HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-29, Page 1pj Year In Advane• rare lome. Of Chester Cam $1.00 Extra .To • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO:'' Ktensive'tire, smoke and water nage was done to the interior the farm home 6f' Chester mpbell near Amberley about 0,p,m . Monday `afternoon•.. to farm is' located: on the •Base ... in Huron Township, on the :Road running between Highway Ind the second of Huron and. h;e top of the hill overlooking e Fluron.at Amberl'eY.Eeach.. e Campbell family s who reside in London', use the place:as a net home. Visiting here this. weekend,, they had opened the place for the summer and it, is believed that an. overheated furn- ace started. the outbreak.. Mrs; Campbell was alone at the 'farm at the time the fire started, The interior was. badly gutted in places but the Ripley Fire Depart- ment succeeded in saving the home. from destruction. It is the intention. of Mr. and; Mrs.. Camp bell torepair the house as soon as possible • 'The 2 -storey; frame dwelling on the Campbell farm is well known to beach residents in the Amberley area. gys Culross farm r: and. Mrs'. ,Morley Wall of +1. F'olyrood have purchased a acre farm on the 10th 'c'oncess- of Culross Township from Mr. Mrs. pobertGreen. The new iers will take possession' early spring. The sale was made Nigh the Wilfred . McIntee & Limited: realestate. gamily Gathering. r annual Easter family gathering held at the home of Mr..: and Ross Sh.iells. of Lucknoww on • lay sent were Mr. and.Mrs::Wm land of Ottawa, Mr,:and Mrs: Bell David and 'Margie of ureal. Mr. and Mrs A.W. iieson Woodstock; Mr:, and Mrs ster.Campbell and David of don; W . J ; Bell of Toronto, 'Mrs. of Newton, Richard and : Chris of. Fort Erie; .Mrs. George Ern7. m ,//Purple' Grove;' Mrs ":John Dell icardine.. ir; and Mrs England' are rem- . . ung with the Shiells for the ek ak,,es Na .. , . Naval, Course hef Petty;, Officer Joe Whitby of mouth, N. S, is presently tak_'= an eight month course in • 'ctronics at the United States vat Training Centre at Creat kes, Illinois, He will finish the urse the end of Aril., Joe. a P.. •mer Lucknow resident.. has' . been. the Navy over 15 .years. He dMrs, Whitby have tWersons ; •: Lo are now 13 and .11. WeknQw Residents Qn Southern Easter Vacations Easter .week is. holiday,week :for a number Lucknow• residents; !Mary Ellen Shielis daughter of. Mrand Mrs. Ross Shielis of 'town. is with a group of teachers. -Who are spending .their holidays in Nassau.,, Mary Ellen' left by plane from Tor, .. onto on :Friday night of last week and'will. arrive horne at 4 a, m.: on Saturday of this week. -She is presently teaching public school at Uxbridge: Also in, Nassau for Easter week are Mr; and "Mrs. Jack Fisher and Mr` and . MrS 13ob'MacKenzie of tt ow L ckn' " andMrs. MacKenzie's brother Jeff Cuyler of St. Thomas: They flew to Nassau last weekend ' Mrs: Wellington Henderson Morgan Henderson.and: Mrs, Campbell Thompson, all ,of Lucknow are spending, Easter week in New Orleans and the U.S. south including Natchez: and Biloxi in • Mississippi The threesome left ;last Thursday from London by •, train and •will travelby train and: 'bus. returning this Sunday: Mr, and Mrs., Gordon Brooks of Lueknow are spending Easter week in.7orida.. They left'last Thurs- •da, b • bus and will return on .Sun- Y Y. .Sun- day. of„this week: Down Amberley.way, 'Mr.• and .Mrs. Bob MacNay who operate the Arnberley general store. are .spend- ing an Easter vacation in Puerto Rico. 'rob'and 'Mary made the trip by ar. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th; 1967 Single Copyt.10e 1i. P jobs Central -School S•alute, Centennial Year r.i01-sxtAr, lr•• N4r.,,,sa•,, Ny° ,ss'•a744 r' • ,0�.