HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-29, Page 1pj Year In Advane•
lome. Of Chester Cam
$1.00 Extra .To
Ktensive'tire, smoke and water
nage was done to the interior
the farm home 6f' Chester
mpbell near Amberley about
0,p,m . Monday `afternoon•..
to farm is' located: on the •Base ...
in Huron Township, on the
:Road running between Highway
Ind the second of Huron and.
h;e top of the hill overlooking
e Fluron.at Amberl'eY.Eeach..
e Campbell family s who reside
in London', use the place:as a
net home. Visiting here this.
weekend,, they had opened the
place for the summer and it, is
believed that an. overheated furn-
ace started. the outbreak.. Mrs;
Campbell was alone at the 'farm at
the time the fire started,
The interior was. badly gutted in
places but the Ripley Fire Depart-
ment succeeded in saving the
home. from destruction. It is the
intention. of Mr. and; Mrs.. Camp
bell torepair the house as soon as
possible •
'The 2 -storey; frame dwelling on
the Campbell farm is well known
to beach residents in the Amberley
gys Culross farm
r: and. Mrs'. ,Morley Wall of
+1. F'olyrood have purchased a
acre farm on the 10th 'c'oncess-
of Culross Township from Mr.
Mrs. pobertGreen. The new
iers will take possession' early
spring. The sale was made
Nigh the Wilfred . McIntee &
Limited: realestate.
gamily Gathering.
r annual Easter family gathering
held at the home of Mr..: and
Ross Sh.iells. of Lucknoww on •
sent were Mr. and.Mrs::Wm
land of Ottawa, Mr,:and Mrs:
Bell David and 'Margie of
ureal. Mr. and Mrs A.W.
iieson Woodstock; Mr:, and Mrs
ster.Campbell and David of
don; W . J ; Bell of Toronto, 'Mrs.
of Newton, Richard and : Chris
of. Fort Erie; .Mrs. George Ern7.
m ,//Purple' Grove;' Mrs ":John Dell
ir; and Mrs England' are rem- . .
ung with the Shiells for the
ak,,es Na ..
, .
Naval, Course
hef Petty;, Officer Joe Whitby of
mouth, N. S, is presently tak_'=
an eight month course in •
'ctronics at the United States
vat Training Centre at Creat
kes, Illinois, He will finish the
urse the end of Aril., Joe. a
•mer Lucknow resident.. has' . been.
the Navy over 15 .years. He
dMrs, Whitby have tWersons ; •:
Lo are now 13 and .11.
WeknQw Residents
Qn Southern
Easter Vacations
Easter .week is. holiday,week :for
a number Lucknow• residents;
!Mary Ellen Shielis daughter of.
Mrand Mrs. Ross Shielis of 'town.
is with a group of teachers. -Who are
spending .their holidays in Nassau.,,
Mary Ellen' left by plane from Tor, ..
onto on :Friday night of last week
and'will. arrive horne at 4 a, m.:
on Saturday of this week. -She is
presently teaching public school at
Also in, Nassau for Easter week
are Mr; and "Mrs. Jack Fisher and
Mr` and . MrS 13ob'MacKenzie of
tt ow
L ckn' " andMrs. MacKenzie's
brother Jeff Cuyler of St. Thomas:
They flew to Nassau last weekend
' Mrs: Wellington Henderson
Morgan Henderson.and: Mrs,
Campbell Thompson, all ,of
Lucknow are spending, Easter week
in New Orleans and the U.S. south
including Natchez: and Biloxi in •
Mississippi The threesome left
;last Thursday from London by •,
train and •will travelby train and:
'bus. returning this Sunday:
Mr, and Mrs., Gordon Brooks of
Lueknow are spending Easter week
in.7orida.. They left'last Thurs-
•da, b • bus and will return on .Sun-
Y Y. .Sun-
day. of„this week:
Down Amberley.way, 'Mr.• and
.Mrs. Bob MacNay who operate the
Arnberley general store. are .spend-
ing an Easter vacation in Puerto
Rico. 'rob'and 'Mary made the trip
by ar.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th; 1967 Single Copyt.10e
1i. P
jobs Central -School S•alute, Centennial Year
lr•• N4r.,,,sa•,,
Ny° ,ss'•a744
• ,0�.�C (S.14
A centennial'varfety program. by
pupils Of Kinloss Central 'Public
School., ,held. in the Lucknow High
School "auditoritim, on Wednesday
nightouIast week, received.
