HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-08, Page 2•.i . .err .....��.• aiwk it ' +a l..a 1'1Yui.ar, •'_'f. •uuuI.. • PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. The LUCKNOW SENI'INEI, • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Sepoy Town" - On the Huron -Bruce .Boundary Authorized as second class mail, Post Office, Department, Ottawa " Established 1873 -Published Each. Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N A.and O.W.N.A. ' Subscription Rate, $4:00 a . year in advance to the U.S.A., $5.00 Donald C Thompson, .Publisher WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th, 1967 • Dungannon Couple Observe 3 Anniversary At Their Nome Last Waek R. •AND •MRS.' •M'ASON •McALLISTER. Mr. ..: and Mrs. Mason .McAllister Dungannon, . were at home to their` friends on Tuesday, February 28 when they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary • Mr. and Mrs. McAllister were ..• • married fifty years ago at ,the home of the. bride's parents, the . late Mr,, and 'Mrs:' James Reid. fourth concession of Ashfield. Mrs'. McAllister is, the former Mary May •Reid.. ,Mr. McAllister is the son of the latelvlr', and Mrs Robert Mc Allister, concession 7 West Wawa nosh. ,Their only attendant Was, the .bride's• niece ' :as flower girl, Mary Park of., Dungannon now • Mrs. 'Arthur Stewart of Port Albert The officiating clergyman was.; Rev. Gilbert Gomm; of ;Dungannon •now residing in,Manor'.Home Goderich . • After their marriage, Mr. and. Mrs McAllister fanned on con- cessiort'7 Wrest Wawanosh. until they retired to Dungannon . in 1952, •. They•Iiave two•sons, Robert of. ,West Wawanosh and Kenneth of.. Sudbury , two grandchildren and GOIMERI`CH ON THE. SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS IN MR CONDITIONED COMFORT Entertainment Is Qvr Business ,THUR.,`FRI.,SAT. MARCH 9=10=1 TAR9NIB1OEXCtflEbJT1 Jtadenrlr Madam! BISTUNCffel• LEE MAnmmN.ROBERTRYAN au PILAW ,. IGLPII RUM ...CULIMIA CARDINALE "rM�.PROFE$SiOIWRLS. TECHNICOLOR .. Aw.ii u+« - . ' ADULT E°ITERTAiNMENT SHOWTIME AT 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. SATURDAY• MATINEE Regalar Matinee Prices MARCH 11' ISLAN SHOWTiirtE at 2.30 p.m. . some peo 1 will do anything.fors249,000.92 JacLemmon 7ur au: Famunecookie nrmr�...«.(mowers 7 �""'","'• ADCJI.:C }a'1`t.'f'.,�.;4[]:1 SHOWTIME AT 7'.15 and 9.20 n'm COMING NEXT:. BOYS" mplete Home ursing Course The: last lecture in a ijome Nursing series hasbeen given to. 12 Senior girl guides. It was held On Thursday evening: atthe home, of Mrs. Jim' Henderson with each girl's Mother as a special guest. Miss: Zina. Hopwood, :Superinten- dent of Wingham Public' and • ` General Hospital was introduced by Miss,.Ruth Thompson,, local public health nurse.' Miss Hopwood, from a varied `career; spoke to the girls giving them:.a• brief historical outline of. the early settling of Manitoba, as she was born and livedfor some years near Brandon. She gave, much time, and interest to guides. and guiding before entering the field o f nursing, : . • A film on artificial respiration followed. Thosegiving• lectures'. throughout,' the course were: Mrs George Newbold; Mrs. Currie Colwell, ..Y Mrs. Don Canieron, and Mrs '•Jinn Henderson. • The girls who took the course. were Susan Manto, Mary. Elizabeth Henderson, • Gail Jamieson, Janet. Thompson, Patricia Hamilton, Edith Whitby, Nancy'•Walden~,' CharleneAnderson'; Barbara, Wilk- ins, Deorah. Corrin, Joanne 'Greer Elizabeth Newbold, one ;great grand -daughter'. Mr. and Mrs.: McAllister were. the recipients of 'many gifts, 'flowers -and cards of good wises They were 'visited iy Murray Gaunt ,• ML:.A. for. Huron -Bruce . who presented them with a plaque on behalf of the Province of Ont- ario, 'and a telegram of congrat- illations :was .received from .Prime Minister•L. B. Pearson PHONE 1571630 STARTING" TIMES Monday to Thursday -8 p.m.. Come,.as_late-as • 8:.30 toysee ' complete show Friday and Saturday . 