HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-22, Page 2PAGE TWO. 11, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCIKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1967 The L CIKNOW SENTINEL irJ: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" i• On the. Huron -Bruce Boundary Authorized, as second class mai; Post Office Department, Ottawa. Established' 1873—Published, Each Wednesday .Afternoon Member ' of the C'W.N.A. and 'O W.N A; . 4 '` Subscription Rate, $4.00 a ,year in advance4— to. the. 'USA.,, 55,00. Donald. C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, MARCH;`22nd, ,1967 uron-Bruce Dlstrki.. high School B.oa,.rd olds March Meeting At Lucknow School The Huron Bruce District High School Board held its March meet- ing in the libraryof the Lucknow. District High Scool .for a session- • that was confined for the most part to routine business matters. Budget. requests from the two prin- cipals were placed before the board totalling -about $36,000 000 and were approved. The amount covers exile- Oditure. for classroom supply and ::capital egUi ent needs fo'r the two .au pm schools'. Principal F. E. Madill of Wingharn reported average: daily attendance for 'Febcuary•as•JOi students. He said examinations: were in progress.. and that .due to illness and . other, reasons 12 students had . missed all of /the tests; • Mr; Madill went on; to, say that he .expected"se ven teachers to -resign; their positiorls'and that three had.. been hired. He told the, board. that accommodation has been secured for a,trip to Expo in June and 63, students, have signified intention Of going..They will be accompan-./ fed by teachers who will supervise,;' the tript.: The :students are required; to pay their own wayfor' the four .day trip Principal'Noel'. Mason of 'Lucknow outlined •activities at his•schooi `during February and said the March .2. and 3 operetta- was highly succ •essful. He said the students have'. raised $1,300 for. their trip, to.•Extpo andhe felt about 85 per cent of the. Students will be•going with. teacher supervision..at.a.cost of $22.00 per pupil..: A centennial ball wilt be held• on March 23rd to'help' raise funds for the trip.. He pointed. out that examinations were. slated for March 16th to 23rd ' Miss Yvonne.McPherson, secretary -treasurer., said that the; first instalment of grants had beep. received amounting'. to $33,000 • for.the academic department and $27,400 for *the vocational. • Both. are higher than in. 1966. The instal- ment; is the first of five :payments'. which' Will be made.b' y depart art- . P merit during the year. 4 . Miss McPherson. also,read two letters of resignation from. teachers that of Iyliss Dorothe Comber and David Horwood.:. Both. were accept ed with iegret • ' Mrs. Robert McKenzie; assist int secretary, said two' staff positions. in;Lucknow are held' by personnel''',': under letter of permit and that the; positions must be advertised. Murray:Cardiff chairman of the management committee , 'reported. ,. that anew principal, :for the Luck- now school had been hired. as, yell as the new -comer's Wife, who is a French teacher Salary ,.negotiations at the school :. #4.;4 }la„ progress, and ,no settle- ment hag as yet been reached with: the 'staff. '. LADIES AND MENS WEAR. FASHION MILLINERY New Coatid Suits JUST ARRIVED IN NAVY, BEIGE, • PASTELS, TWEEDS, • LAMINATES' AND.. • BOUCLES, 18/ to 204. • Priced ftom $14.9.s 'to $59.9'5 • MISSES AND JRS.. 7 TO.23 : -,HOOSE EARLY FOR 'C BEST. SELECTION: OUR ACCESSORIES' are many —*and bursting' with caw — Gloves_... Handbags - Jewelry ry Scarves — Hosiery — Handkerchiefs j� ring READY FOR EASTER To mix and match, any ensemble yy. PHONE 357.1US STARTING TIMES.. Monday to Thursday -8 p.m. Come as late as 8:30 to see. complete show , Friday and Saturday.. 2 Shows 7:15 and 9:15. Saturday Matinee - 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted iestrontrlwritrintst THUR., FRI. (2 Days) • MARCH 23, 24 . "BAMBI" Colour and ' "RUN 'APPALOOSA' RUN" Colour '. Here are two . Walt Disney features that will. please , everyk Member of the family. SATURDAY•MATINEE MARCH 2,5 "BAMBI and CUN , APPALOOSA RUN" SAT., MON, TUES. MARCH, ;25,.`27,; 28 -ERASACROSS' . the . , RIVER" Colour - CinernaScope Dean Martin Starring: Joey Bishop; .Rosemary Forsyth Teas will never be the same! Everybody went . thataway to see the funniest western .: com- edy 'since "Cat Ballou". A special.: short on : "Expo Man and^'His World" will .also be shown with this feature. lear About Marketing Boar (local and General The -third and last meeting of the • series' sponsored by the I-(uron Town• ship. =Federation of Agriculture was in the Ripley Legion Hall with "Marketing`" as its subject: • Dave: Cronin,.' Toronto, ••represent- ing the Ontario Federation was speaker. He explained the duties of ,the Ontario Farrn Products Market-' ing Board. A ifvely discussion followed.