HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-05, Page 6rr 1t <<5r,ki' PAGE •SIX' S�RRF. THE .LUCKNOW SENTINELS LUCKNOWL ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,. APRIL Sth, 1967 CI'.SSIEIEDADS AUCTION. SALE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of choice :300 acre farm, registered and grade Hol-. stein cows and ,heifers, hogs, mod- ern farm machinery, hay, grain and some . household effects, .will be held for LLOYD HENDERSON Lot 3, Concession .1, Huron Town ship,: 2% miles .west of. Lucknow; on,Highway86, on MONDAY, • APRIL 24' at 12:30 p.m. sharp LIVESTOCK: • 14_ 'fresh and springing Holstein tows; 23 springing'' Holstein heif- ers; 16 yearling steers and heifers, HOGS: 12 York sows; '40 feeder' hogs. HAY . AND GRAIN; 1,000 bales of : conditioned hay; quantity of mixed grain and. corn. ,IMPLEMENTS: Massey Ferguson 65 'tractor,. like new, with : hydraulic 'loader and bucket; ; Allis Chalmers WC trac- tor; Massey Ferguson 72 . self -pro- pelted combine,: used 3 seasons; Versatile 10' ft. swather with con- ditioner, on-dit oner, new;, Kongskilde . 12 ft. cultivator; Massey Ferguson 3 fur row . plough, 16" with :high. arch, 12 ft. chain harrows; Internation- al 15 nternationa1:15 run'fertilizer drill; . New :Hol- land 69 baler Smoker 40 ft. bale: elevator; New . • Idea 140.. bushel'. manure spreader;. 'rubber : tired wagon and rack;. 40 ; ft. extension ladder; 1956 Ford car; post hole auger; 2 cattle oilers; ,vise ;: wheel- barrow; 2. electric hammer mills; 4 pig, feeders; troughs, liar posts; • barn frame ' 30 x 50; num- erous . small articles.. DAIRY ,EQUIPMENT: 2 unit'. Surge milker, complete with pump for 4 units; Viking :el- ectric 800' separator. This is a good offering of nearly new farm machinery. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Kitchen table and 4 .chairs; Din `ing 'Mom table and chairs; buffet; chrome kitchen set,; table . and 4 chairs;- chesterfield' and 2 .' chairs; refrigerator; .2 . complete' bedroom suites; Dining room table, chairs, buffet; set' of twin beds; .small household articles.: ; REAL ESTATE: The .,real estate ,consisting of' 300 acres •of. good clay loam, level land consisting of :Lots 1, 2, . '3, Can. 1; Huron ..Township, Bruce : County, 150. acres more • or less ; on which is situated • : large frame dwelling with 7 • , ' ms, kitchen, ' dining and living , bathroom, new furnace with all odern, facilities; suitable for two families; driving shed; large .bank barn 60 x 80, ' with shed 35 x 60, :with cow ties, loose pens and `hog pens, silo all in good repair.. The other parcel of real estate ;is' the ;adjoining 150. acres,.' more or leas, being • lots 4 and 5, Con. 1 and the South 'half of the north ',half of lots . 4 and 5, Con. 2 Huron ' Township, Bruce County, •. on, which ' is, situated a good frame: '3 bedroom dwelling, with . kitchen, . living room, bath- •room, oil • furnace ' and ' all modern -.facilites; ; la rge bank barn with:. three large loose pens; nearly" , new �/ .'silo. • Both farms have good, drilled wells and pressure :systems. This is one of the best offerings of land- ever to be offered for sale .; by auction in this area. The landis in . high state of production;; being well farmed over the years,. all tile drained, fall'. fertilized and d is all workable except for 12 acres of bushland. This property is well situated in ra good farthing area on the Huron -Bruce boundary of Highway 86, 21 .miles west of Lucknow. There is 170 5 acres ploughed for 'spring crop, balance in hay' 'and. 