HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-22, Page 7NEpNESDAY, MARCH'22hd 1967
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It's time. to project
Is DefenceMinister• Hellyer, 'The United States is angry
as he presses relentlessly /for with it for its crushing. • taxes;
unification of . Canada's armed on the two-thirds of the court-'
forces, marching them•.straight try o w n e d` by • U.S. coir-,
into the : twenty-first century, ' porations. The United States ;is
or straight into an '.abyss?, ' • also disgusted with it for its.
It'depends •on whom youlis vacillating ;foreign policy
ten to, these .days, as one ad- A' dim pi picture. Yes, but
Amiral after another goes down 'there is ane.: flaming torch in
with all guns 'blazing., But .I .the heart of this .d a•r len e s s..
That . is Uniforce..
the "only thing in the
'don't like the idea myself.: ,
What will happen, for eac
ample, to: the .old, friendly c o • u n t r y that Canadians are.
give.and-talte atmosphere • that .proud: of% It is a crack force in
was prevalent among the serv- : every sense.Every one 'of the
ices . in World '' War II?. You, 100,000 _ m e n . is handpicked.
'remember. When our :sir force They are the • p:h y s ic a 1 and
used: to bomb and strafe its Own metal' . elite of the generation .
troops and ships.' ' And '•. the ..Their • pay equals that of . the.
• armyand navy regularly -took' _average „university university professor' •.
pot-shots at their Own. aircraft. Their equipment is the best. in
All this jovial camaraderie ,will the, world. Their esprit de
be lost, q : • :Corps is superb
Another thing. Who' will;: the And they've earned the right
new forces fight :when they. go. to : swagger • a bit, • and. push
ashore on leave? ' If there are ; ; civilians off the' sidewalk,' and
no . soldiers, sailors : or airmen openly pinch • the • bottoms of
to tangle with, 'they'll' have ' to young matrons. `,In ' the Lower,
f i g h t among ,' themselves or Fro. 'm b o s i a. incident, they
beat up• civilians. 'A bad show, proved themselves, a tough, ef-
either way ficient and; ruthless'. fighting
But theseare minor things, • machine: In the Upper Cambo
which could pr Ob a'b l y • be die? '; affair, ' they ;stamped out
. ironed :out in . about 80. years ;communism,, socialism, ': de
There, is another, and ',more: mocracy and the entire native •
frightening prospect implicit .' population in lwo, weeks. Time
in.the formation: 'of a single Magazine azine .nick -named : theme the
.force. Dictatorship: Canadian Cobras..
"Oh, come now", you say And•, the creator of this,'mag
"Don't be ridiculous. It could "-•nificent • fighting 'force, .envied
never happen here.' This is a • by the ,`.whole.• `'world? •Two -
..democracy. ;Canadians w o u1 d fisted,. jut -jawed Joe Garibaldi, •
never put-up with it."; the :aggressive young Defence •
Don't kid .yours e 1 f..'Ca . ;Minister, the only' man in the
nadians who will put Up:. with cabinet who got' things done
the kind of government, taxes. 'And: people done in
andw ea t he r . we have• now Before entering "politicsthe
would put up with' anything. .Honorable Joe, as the papers
And the. ;whole., business 'would called . him fondly, had 'fought
be as painless. askicking off .his way to the top in the trade
• your old galoshes and putting unions, thus' learning . what ,de
Oh a new pair "of rubbers. • m o c r• a, c' y was all about. His
project alittle Say 20 tough, no-nonsense
'years into the `future. Here's of creeping socialism in ..union
the picture. We have a dod- • ranks made him feared and:.
d e r i n.g,, fumbling inefficient .; respected by all.
.government. So w h at's new,' He • ruled the :Unions fairly,
'You ask: with.' an/iron baud.' As Presi
D o.n'',t ,interrupt. The: only., dent of the Canadian De-
reason• this government is in is struction Workers Union,' he
that the ,opposition •.is even • once'' shouted ;from. the plat
more hopeless: 'form, to wild applause, "If you
By its . tax policies,. . this fee- can't beat. 'em in the union •
•ble f e de•r'a 1 government has : hall;'"beat•'em�'in the alley!"
alienated both rich and ,poor, Oh, dear. We''ve run out 'of..•
. and has ' ` infuriated the:. ' space.. But all will be':revealed •
middle-class. • . T h e provinces in ' next week's column.,, In .the:
.thumb' their noses at it. Que- : meantime don't rushy out and. •
bec •treats' it with -Gallic scorn •shotgun,-o� start form-•
, buy a, r
while bleeding it to death 'with ing a resistance movement..
blackmail. :
Huron Rejecf
Proposal. f .
BY R.S. ATl<EY •
GODERICH - Huron County. •
Council, at Tuesday's session, re-
jected .by 22-15•;, a recommendat-
ion, of the county Board of Healthy
that $41•, 000• be added td the ud
get,to finance, the expansion bnsion of the
geriatric service and the inaugur-
•ation of a mental health'service
under the auspices 'ot Huron County.
