HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-22, Page 18e t• `r+ PAGE EGHTEE 101. UCIDIDI !"`•3' `NTIHIEL' '14UGIENQW ,ONTARIO !i. 2206 W. 18thAve, , Vancouver 8, B.C. -Nov. 8, 1966i. The LucknoW Sentinel•, Lucknow , Orit. Nat Sirs: :Enclosed is money' order o coyer sobacription ° to paper , and a :copy • of Dean MacLe od's book.. . As Dean is a'cousin of mine .1 am doubly, interested' it it.., We' still enjo r browsing through the, 'Sentinel, ' Yours truly,. • Mrs. AA.., Brown..• p: o Beit 1928, Si. Petersburg, Fa 33731. • Nov. 3, ,p66. Dear. Don: Please find 'enclosed, renewal for Sentinel and. Dean MacLeod's poems. Edythe and 1 - have treasured one of her poems on a. Christmas card' for years. We' look) forward: to .read- ing this new collection of poems We are sorry t� :ask you to dis- continue the Sentinel the,following year. There is difficulty ,in deliv- ery in Florida. Will you kindly remember us to 7 Lorna and.,the Thompson family. .Sincerely .,. Pheme' Irving.` "Uranium City September 30, 1966 ; Dear Sir: 1 am enclosing a money order for The Sentinel and oneof Dean: • McLeod's. books of poetry. We. had our first' fall of "snow :on, September'. 211:, but itisone a ai;n..Weather. g � is real nice . and warm , this month. Look. for. my, Sentinel every Thurs- day. Sincerely ; ,Mrs,. Edgar 'quest, 101,Prospect Ave,; Kirkland: Lake. `Dear Dom. I lust couldn't get along without'• the news from Lucknow:. It is a law here that no one must disturb Grandma, while she is reading'her paper, Best wishes to 411 T e Thornpsons. Rebecca. new. 16 'AnnapearlC'ourX Willowdaie,• Ont,, Apt: 2, Lucknow Sei inel,,: Lucknow - '.Qn Just a note to,saywe do enjoy having the paper every week as it keeps me in touch with thehappen . ,ings: in and around.lucknow' Also 1 might°r ention'onte'. n awhile our paper'does not arrive until Monday and sometimes later thanthat:, but_ mostly,we we get it by •Satt urday. Just thought you would like to know, Please:find enclosed a motley order for' my subscription' and thanks again. • Wishing you all a. Merry .Xmas` and Happy and Prosperous, New year. . • I Remain, •' Leonard. C. Webster.. 1721 Woveli .St , London, Ont. 1 Cactober, 1966.. The Lucknow Sentinel,• Lucknow, Ont. Dear Dons 14enclose my cheque for., $8.00 payment for two; years. I would •:be in deep trouble if The, Sentinel' .stopped coming.: Kindest Regards, T. D. Clark 485 Duplex Ave 'Apt.46, Toronto 12, November 9. 196,6.::;,--- Lucknow 96,6.—:Lucknow Sentinel, Dear Mr. Thompson .; For some reason Or .other. our Sentinel has not reached us this • time always look forward to receiving it. 'If possible would, like to have ,a copy. " Good l ick,'to you and staff who ooking Al l to Is The Tire Ta Pion `r a 'Your Spring Seeding Prograi DROP :IN TO YOUR CQ -OP NOW WHERE Duality, and 'service are the . most `°'ir►iiportatit commeadities .: Then. pix why it pays .to- sees your Go.op 'first' Luckn�w; Voilttaied fi`rmek AM' • 14 . 9panaerrsd b IiEDN ESDAy, ;MARCH!. 22nd,. 1967 4110111,0,10411.40,011004 J.ucknpw ami District Liens, Club N LUG.NOWARENA: at . 7.3M o'clock harp. tX)b'TME` EVA P*E.S�CNQ01. • Mtd , KINDERGARTEN Best/ Boy or Girl $100 Pt1l'11.IC' SCHOOL S1UDENTS: Grades 1 and 2: . Best Boy or' Girh . Grades 't3. arid 4: Best Boy or' Gild Grades:5 and. .6: Best Boy or %Ylii 0.00: . Grades ,.7 and Best . Boy or Girls 75 $1.00 HIGH . SCHOOL 'and ADULTS;' Best tally. or !GCgt. . $1;00 Best tentaimial Caen' RACES .. Girls'' race,. age 8. ad..7': Boys' 'race, 'age 6' '04,7 • .Girls' Trace, :age, 8 and 9 Boys' race; rage 8. and 9 `Girls' grace, age lO and, 11.•: Boys'' race; 'age 10 and 11` 'Giris''' race, age 12 and 13 ' Boys' .rase, age 12 and., 13,• fS .50 Open race, girls and boys .?5. .50, .75 .50, .25.. .75. ,.50 25 .50 .25 .50 .25 :50 .25 .50 .25 .50 • .25 .75 :50. .25 • y 00.00.0,00..0.00000.0,0000.0400•00,00001:00 are making a splendid job.