'pasture,. These farms are ideal .for, cash crop as beans, corn or dairy or beef operations. The farms will 'be offered subject to, reserve bid at 2:30 p.m., as one unit of 300 acres and .if not sold, will be offered as two separate parcels. of 150 ,acres each, Immed- iate mmediate possesion can be given on land; property open to inspection any time before sale. Terms 10%d cash day of sale, balance in 60. days: If government loan being ap- AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE 'AUCTION SALE . of . livestock, machinery, grain and household effects will be held for : Albert Bacon, Lot 38,'Con..8, East Waw - meth Township, . 2W miles west of Belgrave; on Saturday,. April, 8, at 1:30. , •• Terms Cash .- = Farm., Sold Allan Maclntyre, . Auctioneer Lucknow • AUCTION' • SALE', CLEARING AUCTION SALE -- of choice implements, hay and grain, will be held for Wilbur Got- tschalk, ottschalk, lot 14, concession 2, Bruce Township, two miles east of Blue - water .highway, .Saturday, April. 8, at 1:30: p.m. See bills for list, terms cash,,, Wilbur •,Gottschalk, prop; Donald B. Blue, auctioneer. AUCTION. SALE AUCTION SALE — of machinery and hay will.be held for HERB McQUWLLIN Lots .65=66, Concession 1,. Kinloss Township, 114' mile `:north:. and ° 1. mile west of Lucknow, on .. TUESDAY, APRIL 11. at 1.30 • IMPLEMENTS: Allis Chalmers D-14 tractor, like new, `' manure loader . and snow scoop; post : hole auger; Graham ,chisel.plough; double disc; chain harrows; Massey • Harris manure spreader, like , : new; 8 Steele hog feeders; • hog water bowls wagon and ' rack; • Gehl rotary forage. chopper, cutting box and pipes; •1966. Ford. % ..ton truck; bench saw; anvil; forge; 7 ; rolls ' of new barb wire; 200 steel. posts; ` 2000 ft. 3/4" .' plastic hose; 18 x22 tarp; tractor- _chains and heat., houser;. 24 ft 'aluminum extension' ladder;. barn . jack; ' electric . drill Jackall,. jack; taps .and ' dyes;; •single har- ness;:. cattle: clippers; set of bur-• dizzors, elasiator,, syringe; .'Lett grinder; wrenches and numerous• small articles. HAY: 900 bales of'hay. . TERMS CASH FARM 'SOLD:.'• Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer; AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE = of beef cattle and farm' machinery. will 'be held for Ernest Noble, Lots 7-8, Con- cession 6,. " Morris. Township; 2% miles south of lielgrave and 1 mile east of "Na. 4 .Highway on Monday, April 10 at 1:30. TERMS CASH :FARM SOLD Allan"Maclntyre, 'Auctioneer AUCTION /SALE: AUCTION .• SALE of .farm'; ample- ments and household effects will be . held for Mrs. James Walker Culross Township on Tuesday, Ap- ril 19 at 1:30. TERMS CASH Allan MachMyre, Auctioneer plied. for, terms will be arranged • on balance at day of sale. Cows, young cattle; hogs sell ° • at 12:30 .p.m. Farm offered for sale at 2:30 p.m. Machinery and household offsets at . 3:00 p.m.' TERMS CASH 'Lloyd Henderson, Prop. R.R.. 3 ,Lucknow, Phone 78 r 17 Ripley Allan MacInt re, . Auctioneer Phone 528.3519 Lucknow Askaboutconvenierit departure. . • and return times For information, phone the local, ''CN Passenger Sales' Office CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.65 Ripley school Wins: Fire Pester contest Fire Departments.in Bruce County sponsored .a Fire ,Prevention poster contest' amo•ng'grade five pupils within the county. Each Department chose` its own Boy and Girl winner and they were'' submitted to the BruceCounty Mutual Aid , Fire Association • for judging,, Grant Farrell.of RR,#1 Kincar- dine and Joan Courtney of R. R.:3 , Ripley were the winners of; the,.boy and girl class respectively: Each winner willreceive, one of ,. the.Irwin Lobsing ger trophies which they. ma keep; Theyare both YW. pup ls: of'the