HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-05, Page 15.DNESDAY APRIL . ;
Custorns•At• 41-1
chat does the word ""Smorgas
d'' mean to you?' 'To the Swedish
)ple it is literally ""a bread and
ter board" - :but in reality it is.
laryelous array of.hot and; cold
ds to which everyone helps., him -
f. A study of Sweden,was; only:
of the European Countries
rered, in'the Spring 4-H Home
king Club, :'A World Of;Food In
nada". In the past `Weeks• 58.
bs, 'with approximately .600
Ls in Bruce County marked the
nennial by tracing the develop
nt of Canadian food customs
thed'ays of early: settlers to'..
dern times. Seven'rneeting's
required to. cover the subject
net in this project and the •
hth meeting„was in the form 'of
Centennial Party. to which the.
Lsinvited guests and entertain
them;-1861style or` 1967 style.'
t the conclusion •of each. project
Achievement. pay Is held at
[ch the' girls participate -in a
ruing program in which they are.
zzed •on:the 'subject matter stud
during the project, In the after
e each club presents an
ibit, a Demonstration; or a Skit'
topics pertaining to the project,;_
:rested parents and friends are
[ted to attend .the afternoon. •
,ion.. Also, awards are ..present',
during the :afternoon to girls
;..Homem'aking Club Project..
he 'AchievernentDates' for Bruce
mty',are: April. 8, 1961.
n. District High `School, .Port,
In; 'April15, ,1967•'-,'Lucknow : •
triet• High School;April '22,
I -
Kincardine District High •
ool; May 13, 196,1 - Walkerton•
rice Secondary School; May 27
] '- Wiarton District High. School
you, are in'terested'an: 4-H Home
ung .Club. Work, please be sure
Lttend:the AChic vernent'Day :in ..,
r area,
Phillip Foster
heads Beef Club
ingannon 4-H Beef club met
lay, March 31st at Lucknow
ridt High school to elect offic,-
Those elected were .President,
Llip Foster; Vice president Paul •
y; Secretary"Jill Bennett, Press
otters John McKenzie and: r
)rgeAdams: The club leaders
1967 'are .Ross Eedy and John
rk. It was,decided to hold the
nthly'meeting on:the first Thugs
of each month:.
�1 ppY 'Z!O . , , net#es
he'fifth meetin
g of the zippy
inettes was held onTtiesday.
rch 28th atMrs. , Ritchies at'
0, The meeting n was
h the 4-11 Pledge. Miss Carroll
sitting in at this Meeting.The
, he
. call ''Where
My ancestors
ie from" was answered by all.
nbers. The next meeting will
it Nancy Kirkland'.s on Tues-
evening. Wanda Hunter'read
the last meeting,.
ryone is to look._ for dainty mat;
.1 for outside.: covers. •
rs„ Ritchie4,demonstrated the •
h for Pizza..and the members
on different 'toppings. In the
mp work all, made a green salad.
ata) which is from around:the
iitetranean countries.
)res were given on, Italy and—. •
:ern Europe and Italians and the
tan People'.. • °
ands Hunter thanked
Miss Car'r-
for coming„ O, Canada and the
Piing of pizza and salad closed
The•.sixth meeting of'the'St.
Helens,Happy-Handicrafters was' •
held at Pannabeckers' on March 29
at 7:30. The 'Horrje Economist was.
present. All members were pre
sent.. Ro11,c411.was ":Something.I
. ,know about Finland or Scandinavi-
an countries”
' The different early settlements of
Canada and also the'counties and
food customs of northern Europe :.
was discussed `•
. The different. cheeses of Canada
and a typical Canadian cheese
were given.. Cabbage rolls and.
rhubarb .soup were• tasted.. These
were enjoyed by all members.'
Miss Carroll, the Horne Econo
mist 'comm' d
erste on :the .meeting:
which closed with the 4-1-1 pledge..
Kairsh�a 4-H
• On Tuesday, Match 28th at 4
pert . ; members of Kaitsshea Wom-=
,en's institute,':mothers and, friends ..
of;4-H Club Girls ,were entertained,
•by Kairshea. Pioneers and.' "Kafir
'rhea ;Kanatians" at. a Centennial .
Party .