`of.the paper. Sincerely yours, Earl &.'Bertha• Lindsay Lorindale Ave, Apt. 301, Toronto, October 2S,, 1966.. Dear Donald; Please find enclosed cheauefor, $4.00 for renewal of subscription to Sentinel for 1967 Mabelle and. I both enjoy reading it. There are still a number of names familiar to us` after an absence of 50 years. Sincerely yours, Bertha J. Allin. Box 2161,, .Merritt., ' 13:C. °',October 11, 19.66. Lucknow. Sentinel, Lttcknowa:,', Ont, Dear Don; , Please renew our subscription to `your: paper.. It. is much better than four letters a week from the neigh•- burs re. a11'the news. , Thank you, . Sincerely, 3. Harold Campbell { 268 dentral Ave.. London, Ontatio.'•, Qctober iltft, 1966•.. The Lucknow Sentinel,` Lucknow Ontario. Dear Sir; •� Enclosed find cheque in payment,. for our subscription for, your paper., •ICindly note our. change af'address as above. We enjoy the papet, an look forward to receiving it, every week. Sincerely, • • • D. M; Johnstone. .w.,-:� :.,,.wM.• , ,.u„M, ,ter 67 Sheridan :St , 6rantford , Ont, October lith _.1966 I look forward to receiving the paper a. from myOld home town and er enjoy reading: the news of my old friends and neighbors. 1 wonder if it would be possible for. me to receive it a little sooner after printing as .sometimes the paper is a week old when 1'receiveit. 1 would be very gladif this is possible . Sincerely; Wm. Stauffer,. 9` Arbordall Rd , Apt. 4Rexdale , Ont. • October 20, 1966, Dear' Mr. Thompson: • rustaline, to let you know that we have moved and our address:., is at'the top,of the page. This is• a Senior Citizen's: Apart •trent. So please' continue ,to send your wonderful:paper which we couldn't db.with.out. Everybody around here who came from Lucknow reads it, ;Yours trtily, Nellie lvMorrison, (Mrs. Lance Morrison) LANGSIDE E LICHRE' PARTY ' Five tables, of euchre were play- ed at Langside Community Hall on Saturday evening;.. In -charge of the:. evening were ;Mrs., Clifford Young .and Mrs.. Dave Moffat who helped int place of'lvirs. Jim Young -who was unable to attend. High prizes wenn to Mrs:- Donald Stewart of • Teeswater and Dave Moffat and low' prizes to Mrs.' Elrner'Scott and William 'Young. 'Another°party-will beheld in the Easter holidays' on .r ' Friday 'evening Marth 31,, when both -euchre and +crokinole +will be:. played. witli'tlie Ball Committee in:charge. • • M4+ Ccflley and' Bill Moffa spent the week•erid with Mr. Mrs,, Fred Bartholomew and f iIy tti:Iiay ~ 1 r.. and Mrs..Ted: Collyer return ed last week from their trip to :Texas and other parts of the south- ern United States including' Florida Ken :Young of Thaimesville was a week end visitor atjhe home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young:.. The, two Kaiirshea,4-H Home - Making Clubs will 'entertain their motherstand'the.rnembers of Kair- Shea -Institute Con 'Tuesday afternoon. March 28 ;at 4 o'clock }ata Centennial Party 1n the shea Ins•titute Hall:. RASS FARMS / 100 Acres, 6th of Kinloss 100 acres*, 6th of Huron '*' * 50, acres;„Huron 6th of,,Huron 4 * * *: IOC acres, 6th elf Huroir ` . .100 ,acrirs, 'nth elf Huron' *' * 711 100 acres,, 4th of Kinloss : pair' Buldings, 010, : y *r•'' * * 50 acres, Ki&oss, good barn, ;mist! hodiie. SOSO SEE ” I YOUR LISTINGS MMR SPRING POSSESSION * *. * C. von LYI. t BOX 193, . LuoadoW and • PHONE :-2618 am- AGENT FOR 'JOHN BOSVE$:0r WON thO'M 1 00 0. Te`Th Than ,;-0,ed:i press o numbc now w muscu ly. and MDAC this tr The search of our that demo, as the tic ed. cempl us tod Than ding c health Ms. An Wa ine.L Joh • Islan Mr, famii Bre spent here. Mr. and • Oakv "bald those Farm do M mem ring 1 hand of th mer • Vie; Mts "Won Go ati. do. e