�C (S.14 A centennial'varfety program. by pupils Of Kinloss Central 'Public School., ,held. in the Lucknow High g. School "auditoritim, on Wednesday nightouIast week, received. "raves' from :all the, critics and a full house was on hand toenjoy' the .evening: ,Shown are three of ” 'the young people who,paticipated performance.. left to right Brenda Bushell , :daughter of Mr.' • and Mrs • M.ax Fushell; Heather' Mackenzie, .daughter of Mr: and. Mrs._ .Frank:MacKenzies W llia.rn :[lack' who s.:principal at -Kinloss Central; Sandra .Thomson: datght er.of, Mr; and M:' -s. Dan Thomson. ri101'Ip, Il ver' b response 'to the'C tn '.' Pu li�icour ey Pillen memorial fund raising has .been beyond expectations ,and as Of the end. of last week, the total donations had risen: well. over the $3000 mark; About.•$1200'was realized at •the,. minor hockey `.game at the Ripley arena which kicked off the camp= aign'. Donations continued to pourin after this game and by the end of last week $2050 had been raised to honour the Twelve. Young People Join United 'Church twelve young'people joined the teknow United Church by , ofessi on of faith on, Palm Sunday. he'group are front row.:left to right, Elizabeth Newbold, Valerie Morningstar.' Linda Walden, Carol Campbell, Bonnie. Maize,. ,Eliza y beth Ritchie, Shirley Nicltolsott;, 'second row , Rev, R. L, Stirling whe received' the new members. Donald Elliott. Eugene Pritchard , Raymond Elliott,,'„ Harold Nicholson; rradley P'.rrkc.. un or a ' a . .mem y of .B Blain in . nd W yne • Courtney and Kenneth,Pillen7 three Huron Township teenagers killed in a bus. -train accident. several weeks ago.. • Saturday night . at the Kincar dine arena,, Ripley=Huron oldtimers and Kincardine oldtimers tangled in- a hockey. . game with proceeds towards this. fund and before a;packed house Ripley defeated Kincardine P' - 4: This event added over $1000 to the' fund which at the first ofthe' Week -stood at. about $3100 . Mayor Floyd Weick of Kiricar dine .presented Corinne Macron-, laid and :Marilyn Thompson of h Ri1 C. . Ft. h SCh o.o 1. t e p ey istrtcr .ig c .with the proceeds on behalf of the Kincardine corfmunity, Sh;ir ' Eowersi' a keen sportsman in the • Library.VVOUld: Be • Is 86 Friday Mrs,:` Tom Inglis of West- Wawa _ nosh will observe her •86th birthday .on Friday, March 31 . Mrs'..Inglis •enjoys.very :good health' and. keeps' house for the "and her son Tom She is: the former Jennie. MacKen- ziea daughter of the: late Mr.: and. Mrs. Alexander MacKenzie of Kinloss, Township. Mrs. Inglis. has five' sons MacLar- en of Highgate, Alex of West. Waw anosh , Roderick;of Earlton . Tom at home and Jack of Fordwich, two daughters Mrs. Jack •(Elizabeth)' Flanagan.of Toronto and Mrs. Robert (Pauline) Adarns; of Kinloss; 'eighteen grandchildren. Mr. Ing • lis passed away almost four years -ago, about one year after they. celebrated their 60th' Wedding 'Anniversary, One son Alan and 'a daughter Mrs.. End -(Chrissie) Simrm are deceased; Ripley area for marlYyears; oroe . PP` ed the: opening puck' for the game I' Receive which was refereed by Johan trent of Wingham and Dennis,"iggin of Kincardine.' Besides. Corinne and Marilyn, oth- ermembers of thecommittee who.. organized the memorial are Dale Martin., Elliott Lowry..; .Howard Fjarrison, John D. Maclay and Carrick tolling The fund.raising;officiailyrends . this weekend 'and donations are '. being received until that time it ill The Lucknow Sentinel-. Because response has been so great, it is not definite as yet as to• how; the fund will. be used. It is planned to consult the, Courtney and . Pillen :faniiliesISefor.e a decision is reach• ed by the committee. • George. Newbold; operator of Pinecrest Manor 'Nursing Home Lucknow : re•cently`advised •The • Sentinel thathe was endeavouring to start a suitable library at Pine- crest, ine-crest, • . . It is felt that many of the resid- ents would benefit: from and enjoy• the facilities offered by .a itiitabl.e , ,library' at the home, Any area, residents who have suit- able books in their home ,: might consider placing them at Pinecrest where the senior .citizens would no .doubt stale good'; use of thea'. National Geographic magazines were suggested by Mr. Newbold .as being of particular':interest to those at Pinecrest. •