This was ale eighth;meeting'of
the' clubs course "A World: of Food
In Canada".; The hall was decora.t-
ed' with pictures, flowers and. some.
dtawingS of •European dress: Card
tables were set :pp,,'.and,each had
a table centre and a menu card,,
.;As the -guests, arrived, they were *el
corned by several of • the. girls and:
then sat at a.table.. Heather.M'a'c-<
•: ;Kenzie on behalf ,of.. both clubs;
welcomed'the.•ladies and explained
that the ;course'' had.been.a study,of
food cost am s of immigrants
•had. conteto'Canada from nany
. countries: After the Institute •Grace,
was sung,,. Connie MacKenzie and
.Marion::WallP assed hors d,''oeuvres':
Mrs. Ted Collyer, lnstitute Presi-
dent, was. asked ,to take the lead
to the buffet table for•
Smorgasbord .dinner'Of many of; • •:
'these foods. Each 4-H member had
made a, different item so there was.
quite a variety of; food
th st
*'Everyone was:.very en u i i
about trying, so many ' new: 'dishes
and many favourable' comments '.
were heard
Mrs:' Ira Dickie; assistant leader
of "Kairshea' Pioneers" , conducted
•a, quiz• on, the different foods and '
•countries. .This wa$`Very interest-
On. behalf ,of the ladies,:
Ted Collyer expressed thanks. to .
the giris .and_'their leaders. for •such
• an P
Y enjo able arty Anne Graham `.
. Y .
replied on behalf of.both :clubs:
• Followin ' is the''menu the girls
,'served with the; nationality who
• introduced the food to Canada ,in
Hors d'oeuvres' (French); Bread;'
lrish Soda .Bread ,:• Rye Bread(N ,
European), French Bread; Salads:.
Hot Potato Salad(Gerrn•an), Salata
(S, Europeans),. Pickled Eggs (Ger-
mans);, Vegetables; Succotash (Ind-
ians), Rice ,(Chinese; Japanose ),'
Ba ed Bean French ; Entree; 'Sau
sage and Tomato Bake (Belgian),
Goulash (hunganian), Pizza (hal- •
Dessert; English Trifle, Blueberry
Buckle (Pioneer Canadian), Torte
(Polish),. German Tea Squares,
Baked Indian.Pudditig, Dutch
Cookies;. Beverage,, Tea (Chinese,
'Japanese), Dutch. Ch'ocolate..
. earning. Lasses
The sixth meeting was held at
'Mis. Zinn's home, March 29th at
1:00 p.m . The meeting was open
•ed with the 4-H pledge. The •
,minutes of the fifth meeting were
read by Irene Hasty who also. con-
ducted the. Roll Cali: One, thing I
already ltnow about Scandanavia ..
or Finland.
It was decided to hold the seven-
th :meeting Aprililst at Mrs
Riegling's, home..
Miss Carrol, the home •econom
• ist gave a brief discourse: on, the'•
activities of the ,forthcom:ing Ach-
ievement Day and. answered any .
questions 'pertaining to it. The
Northern European countries,
customs ,and their many dishes .
were discussed -..Mrs'. „Zinn, display
ed many picture, s of cheeses and
•Dani'sh.Smorgasbord The various
-types of cheeses were then sampl
- •ed, • •
All 'worked,in groups to prepare
open=faced sandwiches, .af plc cak
and Rhubarb Soup:
These dishes were sampled acid •
briefly .commented upon:
The meeting was closed with the
singing of cod Save• The Queen.-
im 8oak Heads
.aky:Calf Club
• Lucknow and, Dutigannori 4-H.
Agricultural • Clubs held their :organ
ization day on Friday,' March
31,' in the Lucknow ,District High
School.. Dave Inglis, ,extension
assistant for Huron 'County opened
the meeting with the 4-H. pledge..
He then, described the different
clubs and projects :a'4 -H' member •
could enter in the 4-H Agricultural
work .He:also;briefly outlined
annual events and their dates which
occur during the 4--H.year
The members then organized'
;their different clubs;'They elected.
officers and received signs and
The Lucknow rairy Calf Club has
thirteen members so far this year
with Glen Walden and George..
Kennedy acting as leaders. •
The''officers elected were. Presi-
dent, : Jim; ,Boak; Vice President,
Stephen Andrew; Secretary, Allan
Finlayson, Press Reporter, Nancy
Walden:' It was decided to hold'
the meetings the first Thursday ;of
each. month,; ' '
'Entertain I�lothers
, On Wednesday Whitechurch` Can-
adettes. entertained their mothers
at, a Centennial'.Travel Party at.
8;30, in Whitechurch Community.
