HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-08, Page 13• ", l*AlISSAL L. • , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • Expo FundT,,: .CIim.:bST 119 $1300 Ftillovsii peretta BY JANET CARRUTHERS ;1',HE OPOETTA: The students .• ook.grea pride in their Operetta Alen they saw the large' crowds • loth nights. On Thursday eVergng here were 380 in attendance, and )n Friday:night 460 attended, This operetta, called "Send for. phais" , wits the story of a small. :ominrinity Lucknow which Lad been oyerrun.with bugs.. The ownspeople sent a letter, to -the. • lime 'Minister for 'help. It, happen - :d. that the greatest,expert on bugs vas a local boy, Aphais (Doug :ampbell)'who had received his • , :ducation in Guelph. • in preparing:,for his arrival a gidOw Mrs. Coop (Sharyn Mow - ray) Was 'trying to getdie very )est for Aphais, nciny. 'Mr. Larkspur (Arnie 'Ross) :pirrposed"a song of welcothe just 'or his arrival and prepared the :ownsPeople to sing it when Mrs. oop,,gaVe the signal.., • . TheSpinster (Brenda Hewitt) ; • Tied to show Mrs: 'Coop:up:. It was the who brought the dreadful news tat, the fine food: that ,Mrs. CoOp, rad ordered. from thecateress .was lithe ditch after a. trainaccident.. Mrs Coop called on a ypUhg chool teacher whO.had •been, chool friend of ,Aphais;; Mary Lee Toan Ivlac.Kenzie) prepared a • , Ovely dinner, the simple country air of chicken and biShits. • • beacoriBarnes (Bruce. Colwell) tided humour to the Operetta Irroughont with his laughs, jigs ndantiCs, :; • Aphais was entertained by. old rieridSwith numbers he had e:njoy- d when living here. His old, barb- rshop friends' invited him tO sing /id). thern, as they sang Little. Lost ;heeP and The Gospel Train. . ['hose acting as the..;barbersh9P ingers 'were; Jack Cameron, Doug :imeron; Ronnie NiCholson, DOn • t 3annerrnan;:DOnald 'Johnstone, jOnald Alion.and Ricky Pritchard. The stivare dancers - Rosalene 'hillips Bill' Thompson, Lynda )awson, Harold Menary,•JaniCe • lodgins, Jim 'Boak,,Marybelle hinter` and 'Wayne Todd, accomp-, mid by l>eggy..MatbOnald ort.the iiano, Doug Cameron on the fiddle. Lnd Dong Campbell on drurns; • . hfong with caller Doug !veiled up .things with a good:old,. Ashioned:Square dance; Patricia . • ormolu. sang "Light is ,My Heart" ?icky Pritchard: played a trumpet .olo"The Carnival of Venice" rhe colourful gypsy dancers - John ckert , Carel ,Ca pbell Loree :ampbell, Tim Collyer, Irene de Iper, DonBoak, Lynda en Rouiston and Patricia Connon landed gaily as 13tigsby enjoyed .•• • iistupper. Jim Button 'Marlene )rennan, Pat Passmore; Marion Donna Elaime- Ritchie and Lane Moncrief on the. piano andLirida, t4Caerdmaectcoonai;p.dRosalene on Mason expres,sedtharud to the parents WhO, were io.co-oper ative in getting the students to and from practices;: to Elwin Hall for Jioducinglhe play; to Mrs Hewitt for her piano ac,COmpani7 merit. ' • • On Friday evening at the close . of the Operetta,: the Students • presented Mrs. Hewitt 'with a bou quet' of roses and Mr.: 'Hail with , :a 'desk set for their work in the Operetta.. ; , . Mr: Mason stressed that it was the students who did the work, with the teaching staff behind the scenes only.' • . . .This successftil event netted. the 'students about- 575: which will go towards their trip to Expo: . The studentsw.oUlci.like to thairil(„ . all those whO donated their time or inaterialv to. helpmake this'a very successful endeavor. Special thanks also go tothe Producer Mr Hall; the pianist Mrs. ;Hewitt, . the. Direetor,, Mr. Mason, and Stage,. Manager, .Mr; Dennis . .The -actors and staff members held.•a small reception after Fri- day evening's Performance, : • , • , • , Expo. • • • The 'money from -the Operetta brought -the thermometer to the $1,200: mark: This leaves Only. .$:704 to go.: The students •ftel.opti- mistic about raising•this remain- Examt , . 1$ • The two weeks between. the Operetta and exams will have no extracurricular-activrties 4n -therm -- All outside business is being 'stopped in order that the students may settle down to some long hours of undisturbed study. Teach-. • ers wilr be onhand tb giye extra help.. and answer any problems., So take advantage of this opport- unity aritrstirdy hard . • • - . . ce•ntenn la' Dance On the 23rd of March a Centenn- ial• Dance will be held in the High School.