HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-29, Page 3BNESDAY MARCH, rhh, 1%7 • , • • THE 1.11 KNOW 'SENTINEL LUKNOW. ONTARIO Clarks Beans . 2 WITH PORK, IN CHILI SAUCE, SAVE 10c, 14 OZ. Instant Mil-ko •SKIM MILK PDR.,• SAVE 16; 3 LB. Dainty Rice SHORT GRAIN, SAVE 2c, LB. 6 •Libby's Vegetables DEEP BUTTERED, 5 VARIETIES, 12 OZ. TINS Whip 'n ChM JELI.-0, SAVE 16c, 33/4 02. 37c • • 2-45c SAVE Se,• 441 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 BUY -OF -THE -WEEK Green Peas 1 MOUNT ROYAL CHOICE, 4" •OZ. • iiiouguilillimill0100010.00.1000, Brylcreern 3c REG. 119c, LGE. TUBES MacLeans Toothpaste REG. 73c, GT. TUBE . 63c Cinnamon Buns 39c WESTON' ICED; REG. 43e, 12' TO Foico. FOR EVERY BUDGET Luncheon Meats 4-99c SCHNEIDERS, 4 VARIETIES, 6 OZ. •LUNCHEON MEAT, MEAT AND CHICKEN, MAC. AND cHEESE, PORK WITH DRESSING Wieners SCHNEIDERS RED HOTS, SKIN . . Coleman's Bacon EPICU,RE 'SIDE • • LEIS'S). 55c 79t lb. 1 • , . Ballet:Tisiue • .; '8!•=-89c, WHITE OR COLOURED, SAVE 27c, ROLL'S . . . : . • initant • Coffee• •,.97c • NESCAFE, 20c OFF, 440;!.-',$1:.33'VALUE;':4 OZ• • ' ' • r ' • • , . • • . • • . • • •• %. • Cheer,95c NEW SUPER BLUE, REDEEM YOUR COUPON I4ERE, SAVE • 9c,. GT. Tea Bags 59c RED AND WHITE, SAVE 6c, 60 PKG. ' . . • . Paramount Salmon FCY.•'SOCKEYE , SAVESC.; % TIN Oranges•3 Doz. all's Red anti ifoillite uiuuuuiuiiui PHONE 528-3001 FREE DELIVERY $125 RAISED BY STUDENTS FOR JUNIOR RED CROSS " 'Lookout Hollywood, We're Coming Sa Pupils Of Kinloss Central After Concert . . ' .. • Thrills. 'spills and frills highlight- Charleston Irish Lilt • Highland td.,the Centennial program: of Kin-' Fling:and some Modern dances • . , Loss Central Public School which, ere performed by several students was held in the Lucknow District • under the direction of Mrs. Ken High School Wednesday of last •• Wheeler,: week. Donald MacKinnon was ' Twenty of the bOys displayed their chairman for the evening, Mrs.. ' ,,athletic talents as they did many William Scott pianist, and Walter"'tumbling stunts. The audience freckle& Collected the money at enjoyed two clOwns as 'they'rnuffed, the door which arnounted to every trial.: , ' . • '' $125.25, and IS to be donated to Mrs. 'Rod MacDonald introduce the lunior.Ped cross, ; . " pupils as they paraded' in, fancy The, program opened, with a • ;•, costumes datingbrlharuosueb ightdh e prelude of accordian selections by, past century, Loudacal;p Friar' Keith, The &Oft, COnduCtedthe models good-bye as they by Mrs: Lou Parkersang several *strolled .off the stage in their Ea Selections "Canada'', "Soniethitiger Parade. .' . • ' to Sing About". "Canada OUr Land' Three songs, including•a "Sehdol and others, • , • song,, were sung !3y, Grade 8 and 4; The audien0e was then entertain- pupils and following, this, two ed by some action,songs• and skits. plays were presented by Grade sev- done by Mrs, trarOid Elphicit's, en pupils,' These plays were com grades 1 and 2. • ' posed by these pupils fron-i their " l)aneeS indliding Wait;tg. the HistOry courses and dealt,with '. " 'Pontiac" and,"CliamPlAin" • , • •Aninterestingand coritical per- formance wiispreSented by the • junior grades: This novelty act, an incitation of the old grey mare.. brOnght several 'chuckles' frorn, The program was then livened up With a Hottenanny" . Several, songs •involVinA the, audience were sung as.well as special numbers by Eve- lynne Brooks, Anne Graham and Sandra Thornton. Brenda Bushell ; announced the. Songs • pal William Black accompanied On hit guitar. , The evening came to 'a close with; a final 'number by thechoff, 'The, Centennial Hymn!' followed by'the, Queen., , . 'Special thanks go to „Brian Keith. •Heather MacKenzie and toitglas Wall for their numbers between • Stage changes. Also Steven Donald- sOn did an efficient job on.. the. Curtains; 'The'*pupils and st.a.ff 'would eXprest•their apprec:; iation to parents and .friends who helped thernrin obtaining costumes and in Other various ways, • LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS .Emerson (Rachel) Irwin of ' Clinton, and formerly of Lucknow underwent surgery last week at Victoria Hospital in London and it is expected that higher surgeriy, will be.performed this week. Mr, and Mrs. peter Carter. Geor ge, Peter and Aileen. .Holyrood were among those attending the fUneral'on Friday for the late How- ard Edgar of Atwooc. ' • .. • , „, Rev. and Mrs,' Guest•Mitchell and_farnily of Si. Thorpas visited in Ripley over. the week -end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Redvers Johnson. Mrs; Mitchell; the tofrp..; • er Joao Johnson. and her datighters. Pap-) and Phoebe remained for a few days visit, , • . - • • Nelson Webster•Of Windsor is:vis iting friends and relatives in the Lueknow area this•Week. • . • , . . MM. Etta Robertson of Lucknow is , a patient- in Wingharri,and District Hospital.. having been admitted : Friday evening. •... • • •.„ ' , Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Drennan • have returned home from „Guelph' after spending almost three weeks with their gra ndd au gh ters Dawn, and Judy Stewart. • Miss Judy -Stewart . ret urned toter, home in Guelph from her enjoyable trip to Erin, Tennessee. U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. John•Ernerson, • Lucknow and Mr. and Isaac Nixon . of • A shfield visited, Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs: Ralph Nixon of • Wingham. . • • . • - ' • Mr.. and Mrs. John Beirnes and ,Douglas of Stratford spent Saturday with Mr.aid Mrs; John Emerson. Mrs. Alice McKenzie of Lucknow was in Teeswater attending.the • funeral of her niece Mrs Orval l-ledley • ' 1'. Mrs. :7:1eic Inglis returned to her home in West Wa.wanosh a week • ago after spending two months in Wingham klospital. . • • Mr. and Mrs: Cliff MacMillan • and family of St. Catharines visit-. ed over•the week -end with his • parents Mr. and/Mrs. Joe MacMill- an. LucknOw. • . , • Mr..and 'Mrs, Den Steeves and' •, family of Kitchener visited on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs: Barry McDonagh, Zion. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs,," Mar- shall Gibson of Ashfield !ire Mr and Mrs. George Madge of Waterr lOO and Mr.' and Mrs Don Smith and family of London. ' • • Mrs, Gordon Ritchie of town Visited ,with her son. ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Ritchie and family. of Lon- don for a few days last week Mrs'. Robert .McNall is,a.t he*, • borne 'of her son, Mr; and Mrs, • " *Garnet 'McNall inKiniOSs, after • • . being hOspitalized for a nionth. Gordon Carter of Kinloss won $10,00 . laSt Friday in A contest at , an Atwood 'Garage. • , John Cameron of St. Helens:re. turned.home Saturday from Victoria 'HOspital, Llmdoti where he under- ' went surgery,' • , • and.Mrs . Al, Irwin and boys.: •of Don. Mills visited. with her parents. .Mr, and, Mrs.. Pert Alton.: 'of Ashfield on -the week7end. TH$4 'TeRAA to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry . , .TeRaa of V, R.1. Ripley. a son Andrew John: on Sunday:March • 19. 1967, at the Kincardine. and District General Hospital. Brownie News 8tCOND Luc :NOW PACK • (by Catherine Dunsmiur) • • The secondlucknow 13rownie • Pack meton March 21, -Janet Marr- iott conducted' two garnes, Fairy • • • Ring was held with 10 BroWnies and 60*e, ••• We' made Easter cards for our" mothers Then pow -wow was held where Tawny Owl told a story, Then the squeeze and Chisnes'cloi- ed the meeting. . • Easter visitors with Mrs, Jessie • Allin and W.. L. MacKenzie; Luck- . now were Russell l'.111n•of Windsor and Mr. and M7s RalPh Haines Sr. of Port Colborne: • " Mr, and Mrs James Scott of dOdericli have moved 'to a farm 'three miles, south of the Nile'. • David andRO6ert Martin, soni of Mr. arid"Mrs: Jcilin Martin of Concord., are visiting this week with their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs. 'FredMartin of ParamOun The boys are 'students at St And- rews College at Aurora.. , . MrsRon Rothwell of Norwood is • visiting for a few days with her Mother Mrs .;.E.1 Thorn. • . • „ . :Mi. andMr. Gary Ritchie and Troy,- Guelph spent the holiday Week -end with Mr and Mrs. liar - old Ritchie': Mrs Victor Tanner, Paisley and Mrs. .Maqice.-Giesz,:Kificardine visited on WedneidaY.with-their cousins. Madelyne McMorran and , Mrs. Jack McKendrick... Mrs.. Pose Knight of London visit- ed friends and 'relatives in.Lucknow. ' • .•1, over the week -end.. • 1..1/CKNOV,f 'UNITED C1111)R.C.F1 Rev. Stirling, B.A., B.D. Minister . • ApRIL, 2nd • • 10:00 a m Adult Bible Class and SUnday, School. .1.. 11:00 Morning Worship .1 , Sermon "Christ, Master In A Conirnunity Of Faith'!„ I .DECISIOlV'... . TO accept love and to give Jove. "4"••••••••"'":"••••••. • Lucknow' Presbyterian Church Rev. Roderick 1VitteLetid • , Minister ' # APRIL:2nd • 10:00 im. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning. Worship. 51. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCHI eV, •Statiley E. Jay, B.A.., Rector EASTER 1 APRIL2nd Church 89,hool 10:15 Holy Communion11:11 a,m. ' . • . •