Ripley Huron Central school: • Their posters have been :forward- ed' .Prevention for ens . in the all ,Ontario Fire rY postercontest s sponsor., poP ed by the Ontario Fire:Chiefs' . Asi;ociation'Prizes area $100 Dominion of Canada' Bond for the winner of the boy ' and girl class:. The Bruce County Mutual: Fire AssocJailon•sonsors the county P y. contest. each, year to stimulate interest in Fire.prevention among. •the•young.people: FormerResident Died.. Sat r u da:. y .WHITECHURCH' NEWS ,Word was received here that Margaret Mae ',Paterson:, age 82, , passed .away April. 1st in ,the Senior Citizens home: at .Leamington. To the older residents of this village • she was known as Lil and'resided here with her. brother• the late Ken' Paterson and his family`after his wife passed away leavinghim with: 3 young. children. She leaves toK mourn her loss one .sister ,Mrs; John Mundell of Michigan and several nieces.and nephews.' The late Miss, Paterson rested at the Currie Funer- al Parlor where service was conduc- ted on,Tuesday with burial in Wing ham Cemetery; . ,t ' MrS. Ben'McClenagh'an returned home on the week end from Bruss= els• where she had been at the hone of Mrs. Jas.. Anderson for some ' time. . • Mr, and Mrs:; Bill Rintoul, Donna Sharon, Doris and Neil visited Sun- day with.,Me. unday.with•,'Me. and Mrs. Ralph Cam eron and family of Ashfield: On Sunday evening.Mr.. and' Mrs, Bill Rintoul visited with George aldwell at Clinton Hospital where hehad been admittedith a heart w e condition. Mrs. Robert Purdon of Belgrave visited Saturday. with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs . Archie Purdon, Cathy, Lori and Kendra visited .on Sunday with Mr'. and Mrs., Jim `• ' Curran of St. 'Helens The frost is coming out of the gravel roads laking soft holes'and on Monday the -bus driven by John' Pritchard became stuck and had to be assisted out. lucknow Resident Passes At Wmghpm MRS. WM, N. BUSHELL Mrs., William Bushell of ..Lucknow •passed away in'Wingham; and Dist- rict Hospital after a lengthy illness on•Wednesday:, '.March 29th. She • was inher.87th year.: • • Mrs. Buth e11 was the former Mary Ana n e re' liter of George etta.,,Ivr oo ,•d ug Moore'. and Agnes Wardrope: She.., was born' in Greenock Township on August 4th, 1880 • . On September 30, ::1933; she • married 'William N.. Bushell of Kinloss After their marriage Mr. and 'Mrs. Bushell lived in Ripley. where they. owned and operated the bakeshop andgrocery store. They sold this business to Mr. and. Mrs..Donald Blue and in Novem •ber 1944 retired to Luc ow. ,Mr. Bushell passed• awa o November 6,x1954 Besides her•husba•nd she wasre- P; deceased b ..,a•sister Bella Mrs. John Colwell and a brother, John G Moore: Funeral: ; service was conducted'. from MacKenzie 'Memorial Chapel .Lucknow, on Friday March 31.. Rev. Laird ;Stirling, minister of Lucknow United Church, of which ' Mrs. Bushell ,was a member con- ducted• the, service.:` •' • Pallbearers were Roy Webster, Gordon Patteson D,A. McKillop, Ray 'Gilders,_Max .Bushell. Edbert `:Bushell. Temporary. entombment was at South Kinloss Mausoleum.. �rot er Passes. �t Cargill Couple Married At St. Helens HOL1vIES•. - •BARBOUR ,,,. :,Ph llis Jean Barbour acid Charles y ... .Gordon Holmes exchanged rings and vows in• a .quiet: ceremony at' .Helen's United Church manse .recently with Rev. A. E,• 'Willis officiating ,.: Mr. ;and Mrs, Elwood Barbour are the brides, P. arents Mrs•. `Harriet . .Holmes of Delaware and the late Cecil `Holmesare parents of the Groom Liven in marriage :b her father • the bride 'Wore. a 'Street :length th dress • g • of,eggshell lace over slipper