2 Shows -- 7:15 7:15 and 9.15. Saturday Matinee ,' 2 "p.m., unless otherwise noted OrkstitrirshArtntst WED.,, THUR.,.: FRI., • SAT., . MARCH 8, .9, 10,11 (4 DAYS) ° Adult ;Entertainment. ".THE PROFESSIONALS" Colour — CinemaScope' Starring: Burt • Lancaster, . Lsa Marvin, Robert ' Ryan, Jack. Palermo This is an action drama of brawling,' lusty Mexico. It's one' of the best ' of , . the current season.. SATURDAY MATINEE MARCH 11 "FLIGHT CIF THE. • LOST BALLOON'" MON., 'TUES., • (2 DAYS) MARCH 13, 14. Adult Entertainment "INSIDE DAISY CLOVER" Colour CinemaSco • Starring Kstalie Wood` ' Christopher • Plummer, . ' Roddy McDowall 'Phis is the story of a teen's introduction to Hollywood soc- iety during the ,Hollywood 1�.�J,��,, .y+i ++yyam...,,tiliirimit. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th, 1967 LADIES AND MENS WEAR FASHION MILLINERY e Walks 'In 'Beauty . : tiers and tiers of iuxurio us Chantilly lace.: .Sizes 7 to ,'17 Just one from our.Coliection of •Spring Bridal' Gowns now showing. ` .WEpNES API BRIG Kei E. D. tri Re` FULL Apl RED SPI WES1 Reports To Lions Club Ofl.:Hockey Week, New Trophy Donated To House League • The, regular meeting of the Luck- now and District Lions Club was 'called to order in the Legion Hall with President Mike Sanderson in the chair: The ;minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on a mot-. ion by the secretary Bob Finlay and seconded by Lion Harvey Webster. Lion`. Brock Cleland reported a very successful Lions Centennial, Minor' Hockey Week, .and express ed; appreciation .to.everyone who had participated in the organizing as well as the sponsors and those` who supported the project Brock stated that '32p treatshad been ser-ved to the boys, with •l60 different lads ,taking, part during the week. A' motion was passed to purchase new sweaters for the Lions Pee Wee Hockey 'team as the old ones were:. getting pretty well worn put. Lion Grant Chisholm announced that two anonymous donors had given a very beautiful Centennial` Trophy for annual House League •. `Competition. A motion to accept the trophy .with many thanks from the club was seconded by Lion Blake Alton and carried. President Mike stated that two' members had voiced intentions to' attend the International Convention in Chicago in July. . A motion to buy 50 - 50th anniv ersary tabs for the club, in comm emoration of Lions 50th year and. sell them to the.metribers at .25¢ eatch,, was carried. Congratulations was•conveyed` to. the Champion ship Bantam softball team and • Zone Chairman Lion: John w - Campbell of Blyth presented the, boys with their ,jackets: The winner of the. Bantam ball club .draw was Mrs. Isobell England; R.`R# 6;. Lucknow' • A motion that the lions buy a $25.00 ad in' the High School' • year book.;' in support of the stud ents project, •was carried by the club. Rev, Laird Stirling introduced the guest speaker, Ed A'itcheson, `an ' Owen Sound district man now in •Toronto. Mr. Aitcheson gave a very interesting•report On' how a Credit Union is set up and just how ii functions in a, cOmmtnity," Lion Wilf.Anderson thanked the speaker for his address and :expressed, appreciation to Rev. Stirling for having obtained the. guest... • The speaker •was presented with a Small : token of appreciation by the 'Club. " The Bond of the Month draw Was won by ist prize Mr.. M. Lindner., c/o Don Ross 2nd prize Mrs. Marion MacKinnon. The meeting closed with singing of O'Canada, RED Mr, am of Walke Wawanos} week moi Were ace( M•rs. Ale; Mrs', Rif underwen pital in L ,ljt 24th . ,Mrs. Jo da.y'in Ri Elliott Ci Mrs. KE Paisley Mrs, Btta Mr.. artd town 'visit week -cad er Ashton Mr and Lucknow week at ,tl �onverttit