HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-15, Page 16,PAGE SIXTEEN` THE LUCKNOW SENTINELS .LUCKNOW;:ONTARIO6Z' .... ,..:: �,...... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1Sfb, ]9^ Wehave a garden ,full; of spring 'flowers that are waiting, to be picked. They are as fresh as a' 'spring.shower • and as . colorful as the. <morning •sunlight. So why,. not blossom out early in an en- semble from our Fashion Floor... SHINE COATS Sixes 517,: 10-20, 143444ri4 R•voniblost • ' houndsteeth ` ,checks‘ ,printed ifabriOs Priced fronr,k. sig.95 d :up ,. ai e perfect coif fr. "Expo" travel lers In straws, mohair, flowers and fabrics,, in piN- • boxes, .. cloches; berets,• • r_ollers, large 'brims. and.prHles. irked from from $3.95 and tip ettAateNN- cknow Ladies'and Men's Wear, AGENT 'FOR KINCARDINE. CLEANERS' roe Pick -Up and ' Delivery`" Monday and Tlsdayi • BiO SCoit.Resign As Grader Operat�r..: Township Would Improve BoilerBeuch. • HURON TOWNSHIP•COLINCIL MINUTES,. Huron Township Council met for' the .March meeting in the Legion •hall ,n Ripley with all:members •. '',present: Minutes of last•.meeting '. were read and confirmed. " The Deparrment.olMunicipal Affairs informed••council that con- sent has been .given io Donald Ken- '• en-'• nedy to se11.5• lots in• Lot 58; Con. A A. as requested. 'Grader operator'Bill.Scott inform- ed .council.that he intends to give up his, job as of March 31 and: go . inta partnership with his father on Con. 4 • The following: resolutions were KAMILTON'S MAYFAIR RESTAURA.N.T Dial. 528-3932 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'YOU'LL L LIKE OUR' FINE F001) ' . Excellent •Facilities For * IIANQUETS *" PARTIES * 'WEDDINGS passed by•'council; That we advertise for a grader operator,`:applications'• to be in by. April 'lst. • That we request the D"epartinent• of'Highways.to transfer, $11,641.99. from,Bridge' Construction -to Road, • construction and $2, 277.76 from Bridge Construction to •Bridge : .maintenance; . •Tha't we request the .Township 'of Kincardine, to re: -construct• the boundary,from Highway•21 to,Stde-• road 30 this summer. .That this council is prepared to spend up to '$4,, Opo to .improve . . Boiler Beach providing the Depart ment of Lands hr Forests will sub- sidize,500 on,the.dollar spent by the Township under the • Munici"pal Parks Assistance'Act,•. and also. pro; viding the Township can chai•ge a • 'fee to,maintain and improve; the. area. A' meeting with. the Depart ment is, beirig,arranged•--later :this Month., ., Township accounts of. $`3•, 509.61 • and road accounts.of $8,802.87 were ordered paid. ' Council. adjourned to 'meet on 'April 3rd in the Legion. Hall, Rip ley. EARL. TOUT CLERK a SEE...': By The Seminal THAT last Wednesday being;the funeral. of Governor General Van- ier, the local post office was closed for: one hour in the morn- ing •in'respect. Flags on all public' buildings were, at half mast. during the period of mourning. THAT a^•large group of.interested parents attended. open house at, the Lucknow •Public School. and ,the Kinloss Central School on Fri- day night.': THAT Gordon Erb of ,Lucknow was hospitalized for a short 'period after injuring his' leg in a fall in a silo at the farm of Raynard Ackert of .Holyrood where he is employed. ;Gordon was climbing the inside ladder of the silo when he fell 12' -to 15 feet off the slipp- ery tungs.''He lit onone.leg, spraining it'and breaking,.a bone near the knee. THAT Larry Courtney, son of Mr.. and. Mrs: -Leonard Courtney of Huron,has shown some :improve Ment in Sick Children's Hospital' in London. It has .been, deterniin ed that Larry has a fractured 'pel- vis ` which will prevent him :from moving around for a ,time. Ther PY ap � will; be conducted in an att • empt to restore 'his'speech. Larry has not been able to speak'; since. the •accident.,which claimed three lives and:, injured six in Ripley • recently. THAT a 'letterto the, editor Irorn "a'harassed neighbour" will be published in The Sentinel, but. only if the writer makes his ident- ity known to the editor .All'such .'letters must be signed by the writer, even if <aen name is used in publication THATa'meeting will beheld in' St Peters Parish ,Hall in