HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-22, Page 13WEDNESDAY' .IMIA1tcH .Mrid,. 1167 Pian For 1967 'Calico Ball The March meeting, of icairshea W.I. was held Thursday, March 16th at the home of .Mrs. Harry; Lavis:. There was a good attend.- ance with twenty members:, one visitor and two..children. President • Mrs, Ted:, Collyer and Secretary Treasurer Mrs, ;Evan'Keith werein charge ...After the Opening 'Ode was sung and Mary Stewart Coll- ect, repeated, the Script re was read' by Mrs., Lloyd Macbougall.; ,' Many neighbourly'acts were re counted `as,the roll• call was answer- ed by "What•my,neighbours'have dgne for 'me." ' The secretary read the minutes, correspondence. and treasurer's re' port. Kairshea members are in favour ofeach person paying fifty tents for the noon meal ,at the' District Annual. This is to be :voted on at the'District Directors meet ing to be held in Lucknow, on. March 2lst The quilt committee displayed R. the Centennial'•ROse quilt which 'is now finished. It is beautifully done Tickets are. being sold , and the lad- ies are asked to turn in their tickets .:and money at.'the Aprfl meeting. The quilt will be on display in MacKenzie's Furniture .Store.' Mrs. Houston; in her Historical Research report, gave'some • interest ing news'on the A-.C.W.W. Mrs. Colwell told of the important role farmer's wife plays in farm bus- ,THE LUCKNOW ^SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARI iness in her report, Mrs. Allister Hughes ,• Curator ,'•asked for, .more farm histories for her records. A meeting was planned, for. April„ 10th at Mrs. Ha'cvey. Houston's for the purpose of making out ,conven-- er ;reports. • The president and secretary: were. left in charge of ,planning for the District Annual. The Institute dir- ectors will form the nominating committee for. the annual sweeting. Mrs. Leonard MacInnes,; convenr er of the Calico Ball committee reported that this group had met and this popular event is planned for April 28th, this year featuring centennial gowns. Mrs. Evan Keith gave an' excell-' ent motto on the seventh line bf .the Mary Stewart Collect. She said to tryand. understand thelittle ` differences,; then forget them and work together for the good of our community. • Mrs. Frank' MacKenzie had the Current Events and, gave a very, interesting summary of World , Canadien and local news. 'Mrs. Hughes: conducted a Quiz on Canada. lt,was'well answered even to naming the Premier .of every province: 0 Canada was. then sung: Courtesy. rernarks,,were given by.. Mrs.. Lloyd MacDougall .. ' 'After the singing' of the•. Queen. ' and the Institute grace, lunch:, was served by the hostess and directors,. • PAGE THIRTEEN'' ASK ..•F'O.R INVITATIQNS' . $� AN'NOUNCEMENTS *-INFORM-Ai.S'• ; ACCE.SSO'RIES IfhNAT10 NAL ..* LET US 'ASSIST" YOU ' WITH .YOUR. WEDDING , PLANS COME IN AND ' ASK FOR YOUR FREE ' BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER At: See '.'CANADA sr–. thrilling Walt Disne film in CIRCLE -VISION 360• - at the Telephone Pavilion. • ' good enough? good enough? good enough? good enough? And that' `never' is .probably . the most important word in our vocabulary: because it means. that we, are constantly on our toes --looking, searching, planning for i p enrents. rm rov . Improvements in methods and. equipment' oto give you even better service. Our.engineersat Bell, at Northern Electric eyer! (our manufacturing. subsidiary) and at the. Northern, Electric Laboratories—are' now working on telephone and transmission ideas that will make your phone even more useful, faster and nioreconvenient.' ' Change for the sake of change? Never! But always change where change is needed' for • the sae of imprdv'ed service" to you, our custoter: Bell Canada , _ .`s►al■ir', rte'"zilat OCKNO.:';. SENTINEL .• DirectOrs'Of';'Wingham and District ;. Hospital Elect Officers And Committees R, B', .Cousins , ;;president of the Wingham and District Hospital Association, was• elected by accla- mation to the chairmanship of its, board : of directors on Friday even-. , ing. •Barry Wenger was acclaimed. as vice-chairman Standing committeesandtheir dent. The Wingham units stood ready at Kincardine onr'the. event that further transfers. to London might be' required: The re'por.t. of the adm:inistrato; showed 145 admissions for the month of February ,' eight of, which were births; 154 discharges, 4 chairmen.Were 'named .as follows; • deaths, '79 operations,' 155 out Management Barry Wenger, ., patients, 363'x=rays, 8 blood trans.: '. chairman,` J. Goodall, J. V. Fisch-. fusions, 3812 laboratory tests,. 53 er, Dr::' B. N. Corrin, Dr. .P. J.• electro. cardiographic examinations Leahy ; Finance;. ,Roy, Hunter, chairman, Carman Thompson, A B. Adams, Wallace Conn; Prop- erty. E, E. Walker, chairman, " Harold Robinson. Mrs. 'J..W., Eng- lish; Robert.Coultes, Howard Walk er; Public Relations.:DeWitt'Mi,ll er, chairman, Mrs:. 1. W.- English,' Carman Thompson John Strong; Joint Conference Committee, R. B.: Cousins,- chairman, Barry Wenger, .J. T,. Goodall, Mrs,• I.E. Morrey; Executive Cornmittee,, R. B. Cousins; chairman, Barry Wenger, E. E. Walker,, J. V. Fischer; Roy Hunter John Strong w,as"re-appointed secretary to The board and H, L. Sherbondy treasurer.' All members of the medical staff were re -appointed .and the name of Dr: James'Little,: dentist, of Lucknow, was added to the staff roster. • • •The chairman welcomed, two new methbers'1to the board: Roy Hunter of Wingham, and Howard Walker; who,represents Blyth' and East Wawa.nosh , 55' at cancer clinic.; '1 'post mortem. examination. ' 211:physio.therapy treatments, Patient days totalled 2677, . for a daily average of 97 'compared with 75 ,for the sane Lir. e last year. R. E'. Walker, , chairman of the property committee reported:that the new ambulance entrance has been completed acid the interior is being redecorated. A^.new floor covering is. being 'laid in the main hall of the, administration' .wing Mr. Cousins reported for the I building comrnittee,that it is ex-, pecte'd•WJork will comna'ence'at the • end of March. on the rebuilding of, the older of the two. elevators' and will take about'10 weeks: for com– pletion.. He also said, 'that the work of:replacing the wooden roof over the tunnel area.with steel•decking. was finished . Dr. Leahy stated that the :work load on the medical' staff is stead- ily. increasing and .that he hoped the number of doctors -would be • augmented shortly. •In. his address to the board Mr.. Cousins:said that ore•of the major undertakings for the coming year will .be the.eonstruetion of a new • training school and demolition of the former nurses' residence building which is serving as quarter for the school at present. He also referred to the fact that.the'hospitai is again overcrowded, and that some thought should be given to the timing,o.f future building projects. REPORTS $5,000 GI,Pi Mrs. Motrey reported a bequest of $5,000 to the:hospital from the estate of the late Mrs. Jennie C. :Bentley, who'had•:been a patient for.some •time before her death. The administrator pointed ' out that gifts arid bequests to the hospital. totalled spine $14,000 last year -and .suggested that the board might apply for financial grants from . some of the recognized funds estab., lisped to aid hospitals. The secretary read a'letter,from the board of the Kincardine Hospit- . EASTER SERVIETTES a1, expressing appr'eciat'ionfor the co-operation of the Wingham THE . a 'hospital in sending; ambulances at LUCKN W SENTINEL 'fatal bus -train acci the time of the bus -train