- All and .business men are invited to attend The . Diplomats will .provide the music. Either costumes of 1867,ordresses • of .1967styles are to be worn. This is to show the contrast in years 'and add' variety to the Dance., • , The Students' Council hope to make this dance a,success. • ' mEET YOUR teid. Bill Howald, Marilyn Mac- „ ntyre, James Montgomery and '• TEA ek ER .orene Errington waltzed Aphais ind Mary Lee watched arrn -in-arm When Mrs. Coop. found out that Aphais had asked:Mary Lee. , to rnarry him she fainted right into Deacon Barnes" arms which he en-.. loyed. The:spinster. Miss Spinks was successful in getting Mr, Latk- qour's undivided attention... As the Play ends we find these three. cou7' piles haVe teamed up, for a very iappy " tinel Mason, principal; acted as master of cereMonies. for a short Programme before the Operetta:. began, Numbers were'rendered by Mrs. Tom MacKenzie was bOrn in Haileybury, Northern OntariO, She attended public schOO1 in. Timmins and Schumacher: For • her secondary' education,she went to Timmins High and Vocational School where she Obtained her Gr. 13. After thisMrs. Macgenz-. le went to Toronto where she completed an EXedutiVe Secretary sal course at Shaw's Business school.. ' • ' She worked for the Department :ofEducation in Toronto for a few years before returning to the North She took a secretarial position with the Crown AttorneY in North- ern OntariO,for four years.until her :marriage in 1939, ' • . liftri. • • MiticKpnip In 1950 Mrs. Mackenzie moved to Luckripw, She 'Worked for the Bell' Telephone Company for three years. In 1958 ihe. went to work in the Bank of Montreal untir 1962; at which time she joined the staff of Lucknow District High School • as Commercial Teacher. She has „aisO taught algebra, health and typing: In the snrnmer of 1963 Mrs MaCKenzit. attended a Business : Methods, Course at Northwestern... Univrsity in Chicago, 'and has.. recently made application to the lIniVersity'Of Western: Ontario to • further her education., • • Music and people are ,Mrs, Mac 'Kenzie's main interests, In her present position And as former , C.G I,T. and4-Hleaderssheha had Many: opportunities to:make herobservations - she says the • young people of to -day are both "interesting" .and "interested". The challenges given to. students as they.prepared the material for: the'Operetta,":were imet with such .enthusiasm' and handled in a Most efficient manner. by the dePend able young people attending L.D. she is certain that tnePres- ent generatioh, living in our rural dorninunity; is a moSt. capable on She closed the interview with • . e • • ••• „ PAGE THIRTEEN Shown, in one Of his more seriou mOrnerits at the Lucknow District 'High school operetta last Week,. is. .Bruce Colwell as Deacon. Barnes • • • Cradling Sharyn Mowhiray•as :Mrs.. 'Coop in the finale. Looking, on are -.-two.mernbers .of the Harrnonettes, Beverley MacDonald and ROsemary these: words ' 1 really find my, association with the young people... ..a stimulating and rewarding one." She has to sons., Sandy, an engineer who is working at present 'with the Home Oil Company ir Calgary and Bruce who is taking a Course at sWestern in Honours English, and: Fiench. Sandy recen-: tay , won ,a Fellowship and leaves in September for Eritainto further' his education, ' • . .Mrs. MaCKenzie's interest In the: students and the school is:shown in the -Way she enters into. Extracurri- , • . on the Year Book andithesV.ear. book staff would, be lost Without, her optimistic guidanceShe is at present in charge, of the library and has .it very well organized for • •-• • better use of staff and students..•. Her contribtitiOns'tb.tbe Operetta • • 1, ,were excellent and as she super-,,, .• vised the posters and props being done , her cheerful nature and. usual enthusiasm bubbled over into •:. the students She enters into every .. thing with high sPirits. and all ••••• smiles. Thestirdents are, alwayS . • willing to have her help them,. or cular evenks. She is staff advisor • to help her with any. job , • . , GRADE 13 STUDENTS . . : .. aUenging careers await you •with a Science Degree in Apply now to: O.A1C., UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH. • , . • • ' .• • • More graduates w.ih 'a. science 4egree ,in agriculture are 'needed now • :than ever before for Careers in: agri-business, research, teaching; govern- ment service and industry. , . • • • . .1 • Specialization is offered by Ontario Agricultural College m:—Animal Science; .Plant Science, Agricultural Biology, Agricultural Economics and Business, Resources Management, .Soil Science and Landscape Horticulture,• .• • • ' „ ' *. • , • Co-operative work plan ssits agricultural,studeitts to Obtain ernploy- ment between semesters. , .• ' • • • , • Students are admitted -in April Or September. • , .•• • Spring. Admission scholarships of $500 are 'open for competition by students with a minimum average of 75 percent,. !",• • ' • • Spring admission is open to students, with 64 percentliverage in Grade 13 subjects and PrinCiparSrecommendation, ' , • SeptenTher admissiOn.requires 60 percent average in Grade 13 Depart. mental examinations, • . • For Spring Admissions apply, if possible, before March 15th: Grade 13 students are invited to seek further* information 1:3" Writing: The Registrar, Ontario Agricultural College, UniversitY, of Guelph, Guelph, , ,Ontario. • ' • ° • "' • ' • University of Guelph, Guelph Ontario • • N • .• • • • ' • • •