Lucknow: • next Tuesday, March- 21st, to discuss:.die formation of a cornrn unity credit union..for Lucknow and district..An area`'organizer •Eil> Acheson. ,has previously spok-' ,en to the Lions 'Club •and grade;12' students at the hih school.. •' THAT Lloyd "Hap" Hall, of4Luck now•was in the lineup of the God- erich'Louzori Flyers in a, recent "oldtirres" hockey game 'in God eich, .About 1000 people . • attended the game which .will benefit the Easter Seat Fund by • about $590.. The. Flyers played the Goderjch. Midget Sailors of : a later era. '.t ' THAT Mr. and .Mrs.; Mark Johnston. ofHolyrood,were surprised at a•' family gathering on Saturday in honour of their 51st wedding anniversary,•. Actual date of the wedding was Wednesday, March .8th. • THAT successful achievertient• nights for the Lucknow and. Ripley District Night schools were held in the LuCknow7 and. Ripley. High Schools on Wednes- day and. Thursday evenings of last week. THAT'hunter.shave been reported • to have been trailing ,a wolf in the Lochalsh area, West Of the, • farm of Alan Barger on the 12th. of Ashfield, The wolf, ,however;;; is reporteto•have got away, .+'/rte'=s. ,IY,W� ��ii416.4 `YYw V+1;:u• UR 'LOWEST PRICES" FOODIrAND KELLOGG'S' 12. OZ. • ' Cornflakes- Sale CROWN.100 COUNT Tea ' Bags • MAPLE LEAF (8 SLICES PACK)` Cheese Slices • CHOICE, QUALITY, 20 OZ. . Cream ; Style Corn' STANDARD' QUALITY, 14 OZ.•' Peas On Sale .SAVE 1Ic: Pkgs. GOOD BUY ackp e.: .79c: SAVE 13c' s 65c. ,SAVE.•11c. ins 79c REAL ' BARGAIN 11 WITH. $5.00 .CASH PURCHASE aet Nalf-Gallon NO TRADING: STAMPS. SAVE 20c• :e ream f 79c, YOU SAVE'MONEV WE SELL. FOR LESS, PHONE ,52$.3420.. VALUES EFFECTIVE • MARCH 16;17, 1e THAT a local man., upon coming,; upon a serious; accident near Wingham recently,; attempted to contact police to inform them . of the emergency. Entering a., Wingharn public building he sought `out a hone:and was ad p wised: bya lady in, charge -that he. • could• not use her phone, but that there was a pay phone in the hull<which he might make use of. Perhaps she did not; real- iZe the urgency of the situation,:. but perhaps she should have .tak- en time to find out. THAT, Mr:. and: Mrs;' Elliott Sandy •.. of Lucknow , .who are spending • . the winter months in; Florida recently enjoyed a cruise to Nassau aboard the S Ste` Bahama, :. Star:, an Eastern' Stea:msh;ip Lines cruise ship•The .ship docked in. downtown Nassau, adjacent to • straw market and,casity accessible to the city THAT Miss Elizabeth -Reid, has been m oved`to• .Pinecreit 'Manor • Lucknow .:She has. been a patient in Wingharn and District 1-fospital' since,Jul 'Master 40% 'Dairy Concentrate for those.with ab 'ndant grain 3 suggested forme 450•Ibs. 40% Concentrate ' . • • ' , ; x'400 lbs. 40% Concentrate.: • 1000 His. Corn or Corn. and Cob Meal . 800 Ibs,'Corn or Corn and Cob Meat 550 lbs: Oats,and /or Barley • i :800 lbs. Oats and•/or Barley , 2000 lbs 18% Dairy Ration • ' 2000 lbs. 18% Dairy Ra ' •!!/ '• • 300 lbs. 40% Concentrate 850 lbs. Data 850' Ib4;; Barlett 2000 lbs 18% Dairy Ration Mix Master 40% Dairy Concentrate..and homegrown grain for maximum profit! S`resaks t,6at eatmt D. R. Fifliaysofl LUCKNOW PHONE 5284903 IsGrc p crowd, est people Jamin the Ripley 'an night of last. launch the C orial fund. T up as a mem Wayne. Court, Pilien of 1-1ur their lives frc in abus trail leaving a h o't game arena `s The fund h $1,75.5•as of. is growing da the esteerf it held and of tl the communi memorial' t.o `The initial. rpom at the.`1 with money 1 c';h causeostwas'bf,the from the ton • Means of itsit discussed by Twonainor' played.at,'the ni t•of Wed gh.. Kincardine Played to a • game These the ice: by BI Harp lar t Ri, Negotiation 'ed.betweenql School board 'school in the salary, schedu Will mean sh, Categories,. The.'sched.u, • $6306 minim group $1p,800; grc $11,400;.; grou $11,900... The now $400 pe •schedule; ihcl cityand, curt •The schedu ers atthe act was adopted day evening, 'The fbrmet was; group*,( and.$8600 'rn $5500and $$ $6100 and $1 $6300 with r '.Sells :Cent Chaties;Wj cession of purchased th iam Balm of .Mr F1 Im IY� ,The fain apatt'or the ThelQOat the Hemi .fa years 'and1 lived. there possession Mrs, lelni theta tot the