satin. A small satin;.fiower,hat with veil completed her ensemble: She; • :.wore a'corsa 'g e of red, roses; and WHITECHURCH.NEWS ' (Intended for Last Week) On Monday Dan Cassidy -received' word that'li•is brother.Jerome Cass` idy, a barber. at 'Cargill had died Of a heart attack.. This community extend their sincerest Sy mpathy to, h,m in the loss of his brother. ''pan Cassidy returned -to -the home •of Mr. and' Mrs; Walter Arscott' after spending the 'winter with • , relatives inLondonand 'Toronto: Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz, .Karen, :Leena. and Kenton of God- erich were Sunday visitors with his. parents:Mr. and Mrs. Ezra. Scholtz. David. Beecroft of Toronto and Miss cane Beecroft of •London• are spending�the•Easter vacation at the home of their parents Mr: ,-and Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft. • • Mr.` and Mrs:Kenneth L'aidlaw•of London:Were'Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and, family ' Mrs. Dorothy Leshley of Hamilton visited on the week -end with het parents Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ross. Mr. and 'Mrs, Sidney 'Thompson, Dennis,; Lori and Lisa were Sunday Visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon :Wright of Clifford Mr, and Mrs. George Walker Mrs. Allan Barbour, sister -in law of the bride was matron•of honor..:' She chosepale flue shantung.silk .� with. corsage of pink carnations and ern and white accessories.. Allan Barbour was groomsman Following the 'marriagea recept= ;: ion was held, in Whitechurch•Corn-:.• munit Hall. -Music for dancin was supplied by: the San -an -tones of London, friends of the couple. At the close of the dance 'a buffet supper was served ,to' around 60 guests, after .which: the many gifts including a.sum' of noneywere opened by the bride ';assisted b Mrs. •'Allan Barbour, Mr..and.'Mrs. Holmes thanked. their friend:s'and relatives .for • remembering. them in this way. Guests were present from London, Delaware;' .Lucan, Wingham, St Catherines•, Listowel, •Buevale, Waterloo as well as the St. Helens.area. , WE D NESE • MR. FR Incr c Cat UCN WHI •'Mac Bro Kinloss: ha •Fire; Depa' ing becau which due action wa! control.' Carol Ani spent Easte grandparen • Walker,•' • :Doris Ros: • Conn atten • Wingham. 4 '•• ..Mr. and Goderich. with Mr.. a Jim Orr: o past week. 1 — Wm. Orr a UNDERWEt • Phyllis. SI sils remov( and Distric accompanied; by Miss Lila Humph. rey. of St:.:Helens; visited on Sun- day un day with M. and.Mrs. Earl gran- • Ston' of Ashfield :and .with his moth er Mrs. Cranston. Misses Bernadette'and Patricia King • and' their':father, J C K ing of Toronto spent 'the Weekend with ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arscott and girls. On the return trip Sunday evening to Toronto they were: • accompanied by :Mrs. Walter Ars-: cott, Valerie and. Andrea,King to spend the Easter vacation with them and ,other relatives. .ATTEND ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson and. his mother Mrs. William Simpson -of .Lucknow on Saturday attended , the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr., and Mrs. James Wilson of .Lon don, formerly of this, village•. There were arourid. 85 guests in attendance. :This'. community ex: tends their congratulations °to Mr. and.lvlrs. Wilson on this happy occ:. asion; • • Mr, and Mrs. Don Dirstein of • Toronto spent the week end with • her parents Mt;° and Mrs. Ru sell Gaunt. Gordon Moffat of Ottawa visited with Donald Gaunt. and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt on Monday, eta of, "Fee! Mill 'mil) • The -mill ::SHL • 'I`he • Slit nut' com scot calf fee