The recorded. vote stood; '
FOR Boyle, Cook, Cudmore ,
Dunbar,' Elmer. Hayter; James Hay-
ter, Kreuter., McFadden,, Stewart,
•Stirling, Talbot; Thiel, Westcott,
Wonch., . Noakes total 15..•
• AGAINST: 'Alexander i; Allan,
Boyd, Corbett,.'Culhill,' Dalton,
.Geiger, • Hardy, Mcllwain, Meken-
zie,Pattison, Procter,` Robinson,.
Smith, Such (2),: Duff Thompson..
Elgin Thompson, Vincent, •Worsell
(2); total:- 22
. The budget of Huron County
Health Unit, as proposed originally
:amountedto $180,250,'approxim'-
ately $41;.,000 more..than a year •
ago, which• wouldhave gone grin-.
clpally to finance the:proposed
new features of the County...Health
The report of the Board of Health.,
received preliminary: discussion
at 'Monday's session and was:.laid
over ' for one .day :for further infor-
rnation .1✓r G;P.A; Evans, .`
Medical Officer of Health for the.
County and- chief proponent .of the
sche ne:s. was asked to'appe.ar
'again before Council to answer
any questions "members might like
to ask.
Stewart Procter, Morris-, took the
char for discussion of the Board of
Health report, clause by clause.:'
Dr Evans answered :a wide vara
iety of questions and ''gave a very
comprehensive and, informative
. comment on the matters under
discussion. At the suggestion of
H.B. Such, reeve. of Goderich , ,
(town) the County Council passed'
a resolution requesting a more
detailed study of ;both. proposed
programmes and eport back in
due course:
,Sotith'Kinloss young people' will,'.
form the choir'', play the 'organ.
and conduct part of a'special, ,.
Easter service Sunday at,1:15 P.m
•Rev. R MacLeod will give. the
Easter m,essage..., Elan to, worship at
if youwaelooking for maximum growth
with minimum feed consumption
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know SHIA-GAIN: Chick Starter 'ill give, ,
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nderson ax
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LUCKNOW Phi 8214e
►re yoti sof grain for winter:.
ing your cattle through ` �o
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South Kinloss Presbyterian church.
this Sunday
Brenda Bushell, Margaret • .
Doelman; , Caroline '•MacGillivray :,
Heather MacKenzie and Brenda
Morrison were guests'Frida:y even-
ing with. Anne Graham. • •
Kinloss Central School pupils' are..
busy ,practising for the. Spring Con.-
cert,'which. will be presented in
Lucknow. • High School. Wednesday,
March. 22nd.,
• ,Eileen: Burt of Kitchener' was
honie'for the week -end.. Grace,:Mac
Dougall returned to Kitchener after
being home: due to. illness the .,past
two weeks
Mr: anc Mrs, 'Clair MacDougall.
of Petrolia were 'overnight guests
•at the horne of Mr, .a'nd,Mrs, Lltoyd
MacDpugall"on'Friday, Clair
recently' underwent major surgery;
and they were on their way to their
country home at.Markdale;,where ho
will convalesce' for a few weeks
.before returning to work:
The two t<airshea 4,-H groups are.
'holding a :Cenaennial Party in ,the
Kairshea Hall Tuesday ,..March‘
28th at,.4 p , m . The: girls and,..
leaders will make and serve •many
foods. All are welcor e.
• Suzanne and Jane Needham of
Corunna and three girlfriends
spent the week -end at•the., •
,Needham cottage;'
BECKER - at Victoria Hospital Lon-
don, on Monday March 20:; 1967,
to Mr; and Mrs.*Hank Becker
(Anne Petersen) a daughter', a sister
for Michael g
• Wa ne,'and• Ruth Johnston of '
Beaconsfield; Quebec are happy. ;to
announce the arrival of .their chos-.
en. daughter Lisa, Jane; ,born Janu
ar�:•29 .' 1967•, a'sister for Craig
and Paul
luron: Swine Sale:.
To • Have: 30' lots •
• Huron County .4-H Swine 'Club
members•will be auctioning one of-:
their.purebred gilts at a sale.to:be `•
held at the• Clinton, Fair Grounds
Barn in 'Clinton, on Wednesday ,
"March 29th commencing at 1 p, m,
:There will be 30 ,lots :including
Lacombe, Landrace•, ,and.York
Many of the gilts consigned are
rich in .Record of Performance
(R,,O. PO' blood lines"' and every
individual can be considered trvor-
:thy •of purchase by a breeder for
the general irnp.ovement of his
swine herd.: All consignments will.
be guaranteed as breeders by the
4=H members, and have been in-'
"spected dor health -by a
government veterinarian:
These gl.lts have been bred to '-
top :ranking premium boars. Cat-,
alogues•may-be obtained from'
'Filson and Robson, Auctioneers,,
or the Ontario •Department .of Ag-
riculture, Clinton. •
The Clinton Junior Farrners wild
have,a lunch counter on the
grounds for the convenience of
th s .iti"""ati+etie tni ce.; : ;