Memorial Hall which they had de
corated ,with 'pictures drawn by
Irene De; Boer. The ;other members
did the coloring of an Irish, Ukran•
tan, Norway.'and Gecman lady/in
the drese':of their country,
The President, Pamela Kint op
ened the meeting with the' singing.
of O.Canada. A musical' duet was
given by. Doris Fisher and •Irene. De
Boer, A piano solo "Ballade". was '
given by;Iuth Elliott, '
Mrs. George Fishr gave the poem
Born in Canada ,beneath' the'British
la ine'Johnson and on . r
g by Paul
being encored gave the poem '.A
Kiss" Cath"Y Solorhan and Doris
Fisher sang, ,"Seven. Seas" .;' Contests
were Managed by Pamela King and
Diane Coulter
Darlene Simpson gave a piano
ola, . Mrs. •Victor,Emerson gave a
reading "Vegetables" by Dean Mc-
Leod and "The One Who Didn't,
Are you short of grain for winter-
ing your cattle through to
5 ton •in 5
Phone, 52.8=2125.
11C 110Y1 uistn
Twine Club
Bred GiliSale:
$4,102.50 was paid for 30 lots of
the 4th Annual Huron. County Hog;,.
Producers 4-H Bred Gilt Sale on
Wednesday, March 29th •at the
Clinton Fair ,Grounds Barn,, 'Font
Lacombes' averaged $148..60,„bile
Landrace sold .for $200,.00. .and ;25:,
Yorkshires averaged $132.40.. The.
overall'average sale; price Was
$136.75: ,
The top selling gilt was a. Land
race Remview•'Beth 1X bred by
:Robert,IvMcMillar.; Seaforth and
consigned by, Garry McClure.of.
Seaforth. Shewas. purchased ,by
A.. Blok, Bayfield for• $200.90.
The second top price of ,$185.00
was paid by Robert Corrigan, ,#1
Bluevale. for a :Yorkshire' 'consigned
by Graerpe Craig, Walton, ,who.
had the top'. selling gilt at last
years: sale, The top priced"Lacom-
be consigned by Owen Wright, 41,
Wroxeter was sold.to J • Jansen,
#2.,Seaforth ;' for $160.00.
Top buyers,were B.12; Gamble,.
#1, Granton `Tri Usborne Township
who .purchased seven S` orkshires`
while J'. Jansen of #2 Seaforth
bought three' Lacombe and three
Yorkshire so S., 6
• All of the sow`s. consigned' were
Pass''_by Ethel. Chapman. She a'so
conducted amoral tour contest,
Thelma Pardon gave a piano solo
•The 13 Canadettes sang Canada
accompanied on the piano by MrS.
Garnet Farrier. •
The mothers present .then lined up
And served themselvesto the first
course and'were•seated at pretty •
decorated tables. When 'the. first
course was over they returned for
the dessert. Courtesy remarks were ,
given. by Pamela King thanking all
pothers' for .Attending , those taking
part; and the leaders Mrs. Farrter
and Mrs. Bill Evans for their helpr
sold to swine producers in Huron
County:. The Huron County Hog •
Producers 4-H swine club was re
organized recently with a member.
ship of 59 rural boys and girls.
Family. Shower
For Janet Forster
A family shower was,held at the
home of Mrs, Albert Colwell on
Saturday evening for Janet Forster, •:
Those from this.area• who attended' f .
were:•Nlrs, Herb. Farrell; .Mrs: Jack
Farrell Janet and Cathy ,• Mrs.
Gordon'.Patterson, Mrs `Bob'Forster,
Mrs. Walter Forster; 'Carolyn,
Janet., Mary Dorinda •and Cathy,
Mrs. Ardill Mason, Mrs.,' Currie
Colwell and, Betty;. Mrs. Don MC
Cosh and Mrs., Frank Colwell.
Janet Forster spent.the weekend
with Betty Colwell•of Kinloss.
Mr, .and. Mrs,' Peter Leeson and •
Mr. and Mrs,. Bill •T.a ylor of Elmtra ,
were weekend guests of Mr..,'and •
Mrs. Victor Gawley. •
Mrs. Currie 'Colwell,' Mrs. Don
McCosh and Mrs,• •Walter Forster"
.visited on Sunday with .Mr, and
.Mrs. Ardill Mason in Ripley
.•NI}•s. Burton Collins was in Kit
Chener on Saturday where she au-
ends classes,
Weekend visitors with Mr. 'and
Mrs . George' Ernersori and 'Bob were
Mr, and Mrs•. Chester. Cariipbell '•
sand David .Of London ,•
:Mt: 'and Mrs',, Howard Thotn,pson
and M'r.:and M s, .William Arnold
of Ripley were guests of -Mt, and
.of Ripley
McCosh' one evening last
week:.; • .. ✓ • •.
Walter Collins visited o.n Sunday'
evening with. Mr, and Mis, Don
bore and'faniily.