•* . Stewart Farrell was chairman Mr;‘,„ Frances. Boyle was in charge of re creation. Winners of a slogan con - Jest were Mr. . and Mrs. Reg. God - trey: Lunch was served by, the Pur pie Grove Women's' Institute. • • BUSINESS 'MEETING • CONTINUED FROM PAGE '1 ion which has been highly succes- ' ful in the past; Plans :for the . summer promotion' Will be made at. the next meeting. Discussion centred around open hours this week with the Good. Fri- day holiday; • It was agreed that. stores' would remain open all day..; Thursday this .week, close all .day Good Friday and remain open all ,. day Saturday and Saturday.evening Regular. Friday night open will' commence on ,Friday., April 7th: ari4 each Friday night thereafter: Various means ,of promoting the village were discussed.` A number of business. people are :interested in the promotion of a laundromat locally and more information on this is to be secured for the next . meeting,, , $10. donations were tnade to the Lucknow Girl Guides and the Luck- now Rangers fortheir assistance during Santa's visits to,'Lucknow:.� 'John Carneron of St.. Helens un- derwent surgery,., on.T•uesday of last week. in' Victoria .Hospital; London. Mr. and Mrs;; Walter Dexter re tumed ,on Monday of .this week from: a two-week bus tour, . which took them :as far south as Miark Florida M. and, Mrs. Art_Hinschberger, Dale and. Lisa;. Harvey Miller and Murray McCutcheon, all"of Kitch: e.ner were Sunday .ivisitors,with •Mrs,, • Frank Mfhet' ..Other visitors for Sunday 'Dinner' were Bud .Crow - ston of Lytton,' British Columbia' and John Crowston of Lucknow. 'Mr and Mrs. Allan Miller of Toronto were. visitors on Wednesday at the Miller home and with her ,parents Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morrison. Mrs..' Russell Johnstone of 'Ash-. field' returned to her home last Saturdaybeingafter:hospitalized'. . in Wingham for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George MacKinn- on and acKinn-on:andd Lisa of Naughton spent the;. 'week -end with Mrs. Eva MacQu.- aig • • Area P.C.'s To... Name , Candid...ie Representatives from a11/,munici panties in the enlarged Huron=` Bruce provincial riding will meet in Wingham on Friday` evening.: March 31. . Purpose of the meeting will be to hold an election of officers for the association and to name a candidate• to represent.the Progressive Con - servative party in the next provincial'. election. Present indications point to an election sometime this year, Guest. speaker at the gathering will' be the Honorable -William A, Stewart, minister of Agriculture• for the 'Province of Ontario. Mr.. Stewart is well-known to many in this area. As a young, man he was active in the Junior Farmer organiz.. ation and.latex in the Federation of AgHriculture: He owns and operates a'250acre farm., near'Elginfieidin Middlesex County. He'Was,first elected. to; the::Lee is lature in 1957. ` He'was named a minister,' without portfolio in 1960 and has held the agricultural'mini ' stry since 1961: The nominating `convention will. be held in the Wingham town hall' at. '8.30 p, m ; , March 31st . , EATRE ODERICH ON THE .SQUARE- ; :.FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED. COMFORT Entertainment IsOur Business: Last Shoring - TONIGHT ,: •Thur., March 23 'Afraid of" Who's . Woolf. ,; ARM11TANC! ,ELIZABETH TAYLOR RESTRIK T E D 10 MOMS. RICHARD BURTON I , Ai0! aR a Showsat . 7:15 and 925 • p.m: IDAY SATURDAY':-- March 24-25 SHOWS at '7:30, :and '920. P.M.. MATINEE at 2:30 P.M. -AT REGULAR. MATINEE ,PRICE. March 27-28-29 MON., TUES.. WED. !Of a *god • " 1 r1 k 1'1 ' ianbaainen djkivsl Pon'..rMeu000bc Shows at 7:30 and 9:15 p.m. Special Program OfMatIn�S' For oung Canada; Hockey Week. All 'Matinees at, 2:307 -At Regular Matinee : Prices MON., MARCH 27 w "PENELOPE" starring Natalie Wood TIES. & WED.,, MARCH ' 28.29— 'FOLLOW THAT 'DREAM" starring Elvis Presley THURS.- d. FRI., MARCH 30.311— "THE PATSY" •starring Jerry Lewis. SM'., APRIL1.— "MUNSTER ..... - . ...-.... „ . GO HOME -- TV Cast Starting Thuiiyday, March 30^ - "MUNSTER . GO. HOM WEpNESD_ Je l RED Kar STOCK Kel CORN. 10 icer 'Y.ORN iI SAVE Cre CUL al LYNI 11 tru SAVE rug :SAVI •:R :Pe+ SAVI Sal SAVI Ca SAV Sa SAV HE SAV Or SAV CI SAV