio:
id television announcer;
ottrill-referred 'to the candidate's
ide experience and qualifications
e saidhhe was a popular;and fam
iar:figure on TV screens:: Mr..
ottrill referred to Roger.being
,rn in Fordwich 'and'moving to
eeswater at the age of three,.
lento Wingharn. at the age of 19
here. he has continued ;to'reside .
e Said lie is married with. two'•
The'only other nominee for: the
indidate's position was George
• Joynt,' Reeve of .Lucknow and a
tst Warden of Bruce County .% Mi..
ynt was proposed by Walter
eckles of Kinlough and•seconded
Frank•Maulden also of•Kinloss
fn the short tim.e allotted. the. •
,minator. to speak on behalf of;;
e candidate., Mr. • Breckles re'=
tied to George's father and'grand
titer, :Mesley. and. John Joynt, ;as
.ving •been.valuable andrrespect
1 citizens within their comznuni
. He.said' that George. as Reee ..
LucknoW. had carried. on• and had
tided an aggress, ive, program
richtad. been •of` great ;beriefit
the`:comnunity. He said that'.
r :•Joynt was honest in his deal.=.
gs and completely; above board
all timesw.ithr,those who; he
d associations
n,speaking, Mr.Joynt said that
'Iie Hon. William A.. Stewart,
tario Minister of -Agriculture,,
s'guest speaker at the nominat-
convention of the iuron-Bruce
)gressive Conservative Assoc at
t held .at Wingham; Town Hall.
. Stewart, left, congratulates ,
;er West of :Wingham who was
3sen. candidate for the next:elee-
n. On the right is George McCut:
!on of Brussels
• president of the
;ociation and 'an unsuccessful.
ididate .in the last election.
.C. Candidate
ly Other
for some weeks he felt he might;
bein a position to contest the,
nomination but after consideration
he had, decided against this and
was 'throwing his complete support
behind Roger West. He said, that'.
ho and his father' were in a divers
ified.business and With the lack of
managerial help'•available,• he felt
;that he could not consider'the.c'an
dictate's position. He said he was
proud to come from a family which
had been Tory "supporters through
the years and that he was. proud to.
call himself a member Of the
Robarts, team
I'n accepting:thewin by acclam
atop,. Mr. West said that he was
very sure that with a well organiz-
•,ed campaign,in Huron -Bruce that •
the riding would return to the Con-
servative side "We have a tough
lift ahead"., he said "but not an
impossible one He said that `a
government member would
serve Huron. -Bruce .better.: '
The new candidateis on the exe-
cutive .of the Ontario Young Prig
,cess ve Conservative Association,
and•is presently president'of the
western district of that' organizat-
ion. Two years ago he unsuccess-
fully contested',the nomination in
the Federal riding :of Huron. The
nomination at that time was-won,
by Robert McKinley who went on
to,win. the %election:
George McCutcheon .Of Brussels,
president of the Huron -Bruce Con
•servative.Assooiatioti presided for.
the.meeting at the Wingham Town
Hall. which. was well filled for:'the
Platforrn' guests, allof whom ' • `.
were. called .on for' a few words,, .in-
cluded Mayor•DeWitt Miller of`' i•
Wingham who welcomed the gath-
ering' to the town;,.. Roy Cousins,.
area chairman for Brussels; Elmer
Bell of. Exeter, president of the
Ontario Conservative, Association;
Bob McKinley of Zurich,: member •,
of Parliament for Huron; The Hon-
ourable William A. 'Stewart,. min
ister.of agriculture and •guest
speaker for the evening; Joh Lon-.
ey ,of Tiverton, member of'parl
ia•ment ':for. Bruce; Eric •Winkler,of
Hanover, member of parliament
for Grey -Bruce, Bill Jarvis, presi-
dent of'+the 'Western Ontario. Con-
servative Association; .Gordon Hess
districtrepresentatve;' Mrs. Jack
(Mary) Lloyd,; retiring secretary-•
treasurer of the Huron -Bruce Assoc.
iation. ,
Th.enewly presented constitution.
was adopted, a motion; of Sandy
Fee,dy, of Mildmay and, Don Picot
of Kineatdine
'Elmer Ben -presided for'the • rePort
of the nominating committee '
which was presented and adopted
as follows;
President , • George +McCutcheon;;,
russels;, Vice -President, William
Cottrill, Tiverton;, Secretary-'
Treasurer,.;Nprrran Shepherd
'Area . Cha irnnen .Blyth, Wingham,.
East W'awanosh DeWitt; Miller,
Wingham;. Ashfield;Huron, Ripley -
Jack. MacLennan, R. R,#3 Goderich
Colborne; West Wawanos, - Ralph
Jewel, R; R;# 4, Goderich; Brussels,
Morris, Grey-- Roy Cousins; . Bruss.
else • Howick, Turnberry . = Ed. Pow'-:
ell, R. R.# 1, Wingham; Ca}rick,
Mildmay, Rudy. Seigner,•
Mildmay,; Culross Teeswater,
Bruce Keith; R.R.lt.2, Teeswater
Lucknow, Kinloss - Mrs. Armstrong
Wilson, Lucknow; :Tiverton, Kin-
cardine, Kincardine Twp: - Wm.
Nelson;, Kincardine; Bruce, Green:,
ock Harold Donnelly, Pinkerton
The conirnittee received • with
regret' the resignation .of secretary
treasurer Mrs Mary'•Lloyd who is:
leaving Wingham,to reside else=
where, also John Durnin.of West
Wawanosh; who, due to other com-'
mit•tments,: has left the `executive
of the Huron -Bruce Association.
Huron -Bruce needs someone to
Work, with, instead of •against, the
'government for, the good, of the:
people; in;the:riding, Ontario Agri.
cultural Minister.Stewart said:
He said his greatest concern is the
lack of adequate farmancome:•
Farmers, are living off their in-
creased efficiency , ` he -said
"The,time is past when farmers
should be sacrificed on the alter of
their,own efficiency
Not :all the.ills,of the milk .indtis-'
try: have been corrected: by the
Milk Act or the Milk Marketing
Board, bin the solution is'welL;on,
JtS way, said Mr:, Stewart. •
Roy Cousins thanked the speaker.'
.,The change in electoral districts •
brings Bruce, Kincardine 'and Green
ock;Townships' and Kincardine and
Tiverton from the former Bruce
riding in with Huron -Bruce
Murray Gaunt is. the'sittirig Liber=: -
al member for Huron -Bruce and.
will, no doubt' be again, chosen as
standard bearer by the Liberal •party
attheir nomination meeting Fri
day at Wingham . •
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