"raves' from :all the, critics and a
full house was on hand toenjoy'
the .evening: ,Shown are three of ”
'the young people who,paticipated
performance.. left to right
Brenda Bushell , :daughter of Mr.'
and Mrs • M.ax Fushell; Heather'
Mackenzie, .daughter of Mr: and.
Mrs._ .Frank:MacKenzies W llia.rn
:[lack' who s.:principal at -Kinloss
Central; Sandra .Thomson: datght
er.of, Mr; and M:' -s. Dan Thomson.
Il ver'
b response 'to the'C tn
'.' Pu li�icour ey
Pillen memorial fund raising has
.been beyond expectations ,and as
Of the end. of last week, the total
donations had risen: well. over the
$3000 mark;
About.•$1200'was realized at •the,.
minor hockey `.game at the Ripley
arena which kicked off the camp=
aign'. Donations continued to
pourin after this game and by
the end of last week $2050 had
been raised to honour the
Twelve. Young People Join United 'Church
twelve young'people joined the
teknow United Church by
on of faith on, Palm Sunday.
he'group are front row.:left to
right, Elizabeth Newbold, Valerie
Morningstar.' Linda Walden, Carol
Campbell, Bonnie. Maize,. ,Eliza y
beth Ritchie, Shirley Nicltolsott;,
'second row , Rev, R. L, Stirling whe
received' the new members. Donald
Elliott. Eugene Pritchard , Raymond
Elliott,,'„ Harold Nicholson; rradley
or a ' a .
.mem y of .B Blain in . nd W yne •
Courtney and Kenneth,Pillen7
three Huron Township teenagers
killed in a bus. -train accident.
several weeks ago.. •
Saturday night . at the Kincar
dine arena,, Ripley=Huron
oldtimers and Kincardine
oldtimers tangled in- a hockey. .
game with proceeds towards this.
fund and before a;packed house
Ripley defeated Kincardine P' - 4:
This event added over $1000 to
the' fund which at the first ofthe'
Week -stood at. about $3100 .
Mayor Floyd Weick of Kiricar
dine .presented Corinne Macron-,
laid and :Marilyn Thompson of
h Ri1 C. . Ft. h SCh o.o 1.
t e p ey istrtcr .ig c
.with the proceeds on behalf of
the Kincardine corfmunity, Sh;ir '
Eowersi' a keen sportsman in the • Library.VVOUld: Be
Is 86 Friday
Mrs,:` Tom Inglis of West- Wawa _
nosh will observe her •86th birthday
.on Friday, March 31 . Mrs'..Inglis
•enjoys.very :good health' and. keeps'
house for the "and her son Tom
She is: the former Jennie. MacKen-
ziea daughter of the: late Mr.: and.
Mrs. Alexander MacKenzie of
Kinloss, Township.
Mrs. Inglis. has five' sons MacLar-
en of Highgate, Alex of West. Waw
anosh , Roderick;of Earlton . Tom
at home and Jack of Fordwich, two
daughters Mrs. Jack •(Elizabeth)'
Flanagan.of Toronto and Mrs.
Robert (Pauline) Adarns; of Kinloss;
'eighteen grandchildren. Mr. Ing •
lis passed away almost four years
-ago, about one year after they.
celebrated their 60th' Wedding
'Anniversary, One son Alan and 'a
daughter Mrs.. End -(Chrissie) Simrm
are deceased;
Ripley area for marlYyears; oroe
. PP`
ed the: opening puck' for the game I' Receive
which was refereed by Johan trent
of Wingham and Dennis,"iggin of
Besides. Corinne and Marilyn, oth-
ermembers of thecommittee who..
organized the memorial are Dale
Martin., Elliott Lowry..; .Howard
Fjarrison, John D. Maclay and
Carrick tolling
The fund.raising;officiailyrends .
this weekend 'and donations are '.
being received until that time
ill The Lucknow Sentinel-. Because
response has been so great, it is
not definite as yet as to• how; the
fund will. be used. It is planned to
consult the, Courtney and . Pillen
:faniiliesISefor.e a decision is reach•
ed by the committee.
• George. Newbold; operator of
Pinecrest Manor 'Nursing Home
Lucknow : re•cently`advised •The •
Sentinel thathe was endeavouring
to start a suitable library at Pine-
ine-crest, • . .
It is felt that many of the resid-
ents would benefit: from and enjoy•
the facilities offered by .a itiitabl.e ,
,library' at the home,
Any area, residents who have suit-
able books in their home ,: might
consider placing them at Pinecrest
where the senior .citizens would no
.doubt stale good'; use of thea'.
National Geographic magazines
were suggested by Mr. Newbold .as
being of particular':interest to those
at Pinecrest.